The whole truth about laser rejuvenation: how it works, how often and at what age it can be done, indications and contraindications.

About skin problems at 30 years old

There can be many options for problems at the age of 30. If there are no chronic diseases or pathologies in the acute stage, problems may include hypersensitive skin, rosacea, pigmentation, early wrinkles, and post-acne.

It is important to take into account all the factors that provoke the listed conditions:

  • seasonality;
  • Lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • general somatic conditions and diseases of the dermis that require special treatment;
  • hormone failure, lack of vitamin D and beneficial elements.

All people are individual. Therefore, not only a consultation is important, but also an examination and a detailed medical history of the patient. You must understand that there are no unified treatment regimens; the work of a cosmetologist can safely be called a creative process. Women at 30 and beyond want to “stop time” and always look young and healthy. This applies not only to the fairer sex; in the 21st century, many men also take care of themselves.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

As you age, your body stops taking in some nutrients. Therefore, calcium begins to be washed out, and the amount of protein and collagen produced decreases. The skin loses firmness and elasticity. Its cells begin to renew more slowly, which is why wrinkles appear.

A person often expresses emotions through facial expressions; many facial muscles are involved. There are few of them near the eyes, so the dermis has little support in this part. This contributes to the early formation of wrinkles. During this period, many processes occur:

  • decreased elasticity;
  • deepening of facial wrinkles, formation of folds or creases;
  • the appearance of a “smile line” near the eyes in a calm state;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • pores expand and become more noticeable.

Skin aging begins after 20 years. If you carry out procedures during this period, you can cause harm. You need to know how to care for your skin after 30 years. At this age, it is formed and ready to receive nutrients. It's never too late to start caring, the procedures do not require effort, anyone can do them.

Facial rejuvenation methods should be applied comprehensively

According to modern concepts of anti-aging medicine, after any intervention - no matter by a cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon, the result should look as natural as possible. This is a criterion for a quality service. It is on this criterion that the operating principles of the Platinental clinic are based.

Therefore, nowadays even the best methods of facial rejuvenation are used comprehensively. For example, surgical lifts are combined with procedures to improve skin quality and tissue volume. Only such a combined method of facial rejuvenation is truly effective.

The key role in this approach today is given to working with the middle zone of the face (cheeks, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, bruises and bags under the eyes). This area is extremely difficult to correct, but otherwise there is no talk of effective rejuvenation.


“The question of how to rejuvenate the oval of the face after 40 years arose inevitably before me. Around this time, I began to realize that the entire cosmetic industry is not working to rejuvenate facial skin, but to maintain it in normal condition.

I have more than once observed that the skin on my friends’ faces was not at all refreshed, even after a facelift. Then, after the operation, they were faced with another problem - how to rejuvenate their facial skin. Therefore, the choice of Platinental was in no way accidental. I decided for myself - only comprehensive facial rejuvenation! No saving on yourself!

Another reason for choosing Platinental is the deep nasolabial folds, which I have been fighting with since I was 30 years old. Andrey Alexandrovich is a recognized Master with a capital M in the field of middle third rejuvenation. Therefore, I didn’t even consider alternatives.”

Svetlana, 42 years old

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition will help fight old age. Some types of foods contain a large amount of useful substances that are well absorbed in the body. They provide the necessary energy. The body does not experience overeating, so it will not:

  • pressure changes;
  • irritation;
  • headaches.

The muscles are relaxed, the face is not tense. Therefore, folds do not appear on it and wrinkles do not form.

Vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It will help remove toxins from the body. In addition, vitamins and nutrients promote protein and collagen production and help maintain skin structure. Therefore, proper nutrition will slow down the aging process and help maintain beauty and attractiveness longer.

Prevention of early skin aging

To prevent early skin aging, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, morning jogging, exercises and hardening. You need to exercise several times a day. After physical activity:

  • the blood will be distributed in the body, with it the organs and muscles will receive more oxygen;
  • metabolism will occur faster;
  • cells will be renewed.

Therefore, the aging of the body slows down.

You need to exercise and massage your face every day. There are many exercises, they do not require effort. They need to be done for a few minutes every day.

