What to watch out for if you have a boil on your head

A boil on the body causes a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. The appearance of ulcers does not go unnoticed by the immune system, which begins to bombard the affected area with white blood cells. This creates pus, which eventually forms into a necrotic core under the skin. Sooner or later, the boil opens and is cleared of pus. Most often, the suppuration opens on its own, so many people are interested in what to do when the boil breaks out.

Stages and symptoms of boils

The average period for full ripening of boils is about 10 days. During this time, suppuration goes through the following stages of development.

Infiltration formation stage

Initially, an infiltrate appears on the affected area of ​​the skin - this is a place of swelling, redness and thickening. The area is very painful, causing discomfort even from the touch of clothing, sometimes itching or causing a tingling sensation. The forming boil gradually increases in size.

Purulent-necrotic stage

In the middle of the swelling, a purulent rod forms, the cone-shaped tip of which begins to protrude above the surface of the boil. The infiltrate becomes like a dense tumor. The sore spot increases, and the inflammation of the hair follicle and the amount of pus also increases. The purulent core looks like a dirty yellow cap over the boil and can reach 2-3 cm in diameter.

The pain intensifies and sometimes becomes unbearable. Patients' body temperature rises, they feel general malaise and weakness. The skin holding the rod gradually softens and bursts. This is how the purulent contents of the boil come out, along with which a dirty bloody liquid flows out. The patient feels much better - the pain subsides, the swelling subsides, the fever goes away and the body temperature normalizes.

Healing stage

After opening the suppuration, an open wound remains in its place, sometimes quite deep. The healing time depends on the size of the lesion. The area after a small abscess heals for 3-4 days, a large boil will take more time to heal.

The boil goes through 3 main stages: infiltration, purulent-necrotic and healing stage (after a breakthrough).

Sometimes several boils merge into one large abscess called a carbuncle. The formation of a carbuncle is promoted by severe disorders of the human immune system. The pathogenic process is often formed as a result of complications of staphylococcal folliculitis.

Why does a boil burst?

The boil opens as it matures. Under the influence of the negative activity of staphylococci, the hair root and the sebaceous gland located next to it melt, and the affected area increases. The human immune system never stops fighting foreign microorganisms and attacks it with white blood cells. From this moment on, the boil can open at any time.

The boil begins to burst when the amount of pus reaches its maximum. In the speedy breakthrough of the abscess, the body’s defenses are of great importance.

After the boil has burst, it is necessary to free the wound from pus and treat the abscess with disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents. When the boil has already burst, the patient's condition improves significantly.

A boil has burst - what to do?

How to treat a boil that has broken through the skin after it has fully formed? The most important thing at this stage is complete and timely treatment of the opened wound. If you do not treat the suppuration, then in place of the burst boil you can get a new problem.

Untimely treatment of an opened abscess often leads to such a complication as severe furunculosis. This disease is characterized by the fact that purulent inflammatory processes can spread throughout the body, and furunculosis cannot be cured without the help of strong antibiotics.

It is necessary to carefully ensure that the purulent core comes out of the wound. Ideally, after opening the suppuration, the rod comes out entirely, but for several more hours a small amount of fluid may flow out of the wound. Next, the opened wound must be washed with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. It is best to treat an opened boil with bandage tampons soaked in preparations, moving from the edges to the center. Then use a new swab to treat healthy areas of skin around the wound.

Possible consequences

There are a number of negative consequences of improper treatment and treatment of a burst boil:

  1. The boil broke through, but was not treated with disinfectants and antibacterial drugs. There is a real danger that pathogenic microorganisms contained in the pus from the boil will infect healthy areas of the skin.
  2. The most dangerous possible complication after a boil bursts is blood poisoning and purulent meningitis. Suppurations on the face, neck or head should only be treated under medical supervision.

An internal boil poses a serious threat. It is located in the deep layers of the epidermis and grows not outward, but inside the human body. It is difficult for it to mature and may not break through for a long time. A boil growing inside cannot be treated at home - a surgeon must help open such suppuration.

Which doctor should I contact?

If the problem occurs in a child or a pregnant woman, a visit to a medical facility cannot be postponed. In other cases, depending on the size of the suppuration, the patient’s well-being, his age and other concomitant diseases, the problem can be treated in a hospital or at home.

