Which facial hair removal cream is better - product reviews

Today there are a great variety of means by which ladies rid their beautiful bodies of unwanted hair. You can choose any one, depending on the desired effect, the thickness of the wallet and patience. But if the problem is excess facial hair, the solution is not so easy.

The skin of the face is too delicate and sensitive to be affected by aggressive agents. And it’s unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that there should be no traces of hair removal on the face, or at least invisible.

That is why the question of choosing a method of hair removal on the face is ambiguous. The easiest way to pluck out single hairs growing in the wrong place is with tweezers, but if the hair is a clear problem, it is better to look for other methods to eliminate it. The main requirements for facial hair removal products are gentleness and safety.

One of the “softest” methods of hair removal - simple, convenient, painless - is chemical depilation. A cream-based depilatory product (or in the form of a spray) is applied to the area where hair needs to be removed, and after a few minutes it is washed off along with the semi-dissolved hair, leaving beautiful smooth skin. It would seem that this is the ideal recipe for a facial product. But, alas, there are not many women for whom chemical hair removal is the optimal solution. Let's try to figure out why.

The principle of operation of facial depilatory cream

The task of the depilator is to remove excess hair on different parts of the body and face. The effectiveness of the cosmetic procedure is ensured by an active alkaline compound that can destroy the hair structure. In this case, the follicles remain intact.

The concentrated cream acts aggressively, dissolving the rod at the base. The hair problem goes away, but skin irritation occurs. To neutralize the negative reaction, softening components are included in the composition. These are mainly vitamins and plant extracts.

The depilatory product is characterized by an aggressive environment, so the initial use should be accompanied by testing of the cosmetic product.

The facial depilator works quickly. The rest of the hair, located inside the upper layer of the epidermis, curls after exposure to alkali. Its structure also changes. This leads to a slowdown in the growth of the rod.

The cosmetic effect is provided by:

  1. Calcium/potassium thioglycolate – performs the function of destroying the structure of the rod (the basis of the composition).
  2. Sodium/calcium hydroxide - softens the hair, preparing it for the penetration of thioglycolate.
  3. Emulsifier ceteareth-20 and stabilizer - dissolves sebum, moisturizes, which enhances the effect of the main component.

Other substances soothe irritated facial skin, give the product a pleasant smell, and increase shelf life. Their list includes:

  • oils of vegetable and synthetic origin;
  • essential oils;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • silicones.

Is it possible to remove hair from the upper lip and eyebrows with depilatory cream?

Let's consider the positive and negative qualities of this procedure so that we can adequately assess the feasibility of choosing this method.

A definite positive quality of such products for many girls will be the fact that the procedure can be carried out at home. Indeed, you don’t always have time to go to a beauty salon, but you can remove excess hair with cream yourself at any convenient time.

Also, for many representatives of the fair sex, the absence of pain is important. When removing hairs with tweezers or wax, pain cannot be avoided, because the hair is pulled out of the skin by the roots, which is often very painful, especially with a low pain threshold

The pain is felt especially strongly in the area above the upper lip.

And the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, where some women have excess hair that needs to be removed, is also not a happy reaction to pain.

As for the cream, you can be sure that such a procedure will be absolutely painless.

The upper lip hair removal cream contains chemicals that work like a razor. The difference is that a razor cuts off the hair at the base, while the cream dissolves it.

In this regard, the hair that will grow in the future becomes thin and soft, and not hard, as after using a razor. But as for color, the hairs may be darker than those that were removed. It depends on the woman's hair type.

Those hairs that were on the surface faded and became lighter over time. Another important positive quality of creams is that they do not provoke ingrown hairs into the skin.

A negative property of using the cream is that the effect of this method is short-lived. This is due to the fact that the hair follicles remain in the skin, which means that hair removal is not carried out forever, but for a while, until the hairs grow back.

But there is also a positive point here, because due to the effect of such a product on the hair structure, the cells are gradually destroyed, and this noticeably slows down the rate of growth of new hair.

