Chiromassage of face and body. What is it, effect, Spanish, chiroplastic, non-contact. How to do it, contraindications

Chiromassage is a technique that is performed with your hands without the use of additional tools. Born in Spain in the first half of the last century, it is also called Spanish massage. The founder is Vincente Ferrandis Garcia, whose work became the inspiration for Enrique Castells Garcia, the creator of his own massage school in the late 80s. The technique combines manual techniques and classical techniques.

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Origin and essence of chiromassage

The chiromassage technique has earned wide popularity. Despite the Spanish church's ban on performing any type of massage, Ferrandis studied the effects of chi energy on the human body. The scientist began to practice the ancient Chinese system of massaging in the school he opened after the establishment of the Republic in Spain in 1936.

The Intema school was created by an employee of the Ferrandis educational institution, Enrique Castells García. Garcia, who came in 1982, was able to do this 6 years later. In 1990, after another 2 years, a former student of Ferrandis founded the Inmaster Institute of Manual Therapy.

The original massage technique that Garcia practiced was developed at the institute opened by the scientist over the course of 20 years. For the chiromassage technique he created, the most effective treatment methods were taken, determined through constant research.

Chiromassage excludes a clear scheme for the procedure . The techniques used can be any if they provide a positive result during the massage treatment process. When choosing a technique, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Two massage therapists must perform the procedure on the body.

Facial chiromassage, performed by one specialist without an assistant, is a medical and cosmetic procedure. The effect of this technique is to prevent the aging process of a person's face. After chiromassage, the skin acquires a second youth.

Popular throughout the world, the Spanish massage system is based on chiropractic and kinesiology . The use of various elements of massage techniques makes any new session of a preventive or therapeutic course different from the previous one.

The demand for the services of cosmetology specialists who are proficient in chiromassage techniques is very high. Before seeking help from surgeons, it is better to consult an experienced chiromassage therapist. It is possible that manual massage will eliminate the need for surgical intervention.

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Required number of wellness massage sessions

To achieve a significant effect, it is advisable to carry out a wellness massage complex. A single procedure will not give long-term results, but will only alleviate the condition for a while.

A course of healing massage of the back or other parts of the body usually includes from 8 to 15 procedures. Please note that you can save money by purchasing the entire package rather than paying for each session individually.

Thai massage can compete with the classic massage. This technique, which came from Asia, can be suitable not only as a healing massage for men. Its unique atmosphere and many additional bright details will help you relax, improve your body’s condition and serve as a healing massage for women. The result in the form of improved well-being in this case is achieved effectively in the same number of sessions.

Any procedure, including a wellness facial massage, is an investment in your health, performance and appearance. Such an investment will definitely yield a positive result. However, you need to choose a salon or clinic based not only on its location and cost of services. First of all, you should pay attention to the reputation and professionalism of specialists.

Chiroplastic facial massage

The chiromassage technique includes about 6-7 procedures, each of which has certain differences from the previous one. The course of treatment is based on a variety of techniques, which eliminates the patient's addiction. During chiromassage, the facial muscles feel relaxation, which ensures an effective result.

Chiroplastic facial massage allows you to correct the problem of aging skin, which loses moisture in large quantities. The elasticity of the skin of the face and body disappears, so instead of beauty, appearance acquires a large number of flaws.

For example, these:

  • blue swollen eyelids under the eyes;
  • long healing of acne and marks after it;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • formation of a double chin;
  • presence of black dots in the nose area;
  • thinning of the skin.

Performing massage procedures based on chiroplasty has significant differences from various techniques used in cosmetology.

These include:

  1. No pain.
  2. Get the effect in a short time.
  3. Using technology at home.
  4. Possibility to use only hands for massage.

Facial chiromassage is a consistent effect on the skin of the face or body that does not require the use of equipment or medications, and is not associated with side effects. For women, the procedure can only cause relaxation. The massage therapist applies pressure with his hands, which gives a positive effect after a short time interval.

Chiroplastic procedures are associated only with pleasant sensations, and the result can be noticed after the first massage session.

The main differences between facial chiromassage and other massage systems are as follows:

  1. Correction and stretching of subcutaneous muscles and skin.
  2. Elimination of negative neurological conditions.
  3. Stimulating facial muscle tone.

