Facial hair removal (permanent and temporary) – TOP 8 methods

Facial hair removal has become a possible and necessary method of self-care in the last century. Remembering the heroine of the film “Office Romance”, who was advised to thin out her eyebrows with at least a pencil, you understand that modern ladies are much better equipped in this matter. In addition to eyebrows, unwanted hair appears on the chin and temples. This is especially noticeable in dark-skinned, dark-haired girls. Methods for achieving clear skin are divided into several types; they are easy to use at home.

Classic shaving (pros and cons)

This facial hair removal method is done at home. It is extremely simple, does not require special expenses, and is quite effective. To remove vegetation, machines, trimmers, and shaving machines are used. After cutting the hair shaft, its root remains inside the skin. The cells of the hair follicle actively stimulate hair growth, so within 1-2 days stubble appears on the face. To prevent irritation, dryness, and injury to the skin, it is recommended to start shaving the hair according to its growth using special shaving cosmetics (foam, gel). And only after that, shave against the grain to achieve perfect smoothness.

It may be tempting to shave off your chin hair with a razor, but don't do it! This can cause the hairs to become coarse and you may also experience ingrown hairs. Hair removal master Gina Petak

If the hairs have increased rigidity and are dark in color, then shaving them will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. This is the case when the smoothly shaved skin of a man’s face acquires a bluish tint in the hair growth area. That is why this method is most suitable for removing facial hair in men. In addition, shaving hairs in the area of ​​the lips, chin, cheekbones, and temples leads to their thickening and increased density. Therefore, if a woman shave her face at least once, she will be faced with the need to repeat this procedure again and again.

Allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of facial hair;Short-term result;
One of the cheapest and most accessible hair removal methods.Possibility of injury and skin irritation;
Thickening and darkening of hair after the first shave;
Suitable for men only.

Grandmother's techniques

In addition to popular methods, there are also methods that have been used for decades. They involve the use of various folk recipes and improvised means.

Tincture of walnuts and pine nuts

To prepare an effective product, you need to collect the shells and partitions of the nuts (which are located between the kernels) in one dark glass container, and then fill them with 70% alcohol, 150 ml is enough.

The resulting mixture is placed in the same container in a dark place for 7 days.

When the tincture is ready, it is applied to the problem area with a cotton pad before bed. The result will be noticeable after two weeks of use.

Nettle seeds

Nettle is famous for its depilatory properties. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 40 g of crushed nettle seeds into 200 ml of vegetable oil in a darkened glass container and leave the mixture for 2 weeks.

It is recommended to use fresh seeds. Use the prepared infusion to generously wipe areas with unwanted vegetation (daily for two weeks). Nettle dries out the bulbs, which leads to gradual hair removal.

Grape juice

Unripe grapes are an excellent natural depilator. Apply grape juice, first squeezing it through cheesecloth and then wiping the problem areas.

You need to use the juice 2-3 times every day . This method does not remove the hair follicle, but slows down its work, which leads to thinning and discoloration of the hairs.


The popular spice turmeric has the property of inhibiting hair growth, especially if it acts directly on the hair follicles.

Therefore, it is often used to combat unwanted vegetation by mixing turmeric with water or any moisturizer in a 2:1 ratio.

The mixture is applied to problem areas for 20 minutes, then washed off with water.

Due to the coloring properties, yellowness may appear on the skin at the treatment site, which can be removed by wiping with a cotton pad soaked in fresh milk.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide allows you to quickly deal with noticeable facial hair, as it has bleaching properties.

By rubbing the problem areas with hydrogen peroxide (3%) daily, you can see the result in a week. The product affects the hair follicles so that the hair becomes thinner and grows more slowly.

Alcohol solution

You can get rid of the problem using an effective alcohol solution, which includes ammonia (1 tsp), vodka (2 tsp), iodine (5 drops) and grape seed oil (1 tsp)

Use this solution to wipe the area with unwanted hair every day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a few days.

This composition negatively affects the functioning of the hair follicle, weakening it, so hair falls out.

Soap and ash

Carefully sift the wood ash through a fine sieve. Add boiling water and any liquid soap to it, mix to form a paste.

The mixture creates an alkaline environment that destroys the bulb by removing it. Apply this folk remedy for 15 minutes.

Those with sensitive skin are advised to wash it off a little earlier. This remedy should be used for two weeks.

Using potassium permanganate

Attention! This method must be used with extreme caution, since dilution of manganese that is too concentrated can cause burns.

Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate, completely dissolving the crystals. The solution should turn out to be a soft pink color.

