Who needs combined facial cleansing and how is it done?

Professional facial care will allow you to enjoy impeccable color and velvety texture. To speed up the renewal processes, normalize nutrition and breathing, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the skin. Thanks to effective cosmetics and the experienced hands of a specialist, it is possible to solve aesthetic problems and improve the general condition of the skin. Atraumatic facial cleansing holy land will provide radiance and freshness. The procedure is suitable for all skin types and has no age restrictions. As a result, it is possible to get rid of blackheads and acne, normalize hydrobalance, and restore elasticity.

The effect of combined cleansing on the skin

The procedure affects the skin as follows:

  • eliminates impurities and dead cells;
  • opens the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • improves cellular metabolism and blood circulation;
  • eliminates sebaceous plugs and acne;
  • reduces sebum production;
  • levels the surface;
  • relieves swelling;
  • improves color;
  • eliminates sagging;
  • makes scars less noticeable.

We recommend reading about vacuum facial cleansing. You will learn about the benefits of the procedure, indications and contraindications for it, methodology, and results. Find out more about ultrasonic facial cleansing here.

Patient reviews

There are mostly positive reviews on the Internet about cleaning Holy Land.

The user writes about the good results of the procedure, applied at the stage of preparation for peeling.

The review describes a good cleaning result even in the presence of rosacea.

The participant writes about the unprofessional conduct of the procedure. When following the protocol, cleaning gives good results.

The review describes a negative experience with cleaning, the result lasts only a week, after which rashes are observed again.


The procedure will have to be abandoned if:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • furunculosis;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis;
  • infections;
  • the presence of implants in the skin treatment area;
  • allergies to the types of exposure used;
  • the presence of implants (pacemaker, gold threads in the skin);
  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • neuralgia;
  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy.

Is the procedure done in the salon?

This popular procedure can be performed in many beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a cosmetologist; the final result will depend on the professionalism of the master. The average cost in the capital's salons is from 3,500 rubles. up to 4000 rub. for 1 sessions. The number of required procedures is determined by the cosmetologist.

When using professional cosmetics on your own, it is difficult to achieve a pronounced effect. Implementation of the protocol will be difficult without training. You can maintain normal skin condition, but in case of severe cosmetic imperfections or dermatological diseases, the help of a specialist is required.

Types and their differences

Combined cleaning often means a combination of manual and ultrasonic cleaning. But this could also be the use of a series of cosmetic preparations, or the addition of equipment to a manual procedure.


Manual or mechanical manipulation is squeezing out the contents of pores, pimples with fingers or special tools. The procedure is quite painful and traumatic. But it is necessary to remove noticeable blackheads or single comedones.

Holy land

This type of cleaning is performed using several cosmetic products from the company. The deep cleansing procedure is done:

Cosmetics Holy Land

  • special soap;
  • warming lotion;
  • exfoliating peeling;
  • a solution that softens the contents of the pores;
  • gommage that accelerates recovery;
  • regenerating gel with aloe;
  • disinfectant lotion;
  • anti-inflammatory mask;
  • moisturizing cream.

“Holy land” can be supplemented with mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning.

To learn how Holy Land combined facial cleansing works, watch this video:


Impact on the skin for the purpose of cleansing is possible with equipment that synthesizes ultrasound. Waves transmitted through an applicator moved over the skin soften sebaceous plugs and keratinized particles. The procedure is combined with mechanical cleaning. She can become part of the “Holy land” manipulation.


You can clean the pores and surface of dead skin cells using a vacuum. The nozzle of the device operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. But such cleaning will not be able to cope with acne, so it is combined with mechanical cleaning.


The procedure for disincrustation or galvanic cleaning involves exposure to a weak electric current. As a result, the contents of the pores and keratinized particles are softened and removed from the depths to the outside. Disincrustation is combined with vacuum cleaning.

Overview of the complex's tools

The protocol includes 9 stages, the duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the patient’s skin, it takes from 1 to 3 hours.


At the first stage, ichthyol soap Double Action Soap is used, which effectively copes with impurities and excess skin secretions. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, stops the spread of infection. Disinfects the skin, eliminates itching and irritation of the skin. Lightens pigmentation, accelerates the formation of pustules.