The technique includes not only standard techniques associated with stroking and tapping, but also a hundred methods of manipulation. They ensure that the necessary signals are sent to the body, activating biological points. The Spanish technique in some ways replaces surgical plastic surgery.

The technical elements of chiroplastic massage are associated with kneading the muscles of the face and body, which experience passive influence in the process of pressure with the fingers, palms, forearm or elbow.

Chiroplastic massage of the face and neck:

Indications and benefits for the skin

During the Spanish massage procedure, more than 100 techniques are used, from back-and-forth movements with the fingertips along classic massage lines to more complex stretches of the skin and body muscles. The deep impact of body chiromassage improves the condition of the skin, internal organs, and nerve fibers, which helps reduce muscle pain, improve mood and normalize sleep.

With chiroplastic facial massage, after just 6 procedures you can:

  • tighten the contour of the face and neck;

    Photos of the results. on the left – BEFORE, on the right – AFTER.

  • cleanse the skin of dead cells;
  • saturate the skin with oxygen and nutrients by improving blood flow;
  • accelerate local metabolic processes;
  • increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • improve skin color by normalizing blood flow;
  • restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cope with dry or oily skin;
  • cope with rosacea (vascular network);
  • eliminate swelling;
  • accelerate cell regeneration.

Chiromassage is recommended for people with:

  • impaired blood flow;
  • angina pectoris;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • violation of the secretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • stress;

  • overexcitement;
  • muscle, headache, joint pain;
  • insomnia;
  • signs of skin aging.

Non-contact chiromassage

The elements of the Chinese therapeutic massage technique, which form the basis of the non-contact method of chiroplastic massage procedures, are associated not with pressure on the skin and muscles, but with the laying of hands on the face or body. A specialist who has the gift of influencing a person’s biofield with his hands redirects the flow of heat in the right direction.

Non-contact massage eliminates any touching of the patient. By making smooth movements along the person’s body, the massage therapist identifies the presence of pain points. The technique makes it possible to restore vital energy, equalize the emotional background, and cure diseases of internal organs.

Studying the condition of the patient’s body using the air or energy method allows the chiromassage therapist to motivate the patient’s body to recover at the psychological and physiological level. The human biofield is an intangible matter that releases heat into space.

A chiromassage therapist knows that diseased areas of the body are not capable of releasing large amounts of energy. Correctly identifying these places requires the healer to concentrate his own thoughts and feelings to the maximum.

Chiromassage therapists claim that the non-contact technique allows you to reduce body weight.

This occurs due to the fact that the healer directs the energy flow to the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for appetite. Reducing the feeling of hunger during the session develops into a habit and the person loses weight.

Non-contact facial chiromassage is an energetic effect on the patient’s skin, which is recommended for the presence of diseases:

  • blood vessels;
  • thyroid gland;
  • impotence;
  • joints;
  • infertility.

The elements of non-contact massage developed in ancient times by Chinese healers are based on the practice of Qigong. As a result of smooth movements of the hands in the air, imitating massage techniques, the healer’s thoughts pass into the patient’s consciousness. Messages associated with the desire to help the patient restore stagnation in muscle tissue.

Specialists practice general or partial massage techniques in a non-contact manner.

The general method is suitable in cases:

  • blood loss;
  • stress;
  • pathologies of internal organs.

A partial method of non-contact chiromassage allows you to:

  • rejuvenate the face;
  • treat bronchitis, headaches;
  • eliminate digestive disorders.

Telepathic transmission of energy flow over a certain distance restores a person’s strength. Possessing such a gift, the healer believes in the speedy recovery of the patient. The tonic effect of non-contact massage soothes headaches or energizes you. It all depends on the intensity of the movements performed by the massage therapist.

Manual therapy as an alternative to wellness massage

One of the most popular types of healing massage in alternative medicine is chiropractic. This trend originated in the ancient world, it was used in India, China and Egypt, but it became widely known in the 19th century. Since ancient times, the effectiveness of the technique in relieving general discomfort, improving blood flow and reducing the increased activity of the central nervous system has been noted. Chiropractors, by influencing the vertebrae, help relieve a person of many health problems. Usually, in order to achieve the best results, specialists in this technique can additionally prescribe neurostimulation, diet, recommend getting rid of bad habits, perform physical fitness massage, etc.

