How to make your skin matte and smooth: the best mask recipes

Over the years, all women come to the conclusion that their facial skin requires regular and proper care using appropriate products. This can be store-bought or homemade cosmetics. You can save a lot of money and get a beneficial effect that will surpass even some professional products. Today we will tell you about effective face masks to make your skin matte and smoother.

Healthy lifestyle

The lifestyle a woman leads is primarily reflected on her face. Therefore, if you seriously decide to get rid of skin defects, approach the issue comprehensively: change your eating behavior and finally put an end to bad habits. Conduct an experiment: for exactly one month, completely give up sweets, fatty foods, flour, smoked foods and semi-finished products. Take a close-up “before” photo of your face and look at the “after” result. We guarantee the results will shock you.

Put mineral powder in your makeup bag

Girls with oily and combination skin know that the makeup on their face will last a maximum of an hour, and then it will “float.” But if you fix it with mineral powder, nothing like that will happen. Mineral particles, absorbing excess sebum, will help you forget about greasy shine for a long time.

Ultra-resistant face powder Infaillible, L'Oréal Paris lays on the skin in an even, ultra-thin layer, mattifying without a drying effect. The volcanic mineral perlite controls shine and ensures long-lasting makeup.

Calm, just calm

Another enemy of healthy skin is stress. But since no one can live without them in the modern world, we must at least learn to minimize their impact on the body. Allow yourself to rest and unload, love yourself! Organize your life so that you get adequate sleep (it doesn’t matter at all what time of day, the main thing is that it becomes truly high-quality), walk more in the fresh air (get out of the car, walk!), sign up for yoga , to the pool, get a cat or a parrot, remember that you once had a hobby that gave you joy and bring it back into your life. All of the above is not the limit; in this case, imagination is not limited. The main thing is that you feel happy, because this is the real salvation from stress.

Shiseido Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Foundation

Shiseido Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Tonal Veil Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Tonal Veil with a fine texture that is completely invisible on the skin, masks everything that needs to be hidden, and at the same time protects the skin from the negative influences of the environment. The extracts of thyme and unshiu mandarin included in its composition deeply nourish the skin, restoring it satiny softness and beautiful radiance.

Beauty routine

That's right, routine. Beauty is daily work, hard work and strict discipline. Regular (without skipping!) cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, self-massage, home cosmetic procedures, seasonal visits to a trusted cosmetologist - all this should be in your life CONSTANTLY. And one more important point: all care and decorative cosmetics must be of good quality, from trusted brands. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite.

Revlon Colorstay Full Cover Foundation

Revlon Colorstay Full Cover foundation When in contact with the skin, the matte foundation Colorstay Full Cover mousse melts from the warmth of the body, merging and becoming invisible, but at the same time masking even dark spots and acne marks. The product has high durability, which can withstand both heat and wild cold, so it is indispensable all year round.

Nude makeup

Provided you follow the above points and master a few simple nude makeup techniques, you will no longer have to hide skin defects (which you simply won’t have) behind a thick “primer.”

How to quickly do nude makeup? First of all, cleanse the skin using your usual cleanser. Then apply primer and a thin layer of BB cream (or loose foundation). The next step is powder. It is best if it is mattifying, such as Fit Mi powder from Maybelline, designed for different skin types. Apply the powder from the center of the forehead, moving in a circular motion towards the chin, lightly touching the nose and cheeks.

Use an oil-free moisturizer

Those with oily skin often ignore the moisturizing step so as not to burden the skin again and not give it an extra reason to shine. However, a properly selected daily care product will not become a source of additional problems - on the contrary, it will help solve existing ones.

Moisturizing, mattifying, sebum-regulating emulsion Effaclar Mat, La Roche-Posay reduces sebum production due to the Sebulyse component. The formula with the mineral perlite mattifies the skin for 6 hours and moisturizes thanks to glycerin.


Christina: “The cream is wonderful! I have combination skin, and this kind of product greatly tightened it and dried it out in the T-zone to the point of flaking. On the recommendation of specialists from the La Roche-Posay online store, I tried this cream. Perfectly mattifies, the skin is non-greasy and at the same time moisturized. From the very first days of use, I stopped using powder to remove shine.”