Daily skin care

There are many ways you can maintain your health. The complex should consist of cosmetics that contain active substances. Procedures must be carried out every day. Basically, you need to wash your face, tone, nourish and moisturize your skin:

  1. Cleansing should be done in the morning and evening. You can use any cosmetic products, but they must be selected according to your skin type without aggressive sulfates to avoid an allergic reaction. The dermis should be massaged slowly, without stretching. After this, dry with a towel, do not rub, press lightly.
  2. Toning should be done 2 times a day immediately after washing. This soothes possible skin irritations and restores normal acid levels. For this procedure, you can use a simple tonic or thermal water. You need to soak a napkin or cotton pad with the product and apply it to your face.
  3. Hydration should be carried out for several minutes. You can use any serum. You should slowly stroke your face from top to bottom and from the center to the sides. After the massage, apply the serum, making the same movements. This will improve skin tone and improve complexion. You can wear masks that contain hyaluronic acid several times a week.
  4. Meals should be provided at least once a day. You can use nourishing creams that contain substances that restore the hydrolipid layer after many environmental influences.
  5. Peeling should be done once a week to cleanse the skin of the dry layer, because its particles can clog pores. The epidermal tissue is renewed and breathes freely.
  6. Makeup removal should be done correctly. After removing makeup, particles remain in the pores and folds of the skin. They are invisible, but due to them, inflammatory processes may appear. These particles can clog pores, preventing the absorption of nutrients. You need to use gels, micellar water or milk to remove makeup.

It is necessary to take care of your body skin every day after 30.

You need to know how to care for the skin of your neck after 30, because it is often exposed to many influences. Therefore, the first wrinkles appear on the skin of the neck. Recommended:

  • do massages;
  • use cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

This will help give firmness and elasticity. It is necessary to pay attention to products that contain a concentration of fruit acids (malic, lactic, citric, glycolic) and vitamin C. They:

  • gently cleanse;
  • give a healthy complexion;
  • remove age spots.

Girls and women with sensitive skin should consult a dermatologist. Because products containing strong acids or harsh abrasive particles can be harmful.

How to rejuvenate your face without surgery “for those over 30”

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation up to a certain age is quite possible. For this purpose, Platinental uses a combination of the most effective methods and techniques, the choice of which is strictly individual for each patient. But any modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation necessarily include work in the cheek-zygomatic area.

Our best-selling anti-aging treatments:

  • Radiesse and Restylane Sub-Q gels;
  • American cheekbone lift Cheek lift light with Endotin fixation in combination with muscle relaxants Botox, Dysport, Xeomin;
  • facial lipofilling,
  • three-dimensional fractional lifting,
  • correction of nasolabial folds Aptos Wire,
  • CO2 laser resurfacing Asklepion;
  • bioreinforcement of the skin around the eyes with hyaluronic acid;
  • autologous plasma therapy;
  • New! Monofilament mid-zone lifting with third generation threads

Fighting deep wrinkles

With age, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. Therefore, wrinkles become deep. In order to fight them, you need to follow several rules:

  1. To prevent swelling on your face in the morning, you need to drink a small amount of liquid at night. For example, a glass of water or a cup of tea 2 hours before bedtime. There will be no excess fluid in the body, so swelling will not appear.
  2. You need to use a protective cream that stimulates collagen production. It will give a healthy complexion, smooth skin texture and get rid of fine wrinkles.
  3. To protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation, you must use decorative cosmetics that contain an SPF filter. This is also important if a person spends a long period of time at the computer.
  4. For greater effect, you should purchase facial serums. You can use them together with creams. These products contain a high concentration of biologically active substances, so they are quickly absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin.
  5. You need to wear masks with vitamins at least 2 times a week.
  6. Carry out procedures with professional cosmetologists several times a month. In addition to skin care, they can develop a program to effectively maintain skin health.
  7. Perform lymphatic drainage facial massage several times a year. It improves blood circulation in the vessels of the skin, giving it tone and removing small wrinkles.

These procedures are simple and anyone can do them. They will help you maintain youth and attractiveness longer.

How to maintain the rejuvenation effect longer

Home skin care will help preserve the results of rejuvenation techniques. It consists of three directions:

  1. The use of professional cosmetics, such as tonics, creams, lotions, scrubs, etc. When choosing care cosmetics, consult a cosmetologist.
  2. Using homemade masks. Berries are rich in vitamins and nutrients that nourish the skin and maintain youth. Green leafy vegetables contain the antioxidant lutein, which slows down the aging process. Cucumber masks saturate cells with moisture, making the skin fresh and elastic. Boiled potatoes will help get rid of wrinkles. Fermented milk products are very useful. They are filled with beneficial bacteria and calcium, which eliminates signs of wilting. Honey is an excellent anti-aging remedy. It saturates the skin with vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, and also stimulates blood circulation and cell regeneration. Various medicinal herbs soften and heal the skin. They can be used to make warm compresses for the face.
  3. Massages and exercises for face lifting. For example, breathing exercises can help tone your facial muscles. Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Lips need to be pressed tightly. For 5 seconds, press your palms on your cheeks without releasing air from your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times. A mouth exercise will help tighten your cheeks and improve the shape of your face. Form your lips into an “O” shape and press your fingers to your temples, stretching the skin. Tighten your cheek muscles as much as possible, wait 5 seconds and relax. Perform the exercise 10-15 times. Wipe fading skin with ice cubes. This contrast massage refreshes the face, improves color and restores color.

In addition to home care, it is important to use decorative cosmetics carefully. Use only quality products. And be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed so that your pores don’t get clogged and your skin can breathe.

At a young age, there is no urgent need to resort to radical rejuvenation. But proper care will slow down and delay the process of skin aging. There are preparations designed specifically for young skin with shallow wrinkles (soft, light). At the same time, you should not resort to injections because of fashion trends or on the advice of friends. Contact experienced cosmetologists who will tell you which cosmetic procedures and techniques are right for you.

Why regular skin care is important

In a person over 30 years of age:

  • the body stops accumulating certain nutrients;
  • the amount of elastin and collagen produced decreases.

Therefore, cell restoration processes slow down. As a result:

  • the skin becomes flabby and loses tone;
  • swelling appears;
  • The first wrinkles form.

If you rarely take care of the skin, the blood will not be distributed in the body. The dermis will receive less oxygen, the metabolism will slow down. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, you need to take care of your skin both after 30 years and at an older age, every day. She needs help constantly, not only to protect, but to moisturize and restore.

Aging is a natural process that exists in nature. It can be slowed down; for this you need to know how to care for your skin and what procedures to carry out. For example, lead a healthy lifestyle, wash your face, tone, nourish and moisturize.

“Soft” methods of medical rejuvenation

Biorevitalization is the injection of hyaluronic acid into problem areas of the face (nasolabial folds, corners of the eyes, lips, etc.). Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is part of connective tissue, attracts and retains water molecules. It fills the skin with moisture, making it elastic and smoothing the contour of the face.

Mesotherapy is the saturation of the skin with vitamins, microelements and beneficial substances through injections. Used in women over the age of 30, the composition of the solution includes vitamins with antioxidants that maintain the youth and elasticity of the epidermis. Plant extracts, biostimulants, and amino acids are also used. The procedure stimulates cell renewal, collagen production, and improves local blood supply.

Xeomin injections are facial contouring, which is carried out by injecting botulinum toxin type A under the skin. This is the latest generation drug developed by the German company. It effectively smooths out wrinkles and, unlike Dysport and Botox, preserves natural facial expressions, is non-addictive and absolutely safe.

Laser rejuvenation (Derma Genesis) is a painless face lift with a laser beam. The procedure is carried out using the CUTERA device, thanks to which it is possible to eliminate wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté, get rid of rosacea, and restore smoothness, elasticity and radiance to the skin.

Blanching with Belotero is a modern injection technique for smoothing wrinkles. Its peculiarity is that even wrinkles in previously “resistant” areas, such as cheeks, around the mouth, forehead, neck, etc., are filled.

Comparison table of methods

NameMain advantagesRehabilitation
BiorevitalizationFirm and moisturized skin. Correction of early wrinkles. Slowing down the aging process. Within 24 hours, small papules are visible after injections. For seven days you should avoid direct sunlight, do not visit the solarium, sauna, or swimming pool.
MesotherapyPrevention of wrinkles; lifting. Significant temperature changes should be avoided. It is not advisable to use cosmetics immediately after the procedure.
Laser rejuvenationTreatment of rosacea mesh and rashes; Improving skin texture; Laser face lift. The procedure is painless. No.
Xeomin injectionsCorrection of wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows. Non-addictive (unlike Botox and Dysport) Swelling may persist for some time.
Blanching with BeloteroCorrection of wrinkles in previously “resistant” areas: cheeks, around the mouth, neck, etc.) The filler is absolutely safe. Made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. In individual cases, traces of injections are visible for 1-7 days.

The listed procedures for the face after 30-35 are combined with each other and can be used in comprehensive care. The doctor selects the best rejuvenation options and draws up a course taking into account the client’s characteristics (initial skin condition, health status, desired result, etc.).

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