A cotton swab is soaked in it and applied to the problem area for a week. The hair soon becomes thinner and breaks at the root.

With iodine

A long-term depilation effect is achieved by using iodine. To obtain a working tincture use:

  • medical alcohol 35 ml;
  • Ammonia ml;
  • Iodine 1.5-2 ml;
  • Castor oil 5 ml.

All ingredients are mixed in a glass container and allowed to stand for 3-4 hours. During this time, the tincture will become lighter and will no longer stain the skin when applied.

It is recommended to apply this mixture to problem areas when the length of the hairs does not exceed 1 mm, then the procedure will be most effective.

You need to use the composition with iodine in the morning and evening for two weeks, then repeat the course a week later.

Datura roots and seeds

To prepare the decoction, use 150 grams of the root or seeds of the plant and one liter of water; they are boiled over medium heat until a slightly thickened mass is obtained.

The seeds can be used in alcohol tincture - when pureed, they are poured with 40% alcohol until a viscous mass is obtained and left in a glass container in a dark place for 14-21 days.

Both the decoction and the tincture are used in the same way - applied daily to the hairy areas until the desired result is obtained. Datura makes hair follicles weak and hair thin.

Soda solution

Mix a teaspoon of regular baking soda in a glass of boiling water and let the solution cool to body temperature.

Moisten a cotton pad or a small piece of cloth in the prepared mixture and make a compress on the problem area - cover the top with film and secure with an adhesive plaster.

The compress should be kept long enough, so it can be left overnight. Depending on the thickness of the hair and the strength of the bulbs, the procedure should be carried out from 3 to 14 days in a row.

Unripe walnut

Unripe walnut juice is highly effective. To use it, just cut the green fruit and wipe the problem areas, making sure that the juice gets on all the hairs.

Usually it is enough to wipe your face with it a couple of times, since the juice contains a fairly high content of iodine, which has a detrimental effect on the hair roots.

Attention! Green walnut leaves noticeable dark spots on the skin. You should not use this method before leaving home.

Ash from nuts

Walnut shells can also get rid of unwanted facial hair. It is thoroughly cleaned, crushed and burned, and the resulting ashes are dissolved in water in a 2:1 ratio.

The product is applied to unwanted hairs up to three times daily for half an hour. The iodine contained in the shell destroys the hair structure and kills its root.

Cedar resin

The procedure is similar to wax hair removal, but instead of wax, Siberian pine (cedar) resin is used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

The heated resin is applied in a thin layer to the problem area, then covered with a cloth or gauze, after which it is torn off with a sharp movement, removing not only the shaft, but also the hair follicle.

In addition to quickly and effectively removing unwanted vegetation, the resin helps slow down growth.

Removal by thread

This method allows you to mechanically eliminate the problem. Removal is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • a strong thin cotton thread about 50 cm long is cut;
  • the ends are tied;
  • The index and thumb of both hands are inserted into the resulting ring;
  • the ring must be twisted 8-10 times so that triangles are formed in each hand (the whole design resembles an infinity sign);
  • the thread is brought close to the skin;
  • alternately widen and narrow the fingers on one hand, then on the other, so that the twisted part of the figure eight moves from side to side;
  • hair gets caught in the twisted part of the thread and is pulled out.

This method is highly effective, but painful. You can increase the effectiveness by pre-steaming the skin on the treated area. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to treat the skin with an antiseptic.


Using quicklime in combination with calcium sulfite in a 2:1 ratio can significantly weaken hair follicles and, over time, stop hair growth.

The components are mixed into a thick paste and applied to the problem area for half an hour, after which it is washed off with water.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being; if discomfort occurs, it is recommended to wash off the mixture earlier.

Homemade clay

At home, you can make a special clay that helps remove unnecessary facial hair. Required ingredients:

  • 100 g vinegar 9%;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • half a bottle of green stuff.

All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and placed over medium heat. The mixture should be cooked until it reaches a thick consistency.

When the clay has cooled, apply it to the problem area, and then, with a sharp movement, tear it off in the direction of hair growth.

Several more effective recipes for removing facial hair are presented in the video.

Mechanical plucking (tweezers and threads)

This method means using tweezers or thread. Using tweezers is advisable if excess hair grows sporadically on the face. For example, to correct the shape of the eyebrows or remove individual noticeable hairs in the beard area, above the upper lip. The procedure is accompanied by slight discomfort. In the process of pulling out the hair, its follicle is damaged. As a result, its activity is suppressed and the growth of the hair shaft slows down. The effect may last for several weeks. It is recommended to grab the hair at the root, as close to the skin as possible, to prevent it from breaking and preserving the bulb inside the skin. Another effective method of mechanical impact on vegetation is threading. The method involves the use of thread woven in a special way.

