Review of effective patches for bunions on the feet: instructions for use and selection rules

A thorn is considered a benign tumor, but still you shouldn’t delay removing it from the skin.

It causes a lot of painful sensations. The later you start treatment, the more difficult it will be.

Among other means for the treatment of spines, patches have become well-known - in the usual case, they have a low cost and good effectiveness. One of the best of them is considered

Salipod is a product that will remove various types of warts. With the help of Salipod, you can forget for a long time about the lesions of epithelial tissue that form when the human papillomavirus is present in the body.

Warts are not just unaesthetic formations on the skin, but also very dangerous. Even if the growth is benign, over time it can become injured and form into an ulcer, which is a magnet for all harmful microorganisms. For this reason, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

The adhesive plaster for the spine is considered one of a group of drugs that are made on the basis of salicylic acid.

How does the medication work?

As mentioned above, one of the main substances of the patch is salicylic acid. Its widespread use in the treatment of skin ailments is explained by the fact that when exposed to it, the formation on epithelial tissue becomes softer. Thanks to this property of the acid, getting rid of warts is easy.

Salipod is a good remedy for getting rid of formations that are caused by the activity of the human papillomavirus, corns formed as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes, and calluses that appear for the same reasons.

For this reason, it should always be kept in your medicine cabinet at home. If a problematic growth appears on the skin, it can be quickly removed without even calling a doctor for help.

In addition, among the beneficial substances in the composition there is also sulfur - it will promote deeper penetration and treatment of distant areas of the skin - the epidermis. Will fight germs there. This is an excellent property, because with a spine, the surface layer of the skin, the epithelial tissue, and the deeper layer, the epidermis, are mainly damaged.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the patch

The adhesive plaster for skin growths is an elastic base with a fabric layer impregnated with active substances. The effectiveness of the product is high. Removing the formation takes a short period of time. During this time, the superficial stratum corneum of the wart dissolves, subsequent tissues soften and can be easily removed mechanically using a file, pumice stone and other means.

In addition to the main substance that has a keratolytic effect, many manufacturers add an antimicrobial, drying component to the composition. This allows you to prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial or fungal infection.

The drug is inexpensive and provides comprehensive treatment.

The main disadvantage is the need for long-term wearing and regular replacement to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect. This increases the risk of irritation and allergic reactions of healthy tissue.

Reliable tool

The combination of salicylic acid with sulfur and other substances gives Salipod several advantages:

  • the activity of harmful microorganisms will be reduced;
  • the zone of microbial activity will gradually narrow;
  • the virus will not be able to affect nearby areas of epithelial tissue that are located next to the formation.

Thus, with one application of the patch, you will immediately relieve yourself of several problems that accompany the spine.

After salicylic acid gets on the epithelial tissue affected by the wart, it will immediately begin to fight the formation, and sulfur will help to dry it out as quickly as possible. For this reason, the patch will not only relieve you of skin ailments, but will also prevent their occurrence.

Vishnevsky ointment

To remove spines, external pharmaceutical agents with a wide spectrum of action are used. These include the Vishnevsky liniment.

The ointment has the following properties:

  • Disinfect;
  • Remove inflammation;
  • Have an irritating effect that causes blood flow and stimulation of the immune system;
  • Heal.

The drug should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is forbidden to remove the spine using Vishnevsky ointment and for those who are allergic to the ingredients of the medicine (in particular phenol).

To get rid of plantar growth, liniment is smeared three times a day. A bandage is applied on top of the treated area. It is changed after two to three days. The procedure is repeated until the formation disappears.

Important! Doctors recommend not using Vishnevsky ointment in parallel with other external remedies for spines. Any combination of drugs can lead to unpredictable consequences.

How to treat

If you want the result to be good and as fast as possible, you need to be responsible when using it. To do this, you will need to follow a few simple rules. So, how to use the patch correctly:

  • First of all, you will need to take a bath, preferably a warm one. Pay more attention to the problem area of ​​the skin and rid it of dirt deposits so that the formation is clearly visible and not covered with dirt.
  • When the water procedures are completed, you need to dry the skin; be careful with the affected area of ​​the epithelial tissue so as not to cause damage, but you should not leave it wet either.
  • Now the skin is ready to apply the product: simply apply the patch to the wart. Make sure that skin that is not damaged by the virus does not remain under the patch.
  • Wait until two days have passed. When this happens, you can remove the patch.
  • It is advisable to directly steam the area of ​​skin where the wart is located so that the skin there becomes softer.
  • The formation can be removed with pumice.

Often application alone is not enough for treatment, which is why the procedure must be repeated. After cleaning the growth with pumice, you will need to remove the surface layer of skin on the wart and apply the patch again, again for two days. After they expire, you will need to steam and cleanse the dead skin again.

Typically, complete removal of the spine requires three to four procedures. Thus, the course of treatment is about ten days.

