Dry skin after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

Smooth, radiant, moisturized skin without signs of aging or pigmentation is the cherished dream of a huge number of women. And, despite the huge number of bottles adorning the shelves of cosmetic stores, this dream never ceases to be relevant. The thing is that the effect of most cosmetics is very superficial: the components moisturize only the top layer of the epidermis, and the activation of natural processes of regeneration and hydration does not occur. This can only be done using radical methods, for example, biorevitalization.

Internal action of hyaluronic acid

Moisture is an integral component of the skin's structure. And, despite the fact that every year it becomes less and less, it is always present and works for the benefit of our skin. Sometimes there is more of it than necessary, for example, with pathologies of the kidneys or endocrine system. But the optimal amount gives the effect of soft, moisturized, beautiful skin.

When we inject hyaluronic acid with a syringe, we allow moisture to be drawn into the hyaluronic molecules, and the effect lasts for months. The skin is nourished with moisture from the inside, due to which the speed of metabolic processes increases many times over and skin regeneration accelerates. With prolonged exposure to the sun, it retains the ability to protect itself from the action of free radicals, which benefits not only beauty, but also human health.

And finally, an important fact is the puncture itself with a needle when administering the drug. This microdamage gives a powerful impetus to the body's regenerative abilities. The production of elastin and collagen at the site of damage increases, and given the number of skin punctures during biorevitalization by a cosmetologist, you can understand how much the elasticity of the skin of the entire face improves.

Biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid

These days, the most popular and effective rejuvenation procedures are biorevitalization and mesotherapy

. They gained their fame not only among women, but also among the male population, who are sensitive to their health and appearance.

The high efficiency of the methods is confirmed by many years of experience and long-term positive results. It is known that with age, after illness or under the influence of unfavorable conditions, the skin tends to change its appearance. And, as a result, all the functions it performs are disrupted: protection, nutrition, breathing, thermoregulation.

If the skin is normal, then it independently regenerates after injuries and damage. What does healthy skin look like? It is smooth, evenly colored, without pigmentation and inflammation, firm and elastic. Check the condition of the skin by grabbing a fold. If she instantly returned to her original appearance, then everything is in order.

Healthy skin has no or minimal wrinkles, scars or any other defects. Healthy skin is well moisturized, without peeling.

Unfortunately, today it is difficult to find a person, especially among city residents, who does not have one or another deviation from the norm. The task of specialists is to correctly diagnose violations and quickly and efficiently deal with problems. Not everyone will decide to resort to surgical procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation. It is for patients who prefer conservative treatment methods and long-term results that there are non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation - biorevitalization and bioredermalization.

The name of the procedure itself is literally translated as a natural return to life.

, to normal skin (“bio” - natural, natural, “re” - return).
This “return” is achieved by saturating skin cells with hyaluronic acid, delivered through injections. This technique uses synthesized hyaluronic acid
, which remains in the cells much longer than that used in mesotherapy procedures.

Our body itself produces hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the hydration and elasticity of the skin. When such natural production is not enough, biorevitalization comes to the rescue, improving and healing thin and dry skin, and also stimulating the production of elastin and collagen in the body’s cells. This technique allows not only to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, but also to remove existing wrinkles, and is recommended both for correcting mature skin and for preventing aging at a young age.

Currently, there is a wide variety of biorevitalizants from manufacturers in different countries. Often, in addition to hyaluronic acid, the preparations contain other active substances: peptide complexes, amino acids, polynucleotides. By interacting with cell receptors, these substances, in addition to hydration, stimulate tissue regeneration. Thanks to such a wide selection of drugs, a specialist can choose the most suitable one for a particular patient.

Biorevitalization lasts 15-20 minutes and is carried out in courses, 2-4 procedures at intervals from a week to a month, depending on the drug and indications. Application area:

from the face, neck, décolleté, to the inner surface of the shoulders, elbows, hands, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and knees.


standard for injection procedures: any inflammatory processes, skin diseases, taking antibiotics, pregnancy and lactation.

Since the procedure is not traumatic, the rehabilitation period is very short. At the injection sites, there may be redness of the skin, swelling - no more than an hour, the formation of small hematomas, which go away on their own after 3-5 days.

In the first two weeks after biorevitalization, cosmetic facial massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as baths, saunas, and solariums are contraindicated.

The first positive changes on the skin are noticeable already 2-3 days after the procedure. But it is possible to evaluate the final result only after the full recommended course of procedures.

Biorevitalization gives a noticeable refreshing and rejuvenating effect

, which lasts 6-12 months, then you can repeat the course, or continue maintenance procedures regularly. This issue is resolved individually, and depends on the wishes and capabilities of the patients.

