Facial cleansing for teenagers - recommendations from cosmetologists

Due to hormonal surges during adolescence, adolescents undergo a complete restructuring of the body. All systems and organs do not work in a balanced manner, so some hormones are in excess, while others are in deficiency. These changes also affect the skin of the face, so teenagers suffer from acne, acne, blemishes and irritation. During this period, special attention should be paid to deep cleansing of the skin. One of the most popular professional procedures is facial cleansing for teenagers.

Features of teenage skin

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question at what age teenagers can undergo facial cleansing, since changes in the body begin at different ages from 10 to 14 years. It is recommended to monitor the first manifestations of the transition period.

Most often, cleaning is done for teenagers from the age of 13-14, it is during this period that the active activity of the sebaceous glands begins. Skin changes under the influence of several factors:

  1. An excess of male sex hormones leads to excessive sebum secretion. Moreover, this process occurs at a faster rate than usual. Pores become clogged with excess sebum. The face of the forehead, nose, chin shines.
  2. Bacteria actively multiply in places where sebum accumulates. They penetrate deep into the pores and form purulent inflammation there.
  3. Errors in the daily care procedure. Teenagers often completely neglect cleansing the skin, and during periods of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to include additional facial cleansing products (scrubs, masks).
  4. Young men in adolescence begin to grow facial hair, so they begin to shave, which injures the skin. Shaving is often contraindicated for problem skin.


Do not wash your face with soap or use rough scrubs too often. Acne is not caused by dirt. Two gentle washes a day are enough. Exfoliating your skin too often can cause irritation and dryness of the skin, which causes the glands to produce more oil, which increases the likelihood of acne.

Use non-comedogenic products (those that do not clog pores) on your face.

Do not press on the spots, as this can drive bacteria deeper into the skin. This can lead to more inflammation and permanent scarring.


  1. Modern concept of etiopathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Isaeva M.S., Burieva Z.T. Avicenna Bulletin, 2010. p. 127-132
  2. Pathogenetic approaches to the treatment of acne vulgaris. Khaldin A.A., Mareeva E.B., Skvortsova A.I. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 2012. p. 34-37
  3. Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acne vulgaris. Barinova A.N. Russian family doctor, 2022. p. 5-18
  4. Pathogenetic rationale for local therapy for acne in adolescence. Mazitova L.P., Aslamazyan L.K., Kvachakhiya L.L., Namazova L.S. Pediatric pharmacology, 2008. p. 94-97
  5. Modern methods of treating acne in children. Nosacheva O.A., Torshkhoeva R.M., Namazova-Baranova L.S. Pediatric pharmacology, 2013. p. 23-30
  6. Combination therapy for acne. Mamarasulov D.I., Yuldashev M.A., Moon A.V., Ismoilov B.B. Medicine: theory and practice, 2022. p. 342-343

The information in this article is provided for reference purposes and does not replace advice from a qualified professional. Don't self-medicate! At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.

How to care for teenage skin

Daily care should include the following steps:

  1. cleansing;
  2. toning;
  3. hydration;
  4. nutrition;
  5. treatment.

The first stage is the most important in all care, since the main part of the impurities (dust, sebum, dead cells) are removed with cleansers. For teenage skin, special products are created that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Depending on your skin type, you can choose gels and foams with neutral Ph, with the addition of herbal ingredients. After washing, toning products dry the skin and remove remaining dirt. Next, moisturizing or nourishing creams and gels are selected based on skin type. The time of year also matters a lot. Too oily cream in summer clogs pores and provokes the formation of comedones. The last step in daily care is the treatment of rashes and inflammations. This can be an antiseptic pencil, which is applied pointwise to inflamed areas. It is possible to use salicylic acid, which is used to wipe the entire face. Acid kills bacteria and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition to daily procedures, 2-3 times a week it is necessary to use additional care - a soft scrub for deep cleansing of pores. Scrubs are contraindicated for dry skin, so you should opt for cleansing masks.