Julia: “I’ve been using this emulsion for almost a year. I took it for the summer because the skin in the T-zone area is shiny. It mattifies and tightens pores really well. Ideal as a day care and makeup base.”

Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream, Kiehl's, with a refreshing light texture and a formula based on antarcticine, glycerin and vitamin E, will give oily skin what it needs: moisturize, protect and eliminate greasy shine.


Ekaterina: “Super cream! The face after it is like velvet. Perfectly moisturizes. I’ve almost given up on concealers.”

Lady Autumn: “An excellent cream - a very light gel texture, absorbs quickly and does not leave an oily sheen; on the contrary, it has a mattifying effect, perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin.”

Cosmetics from the refrigerator

To keep your skin smooth and even, without enlarged pores and acne, turn to folk remedies from time to time (as additional care). For example, for several hundred years now, a nourishing night mask made from oatmeal and milk has been held in special esteem by beauties all over the world. It is very simple to prepare, and the effect is simply amazing! Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder and dilute this powder with warm milk to a paste. If you want, add a fresh egg, liquid honey or a few drops of natural oil to the mixture. Apply the mask to your face in a medium layer, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then lightly massage your skin with almond oil or night cream. You will see the result after the first procedure. Be beautiful!

Masks for matte facial skin. What mattifying face masks should be like?

Face masks with a mattifying effect should contain absorbent and antimicrobial components. They are the ones who normalize the condition of the skin. Absorbent substances perform a matting function, and antimicrobial substances help cope with inflammation.

To regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse, and fight acne, white, black, green clay, tea tree essential oil, oatmeal, seaweed, and fruits are most often used. Yeast, sea salt, calendula, hydrogen peroxide, starch, and nettle do a good job of matting. It is advisable that recipes include abrasive particles. Remains of coffee grounds, crushed grape, raspberry, and blackberry seeds can exfoliate dead particles and remove impurities.

Mattifying face masks should have the following properties:

  • Normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Relieving inflammation, drying out acne.
  • Return of a beautiful complexion.
  • Saturation of skin cells with nutrients.
  • Reducing the number of blackheads.
  • Cleansing and tightening pores.
  • Strengthening metabolic processes.

Natural masks with a mattifying effect are recommended for use at any age. Most often, the face becomes shiny during adolescence, in young men and women. However, increased oiliness can also be characteristic of mature skin. This feature is rare, since the activity of the sebaceous glands usually returns to normal after 30 years on its own.

It is necessary to use anti-greasy face masks after testing the composition for allergic reactions. It is better not to carry out procedures if you have rosacea, dermatitis and eczema. Do not further cleanse skin damaged by wounds or burns until it is completely healed.

Cosmetic ice

The use of ice based on medicinal herbs can give the skin a matte tint. How to make your facial skin matte at home using cosmetic ice:

  1. Brew chamomile flowers, linden flowers, oak or birch bark with boiling water and leave for one hour.
  2. After the specified time, strain, pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
  3. You need to wipe your face 3-4 times every day, then apply hydrogel or moisturizer.

Important! After the cooling procedure, it is not recommended to immediately apply cosmetics; you need to leave the pores to breathe.

After just two weeks of regular use of cosmetic ice, the skin of the face becomes matte, oily shine appears much less frequently, which greatly pleases owners of combination and oily skin.

Important! Cosmetic ice can only be used if there are no pustules or spider veins. This procedure is strictly contraindicated for those who have a predisposition to rosacea, or who have blood vessels too close to the surface of the skin. In this case, prepare an ordinary chamomile decoction and wipe the skin of the face with it 3-4 times a day, the effect will also have a positive result.


Matte shadows are a great way to correct the shape of the eyes and draw attention to the radiance of the eyes. It is more difficult to apply such products, because the satin texture lies evenly and smoothly without effort. Matte shadows, without the habit of application, may lie unevenly.

Selecting Shadows

In order not to have to redo your make-up, we follow simple tips. We choose products from trusted manufacturers. Saving on purchases can result in allergies, instability of the product and rapid shedding of shadows.