Important! Before you start removing hair from your face using cream, you need to make sure that this procedure will not cause an allergic reaction. For this purpose, you need to apply a small amount of the component to the bend of the elbow or to the hand in the place where the skin is thinnest

After leaving the product on for a few minutes, rinse it off and wait a couple of hours, observing whether any redness or irritation appears in the treated area. If no problems arise, the procedure can be performed on the face.

Contraindications and recommendations

If you intend to use depilatory cream for the face, you should first familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Among the main restrictions:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • the presence of damaged areas in the area of ​​application of the composition (wounds, abrasions, irritations, inflammatory process);
  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • pregnancy, lactation period.

Using the composition to remove excess hair on the face requires precautions.

  1. You should postpone the depilation procedure before visiting a sauna or steam bath.
  2. After treating your face with cream, it is recommended to avoid walking in direct sunlight for 12 hours.
  3. You need to start processing by studying the annotation. When applying and maintaining the composition, you must adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. You need to apply the depilator in portions, trying not to catch the mucous membranes. In case of accidental contact, rinse with plenty of water.
  5. To apply the composition, it is better to use gloves (both polyethylene and rubber are suitable).
  6. If re-treatment is required, an interval of 5-7 days is made between procedures.

Components of the composition may cause allergies. A mild reaction results in severe lacrimation. Eye tissue may be damaged due to caustic fumes. Therefore, if symptoms are severe, further use of the cream should be abandoned.


Irritation on the face after depilation with cream is a very common phenomenon. This is a normal reaction of the body to the effects of chemically active substances (especially during the first sessions).

Such irritations, as a rule, quickly disappear when using special balms, gels, etc. But sometimes they become protracted. In these cases, you should stop using this drug and consult a dermatologist. Even the best depilatory cream for the face can cause such a reaction.

Minor irritations can be relieved with moisturizing creams that contain aloe vera, chamomile, calendula, as well as decoctions of celandine, string and chamomile.

Before using anti-irritation products, the problem area of ​​the skin should be pre-treated with chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol (dry).

How to choose the right one

Depilators in stores are presented in different price categories. Their operating principle is identical, the differences can be traced in the auxiliary components. When choosing a product, you need to focus on the following signs.

  1. Trademark – rating positions in terms of effectiveness and safety are occupied by the products Veet, Batiste, Lady Caramel, Velvet. Large manufacturers have their own laboratories where new formulas are developed and tested. The quality of cosmetics is confirmed by certificates of conformity.
  2. Skin type – for depilation on the face, it is important to familiarize yourself with the components of the composition. They must suit your skin type. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging or in the annotation. Well-known brands produce specialized and universal products that are suitable for any skin type.
  3. Composition - all products contain aggressive compounds, due to which the hair structure is destroyed. The ideal option is a balanced list of components, which, in addition to alkalis, includes emollients: aloe vera, chamomile extract, cosmetic oils and other plant extracts.

To remove hair in delicate areas, it is recommended to choose a composition containing calcium thioglycolate. It works more gently, which reduces the risk of skin irritation.

Other options for gentle depilation

You can remove unwanted hair from your face in other ways, they all have advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Wax strips.

Vegetation is removed by the roots for 2-3 weeks, albeit with the top layer of skin. The method is painful and irritating.

  1. Sugaring.

Hair removal with sugar paste. This product contains components that are beneficial to the skin, but mechanical hair removal is painful and irritates the skin.

  1. Tweezers - method suitable for individual hairs
  2. Laser or electrolysis.

Destruction of hair follicles by heat rays or electric current. After a few procedures, you can forget about facial hair forever. There are disadvantages: a long period of skin rehabilitation, the risk of burns and excessive pigmentation.

  1. Traditional methods (hydrogen peroxide, walnuts and others).

Slows down hair growth, discolors and thins it. A significant drawback is that they require regular use for a long time.

Popular means

Floresan - delicate facial depilatory cream Deep Depil for sensitive skin with peach oil

The product contains peach oil, which provides gentle skin care. The active compound quickly removes unwanted hairs without causing irritation. Thanks to its moisturizing, softening and soothing effect, the depilator can be used for sensitive skin.