The loops grab the hair shaft at the root and pull it out with the bulb. You can watch the technique of removing facial hair with thread in the video. Unlike tweezers, threading allows you to get rid of several hairs at once, including vellus hairs. Thanks to this, the procedure is much faster and more efficient. Advantages of mechanical removal:

  • versatility - suitable for removing hairs regardless of their hardness and color;
  • can be done at home or in the salon;
  • persistent and long-lasting effect.


  1. Slight irritation may occur.
  2. Painful sensations during the procedure.
  3. To remove facial hair with a thread, you need to master the proper twisting technique.

Soft depilation with cream (4 pros and 4 cons)

Depilatory creams remove hair by dissolving keratin within the hair shaft. This is done using the following chemicals in the composition:

  • sulfides and thioglycolate salts - destroy the hair shaft, weaken the connection between protein chains;
  • sodium or calcium hydroxide - softens hair, creates an alkaline environment that facilitates the penetration of thioglycolates.

Creams remove vegetation absolutely painlessly. The rate of dissolution of the rod depends on the concentration of the active substances and the thickness of the hair itself. Facial hair removal products contain fewer active ingredients to prevent skin irritation. The follicle remains intact, so the effect is short. But it is a little longer than after shaving (from 3 to 5 days), because the active ingredients penetrate the skin and destroy hair not only on its surface. In addition, to slow down hair growth, manufacturers add special ingredients (substances of plant and synthetic origin). Depilatory creams can cause serious allergies, so it is recommended to perform an allergy test on the crook of your elbow before use.

Painless;Unpleasant odor;
The composition contains moisturizers, vitamins, plant extracts that prevent dryness, inflammation, irritation;Possibility of allergies;
Affordable price;.Does not cope well with coarse hair;
No risk of skin damage as when shaving (scratches, cuts, microtraumas)Uneven hair removal.

Pay attention to what part of the body the cream is intended for. Dermatologist Michelle Green

Infernal machine (epilator)

The device is an electrical device that grabs hairs and pulls them out by the roots using rotating and touching discs.

Unlike an epilator for the body, the device for the face has several differences:

  • smaller epilating head;
  • elongated shape, convenient for point application.

Long-term results are the main advantage of the epilator. A new hair follicle appears 3-4 weeks after the procedure. Disadvantage: pain, skin injury, irritation. However, most users note that the pain threshold increases with regular use, and over time the discomfort becomes less noticeable.

To make hair follicle removal less painful, it is recommended to steam the skin before the procedure.
The epilator should be directed against hair growth. This will help capture all unwanted vegetation and eliminate the need to treat the same area twice.

We definitely don't recommend waxing or epilating your nose hair at home. It is better to trim the nose hairs on the inner nostril. But make sure you use clean scissors to avoid infection and irritation. Hair removal master Gina Petak


Diagnosis of hirsutism requires a thorough history taking and a number of laboratory tests, including examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist:

Laboratory tests (hormones in blood serum)

Development of the diseaseA gradual increase in symptoms is characteristic of polycystic disease; a sharp development suggests androgen-secreting tumorsTotal testosterone:
  • <200 ng%, decreasing while taking prednisolone or oral contraceptives, indicate polycystic disease;
  • > 200 ng% - typical for an ovarian tumor.
Medicinal historyTreatment with drugs from a group with unwanted side effectsDehydroepiandrosterone sulfate:
  • > 700 ng%, which decreases with dexamethasone, indicates adrenal hyperplasia;
  • > 700 ng%, without any trend towards decrease, indicates an adrenal tumor.
Menstrual functionA regular cycle indicates an idiopathic course or familial hirsutism
  • Cortisol – increases in Cushing’s syndrome)
  • Androstenedione – a high level indicates ovarian pathology
  • Gonadotropins: luteonizing hormones prevail over follicle-stimulating hormones in polycystic disease
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone: increases in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Instrumental studies

  • Ultrasound examination of the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • MRI and CT of the adrenal glands, brain;
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy of the ovaries (if a tumor process is suspected).

Question answer

Of course, the best way, perhaps, is laser and photoepilation. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to go to the salon. In such cases, other methods are also suitable. Shaving is considered the least expensive and easiest way. But it is not suitable for women, since stubble will grow on the face, which looks much worse than extra hairs.

Yes, a man can also use the sugaring procedure. You just have to trust a professional who will select the right paste.

Yes, if you turn to traditional methods, you can find some interesting options. But they are ineffective and cannot eliminate hair forever.