ATTENTION! The main thing you should not do in self-care is squeezing pimples. These manipulations can aggravate the problem. You can spread the infection with your hands, which will start a strong inflammatory process that will have to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Having a teenager’s face cleaned by a cosmetologist is another way to care for problem skin. Professional cleansing in a cosmetology salon is deeper and more thorough. Mechanical facial cleansing for teenagers is done once a month manually. A contraindication to the procedure is an active inflammatory process on the face.

Advantages of children's and adolescent cosmetology at SM-Doctor

  • "SM-Doctor" is a large medical center that employs highly qualified doctors - dermatocosmetologists
  • We comprehensively solve cosmetic problems, assessing the general health of the patient
  • You can get advice from related specialists - endocrinologist, immunologist, psychologist and other doctors - for quick and effective treatment
  • We offer an individual and sensitive approach to the problems of young patients related to their appearance, so as not to create additional psychological problems

Your child no longer has to worry about their appearance and non-working cosmetics advertised on TV.
Consultation with a qualified pediatric cosmetologist is the first step towards healthy and attractive skin. Make an appointment

You can make an appointment or ask questions around the clock by calling +7 (495) 292-59-86

What services do cosmetologists offer for teenagers?

The most effective, and therefore in demand, care procedure remains facial cleansing for teenagers. The procedure is carried out manually (mechanical), machine (ultrasonic) or a mixed method. Ultrasonic cleansing cleanses the upper layers of the skin and is used in the absence of serious problems. Manual cleaning allows you to clear the sebaceous ducts of accumulated fat, which creates plugs. After manual cleaning, deep cleansing of the pores is achieved.

Superficial peeling with fruit acids is also recommended for teenage skin. This procedure removes all surface impurities and dead skin cells. As a result, the pores and ducts open, making them easier to clean. Fruit acids regulate sebum production and help improve complexion.

The Darsonval procedure is also useful for adolescents. Microcurrents improve oxygen exchange in tissues and activate microcirculation.

For oily skin, Jacquet massage is sometimes prescribed. Its peculiarity is that the effect on the skin is made using talc. This product dries and absorbs excess fat.

How to clean

The patient sits in a cosmetology chair. Teen facial cleansing begins with a cleansing procedure. A cosmetologist uses professional cosmetics that have a healing effect. To open access to the sebaceous ducts, it is necessary to expand the pores. This is done using a steam bath. For this purpose, there is a device in the cosmetologist’s office - a vaporizer. To soften the accumulation of sebum, the specialist performs manipulations using warming agents. After this, the specialist manually squeezes out the sebum. The procedure can be performed using fingers and a napkin, or using additional tools: an UNO spoon (metal loop) to remove particularly deep impurities in the pores and a Vidal needle to soften and pick up comedones. At the end of the cleansing procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic lotion. The procedure ends with applying a soothing cooling cream or mask to the skin. Completing the procedure with a mask allows you to tighten the pores, remove burning sensations and irritation on the skin. The total duration of the procedure is 90 minutes.

Acne treatment

One of the main problems faced by teenagers is acne. Cosmetics manufacturers offer a variety of products for home care for teenage skin - lotions, tonics with a refreshing and anti-inflammatory effect. But this is not always enough. In this case, professionals come to the rescue. At our clinic, doctors use an integrated approach to treat acne. It may include:

  • laser treatment (laser treatment has a powerful anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effect on acne);
  • peelings (allow you to lighten, dry the skin, get rid of excess oil;
  • hardware and therapeutic mechanical cleaning (getting rid of clogged pores and comedones);
  • professional cosmetics (with a therapeutic effect, prescribed individually by a medical specialist).

If necessary, the doctor can also provide a course of moisturizing procedures.