Statistics show that every third person with back pain turns to chiropractors who use manual therapy for help. For most patients, one procedure is enough to relieve an attack if the pain is caused, for example, by stiff neck muscles or subluxation of the articular process of the spine. The reasons why you may turn to this type of manual therapy are the desire to increase vitality, restore health and prevent certain diseases. Usually the positive effect is felt after six procedures. If this is not observed, then you need to make an appointment with a therapist for an appointment with a specialized specialist or change treatment methods.

Types of massage: for face and body

The division of chiromassage into types depends on the techniques used in the procedure. In the process of performing it, the elbows, fingertips, heel of the palm and other parts of the hand can be involved. The choice of one or another type of massage prescribed by a doctor should depend on the condition of the patient’s skin and his age.

The following types of chiromassage are distinguished:

  1. Classic is a method in which a cosmetologist uses the pads of his fingers, massaging certain muscle groups of the face and body.
  2. Lifting is a technique based on Eastern and Western massage methods that activates the functions of bioactive points.
  3. Muscle relaxant is a massage method that allows you to relax the muscles of the face and body to the maximum extent, relieve stress and fatigue.
  4. Elena Zemskova's method is self-massage with elements of modern technologies and oriental chiromassage techniques.

Using any of the listed massage techniques, you can smooth out small and large wrinkles on the face. Skin restoration occurs while tissues are saturated with oxygen.

Facial chiromassage is an effect on the body based on massaging according to the Spanish method, which allows you to relieve stress. The technique slows down the aging process of the skin, restoring youth and vitality to it.

Classic chiromassage gives an amazing effect, which is associated with the following main points:

  • speed of skin regeneration;
  • activation of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of swelling and pain.

Techniques of lifting leg chiromassage contribute to the rapid restoration of muscle tone. Lymphatic drainage massage elements are suitable for people of any age.

The method, which gives quick results, is effective in terms of:

  • increasing the level of hyaluronic acid;
  • removing excess fluid from the deep layers of the skin;
  • maximum skin relaxation;
  • relieving stress and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

The main difference between muscle relaxing chiromass and lifting massage is the restoration of facial muscles, not body skin. Myorelaxing chiroplasty provides relief from chronic fatigue and improves the health of the body without the use of cosmetics or medications.

The complex method of facial chiromassage by Elena Zemskova is a simple self-massage procedure that relaxes muscles and brings pleasure.

What is the technique

Chiromassage of the face was created by the Spanish doctor Enrique Garcia

Sagging skin on the cheeks and pronounced nasolabial folds always reveal one’s true age, even if a woman regularly and carefully takes care of her face.

The simplest are cosmetic procedures that give a temporary effect and do not affect the muscle layer, which is the main framework of the skin structure.

The basics of massage, performed exclusively with the hands without additional tools and devices, were invented in the countries of the East. At the end of the last century, the Spanish doctor Enrique Garcia brought together the best elements of all Eastern and Western practices, supplemented them with modern scientific developments taking into account anatomical knowledge and offered the world chiromassage, which can influence:

  • facial epidermis;
  • subcutaneous fat layer;
  • muscle tissue;
  • circulatory and lymphatic systems.

The second name of this technique is Spanish muscular-structural massage.

The main principle of performing the manipulation is that the patient must obtain a state of relaxation, pleasure and maximum relaxation, which have a positive effect not only on skin rejuvenation, but also on the state of the nervous system!

What problems does chiromassage of the face and body solve?

The purpose of chiromassage is to care for the face, neck, and décolleté area. Sessions, conducted 2-3 times a week, allow you to rejuvenate your appearance and model your image based on changes in the biochemical processes occurring in the skin. The technique ensures the involvement of other body organs in the process of healing and rejuvenation.

Non-contact chiromassage allows you to remove:

  • headache;
  • overexcitement;
  • stress;
  • insomnia.

The abilities of chiromassage therapists can be compared with the skills of specialists in cosmetology massage. The use of chiromassage techniques eliminates surgical intervention to tighten aging skin. Non-contact chiroplastic massage is suitable for treatment and prevention.

Chiromassage is one of the effective methods of non-surgical face lifting and rejuvenation

The use of a neurosedative chiromassage system is a targeted effect on the patient’s face and body, which alleviates the condition of the patient suffering from certain types of diseases.


  • angina pectoris;
  • dermatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension.

The technique involves soft, relaxing techniques, in which hand movements should be careful and painless. Strengthening tissues with the help of non-contact massage ensures their elasticity, normalizes blood supply, and relieves stress from the muscles of the face and body.