Benefits of the cream:

  • soft action;
  • maintaining natural water balance;
  • minimal risk of adverse reactions.

The area of ​​depilation is the face.

Price – 58 rub.

Fito cosmetics depilatory for the face and the most delicate areas of the skin with a moisturizing effect for up to 24 hours

The depilator is made on the basis of components of natural origin. The composition effectively removes facial hair, slowing down the growth of new hairs. This allows you to increase the time between procedures.

Impeccable softness and velvety skin is ensured by a formula containing alpha-bisabolol. The substance has a powerful moisturizing and soothing effect. Shea butter and aloe extract nourish epidermal cells, activate the regeneration process, and kill pathogenic microorganisms. Blue mallow extract prevents redness and irritation.

Price – 43 rub.

Fito cosmetics depilatory for the face and the most delicate areas of the skin with Anti-Age effect

The depilator is suitable for any skin type. The mild effect is achieved thanks to the natural composition, which includes: grape seed oil, Rhodiola rosea extract, vitamin E and other plant components.

Effect declared by the manufacturer:

  • quick hair removal on the most sensitive areas of the skin;
  • intensive nutrition;
  • hydration;
  • stimulation of regenerative function;
  • increasing local immunity.

The area of ​​depilation is the face.

Price – 48 rub.

Vitex - active depilatory cream with silk for normal skin

The product is intended for normal skin types. The composition includes silk proteins, which provides gentle care. The product removes unwanted vegetation in 5-10 minutes, enriches epidermal cells with nutrients, and provides intense hydration.

Depilation area – any part of the body.

Price – 188 rub.

Lady Caramel facial depilatory cream (Ultra-gentle)

The product is designed to remove unwanted facial hair. The gentle effect is ensured due to the low concentration of the active chemical compound. The composition includes substances that restore the skin: almond oil, vanilla extract.

Advantages of the depilator:

  • no pungent odor;
  • fast action;
  • intensive hydration and nutrition.

Area of ​​application: face.

Price – 94 rub.

Features of depilation

Let's consider the features of this process in the most popular places: on the face, arms and legs, intimate areas and abdomen.

On the face

Facial hair removal is equally important for both men and women, but if representatives of the stronger sex prefer mechanical hair removal using machines, then the latter often resort to depilation of mustaches, hair on the temporal part, or correction of the eyebrow line using a special cream.

It contains almost the same components as other similar products, only the proportion of active substances will be slightly smaller, which is explained by the greater thinness and sensitivity of the skin.

A standard facial hair remover includes keratin, sodium compounds, potassium and calcium thioglycolates, as well as plant extracts, essential oils and extracts. While some of them work to remove hair, other components maintain the healthy condition and appearance of the skin.

As in any other case, all movements are performed against hair growth and very carefully, because in the event of even a small scratch it will be clearly visible

After using a depilator on the face, the skin in this area becomes very sensitive, so it is important not only to completely remove the remaining cream, but also to soothe it and nourish it with useful substances (mainly a toner is used and a day or night cream is applied)

On arms and legs

To clean your hands or feet of unwanted hair, standard depilatory compounds are also perfect, and you can decide which one is better to choose based on the popularity of the product and reviews about it. Veet and Velvet preparations, which are applied in a thick layer to the dry surface of the skin, are considered good options. Considering that in these places the hair is much thicker and tougher, the cream should not be too delicate.

It is applied for 15-25 minutes, after which it is removed in the standard way.

It must be said that the likelihood of irritation in these places is much lower compared to others, but it is still important to buy only high-quality depilatory creams for legs and arms (at least the same “Vit” or “Velvet”)

Intimate areas

The “bikini area” is the most sensitive place on the human body, so before moving on to hair removal, make sure your skin is healthy, which is a prerequisite for both a classic and deep bikini.