There are no trifles

Choose a shaving foam or gel based on your skin's needs and apply generously to your face. If you have sensitive skin, you can also use a preshave in soap or cream format to further soften the skin and make shaving easier. Applying the product by hand is not the best idea; it may not lie very smoothly. It will be much easier with a shaving brush, also known as a shaving brush.

Make sure that your hand holding the razor is steady, otherwise cuts cannot be avoided! With modern razors, however, this will not be difficult - for example, Dorco Pace 4 is equipped with a special non-slip ergonomic handle that holds firmly even in a wet palm and ensures confident movements. The maneuverable floating head easily follows the contours of the face, so even the most difficult to reach areas can be shaved smoothly and without problems.

Wax and sugaring

Removing facial hair with wax or sugar paste is considered one of the radical painful methods. It feels similar to the effect of an epilator. The differences between waxing and sugaring lie in the method of applying the composition and the hair removal technique. Wax is applied according to hair growth and removed against it. Sugar paste is the opposite. Because of this, the latter procedure is considered less painful.

Use hard wax and apply it in the direction of hair growth, then pull the wax out in the opposite direction of hair growth. Esthetician Cynthia Rivas

Hair removal can be done at home or in a beauty salon. Waxing is more accessible at home, since you can easily find ready-made wax or wax strips on sale, but sugar paste is not so common.

You cannot buy consumables for sugaring in all cosmetic stores, since the procedure appeared not so long ago. These methods are highly effective. The result lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Among the disadvantages:

  • Not all hairs are always removed the first time;
  • soreness.

To remove as many hairs as possible at one time, it is recommended to grow them by at least 4-5 mm, otherwise the epilating composition will not be able to capture all the hair.

People with sensitive skin may experience irritation more often. Dermatologist Michelle Green

Laser and photoepilation (3 differences)

These procedures are considered one of the most effective. The essence of the methods is selective photothermolysis. Light radiation selectively heats tissue (namely the dark pigment melanin, which is located in the shaft and root of the hair). The capillaries that nourish the hair follicle are destroyed. Over time, the follicle is destroyed and falls out along with the hair. After several sessions with an interval of 2-3 weeks, it is possible to achieve complete elimination of vegetation. However, it should be borne in mind that light exposure is effective against mature hair follicles and hair, so after a few years new vegetation may sprout. Its volume, as a rule, does not exceed 30-40% of the total amount of hair before the procedure.

If you complete the full course, you can remove from 70% to 90% of the hair in the treated area permanently. Dermatologist Michelle Green

Differences between laser and photoepilation:

  1. The laser beam has a fixed length and depth of impact; photoepilation destroys vegetation with broadband radiation in short-term flashes. Because of this, the effect is carried out not only on the hair, but also partially on the skin.
  2. The power of a photoepilator is less than that of a laser hair removal machine, so the number of procedures to achieve the effect may be greater.
  3. Photoepilation effectively combats vellus hair by covering a larger area with light waves (but provided there is a sufficient amount of melanin).


  • low effectiveness on light hair, no effect on gray hair;
  • discomfort during the procedure;
  • the price for laser facial hair removal is quite high - 1500-2000 rubles. in Russia.

Facial hair removal with laser

The cosmetologist acts on the selected area of ​​the skin with a directed beam. When light reaches the lower layers of the epidermis, the hair follicle is destroyed. The skin remains unharmed. However, to achieve a good result, you need to attend several laser hair removal sessions.

Laser hair removal will help you get rid of facial hair for a long time, but maintenance sessions will need to be repeated every five years

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, you must comply with a number of restrictions:

  1. For at least 2–3 months, stop plucking and removing hair in the area that will be subject to laser hair removal.
  2. Avoid tanning in the sun or in a solarium. Otherwise, pigment spots may appear.
  3. A week before the procedure, avoid the use of lotions and tonics, and on the appointed day, avoid deodorant and any cosmetics.

Progress of the procedure

Depending on the area of ​​the treated surface on the face, the laser hair removal procedure can take from ten minutes to one and a half hours:

  1. The doctor determines the phototype of skin and hair.
  2. Based on the results, the optimal laser hair removal method is selected.
  3. Based on the sensitivity of the patient, the appropriate anesthetic is prescribed.
  4. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin an hour before the procedure.
  5. Both the doctor and the patient need to protect their eyes with special glasses.
  6. A emitting device is directed onto a clean and dry skin surface, which generates laser pulses. Each of them is accompanied by activation of the cooling system. This eliminates pain and prevents inflammation.