Monotonous intensive techniques restore energy, relieve fatigue, eliminate insomnia and circles under the eyes.

The therapeutic and cosmetological effect of chiromassage on the skin of the face changes it, allowing you to obtain the following effect:

  • deep cleaning of dead epidermal cells;
  • improving metabolism in the body;
  • skin restoration based on cell regeneration;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • proper functioning of the sebaceous glands under the skin;
  • disappearance of dry skin.

Non-contact massaging technique is recommended for young girls for the purpose of prevention. They do not yet have wrinkles on their skin, there is no double chin, but the cosmetic procedure has a strengthening effect on the health of the body as a whole. The greatest effect can be achieved simultaneously with other cosmetic procedures.

The effect of chiromassage

By combining different techniques, it is possible to relieve tension and eliminate pain in the body, start the metabolic process and stop age-related changes. Massage improves tissue nutrition, normalizes lymph flow and blood circulation. Tissues and the body as a whole are better able to withstand aggressive factors. It is especially important that such an effect improves the emotional background and improves mood. Chiromassage in Kaliningrad will give you an even complexion, skin elasticity, a lifting effect and the absence of wrinkles.

Contraindications and disadvantages of chiromassage

The Spanish chiromassage technique is indicated for depression, irritability, aging skin, and fatigue.

The main contraindications include:

  • a large number of moles on the body;
  • rashes on the facial skin, rosacea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of scratches on the face and other damage.

Facial chiromassage is an effect on the body that eliminates dry skin. It allows you to change the shape of your face. The technique is contraindicated in case of varicose veins or the presence of spider veins. Experts do not recommend chiromassage for women with sensitive skin. This is due to the risk of severe facial redness after the procedure.

Chiromassage cannot be performed if you cleanse your face with chemical peeling a week before the session.

Chiromassage is not capable of causing side effects in those who are indicated for the Spanish massage method. The chiroplastic massage technique is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Indications and contraindications for wellness massage

One of the most attractive, harmless and fastest ways to relax and get rid of even severe overstrain is a healing body massage. The usefulness of this method has been known to Russian hygienists since the 19th century. Since that time, the procedure has become the leading one among similar ones.

General wellness massage is necessary for those people who:

  • feel unwell, have low vitality and bad mood for a long time;
  • observe symptoms of fatigue;
  • cannot sleep for a long time, have sleep disturbances;
  • feel severe headaches for no apparent reason;
  • have dry, inelastic skin;
  • are overweight or obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • have high blood pressure, or it fluctuates all the time;
  • feel pain in the back and neck;
  • often get sick due to reduced immunity.

Wellness body massage helps restore the body and improve well-being after various types of stress. It is almost always included in the list of procedures during treatment in a sanatorium or resort. It can be performed for almost all types of diseases.

But it’s better not to wait for a trip to a sanatorium, but to maintain your health and body tone at a consistently high level by undergoing a course of classic wellness massage at least once a year, and better yet, every six months. Your body will thus receive invaluable benefits.

Be careful, you should not have a massage if you have:

  • there are benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • there are skin lesions, including rashes;
  • an increase in temperature is observed.

Therapeutic massage will help:

  • forget about overwork and fatigue in the body;
  • significantly improve your mood and health in just one session;
  • increase sleep quality and relieve anxiety;
  • normalize metabolism, get rid of excess weight and the desire to eat sweets;
  • reduce the level of toxins in the body by accelerating lymphatic movement;
  • tone weakened muscles.

Is preparation necessary?

Massaging using the chiroplasty method should invigorate, eliminate congestion in the body, relax the muscles of the body, and clarify the train of thought.

When starting the procedure, special attention should be paid to the space of the room in which the therapeutic massage is planned. It should be light, clean and warm. A cool room will not allow the patient's muscles to relax to the required extent.

Since any massage causes a decrease in body temperature, it is better to provide a heater in advance. It is important that there is no draft in the room and that the circulation of fresh air is stable. To cover already massaged areas of the body, you can provide warm terry towels to keep the muscles warm.

Before the session, the massage therapist himself must be prepared, so he should relieve psychological stress and physical tension. To do this, just lie or sit and listen to relaxing melodies. The healer should not be focused on everyday thoughts.