Be sure to apply a primer under the shadows to always look attractive. Without a base, the matte product looks unimpressive. The base will protect the skin of the eyelids, and it will be easier to apply shadows, and the durability of the makeup will increase. Apply the primer to dry, clean skin, wait for it to be absorbed and only after that apply the shadows. Then there will be no problems with soft and smooth skin.

Mineral shadows are especially good for matte makeup. They lay down softly and hide imperfections well. Apply the product only with a flat brush. Neither a sponge nor a sponge can help us. It is best to shade with an oblique volumetric brush made of natural bristles.

Apply a thin layer. Three of these are better than one thick one: such makeup looks much more natural. We select shades of shadows to match the color and shape of the eyes and take into account the desired effect. Then you can always look attractive without much effort.

Application nuances

Shiny shadows add volume, matte ones hide. Using only a matte product for volume - choosing light shades. Apply the lightest shade under the eyebrow and in the inner corner. The use of shadows that contrast with the color of the eyes or are a tone different from the color of the iris will refresh the image and give the look a special shine. For the middle part - the main shade.

We highlight the crease of the eyelid with shadows of a darker color, and use the darkest shade for the eye contour. Be sure to blend the transitions well. We can use one shade in matte makeup for the crease of the eyelid and contour, or we can not highlight the inner corner and under the eyebrow: we focus on the features of the face.

Shadow color

If you have no experience using matte shadows, let's start with classic tones: gray, white, beige, black and brown. If we really want to add color, we can take shades of pink or blue, always trying to look attractive.

To attract attention to the arrows, a combination of black and white is ideal, and to focus attention on the color of the eyes and skin tone - a beige-brown palette. We choose lighter colors for daytime makeup; the closer the evening is, the darker the shadows we can afford.

Dark tones completely change the shape of the eyes, which is why we use such colors carefully. The simplest option is to purchase double duet shadows: they are easier to apply and they combine perfectly. We select the shade of matte makeup according to the color type. For blue-eyed people, suitable tones are gray-blue, blue, steel and pink. Brown and beige, green and white, terracotta and olive are combined with brown eyes. We select warm or cool colors based on the shade of hair and skin, but remember: in makeup there is a single direction. You can always look attractive only by following this rule: either only cold or only warm colors.

Dark shadows are not suitable for small eyes or those with circles. If the eyelashes are too short or pigmentation is a real problem, then dark shadows will only draw additional attention to the flaw. It is more appropriate to use refreshing light colors. Eye makeup is not an easy job, but the makeup must look complete. Eyelashes with matte makeup look very stylish, and eyelashes need lush eyelashes. Therefore, let’s finish the work with the eyes by applying voluminous mascara. Brown is appropriate during the day, black for evening.

Monochrome eye makeup

A win-win option in matte makeup is a combination of beige and brown eyeshadow colors. Beige - on the inner corner, brown - on the outer corner. Let's blend the transition well to always look attractive. But monochrome make-up will also look amazing. We wet the applicator with water and apply shadow along the eyelash growth line, obtaining an intense tone.

Now apply the same shade to the moving eyelid with a dry applicator and shade the border. Add a liner and apply mascara.

Balanced diet

Few people know that a balanced diet greatly affects the condition of the skin. So, if you take very fatty foods, the subcutaneous glands work intensively. That's why:

  • For beautiful matte skin, try to avoid fried, salty, hot and peppery foods. Healthy food should be cooked in a slow cooker or stewed in the oven.
  • The diet must include fish products, meat, stewed vegetables, baked potatoes and various seafood.
  • We must not forget about seasonal fruits and berries.
  • In winter, you need to eat fresh or frozen vegetables, which control the water balance.
  • You also need to stop drinking black coffee frequently; you can only drink it with milk.
  • Freshly squeezed juices and green tea must be present on the table; you need to drink a lot, at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day.
  • It is very good to drink purified water, which should be about 2 liters per day.

A little alcohol

We have already written that you should not be afraid of cosmetics containing alcohol. But if you really shouldn’t get carried away with “alcohol” in skin care products, except in cases where a specialist has recommended otherwise, then you can use an alcohol composition on a spot basis. And even necessary.

It is important that you only need to use a cotton pad soaked in the composition (attention: soaked, not sunken!) in the forehead-nose-chin area. Plus, do not press it on the skin, but do it with light patting movements to remove excess oil.

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