Important! Most manufacturers do not mark on their products the possibility of using a depilator in a specified place, but women still resort to using it for these purposes. However, in any case, it is necessary to avoid contact of the composition with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, since even its short-term exposure can lead to a chemical burn.

To understand which areas you should not apply the cream to, you can use old underwear, which will cover the “forbidden” area and you won’t mind getting dirty. After removing the main part of the cream with a spatula, the residue should be wiped off with a clean towel, and then thoroughly rinse the entire area of ​​contact with it with warm water.


hair in this place grows much slower than on other parts of the body, but at the same time, allergic reactions appear here

Therefore, it is advisable to choose products intended for sensitive skin, with an impressive content of natural ingredients and fewer fragrances. This is especially true for women who use belly depilation creams during pregnancy, which it is advisable not to do at all.

But if you cannot refuse to carry out such a procedure, then at least take precautions such as strictly following the instructions, and also do not forget to check the expiration date of the drug before purchasing. The depilation procedure itself is practically no different from its other options (on other parts of the body), except that the layer of the applied composition should be thinner than usual, and after washing off the residue with warm water, it is useful to rinse the skin under a cool shower

The depilation procedure itself is practically no different from its other options (on other parts of the body), except that the layer of the applied composition should be thinner than usual, and after washing off the residue with warm water, it is useful to rinse the skin under a cool shower.

How to use the product correctly

When using a hair removal product for the first time, you need to do an allergy test. A pea-sized amount of cream is distributed on a sensitive area of ​​the skin. After a few minutes, the reaction is assessed. The absence of severe redness and rash indicates the safety of the product.

Rules for using the cream

  1. Clean the skin in the area where you plan to remove hair. You can simply wash your face with soap or use tonic or milk. Alcohol-containing compounds are prohibited!
  2. Using an applicator spatula, apply a thick ball of cream onto dry skin (no need to rub in).
  3. Leave the depilator on your face to dissolve the hair structure. The manufacturer indicates the exact time in the annotation or on the packaging.
  4. Using a sponge or spatula, remove the cream along with the hairs with a light movement. Do not scrape the skin too much to avoid damaging it.
  5. Rinse off any depilatory residue with warm water.

After the procedure, the skin becomes vulnerable, capable of reacting to a harmless cosmetic composition. Therefore, treatment with care products is not recommended. Thermal water will help calm it down.

After using the depilator, some stubble may remain. To get the best result, do not increase the exposure time of the cream. It is recommended to repeat the treatment after 5 days. Otherwise, the risk of burns increases.

Possible effects on the skin

Facial depilatory cream can have a negative effect on human skin if existing recommendations for its use have been ignored or the user's skin is too delicate and sensitive.

The most common undesirable effect of a depilatory product is a rash in the form of small pimples, which are removed by applying a soothing lotion to them that can relieve irritation. After using it, it is also recommended to use a nourishing cream that will eliminate drying of the top layer of the skin.

Another negative consequence may be a burn, which manifests itself in severe redness of the skin, swelling and even the appearance of blisters. These symptoms should be examined at a doctor’s appointment; they should not be treated independently in order to exclude the occurrence of more serious health problems.

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Skin care after the procedure

After exposure to an alkaline environment, the epidermis becomes hypersensitive, so experts advise adhering to the following care recommendations:

  1. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizing cream to your face (it is better to take the same brand as the depilator).
  2. Cosmetics made on the basis of fruit acids should not be used due to the risk of developing irritation or allergies.
  3. It is not recommended to use rough scrubs or other cleansers for the next two days after hair removal.
  4. You should refrain from visiting saunas, solariums, and the beach (restrictions apply to the first day after depilation).
  5. Do not expose skin to direct sunlight for 6 hours.

Suitable skincare products include moisturizing creams, serums, and herbal masks. Skin restoration is facilitated by masks made from aloe vera and fermented milk products, compresses from a decoction of chamomile, plantain, calendula, and comfrey.