Instructions for use

A special adhesive plaster for the spine is active at the site of attachment only if it is used correctly. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, it acts according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the skin for better absorption of medicinal components. To do this, the affected leg or arm is steamed in a hot bath. The best softening result is achieved by adding salt and soda to the water. After 15-20 minutes, the skin is wiped dry with a towel.
  2. If the patch plate is completely saturated with the medicine, you need to cut out a round piece with scissors according to the size of the plantar wart.
  3. The patch is released from the protective film.
  4. The active zone is carefully applied to the spine.
  5. For reliable fixation, a regular adhesive plaster is attached on top.
  6. Do not delete the time period specified by the manufacturer. For some it takes two days, others require replacement after 12-24 hours.
  7. After the exposure time has expired, the foot, palm, and finger should be cleaned of the pad. Remove carefully; under the base there is peeled skin.
  8. Carefully treat the softened growth with pedicure devices. If you feel pain, stop, disinfect the remaining spine with alcohol, peroxide, etc.
  9. Steam it, apply a new piece of adhesive plaster.

Repeat the treatment until the root viral growth completely disappears. The duration of the course depends on the size and depth of the damage.

Can defeat go away

It is not surprising that in some cases the spine goes away as suddenly as it appeared. The same is observed with other types of formations. But this can only happen in those patients who have excellent immunity.

If you have problems with your immune system, you shouldn’t wait for a miracle. Take action. And first of all, go to the doctor.

If, when contacting a specialist, the patient has painful warts that do not allow him to live in peace, he is prescribed medications that improve the functioning of the immune system and therapy to remove the formation itself. Otherwise, a person will not be able to live a normal life.

Contraindications for use

Despite their high effectiveness, local use of patches has a wide list of contraindications. This includes the following diseases and conditions:

  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure in a chronic form of development;
  • pregnancy;
  • location of moles and suspicious formations near the place where the patch was applied;
  • childhood - the child has sensitive skin, and the drug can leave a severe burn or damage on it;
  • damage in the area of ​​growths - open wounds, erosions, cracks;
  • breastfeeding period.

Special medical instructions regarding the use of salicylic patches apply to patients taking medications containing the following components:

  1. Zinc oxide. Present in medicines and cosmetics.
  2. Sulfonylurea. Used to treat diabetes mellitus.
  3. Methotrexate is an antitumor drug.
  4. Resorcinol is a medicine for dermatological use.

If, after attaching the patch, dermatitis, rash, or micro-abrasions appear, you must immediately remove the product to avoid the development of side effects.

The papilloma virus is insidious; it enters the body through an imperceptible microcrack and attacks at a moment when a person does not expect a blow.
If papillomas appear on your body, it means you are a carrier of the virus. Spines are a painful, unpleasant type of papillomas. They tend to grow and multiply, causing pain and disrupting the usual way of life. Removal is carried out in different ways, but only an anti-callus patch can painlessly and completely remove the formation. Just a few uses and the skin on your feet will become healthy and clean again. The article has been verified by the editors


Bella, Moscow, 26 years old: I used the Salipod patch for spines (I read the reviews and decided to buy) for almost eight days. What I want to note: there was no pain at all (although I thought that since it is considered effective, it means there will definitely be pain), it is very easy to use. A couple of months ago I had warts and I got rid of them with tablets and ointments - it’s not that it didn’t help, you just have to remember all the time what time you take this drug, what time you take that one, but not so much with a plaster - stick it on your wart and go to yourself. After getting rid of the formation of new spines, I did not notice.

Dmitry, Volzhsky, 36 years old: A good remedy, but, to be honest, I searched for it. I went from pharmacy to pharmacy (a friend said it was very effective, so I decided to try it), they said that this patch for the spine is not available. Finally I found Salipod, almost on the outskirts of the city, and that same evening I applied it to the wart - it was small and generally barely noticeable. Probably two or three days passed, and everyone forgot about the problems. Good product, it helps.

Alla, Moscow, 35 years old: My son came to rest in the summer, and we noticed that he had a small education. I immediately took him to the doctor - they reassured us, they said that there is such a good Salipod patch that helps everyone. Well, we immediately ran to the pharmacy to buy it - on the second day it became a little easier for my son to walk, and after three days we stopped needing the patch, since everything had already passed. Thanks to those who came up with this inexpensive but helpful tool.

Efficacy and indications for use of spiny

A successful combination of sulfur (10%) and salicylic acid (30%) provides:

  • reduction in the activity of pathogens;
  • limiting the area of ​​bacterial activity;
  • preventing the likelihood of further spread of pathogenic agents.

Salipod from the spine reduces the activity of pathogens.
As a result of this complex effect, it is possible to remove benign growths that form as a result of increased activity of the human papillomavirus in the body. The spines soften literally after several procedures of gluing the patch and are removed completely painlessly.

The absence of pain distinguishes the use of Salipod to remove a thorn on the leg. This method of treatment does not require a recovery period that occurs after cauterization with liquid nitrogen or traditional surgery.


The appearance of a spine does not always imply the use of any methods to remove it. In some cases, the growth goes away without leaving a trace without treatment. In 90% of patients, warts disappear on their own at an early stage, that is, within the first 3 months. This often occurs in the presence of stable immunity, which suppresses the papilloma virus and provides the possibility of rapid restoration of the skin. The process of self-healing can last from two weeks to one and a half years.

The basis for treatment of spines are situations and conditions when the body needs help. Namely:

  • if the wart causes significant discomfort while walking;
  • severe pain occurs;
  • the spine has increased significantly in size.

In addition to such negative manifestations, the indication for the use of Salipod for thorns is the appearance of new daughter growths. Therefore, to avoid the active spread of warts, longer and more systematic treatment will be required.

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