What are lipolytics and what effect do they have?

What are lipolytics and how do they work?

Lipolitics were first used about 40 years ago.
With the help of special components, it was possible to “burn” fat in various areas of the face. The years passed, and along with them the methodology changed, it became more and more perfect and highly effective. True, the main essence remains unchanged. The main components include soy enzymes used in the food industry. Soy lecithin is very similar to lecithin, which is produced by the liver. As for the auxiliary components, they can be very different, aimed at improving the condition of the dermis. When they enter the fatty tissue, lipolytics increase the pressure in the cells, which begin to burst. As a result, adipicides break down into glycerol and fatty acid molecules. In addition, lipolytics also affect the released molecules, forming an emulsion. The resulting jelly-like substance is easily eliminated by the body through the lymph. That is, in this way fat deposits leave the “problem areas”.

Side effects

Lipotherapy is an injection procedure, so after it, hematomas and swelling may appear. Adverse events and complications can only arise when working with direct lipolytics.

The main cause of complications is improper administration of the drug. They should be injected strictly into the subcutaneous fat, in small volumes.

The drug injected into other tissues, skin or muscles will cause tissue damage and destruction.

The second important point that must be taken into account when working with large volumes of direct lipolytics is the general condition of the body. There should be no acute liver diseases, since the fatty acids that come out of the destroyed cells will have to be utilized in it, which will create an additional burden.

Do I need to prepare for mesodissolution?

Mesodissolution is called injection lipolysis, which is carried out after certain preparation. First of all, it is worth noting that such a procedure, although not very complicated, should be carried out exclusively by a cosmetologist who has a medical education. Otherwise, a number of side effects and unforeseen disorders (tissue necrosis, for example) may occur.

Therefore, before manipulation, you should definitely contact a dermatologist to get his permission. Then the cosmetologist will tell you how the procedure is carried out and we can assume that this is where all the preparatory activities end.

Contraindications for lipolysis

Most people can come in for the procedure without fear. However, there are categories of patients who will not be able to visit a cosmetologist to undergo lipolysis.

Manipulation may be refused if:

  • Mental disorders.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.
  • Reduced blood clotting.
  • Skin diseases, as well as damage to the skin where the injection should be administered.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Allergies to components of the administered medication.
  • Elevated body temperature.

After normalization of health, a person can visit a cosmetologist and undergo the procedure.


Limitations on the volume of fat that can be destroyed

The reason is that the contents of fat cells are excreted by the liver.
Otherwise, serious intoxication may develop, manifested in a general deterioration in health: nausea, dizziness, indigestion, and even the appearance or aggravation of serious systemic diseases, primarily atherosclerosis. The settling of unresolved fat cells on the walls of blood vessels contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Possible injury

If the administration technique is violated (the drug gets into the skin) and the dosage is exceeded, ulcers, inflammatory reactions, and skin unevenness may occur (as with classic liposuction).
Some patients may develop scars. As practice shows, complications mainly occur in people with large local fat deposits.

According to surgeons, when treating two symmetrical zones (for example, zones of breeches), a not very uniform effect is possible. One zone may turn out fuller, and another - thinner.

In older patients, sagging and sagging skin may appear in the thinned area. In this case, hardware cosmetology comes to the rescue.

How is a cosmetic procedure performed?

To completely correct the “problem areas” of the face, you should undergo a full range of procedures. Their number directly depends on the condition of the dermis, as well as the volume of work. The cosmetologist will tell you after what period of time you will need to appear to get the next injection.

Lipolitics are injected into the area of ​​the fat layer, which is located at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. To make a person feel less discomfort, the needle is taken as thin and small as possible. Some people complain of discomfort during the procedure. However, cosmetologists note that this is not due to the manipulation itself, but to what happens during it.

The pressure inside the cell creates a feeling of tightness, tingling, and sometimes pain can occur. Over time, all this passes. External painkillers are used extremely rarely and only if the patient’s skin is very sensitive. To achieve maximum results, you should regularly visit a cosmetologist’s office and not miss prescribed procedures. Some people need to repeat the entire course after a year. However, in any case, this will be discussed individually with each person.

Lipolitics for the nose

There are special lipolytics for this part of the face, which make it possible to get rid of age-related wrinkles and folds. Sometimes the drug Dermaheal is used for manipulation, although any other drug can be used. In any case, the cocktail contains hyaluronic acid, carotene, phosphatidylcholine and other components. Thanks to these components, the skin is smoothed in a short period of time.

Lipolitics for the eye area

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, which is why it fades so quickly. The task of lipolytics is to remove excess fats that accumulate in the folds, as well as restore elasticity and beauty to the dermis. Removing fat deposits leads to the disappearance of “crow’s feet”, which appear even at a young age. This effectiveness can be achieved with the help of drugs that contain organic silicon and hyaluronic acid.