Video: process of facial hair removal using laser

Precautionary measures

After laser hair removal it is prohibited:

  • visit baths, saunas and solariums;
  • take antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
  • tear off crusts from wounds that may form after the procedure.


The laser hair removal procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • varicose veins;
  • the period of breastfeeding, as well as pregnancy itself;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases.


This is another effective method to remove facial hair permanently. It is based on the effect of an electric current discharge on the hair root. As a result, a thermal or chemical (depending on the type of procedure) burn of the hair follicle and irreversible death of its cells and capillaries occurs.

An electrical discharge is applied through a thin needle, which is inserted into the hair canal up to the hair follicle. It can be constant, variable, with different intensity and duration of exposure. These characteristics are selected individually for each patient, taking into account:

  • hair stiffness;
  • features of their growth (ingrown, curved or straight);
  • density and other factors.

The procedure is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, therefore it is carried out exclusively in specialized medical centers. Accompanied by pain, skin irritation (hyperemia), sometimes hemorrhages, and burns. The duration of the rehabilitation period can vary from 2 days to several months, depending on the selected treatment mode and the area of ​​the treated area. After electrolysis, the skin needs special care and following several recommendations:

  1. Do not get the treated area wet.
  2. It is necessary to limit exposure to sunlight and water procedures (baths, saunas, swimming pools, ponds).
  3. Do not use aggressive cosmetics that can cause irritation (scrubs, lotions containing alcohol, etc.).
  4. Requires the use of talc.

The advantage of this method is its high efficiency. If the procedure is carried out correctly, unwanted hair is removed forever, but more than one session is required to achieve this result. Unlike photothermolysis or laser treatment, electrolysis is suitable for all hair types, regardless of color. And the cost of the procedure is lower - about 1000-1500 in Russia. Disadvantages: pain, need for local anesthesia, possibility of allergy to the anesthetic.

Despite the fact that there are home devices, they show worse results. It is better to go to a professional who has been trained to perform the procedure. Dermatologist Michelle Green


Clinical forms of hirsutism are determined according to the reasons that caused it:

  • Dermatological or constitutional: idiopathic and familial hirsutism;
  • Neuroendocrine: adrenal, ovarian, pituitary hirsutism;
  • Exogenous or iatrogenic, associated with medication.

The second classification is based on the relationship of hirsutism with other disorders:

  • No associated disorders;
  • Burdened with increased activity of the piloseborrheic complex (acne and acne);
  • Associated with ovulation disorders;
  • With signs of virilization (a woman who looks like a man).


Let's read what reviews facial hair removal procedures have.


“Every 3 weeks I sign up for a sugaring procedure. I used to practice waxing, but it turned out to be more painful. I am satisfied with the effect, but for several days after the procedure the skin is sensitive and irritated, so I have to use soothing products. I plan to purchase sugar paste and carry out the procedure myself.”


“I was looking for a suitable method of hair removal for a long time - I tried a lot of things: shaving, waxing, creams, electrolysis. The most painless method for me is depilatory creams, but the effect lasts for a couple of days. Wax retains the result longer, so it is simply impossible to endure this torture every 2-3 weeks. I am very glad that I completed 6 photoepilation sessions. For six months now, the skin in the lip area has been without a single hair.”


“Before carrying out the laser facial hair removal procedure, I carefully read the reviews. Most of them are positive, so I decided to sign up for a session. The cosmetologist immediately explained that for a full result, at least 5 procedures would be required. After the first, the hair above the upper lip became approximately 20-30% less. A week ago I underwent my third procedure, and I am very pleased with the result. There is still hair left, but it is very sparse and almost invisible.”


“I decided to find a way to permanently remove facial hair at home, after reading reviews and features of all possible procedures. My hair is dark, so I opted for photoepilation. The device for the procedure is not cheap (up to 20 thousand rubles), but it is worth it. I use it not only on my face, but also on my armpits, bikini area, and legs.”

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I would advise you to pay attention to salon methods. They work one hundred percent. This is photoepilation, laser removal. The fact is that the face is considered an important part, since attention is paid to it first. This is why shaving is not suitable for women.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Due to hormonal imbalances and taking specific medications, facial hair growth may increase.
In this case, you should go to the appropriate salons. Electrolysis is considered an effective method, but it must be performed by an experienced doctor. The fact is that only this method allows you to remove hair forever. For example, after the laser they will appear again, even after a long period. Facial hair does not make a person look good at all, especially if it concerns a woman. You shouldn’t increase your complexes; you need to start fighting excess vegetation. There are many methods that we have told you about. Therefore, every woman will be able to choose her own option.

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