Before the massage procedure, the patient must remove all jewelry, including earrings. It is important that he removes his contact lenses first, otherwise they will interfere with normal relaxation. It is better not to keep the patient busy with conversations, irritating his psyche. It is enough to turn on calm, relaxing music that allows you to meditate and think about something good.

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How to care for your skin after a massage

When the procedure is completed, you should remove the remnants of the massage product from your face, wash with warm water using a milk or toner that suits your skin type and apply an even layer of a suitable nourishing cream.

You can learn how to perform chiromassage correctly by studying video materials that clearly demonstrate the accuracy and direction of the movements performed.

If you perform this manipulation regularly and competently, you can remain young and attractive for a long time!

Stages of massage

Before starting each procedure, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin with micellar water or herbal decoction. Lotions or tonics containing alcohol are completely unsuitable, otherwise the quality of the massage will be significantly reduced.

Chiroplastic technique of face and body massage includes 10 main stages:

  1. Makeup removal - cleansing the facial skin of cosmetic residues based on peeling.
  2. Applying talcum powder, serum, cream or oil for massage enhances skin contact and relaxes.
  3. Calming movements to relax muscles - kneading the neck with the shoulder girdle, cheeks and extreme lines of the face, brow ridges.

  4. Stroking with fingers affects the lymph nodes.
  5. Kneading in the scapular area - alternating fast and slow movements.

  6. Stimulating the cheek area with the phalanges of the fingers - normalizing the metabolic process in the tissues.

  7. Stroking with the palm, fingers, forearm - a deep effect on the tissues to relieve chronic stress.
  8. Smooth relaxing movements - alternating a warm palm and a cool forearm.

  9. Gentle tactile stroking is an adaptation of activated epidermal tissues.
  10. Apply a mask with a creamy consistency to the face.

All cosmetics must have a composition that matches your skin type. This will achieve the maximum effect of rejuvenation and improvement of the skin.

Effect and process on video

Experts attribute the following qualities to the positive effects of facial lifting massage:

  • normalization of healthy skin and face color;
  • relieving increased swelling;
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • normalizing the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • regeneration at the cellular level;
  • minimizing the pastiness of the facial zone;
  • a significant increase in cleansing from harmful substances: toxins, waste accumulated in the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • helps cleanse blackheads and clogged pores;
  • improving blood circulation and increasing the rate of lymph outflow;
  • acceleration of general metabolic processes.

Chiroplastic massage must be carried out by a specialist, since doing it yourself will, at best, have minimal effect, and at worst, it will seriously harm the person and bring a huge number of negative consequences. Only perfect knowledge of technology allows you to achieve healthy and beautiful looking skin.

At the BioMi Vita clinic, experienced specialists will select the necessary type of massage for you. Our range also includes plastic facial massage, which will help get rid of various skin problems in a short time. You can make an appointment for a consultation or appointment by calling the phone number provided or by filling out a short form.

Duration of the procedure

The classic chiromassage procedure, which has a highly relaxing effect, requires no more than 20 minutes. The best results can be obtained by conducting such sessions about 2-3 times a week.

The duration of the procedure may depend on the purpose of the massage:

  • therapeutic - 15-20 minutes;
  • preventive - from 30 minutes;
  • sports - from 30 to 90 minutes;
  • aesthetic - from 30 to 90 minutes.

The duration of the muscle relaxation massage procedure performed by a master in a beauty salon can range from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Prices in massage parlors depend on the duration of the massage. The session can be not only one-time, but also in the form of an entire course, the duration of which is usually 2-3 times a week.

The average duration of a lifting massage procedure is about 1.5 hours . The massaging technique involves performing the necessary elements for 30-40 minutes. A course of chiromassage using the method of Elena Zemskova consists of procedures lasting about 30-40 minutes.

Preparing for a wellness massage

Wellness massage technology involves the last meal two hours before the session. This will help avoid discomfort in the digestive system, and painful sensations will not interfere with the enjoyment of the session.

In order to pre-relax your muscles, you can take a warm shower right before the massage procedure.

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It is imperative to warn the massage therapist before the session if you are allergic to any oils or their components.

Surely an experienced specialist will warn you that after the procedure there is no need to rush to get up from the massage table immediately. It is necessary for the body to cool down a little and return to its usual state. To do this, it is recommended to lie quietly for 10 minutes.

