Mask for oily hair: 10 homemade and ready-made recipes

Oily hair type causes many inconveniences: you have to wash your hair every morning, and by the evening it again takes on an unkempt appearance. If the situation is neglected, increased oil content over time can lead to dandruff and even hair loss. But this can and must be fought. It is necessary to understand the causes of increased sebum secretion from the scalp and begin to eliminate them in time.

Learn about effective masks for oily hair, rules for their use, as well as recommendations on how to reduce oily hair at home from this article.

What should a mask be for oily hair?

Before we find out which mask is best for oily hair, let’s figure out what oily hair is.

Oily hair is less likely than dry hair to become frizzy and break, and it is more difficult to damage it (although it is also possible, but more on that later). Our main complaint about oily hair is that it is oily. As if they were to blame! After all, the hair itself, of course, does not produce any oil.

Hair becomes like this due to the scalp, which is prone to increased oil production. Therefore, caring for this type of hair does not primarily begin with an anti-oily hair mask, but should be directed to the scalp.

If you want to try masks for oily hair at home, make sure that you are not allergic to their components. To do this, apply the prepared mixture to a small area of ​​skin. In case of redness, irritation or discomfort, quickly wash off the mask. And best of all, before using home recipes, consult a dermatologist or trichologist.

Reviews on the use of traditional recipes

Anita, 25 years old

Since adolescence, my hair was constantly oily, I had to wash it every day. A mask with essential oils helped me; now the volume lasts for four days, without using any additional products.

Valeria, 33 years old

I was tired of caring for my oily scalp, so I decided to dye my hair to dry out my roots. But there was also hair loss, so I had to turn to folk recipes. After using the mask with henna, the roots became stronger, the curls became thicker and shiny.

Anti-oily hair mask to add volume

Another wish for oily hair is, of course, to add volume. Immediately after washing, the strands may be voluminous, but by the evening they “hang like icicles.” Is this a familiar picture? Then choose a mask for oily hair with a voluminous effect.

Editor's tip: for example, pay attention to the “Restoration and Volume” phyto-mask from the “Clean Line” brand. This product with chamomile extract and a healing herbal decoction is designed to care for both hair and scalp. The formula of the product restores hair and adds volume, without weighing down the strands - and what else do you need from a mask against oily hair?

Oily hair also wants to be voluminous.

A mask for oily hair (as for any other hair) should not be used daily; for complete care, once or twice a week is enough. If your hair is very damaged, there is a second SOS option for using this mask: every time after washing, instead of conditioner.

You can enhance the voluminous effect, which will come in handy for hair prone to oiliness, using leave-in care from the same series.

Editor's tip: check out the "Restoration and Volume" spray from the "Clean Line" brand - this express care with chamomile and herbal tea not only gives your hair volume and restores it, but also makes combing easier and removes static.

Folk remedies

Using folk methods, you can prepare effective masks at home to combat increased oiliness in your hair. The proportions should be strictly observed (if they are indicated), and in the presence of allergic reactions, subsequent procedures should be abandoned.


Honey-based mixtures are especially effective when adding aloe juice and a weak solution of acetic acid. For the roots, 3 tablespoons of uncandied honey is enough, which must first be melted in a water bath.

Next, add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice and one and a half tablespoons of diluted vinegar to the slightly cooled honey. Apply before washing your hair. Keep for 1 hour.


Most herbal infusions have a drying effect. For very oily hair, the following recipe is effective. Take 4 tablespoons of dry marigolds, wormwood and nettle. Steam in a small amount of boiling water, strain. Stir the clay in the same broth. Keep the mixture for no more than half an hour.


Mixtures based on mustard not only get rid of excess oil, but also affect hair growth. Water is added to the mustard, and then clay is added in a ratio of 2 to 1. Honey increases the pungency of mustard, so it should be added with caution. Keep the mustard mask for no more than 20 minutes.


In addition to getting rid of oiliness, baking soda gives your hair fullness. Mix 3 tablespoons of soda and rye flour, stir in water. If desired, add a drop of your favorite essential oil. Keep the mixture for no more than half an hour.


Clay masks are the most effective in combating oily hair. Therefore, they are widely used separately and in combination with other (usually moisturizing) ingredients. To prepare the clay mixture, you need to take a few tablespoons of clay and stir them in a small amount of water until the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Blue, green and black clay will do. Do not apply the mask to the ends of your hair. Keep the mask on for 15–20 minutes.


For vinegar, apple cider vinegar is suitable, and as a base - any grated fruit or honey in a ratio of 1 to 2. Wash off the mixture after 15 minutes, and then rinse your hair with a specialized shampoo. Make sure in advance that there are no small seeds in the fruit.

Note! Can be used more than once a week, 2 times is optimal, but not longer than a month.