Basic recommendations after the procedure

Facial cleansing during adolescence can achieve impressive results. After the procedure, the skin acquires an even texture, as the pores are cleaned and tightened. It is worth considering that after the procedure you must follow a number of recommendations to avoid complications:

  1. For 1 day, it is forbidden to touch your face with your hands so as not to introduce pathogenic bacteria;
  2. After the procedure, the cleansed sebaceous glands are activated and begin to produce sebum at an even faster rate. In the first day, the skin of the face is constantly shiny; excess fat can be removed with the help of chlorhixedine. Blot your face with a napkin soaked in the product, but not more than 3 times a day;
  3. The first wash can be done 12 hours after cleansing. It is forbidden to wash with soap or running water. It is best to wipe your face with an alcohol-free tonic or herbal decoction;
  4. In the first two days, the use of any decorative cosmetics, including tinting eyebrows and eyelashes, is prohibited;
  5. Cleaning is a traumatic procedure. The skin needs a period of rest to restore natural processes. For 7–10 days after cleansing, it is prohibited to use scrubs and masks with coarse abrasive particles. As an additional means for cleansing pores, it is permissible to use rollers during this period;
  6. If possible, in the first 3 days you should limit your time on the street;
  7. For 1 week after cleaning, it is forbidden to visit the solarium, sunbathe, go to the bathhouse, or engage in active physical activity;
  8. To moisturize the skin, it is recommended to use gels, emulsions, and serums. Fatty, dense creams provoke the formation of comedones;
  9. If an area of ​​skin is injured during cleaning, a crust will form. You can't tear it off. You need to wait until it dries completely and then falls off on its own. If you tear off the crust with your hands, a pigment spot will form in its place.

Acne in children and adolescents

Different types of acne can occur in childhood and adolescence. Some are associated with natural hormonal changes, others with pathological secretion of hormones by one or another gland (pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads), and others with changes in the sensitivity of the skin receptor apparatus (more precisely, the pilosebaceous structures). The problem should not be ignored! It is important to understand the causes of acne, because... in some cases it is only a cosmetic problem, while in others it is also a symptom of an underlying disease.

After consultation and examination, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations, in particular assessing the level of hormones in the blood. In some cases, consultations with specialized specialists (endocrinologist, gastrologist, etc.) may be required.

Acne can vary in severity. However, even mild forms require treatment, because at any moment this condition can begin to progress. As the disease develops, ulcers-pustules appear, which then turn into ugly scars (post-acne).

A cosmetologist selects a personalized therapy regimen for each child or teenager. To treat acne, topical anti-acne agents can be used in combination with manual or machine facial cleansing. In some cases, systemic antibiotic therapy or systemic retinoids may be used.

At the SM-Doctor clinic, a pediatric cosmetologist provides modern acne therapy, taking into account the child’s age and initial level of health.


Any types of cleansing are contraindicated for adolescents with bronchial asthma, psoriasis, or allergic reactions. The procedure should be abandoned if there are open wounds on the skin, suppuration, or inflammation in the active phase. Mechanical cleaning is not recommended for people with dry sensitive skin. Ultrasonic cleaning is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. The presence of rosacea and spider veins on the face also complicates the procedure. In addition, during the period of viral diseases, it is also prohibited to carry out any types of cleaning.

Video: Facial cleansing. Cosmetic procedure for a teenage girl

Laser Freckle Removal

Not everyone likes pigmentation on the face - many teenagers, especially those with red hair, have a complex about freckles.
And if it is almost impossible to remove freckles at home, traditional methods in this matter are not very effective, but with the help of a modern laser you can get rid of them forever. Laser freckle removal usually takes place without anesthesia, and the procedure itself takes very little time. Of course, everything is individual and depends on the number of pigment spots. The advantages of laser freckle removal are:

  • speed and comfort;
  • no risk of scarring;
  • no rehabilitation period.


Teenage skin needs special attention. High-quality daily facial cleansing in the morning and evening comes to the fore. At the same time, it is necessary to have your face cleaned by a cosmetologist on an ongoing basis approximately once a month. In particularly advanced cases, the procedure may be prescribed more often. Metabolic processes in the body of a teenager occur much faster than in an adult, so you need to constantly monitor the condition of your skin. The less often professional cleaning is carried out, the larger the comedones become, the longer and more painful the procedure is, and accordingly, rehabilitation will also take more time.

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