How often should you massage and how many procedures will be required?

  • Classic chiromassage based on Spanish techniques requires an increase in procedures after 35 years to 3 times a year. The treatment will be effective if skin support procedures are carried out between sessions. The frequency of procedures can be 2-3 times a week with a total number of sessions of 10-15 times.
  • Treatment based on muscle relaxation massage should include 13 sessions. If the doctor has prescribed this course of treatment, then it is better to visit the salon regularly, and not after a certain period of time. Only under such conditions can you get a positive result from muscle relaxation massage of the face and body.
  • Lymphatic drainage technique. Facial chiromassage is an effect on the skin that, in addition to healing, also has a rejuvenating effect. The procedure with a lifting effect can be performed 1-2 times a year in the absence of contraindications. Lymphatic drainage technique involves conducting massage courses 10-15 times. It is better to start regular procedures when you are young, visiting a cosmetologist’s salon 2-3 times a week.
  • Zemskova’s self-massage technique is recommended for 10 sessions of 2 courses per year. It is better to start improving your appearance based on the use of this technique after 30 years.

The specialist prescribing treatment procedures must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient when choosing the most suitable chiromassage technique.

Performing chiromassage in the salon

The procedure allows you to get a boost of energy, relax, cope with stagnant processes in the body and skin defects, including age-related changes. To achieve the desired result and prevent pain, you need to properly prepare for the massage.

The room in which the procedure will be performed should be bright, warm, clean, well ventilated, and the use of aromatic lamps will help to relax, create a favorable atmosphere and set the client up for a therapeutic massage.

If the room temperature is low, the patient will not be able to relax fully, which can lead to pain in the muscles. During the massage, the client’s body temperature decreases, so if the temperature in the room is low, it is worth turning on the heater in advance.

Photo: massage of the neck and collar area

Humidity in the room is also important - dry air irritates the mucous membranes and skin, which reduces the quality of the procedure and can cause discomfort, and too humid air at high body temperature increases sweating, which reduces the effectiveness of the massage.

After treating individual areas of the body, it is recommended to cover them with a clean terry towel to retain heat and enhance the effect of the procedure.


This is a complex of consistent effects on the skin without special equipment, pain or discomfort. It helps to cope with the signs of skin aging, facial swelling, dark circles under the eyes, and improves the overall condition of the skin and facial contours. Spanish massage, thanks to its many techniques, activates all biological points, which eliminates the use of surgical rejuvenation methods.

Cleansing before the procedure

Before performing a massage, you should properly prepare your skin:

  • carry out make-up removal - remove cosmetics from the face and neck area with micellar water or other products (tonic, makeup remover milk);
  • cleanse the face of residual cosmetics, sebum, and impurities;

    Photo: makeup removal

  • apply massage products (oil, serum, cream) that improve the glide of fingers over the skin; When performing a contour massage, talcum powder should be applied before the procedure for better adhesion of the master’s fingers to the client’s skin.

Execution technique

After preparing the skin, the massage therapist begins with a warm-up, which is carried out with the fingertips using light back-and-forth movements. Massaging is carried out along the contour of the face, from the chin to the nasolabial fold, from the neck to the cheeks and nose, from the temples to the center of the forehead.

After a thorough warm-up and preparation, the massage therapist begins more intense movements of the ribs of the hands along classic massage lines:

  • from the chin to the ears;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the ear tragus;
  • from nose to temples,
  • along the cheeks, cheekbones in a circular motion towards the temples;

  • from the bridge of the nose up to the middle of the forehead, to the sides, describing the letter T;
  • from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner of the lower eyelid;
  • from the inner corner of the eye to the outer on the upper eyelid.

All movements are smooth and progressive. During the procedure, special attention should be paid to the lymph nodes, the impact of which helps to cope with lymph stagnation, swelling, and sagging skin.

The penultimate stage of Spanish massage is lifting, which involves tightening individual areas. During chiromassage, strong impact should be avoided to avoid pain. The absence of pain is the main difference between this technique and buccal massage.

At the final stage, it is necessary to relax the muscles. To do this, use soft stroking movements with an open palm along classic massage lines.

Skin care after the procedure

After completing all stages of massage, a cryomassage is performed using herbal ice, which helps remove redness and close pores. At the end of the procedure, moisturizing cream is applied to the body and face area with massage movements.