If you have a burn on your face from depilatory cream

If after treatment with a depilatory the skin becomes very red, the composition has caused a chemical burn. A gel based on aloe vera extract will help eliminate the problem. Every 2-3 hours it is rubbed with light movements into the focal area. The product should be kept in the refrigerator and applied without warming it in your hands. Cold relieves the burning sensation and relieves redness.

If you have aloe in the house, you can cure a burn by applying the plant's juice to the affected area. After 3-5 procedures, the condition of the epidermis improves. A mixture of cold milk and turmeric will help relieve redness and burning.

You need to combine the ingredients until you get a paste-like mass. Apply it to the hearth in a thick layer. During the day, 2-4 treatments are carried out. As symptoms disappear, vitamin E is rubbed into the skin to restore elasticity.

If folk remedies do not give the desired effect, you should use pharmaceutical drugs:

  • Panthenol spray;
  • Miramistin;
  • Bepanten plus;
  • Olazol;
  • Acerbine;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Apollo gel.

Medicines contain substances that have healing, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. They activate the regenerative function, moisturize the skin, and help restore the protective barrier.

When using a depilatory on the face, it is important to remember that the composition should not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. If damage by an aggressive agent could not be avoided, you need to thoroughly rinse under running water.

To prevent deterioration of the eye tissue, it is recommended to wear sunglasses with dark lenses. You should visit an ophthalmologist soon to assess the consequences.

Possible complications

There are cases when removing hair from different parts of the body using a depilatory cream results in more serious problems than ordinary hair, which cannot be removed forever in this way.

If the skin is too sensitive, the wrong composition is chosen, recommendations regarding the duration of exposure to the skin are ignored, or as a result of too aggressive rinsing of the drug (using a hard washcloth or intense friction), the possibility of irritation and chemical burns cannot be ruled out.


To speed up this process and quickly get rid of the feeling of discomfort, you can apply an antiseptic (for example, Solcoserial or Chlorhexidine) to the inflamed areas of the skin or use hydrogen peroxide.

Since they all dry out the skin, after using them it is useful to lubricate the affected area with a regular moisturizer. When treating intimate areas, after depilation you can apply Panthenol, which is also an indispensable remedy for burns.


Compared to irritation, a burn is a more significant problem, and you'll be lucky if it's mild (extensive redness and swelling) rather than moderate or severe, characterized by the formation of oozing blisters and sores that are painful to touch.

For minor burns, you can use any pharmaceutical ointment for burns or make a mask of milk and turmeric, which is applied to the affected area in a thick layer and left there for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of water.

Sea buckthorn oil or aloe juice also helps to cope with the problem, and a strong chamomile decoction will help relieve inflammation in record time.

Did you know?

The depilation procedure was performed by women even before our era, and instead of modern creams and mousses, arsenic and slaked lime were used; after some time, the fair sex of Ancient Rome switched to using pumice (analogous to a modern razor).


Svetlana, 35 years old

To remove hairs above the upper lip I used an Easy Depil depilator (Italy). I carried out the procedure according to the instructions, but after washing off the remaining cream I discovered redness of the skin. There was a burning sensation that caused discomfort. For the next seven days, she was treated for a chemical burn. The dermatologist said that the depilator is not suitable for sensitive skin.

Daria, 29 years old

I discovered a new facial hair removal product – Flawless. The bottle is made in the style of lipstick. The product works quickly and is suitable for use on any area of ​​the skin. The smell does not eat away at the eyes like other depilatories. I recommend!

Wax strips

The use of wax strips is acceptable for all areas of the skin except the bikini area and legs. Effective for removing hair above the upper lip. On average, it takes a month for hair to grow back after wax strips. There is a small chance that due to the use of wax strips, the extra hair follicles will be injured and their growth will stop or slow down. Let's face it - using wax strips is painful - waxing is rightly considered one of the most painful types of procedures. Wax strips are safe to use unless you are allergic to wax. However, allergic reactions may occur during the use of the product.

The disadvantages of this type of depilation include irritation, which lasts up to 1 day, and also the fact that full, coarse and dark hair may begin to grow in place of the “gun”. Sometimes the wax depilation procedure has to be repeated 2 times.

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