A small single boil can be shown to a dermatologist or therapist.

If a boil has ruptured, it is best treated in a surgery room. A visit to the surgeon cannot be postponed. Within a few hours, all the pus will usually leave the wound, and surgical debridement will no longer make sense.

Antiseptics for drawing out pus

You can treat a burst boil with antiseptic agents after disinfecting the open wound with hydrogen peroxide. It is best to use oil-based preparations - they help the wound heal faster.

A list of remedies that are truly effective in the fight against pus from boils:

  • Levomekol disinfectant paste;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments - Levosin, Levomethyl, Dioksikol, Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol;
  • antimicrobial ointments - Tetracycline, Lincomycin, Baneocin;
  • stimulants that help further skin regeneration - Actovegin, Solcoseryl.

These drugs have antiseptic and healing properties. Surgeons recommend making cotton-gauze swabs, onto which ointment is applied and applied to the ruptured boil. The tampon should fit snugly against the wound, but not put pressure on it. On average, compresses with ointment must be done for another 2-4 days after opening.

An important nuance: many drugs are categorically unsuitable for treating small patients with boils.

What to do if a boil bursts on the face, neck, ear or nose? In such cases, you must immediately go to the surgeon. Delay in visiting a doctor will lead to serious complications.

Folk remedies for healing

If a boil breaks out at home, and there are no pharmacological drugs at hand, the following simple remedies perfectly relieve inflammation:

  1. Aloe leaf. The soft part of the plant without a dense crust must be applied to the boil that has just burst. Secure the affected area with an aloe leaf with a gauze bandage. The compress must be changed after 4 hours.
  2. Crushed golden mustache. A clean leaf of the plant is crushed into a pulp and placed on gauze, which is used to cover the suppuration. A new compress should be applied after 3-4 hours.

What should I do next to make the boil heal faster? You can use compresses from the roots of burdock, celandine, tansy, lubricate the wound with oil of spruce, cloves, chamomile or St. John's wort.

Furunculosis on the head: treatment

Furunculosis of the scalp can be limited to the appearance of 1 - 2 boils or be multiple.

Since furunculosis is a disease that affects weakened organisms, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the immune system.

  1. Temporary release from work, peace, fresh air.
  2. Fortification: A, E, group B.
  3. Taking immunomodulators.

Local treatment depends on the stage of development of the boil.

If the process is caught before the formation of pus, the problem can be completely eliminated with the help of several sessions of ultraviolet irradiation.

If the boil has already entered the maturation phase, it is necessary to consistently carry out a series of therapeutic measures.

  1. Prevent the spread of infection: injection of antibiotics into the infiltrated area.
  2. To speed up and secure the separation of the rod: applications of ichthyol, levomekol.
  3. Clean the wound from residual pus and blood: rinse with a solution of furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Accelerate wound healing: applications of synthomycin liniment, streptocidal ointment.

Drug treatment effectively complements physiotherapy procedures.

In particularly difficult cases, hospitalization and surgical intervention are required.

Prohibited Measures

The problem will remain uncured if the patient does not follow simple recommendations:

  • you cannot open the abscess yourself - premature or inept opening of the abscess will lead to serious complications;
  • a burst abscess must not be rubbed or tried to squeeze out the purulent core; the contents of the boil must leave the body on their own;
  • Mechanical impact on the burst boil should be avoided - the patient should try not to put pressure on the boil;
  • antibiotics should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • Do not swim or wet a burst boil.

Such actions can cause new development of bacteria in the lesion or provoke sepsis.


It is easy to detect a tumor in the head area. The specialist carries out an external examination and, when it is necessary to make a diagnosis, other diagnostic measures of the damaged area.

To determine the provoking factors in the formation of such a pathological process, a specialist carries out urine and blood tests, and diagnostics to detect failures of organs and systems.

Sometimes the examination requires consultation with a specialist.

If there are difficulties with the maturation of the rod, a specialist may prescribe a blood culture test. Such research is required to prevent plasma contamination in time.

Why are unexploded ulcers dangerous?