The Family Doctor clinic uses highly effective, latest certified drugs. And it is thanks to them and the skill of experienced cosmetologists that our patients will be able to improve their health and get young, healthy skin, without age-related changes. Such skin will have a new high barrier function and an improved thermoregulation process, with the absence of wrinkles, pigmentation problems and cellulite.

Signs of early aging are genetically determined at the time of conception. Therefore, it is useless to argue with genetics. You can only correct its manifestations by making an appointment with a qualified cosmetologist, who must have the appropriate permission to perform injection procedures and experience working with such drugs. Trust a professional, and the result will not keep you waiting.

External result of the procedure

After the swelling from the injections goes away, you can immediately notice the effect of the skin after the procedure, which manifests itself in:

  • skin hydration;
  • turgor elasticity;
  • improving complexion;
  • smoothing out wrinkles.

It is noteworthy that the effect is durable; it not only pleases with its presence on the face for a long time, but also tends to accumulate from one procedure to another. Over time, you will only need to make occasional injections to maintain excellent results.

It is also important to mention that after the procedure, not only the quality of the skin increases, but also its elasticity. Ptosis in the lower part of the face is eliminated, the cheekbones look higher.

The cost of the procedure in St. Petersburg is not low, but it can easily compensate for the cost of good conservative care, consisting of creams, serums and lotions. But in order for the effect to meet expectations, it is necessary to find reliable and experienced cosmetologists. For example, New Skin Clinic is an excellent example of competence and individual approach to each client of the clinic.

Redness after biorevitalization

The essence of mesotherapy is to introduce nutritional material under the skin in the form of vitamin cocktails. Thus, complete trophism of cellular structures is carried out. The action of biorevitalization is much more complicated because:

  • directly normalizes metabolic processes in the dermis throughout its entire thickness;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • restores water-salt balance.

And all this thanks to hyaluronic acid, which is a component of collagen. With age, the production of this substance in the body decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and deformities. Naturally, the cause of rapid degenerative changes on the skin of the face is often an incorrect lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, and the environmental situation in the region.

Some patients sometimes notice the appearance of red dots and spots on their face after biorevitalization. In principle, numerous punctures at a distance of 10 mm from each other could not lead to a different result. This is a natural reaction of the body. During the normal healing process, the spots disappear within a day, and the tubercles within 3 days.

Following simple rules will protect a person from complications:

  1. During the first 24 hours after biorevitalization, it is forbidden to wash your face with water, massage the treated area of ​​skin, or do any makeup.
  2. Bruising and swelling are eliminated with an antibacterial cream containing arnica.
  3. You cannot visit bathhouses for 3 days from the end of the sessions. All sports training and physical work should also be postponed for 2-3 days.
  4. You can walk, being careful of direct sunlight for 4-5 days.
  5. It is prohibited to visit the solarium for two weeks.

What to do if after biorevitalization the skin becomes dry?

Skin aging is mainly a consequence of age-related changes in the body or pathological processes. Disruption of metabolic processes, trophism of the cellular structure and water-salt balance causes a decrease in the reproduction of collagen, the structure of which contains hyaluronic acid. Its normal amount in tissues ensures the functioning of fibers and muscles. If there is a lack of material, wrinkles and folds appear on the face, décolleté and neck.

The mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid is the accumulation of fluid in tissues, which prevents its deficiency. A jelly-like substance is injected using injections or a laser device. Injections deliver beneficial substances, including peptides, amino acids, and phosphates, precisely to the site of the greatest degenerative changes. In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, the injected material helps:

  • eliminate dark circles under the eyes;
  • improve facial skin color;
  • remove asymmetry of shapes.

Even though the technique is well-developed, biorevitalization is not suitable for all people. In some patients, the dermis is so sensitive that accidental symptoms cannot be ruled out. One of them may be dryness of the epidermis. The introduction of a substance that, when expanded, contains a volume of moisture 1000 times greater than its own, leads to the opposite result - dry skin.

Chills and red face after biorevitalization

The vast majority of clients of the OB clinic beauty salon are satisfied with the results of the manipulations performed. But there is always a percentage of people who, despite all the doctors’ warnings, decide to undergo procedures that are personally prohibited to them. Sometimes the service is provided by incompetent cosmetologists. The total number of such cases is no more than 1%. However, the following complications are possible:

  • cell necrosis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • ischemia of the circulatory system of local vessels due to their compression with gel;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

The result of the side effect is fever, chills and skin flushing. To avoid such excesses, the patient should approach the choice of a beauty salon and specialist very responsibly. It is imperative to find out whether the company has a license to carry out biorevitalization, mesotherapy and plastic procedures. You should not be embarrassed about the competence of medical personnel, as this is related to the health of clients.

Redness of the face after biorevitalization may seem trivial compared to the appearance of tubercles. They must be removed with the help of drugs.

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