Lipolitics for the chin

Lipolitics for this part of the face are injected into the area of ​​the double chin. The greatest effectiveness can be achieved when the cocktail contains amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and phosphatidylcholine. When using some drugs, the first results are noticeable after several procedures. However, there are also cocktails that have a prolonged effect. In this case, the result is visible after a few weeks or even months, but at the same time it is actually amazing.

Lipolitics for cheeks

With age, the cheeks begin to droop. And the reason for such changes is not only that the dermis is no longer as elastic as before, but that these areas begin to favor fat deposits. As for the drugs used, most often people pay attention to complex cocktails of MRX. We are talking about a direct lipolytic containing carnitine and sodium deoxycholate, which destroys the membranes of fat cells. To solve the problem once and for all, 7-10 sessions are usually prescribed, after which the cheeks take on a completely different look.


The method is minimally invasive

It does not require anesthesia or long-term rehabilitation.
For this reason, “slimness injections” are often called the lunch break procedure. Within 3-6 hours (rarely - 12 hours), a moderate burning sensation and sometimes a feeling of itching are noted in the area of ​​lipolytic injections. Redness of the skin may occur within 12–24 hours, and moderate swelling in the injection area may persist for one to three days.

Possibility of correcting the most “stubborn” and delicate problem areas

You can remove fat deposits in the area of ​​the inner shoulder, flanks on the back, pads above the knees and fat deposits associated with hormonal disorders (including the so-called widow's hump).
It is also possible to use lipolytics for the face - this will correct the swollen contour.

The effect is quite durable

Even if you recover, the “fat traps” will not return, because there are significantly fewer fat cells in this area.

What to do after the procedure

Many people immediately after the procedure spend another half hour in the cosmetology center and relax. To relieve swelling, the cosmetologist may recommend applying cold compresses to the treated areas during the day. In addition, it is better not to perform physical activity during the week, and also to avoid sunbathing, taking hot baths and visiting the sauna or bathhouse. To speed up the process of eliminating fats, it is recommended to drink as much pure water as possible. Lymphatic drainage massage also provides good results.

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What to expect after the action of lipolytics

In the first days after the manipulation, unpleasant sensations may be observed: tingling, itching, and sometimes even pain. The appearance of redness and even bruising is possible. There is no need to be afraid of this. This is due to the sensitivity of the dermis.

You need to sound the alarm only if the symptoms do not go away within a week, and the skin, instead of calming down, begins to swell and redden even more.

Dangerous symptoms also include:

  • Bleeding on the skin.
  • Increased body temperature that is not associated with a cold.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Severe skin inflammation.
  • The appearance of a rash on the face or the appearance of ulcers.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

This usually happens because the procedure was performed by an unqualified person. Some people save on cosmetic manipulation, so they are not interested in the license and other important aspects, but in vain, because not only appearance, but also health depends on it. Complications are direct evidence that injection lipolysis was performed incorrectly or using expired drugs.


More than the risk of the procedure if performed correctly is minor swelling and bruising at the injection sites. In this case, dry, cold compresses will help. Your temperature may also rise.

To minimize the consequences and promote lasting results, in the first week after lipolysis you need to drink more fluid (up to 2.5 liters per day) - this will help the body get rid of waste products more efficiently. You should also follow the doctor's recommendations, which are as follows:

  • for a couple of days you need to completely give up alcohol;
  • for a week, visiting baths and saunas, sunbathing are prohibited;
  • If the face has undergone correction, then in the first days you can go outside only with the use of protective equipment.

During the rehabilitation period, it would be good to resort to massage, thermolifting and other procedures that will help speed up the breakdown of fat (the doctor will tell you more about this).

Another important point: for the results to be truly lasting, you should switch to proper nutrition and exercise regularly. Moreover, this should become a habitual way of life, since gaining even a couple of kilograms will negate the entire process of losing weight. First of all, this concerns the face. In this case, “dissolved” fat and extra centimeters will remain a thing of the past forever.

Lipolitics - what drugs are used

Considering that aesthetic medicine today is at a high level and occupies a special place, pharmacological companies are developing and also producing a large number of lipolytics in the form of injections. They all differ in their composition, effectiveness, and cost. In each specific case, one or another product can be used, what it will be is up to the cosmetologist to decide, based on the picture that he observes.

The most effective and in demand today are the following drugs:

  • Fitoslim.

  • Konjaktil.
  • Mesoderm.
  • MRX-lipolytic complex.
  • Dermastabilon.
  • Gialripaer-08.
  • Dermastabilon.
  • Mesostabil.

When selecting the necessary drug, the specialist will necessarily focus on the person’s age, volume of fat deposits, skin condition, as well as the client’s wishes. Sometimes, in order to achieve a better effect, if there are deep wrinkles on the skin, the cosmetologist decides to use additional cocktails, which together will help ensure the proper result. Due to a number of components, it is possible to improve blood circulation and nourish the dermis with minerals and vitamins. All this will lead to the skin becoming dense, elastic, young and beautiful.

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