Masks based on potato starch not only fight oiliness, but also make hair more manageable. Dilute a few tablespoons of potato starch with a small amount of water, then add a few drops of essential oils and honey for a thicker consistency. Keep it for no more than half an hour.


A curd mask will help prolong the freshness of your hair after washing. Take a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and half the amount of lemon juice. The mixture is thoroughly whipped until smooth. Before applying, you need to wet your hair a little. Keep the natural mask for 40 minutes.


Egg masks are applied only to the hair roots. You need to take one egg, separate the yolk from the white. You will need protein. There is no need to beat. For a more pronounced effect, add a little alcohol.


Gelatin masks dry well, straighten, and add volume. An indispensable product for those with thin and dull braids. The effect lasts until the next shampoo.

For the mask you will need several tablespoons of gelatin, which should be melted in a water bath. Next, you can add soaked black bread and a few drops of essential oils. The consistency should be thick and more or less homogeneous. Leave the mixture for an hour and a half.

Important! After the gelatin mask, you need to rinse your hair with diluted lemon juice.


Less popular, but no less effective, is the tomato mask. Before chopping, the tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, then the skin is removed. It is advisable to remove the seeds - washing and combing them out of your hair is extremely problematic. After grinding the vegetable to a puree, you can optionally add a small amount of a weak solution of acetic acid. Apply to dried hair after washing. Keep the mixture for about half an hour. If oils are added to it, then it can last longer. This mask can be used more than once a week - it does not have a pronounced drying effect, but it perfectly fights oiliness.

Tar soap

Another way to eliminate oily hair is tar soap. You can't use it all the time - it can dry out your hair too much. It is best to use soap for a course of 1-2 months at the end of winter.

Anti-oily hair masks with oil: nutrition or “diet”

At first glance, if the scalp and hair are prone to oiliness, then they do not need additional nutrition. But this statement is completely wrong. If the scalp does not receive additional hydration and nutrition, it dries out, which means it secretes sebum even more actively. This is also true for facial skin prone to oiliness - who knows, he will confirm.

A mask for oily hair may well be nutritious and even oil-based, the main thing is to choose it wisely. Oils such as olive or coconut are not suitable for oily scalp and hair, but burdock will be very useful. This burdock root oil, paradoxically, will be an excellent mask against oily hair - all thanks to its ability to normalize blood circulation and lipid balance of the scalp.

Editor's tip: Burdock oil "Clean Line" 5in1 includes burdock extract and the "Strong Hair" complex. Use it once a week for a month to reduce hair loss, add natural shine and provide essential nutrition to your scalp.

By the way, learn about how to properly use hair oils from YouTube vlogger Natasha Naffy:

For more hair care tips and hairstyle ideas, check out the ATH YouTube channel.

Rinse aids

If you don’t have time for a mask (or in between courses), it’s useful to wet your hair with natural rinses after washing.

In 1 liter of water it is enough to add 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to make your curls shiny and soft.

Strands can receive additional nutrition from an infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle, plantain, birch leaves, mint). To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of the herb into 1 liter of hot water and let it brew until it cools to a comfortable temperature.

Advice! You should rinse your hair with one type of infusion in a row for no more than a month, then you need to change the composition. Then there will be no addiction and the effect will not disappear.

Honey mask for oily hair

Honey is a nutritious component, however, it does not create excessive oiliness on the hair roots. This product has a strengthening effect on the roots, prevents hair loss and dandruff, and provides light peeling. You can simply apply some honey to your scalp or mix it with lemon juice and aloe vera. Gently rub the mask into your scalp, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Hair decoctions

Herbal decoctions have an excellent drying effect, but keep the hair soft and also give it shine. You can use decoctions as a liquid base for a mask by stirring clay in them, or separately as a rinse.

A decoction of bay leaves and lemon juice is effective against oily hair. It is enough to put five bay leaves in one and a half liters of water (depending on the length and thickness of the hair), bring to a boil, reduce the heat and let it brew. After the broth has cooled, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. You should rinse your hair immediately after washing your hair.

Anti-oily hair mask: and finally

Do not apply any products to oily scalp that do not indicate in the instructions for use that they can be applied to the skin. Typically, such products clog the pores even more, causing the hair to literally “lose contact with the roots” and become dull and brittle. Unlike masks for oily hair, balms and conditioners generally should not be applied to the scalp unless otherwise stated.

Remember that even the most budget hair care products give an excellent effect if you use them regularly and according to all the rules!

Professional masks

Below are the best offers for oily hair care from different price categories:

  • L'oreal Elseve Three Valuable Clays. A budget option for oily roots and dry ends. Keeps hair fresh for several days. Apply before washing your hair. Cost: 350 rubles.

  • Kapous Magic Keratin. The product is perfect for those girls who, in addition to oily roots, have dry lengths and ends. The product provides a lasting cosmetic effect, “healing” damage without making it worse. Cost: 600 rubles.