If the disease drags on and the suppuration does not clear up after 10-12 days, you need to seek help from a surgeon. There is a danger that the infection can enter the blood and internal organs of a person. As a result of a purulent formation that cannot come out, problems such as blood poisoning and purulent meningitis often develop. The main danger of an unbursted abscess is that its causative agent easily involves surrounding tissues in the inflammatory process. For example, boils on the hands can provoke diseases such as lymphadenitis or lymphangitis.

Sometimes the compaction freezes in development and turns into a hard lump that is unable to break through. In such cases, the surgeon makes an incision to remove the frozen boil.


Boils on the scalp are considered the result of various pathologies within the human body. Having established the cause of the pathology, it is possible to prescribe effective treatment.

Skin contamination

The influence of chemicals, coal and other harmful substances. In particular, prolonged friction with these substances has a negative effect on the formation of dermal disease.

The chemical composition of these products often has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the use of products containing toxins, or to protect yourself when working with them.

Skin pathologies

If there is a skin disease with itching, a boil may appear, since during the scratching process a minor injury is formed and the infection gets inside. In this regard, it is necessary to promptly eliminate any concomitant skin diseases.

Use of household chemicals

Using a shampoo of inadequate quality (moisturizing for oily hair, or with a drying effect) increases the risk of injury to the dermis. In this regard, the likelihood of pathogenic microflora penetrating inside increases.

Rare or frequent hair washing

This often dries out the skin excessively, and improper care leads to the emergence of pathogenic microflora. The scalp should not be excessively dry or oily.

Increased sweating

A boil often appears as a result of excessive sweating and sebum secretion, since clogging of the sebaceous glands becomes a provoking factor in the inflammatory process, and, as a result, a new formation appears.

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Increased sweating creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly adhere to hygiene rules.

Reducing the body's response to viruses

In such a situation, staphylococcus provokes the appearance of such growths. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and follow medical instructions regarding preventive measures. If the pathology manifests itself as numerous acne, you should consult a doctor.

Immune system disorders

Weakened immunity often becomes the reason that infection enters the human body. When it works properly, viral agents are suppressed and do not cause pathological processes.

In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen your own immunity by leading an active lifestyle and taking immunomodulatory drugs, if necessary.

Metabolism problems

This leads to imbalances between the intake and expenditure of vitamins within the body. For example, if diabetes mellitus is observed, then a violation of blood flow in the capillaries is detected.

Due to such a failure, the skin will not receive the required amount of nutrients and oxygen. The protective characteristics of the dermis will be reduced, and viral agents will enter it.

Malfunctions of internal systems

The pathological process occurs during disorders in the central nervous system, vascular and endocrine systems, in the digestive tract and liver. This can be caused by various triggering factors. Their timely elimination will avoid consequences.

Bad habits

The appearance of symptoms in the process of obesity, overheating or hypothermia, as well as with excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

An unbalanced diet and leading a passive lifestyle have a negative impact on the general condition of the skin. In this regard, it is necessary to normalize nutrition and carry out feasible physical activity.

What to do to make a boil burst

The boil has matured and its contents are ready to come out. What should be done to ensure that it breaks through in a timely manner and without complications? Following the doctor’s recommendations will help to properly ripen and break through the suppuration:

  • timely treatment with antiseptic and disinfectant solutions;
  • applying ointments that promote rapid release of pus, for example, using a compress with Ichthyol ointment;
  • using dressings that protect the open wound from surrounding germs.

Modern pharmacological drugs, when used in a timely manner, help to avoid serious consequences from a boil. However, you should try to initially prevent the appearance of ulcers on the body. The best way is always to prevent the disease - maintaining good personal hygiene, strengthening the immune system, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.


A boil in the head area appears as a result of neglect of hygiene rules. Their observance is required in order to maintain health. These include:

  • Strengthening the immune system : consuming plenty of vitamins. Implementation of hardening in the shower, giving up bad habits (alcohol and smoking).
  • Adjusting your own diet . Healthy food products: vegetables, fruits. Flour and smoked foods are limited.
  • Purchasing cosmetic and hygiene products of proper quality.

Compliance with the above instructions helps prevent a large number of diseases.

A boil on the head is an unpleasant pathological process that causes significant discomfort to the patient. If the disease is treated promptly and correctly, the problem will be quickly resolved. With constant observance of preventive measures, suppuration appears much less frequently.

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