  • ichthyol - used to treat skin, accelerate healing processes, antiseptic, analgesic properties are actively used to care for problem skin;
  • Peruvian balsam disinfects, relieves pain, stops the spread of pathogenic microflora, and regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Directions for use : foam a small amount of soap and apply to damp skin. Massage for 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Liquid soap is produced in a bottle with a dispenser of 125 ml and 250 ml, the price is 1350 rubles, respectively. and 1950 rub.


A-NOX Face Lotion warming lotion is used it has a disinfectant effect, increases blood flow, and activates lymphatic drainage. Relieves swelling and inflammation, evens out skin tone, dries, and tightens pores. It is used not only in preparation for cleansing, but also during the period of skin restoration after traumatic procedures. Effectively relieves itching, irritation, and pain.


  • isopropyl alcohol disinfects, relieves inflammation, prevents the spread of infection;
  • benzoic acid has a bactericidal effect, soothes irritated, damaged dermis;
  • camphor softens the skin, affects blood flow, relieves swelling;
  • menthol stimulates lymphatic drainage, strengthens thin blood vessels;
  • Eucalyptus oil has warming properties and normalizes cellular respiration processes.

Description of use : moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin along the massage lines. After the procedure, redness and burning will persist for some time. Available in volumes of 125 ml and 250 ml, you can buy it for 1500 rubles. and 2100 rub.


For the exfoliation procedure, Alpha Complex Rapid Exfoliator is used, a surface peeling based on fruit acids. Effectively removes dead skin cells, evens out the color and structure of the skin. It has a lifting effect, prevents the appearance of acne, and eliminates pigmentation. Enhances the effect of moisturizing and nourishing care products.


  • a complex of fruit acids, including lactic, citric, salicylic, ascorbic acid, removes keratinized epithelium, removes toxins, oxidants, stimulates renewal processes, lightens pigmentation;
  • pomegranate extract increases cellular immunity, prevents oxidation processes;
  • blueberry extract saturates the skin with microelements and blocks melanin synthesis;
  • green tea extract has antioxidant properties, removes toxins and metabolic products, refreshes the skin, evens out color.

Application - using a brush, spread a thin layer on the face, following the direction of the massage lines. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Sold in a glass bottle with a dispenser, cost 100 ml - 3020 rubles.


At the fourth stage , the softening lotion A-NOX Solution is used, which effectively cleanses the sebaceous ducts, narrows and frees pores from impurities. Relieves redness and burning after exfoliation and the use of a warming tonic.

Note! It has an antiseptic, antibacterial, sebum-regulating effect. Effective use for oily, dry seborrhea.


  • arnica extract saturates cells with B vitamins, improves cell nutrition, stimulates microcirculation, accelerates the resorption of milia, fights swelling due to improved lymphatic drainage;
  • witch hazel extract tones the skin, moisturizes, tightens pores;
  • chamomile extract has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates flaking and dryness.

Application - apply a small amount of lotion to the face, massage in circular movements for 3 minutes. Particular attention is paid to problem areas with comedones and milia. The product is not washed off. You can buy 125 ml for 2300 rubles.

After treating the skin with lotion, Aloe gel , moisturizes and soothes the skin. Accelerates healing and restoration processes, has antiseptic properties.


  • aloe leaf juice is a natural biostimulant, stimulates healing processes, cell regeneration, and increases immune properties;
  • collagen and elastin restore sagging skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  • vitamins A, E prolong the youth of the skin, protect the skin from aggressive environmental factors;
  • plant extracts saturate the skin with minerals, organic acids, and restore hydrobalance.

Application - apply a thin layer after the softening lotion, cover with nylon strips, wet wipes on top, leave for 10 minutes. Sold in tubes of 70 ml and 250 ml, the price is 1,700 rubles, respectively. and 3000 rub.


With an atraumatic procedure, this stage is absent; it is prescribed for oily skin with acne and sebaceous plugs. Manual cleaning is carried out and ultrasonic peeling may be used. The cosmetologist, using tools and equipment, carefully treats each area of ​​the skin, removing the contents of sebaceous plugs, comedones, and acne. The patient may feel discomfort and pain associated with the removal of deep milia.