  • Lakme Matt Mask for Oily Hair. The product has a long-lasting mattifying effect, while the effect of the mask is delicate due to its soft formula. In addition to clay, it contains extracts of medicinal herbs. Does not cause overdrying, adds volume and fullness to hair. The best effect is achieved on dirty hair, so you should not wash your hair before applying the mask. Cost: 2500 rubles.

  • Microlysis of Lactobacillus. It contains many vitamins, extracts from the roots of medicinal herbs, honey and oils. The product carefully cares for hair, filling it with vitality and making it voluminous and manageable. Apply to the head for 30 minutes, cover with a cap to enhance the effect. Wash off with warm water. Cost: 1 sachet - 35 rubles, 1 jar - 350 rubles.

Possible contraindications

The same mask cannot suit everyone equally. One product can have an excellent effect on one head of hair, and cause dangerous phenomena (for example, allergic reactions) on another. You should be careful when trying new recipes, testing products on the crook of your elbow, taking into account individual characteristics - intolerance to certain foods, allergic diseases, etc.

Properly selected masks have a beneficial effect on oily hair. But it is unwise to use the same product over and over again. When caring for your hair, it is advisable to choose products from the same line, changing them every 3 months.

What to do to prevent your hair from getting oily?

In addition to using masks and shampoos, you need to follow a few more rules.

  1. Watch your diet. Try to minimize the consumption of alcohol, as well as fatty and spicy foods, rich broths, and coffee. Eat fruits, dairy products, and vegetables every day. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day.
  2. Wash your hair correctly. Avoid hot water and use clear rather than creamy shampoo. Apply the balm not to the roots themselves, but distribute along the entire length.
  3. Do not wash your hair more often than every two days. Constant washing only makes the situation worse.
  4. Spend more time in the fresh air and be sure to get enough sleep, despite the stress and a bunch of urgent matters. Not only your hair, but your entire body as a whole will thank you for this.
  5. Do not tie your hair in a bun using very tight elastic bands or hairpins.
  6. Wash hats and pillowcases more often. Don't forget to protect your hair from direct sunlight in summer and from cold in winter.
  7. Stop worrying about trifles; unnecessary stress worsens the condition of your hair.
  8. Monitor the condition of the comb. Rinse it as often as possible with boiling water or ammonia solution.
  9. Pay attention to the medications you are taking, especially if you have just recently started using hormonal pills, and this was followed by a deterioration in the condition of your hair and skin.

Dry mustard mask


  • dry mustard – 100 g;
  • boiling water – 200 ml;
  • water at room temperature – 1 l.


  1. Add mustard to 200 ml of boiling water and mix thoroughly (you can use a whisk).
  2. Pour 1 liter of water into the resulting “gruel”.
  3. Wash your hair well with mustard water.
  4. Rinse with water or herbal infusion.

Masks with dry mustard are great for oily hair and for growth.

Tips for using homemade masks

They are an effective means of combating unpleasant aesthetic hair problems. They can be used both with and without internal problems. But in order for them to operate to the maximum, it is important to follow the recommendations.

  1. To avoid burning your scalp, make sure there is no damage, inflammation or irritation.
  2. To avoid drying out the ends of your hair with aggressive products, use the mask only for the epidermis, without touching the main length and ends.
  3. Prepare mixtures in non-oxidizing containers. Avoid using metal utensils - otherwise the composition may oxidize and cause more harm than good.
  4. Do not overexpose the product - otherwise you will dry out or completely burn the entire epidermis.
  5. Rinse off with warm water. Ice cold water can easily cause you to catch a cold, while hot water will cause sebum secretion to become even more abundant.
  6. Don't use masks too often. Every day is too much anyway.

The problem and its causes

High fat content is a consequence of various factors, but it is always caused by increased sebum synthesis. If the sebaceous glands work correctly, the secretions form a kind of film on the head. It protects the skin and prevents drying, helps retain moisture and prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.

The number of sebaceous glands and the level of activity are determined hereditarily, so it cannot be radically influenced. However, you can improve the condition of your strands and scalp by taking proper care.

The main reasons for excessive oily hair are:

  • Changes in hormonal levels (adolescence, menopause, pregnancy, frequent stress).
  • Internal disorders : disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine, nervous system.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis - pathology leads not only to an increase in the amount of subcutaneous sebum secretions, but also to a change in its composition.
  • Poor nutrition , when a large amount of salty, fatty, fried, fast food, and alcohol in the diet has a detrimental effect on the functions of the sebaceous glands.
  • Lack of care or excessive use of heavy, oily cosmetics also increases oiliness.
  • The functions of the sebaceous glands can change under the influence of heat and high humidity.

Important! If fatness is a consequence of internal malfunctions in the body, then proper care alone is not enough - you need to treat the root cause.

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