It is carried out with a low alcohol content Double Action Lotion. It has disinfecting and disinfecting properties and removes residual sebaceous secretions. Promotes rapid skin regeneration after cleansing. Tightens pores, tones and refreshes color, removes toxins and oxidants.


  • alcohol disinfects, prevents inflammatory processes;
  • citric acid tightens pores, whitens pigmentation;
  • oils of clove, eucalyptus, mint help restore the integument, regulate the secretion of glands, and activate blood flow;
  • camphor refreshes color, relieves redness, inflammation, and prevents the formation of acne.

Application - moisten a cotton pad, wipe the skin along the massage lines, avoiding the periorbital area. You can buy 250 ml for 1,560 rubles.


Lactolan Cream Mask from Holi Land is suitable for all skin types. The product has a regenerating effect, restores the skin after atraumatic cleansing or peeling. The mask nourishes, moisturizes, refreshes the skin, helps restore moisture balance, makes it soft and elastic. Irritation and painful sensitivity go away, peeling and tightness are avoided during the recovery period after cleansing.


  • milk proteins restore the skin and stimulate renewal;
  • lactic acid maintains hydrobalance and prevents the appearance of pigmentation;
  • enzymes and microelements protect the skin from the action of free radicals and increase immune properties.

Application : Apply a thick layer, avoiding the eyelid area, cover with a warm compress on top. Remove any remaining mask after 10 minutes. You can buy 250 ml for 3200 rubles.


To accelerate tissue regeneration after cleansing, A-Nox Mask is used. The mask has a drying, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and redness. Tightens pores, evens out color, improves skin structure.


  • kaolin whitens, tightens pores, has a detox effect, regulates sebium synthesis;
  • zinc oxide relieves inflammation, activates healing processes;
  • salicylic acid blocks the development of pathogenic microflora.

Application : Apply a thick layer along massage lines. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can buy 125 ml for 1600 rubles.


The emulsion restores the skin after cleansing. The use of Double Action Hydratant Emulsion prevents dryness, flaking, the appearance of age spots, and scars. Protects covers from the influence of aggressive environmental factors. As a result, the color and structure of the skin improves, the face looks fresh and well-groomed.


  • mineral oil softens the skin, maintains hydrobalance, restores protective barter;
  • stearic acid increases cellular immunity, protects tissues from ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes;
  • deionized water is effective for restoring inflamed dermis and accelerates tissue healing.

Application : Apply a thin layer of emulsion, do not rinse. You can buy 60 ml for 1220 rubles.


At the last stage , DOUBLE ACTION Powder is applied, a powder based on plant extracts. Perfectly mattifies the face, tightens pores, protects the skin from external factors. Soothes the skin after sunburn, cleansing, peeling, chapping, and is effective for rosacea and dermatitis.


  • oat extracts saturate the skin with B vitamins, restore a healthy, even tone;
  • wheatgrass extract improves lymphatic drainage, removes swelling and redness;
  • Echinacea extract has antibacterial and bactericidal properties, prevents the appearance of acne.

Application : Apply a thin layer using a puff or brush. Buy 45 gr. possible for 1400 rubles.

Execution method

The procedure is done in stages:

  • the skin is cleansed with gel;
  • apply a soft scrub while massaging;
  • steam, performing vaporization, or use a channel-expanding composition;
  • treat the skin with an antiseptic;
  • perform mechanical cleaning of the most problematic areas;
  • apply the gel and carry out ultrasonic manipulation, moving the nozzle over the entire surface;
  • wipe it with an antiseptic, apply an anti-inflammatory mask;
  • Remove the product and apply moisturizer.

To learn how combined facial cleansing is performed, watch this video:

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts discuss the effect of atraumatic cleaning.

The cosmetologist writes that he prefers to work with Holy Land cosmetics.

The specialist recommends using soothing Holy Land masks according to the cleansing protocol.

The cosmetologist recommends procedures for caring for problematic combination dermis. He writes about the good therapeutic effect of Holy Land cleaning and home care from this brand.


Patients are interested in several points regarding combined cleansing

How often can you go

If necessary, once every 2 - 3 months.

Can I do it myself at home?

Undesirable, as it is difficult to maintain sterility.

Is cleaning allowed in summer?

Yes, but you need to protect yourself from the sun and heat.

What procedures should be combined with?

With microdermabrasion, peelings, microcurrents and laser.

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