Photo: facial cryomassage

When using massage oil, you should remove its remnants from your face with warm water and gel or foam cleanser.

Between massage procedures, to maintain the effect, it is recommended to use a rejuvenating, nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Duration and number of sessions

Duration of chiromassage session:

  • therapeutic using the classical technique - from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • preventive – more than 30 minutes;
  • muscle relaxant – from 30 to 1.5 hours;
  • lymphatic drainage – up to 20 minutes.

The frequency of visiting a massage therapist depends on the technique:

  • Chiromassage using the classical technique is indicated for women over 35 years of age. The number of sessions in one course is at least 10, but not more than 15 during one course. No more than 3 courses are allowed during the year. The effect of the massage will be permanent if you carry out maintenance procedures between courses and use special cosmetics for external application.

  • Muscle relaxation massage is a gentle technique used to normalize blood flow, relax facial muscles, relieve spasms and rejuvenate. Involves applying soft and smooth movements to the face, excluding pinching. Includes 13 sessions with daily visits to a massage specialist.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage has a rejuvenating and lifting effect. It is carried out to normalize blood flow and lymph flow. Helps cope with swelling and rosacea. Plucking and patting techniques are used. During the year, no more than 2 courses with a number of sessions from 10 to 15 are recommended. You should visit a massage therapist 2-3 times a week.
  • Zemskova’s technique is a self-massage technique, according to which it is recommended to carry out 10 sessions twice a year. Self-massage at home is recommended for women over 30 years old. Zemskova’s technique combines muscle relaxation and lymphatic drainage techniques with the author’s own developments. Used to rejuvenate and improve skin condition.


After completing the course, the effect will last from 6 to 8 months, subject to supportive procedures and the use of special cosmetics for the face and neck area. After the end of this period, if desired or according to indications, you can repeat the course.


Spanish massage is beneficial not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Depending on the goals, it can be myotensive (muscular-structural), neurosedative, hemolymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite.

Photo: back massage

In the muscular-structural - massaging is performed with the fingers, palms, ribs of the palms, elbows and forearms, which ensures deep muscle development. The main task is to work out the muscles to relieve tension, give vitality, eliminate pain and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

Myotensive chiromassage allows you to cope with tension and pain in the joints after injuries. The technique involves an initial impact on the muscles in order to relax them, after which the damaged joint is worked out.

A neurosedative type of massage is indicated for psycho-emotional experiences, stress, depression, and sleep disorders. Helps restore the emotional background, normalize the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. The technique involves monotonous soft progressive movements.

Hemolymphatic drainage technique is indicated for patients with circulatory disorders and a sedentary lifestyle. All movements during the procedure are wave-like and slow in the direction of blood flow.

Photo: massage of a girl’s buttocks

Anti-cellulite manual massage affects the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, helps reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat, improve the relief, color, and condition of the skin. The technique is characterized by an intensive effect on problem areas.

Elena Zemskova's technique combines stroking, vibrating and plucking movements with hands, which you can perform at home yourself. Helps improve lymphatic flow, blood flow, general condition and nervous system function

Cost in showrooms in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Chiromassage can be performed either as a one-time session or as a course of a certain duration. The technique combines perfectly with care procedures. The cost of chiromassage procedures in salons in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia depends on the type of massage chosen by the patient.

The table below shows prices in rubles for a facial chiromassage session lasting 40-50 minutes in Moscow salons:

Type of chiromassageMedicinalProphylacticSportsAesthetic
Muscle relaxant3400220015002900
School of chiromassage by Elena Zemskova (40-50 minutes)1680110010002500

For comparison, the average cost of a chiromassage procedure lasting 40-50 minutes in salons in St. Petersburg (in rubles):

Type of chiromassageMedicinalProphylacticSportsAesthetic
Muscle relaxant3000200012001600
Chiromassage School of Elena Zemskova10007005001000

Sessions in salons in Moscow (ONMED, Clinic-MK, URO-PRO, MC Vita-Clinic, Bourgeois, Marie-Charmel, EpilCity, etc.), as well as St. Petersburg (Body Aesthetics, OLA, EVOS, Aristocrat, Enigma, etc. .) are carried out by certified specialists who have been trained in various massage schools, for example, at the International Massage School of Elena Zemskova.

Massagers used for massage of the cervical-collar area

Ease of use, mobility and affordable price of massagers are the main advantages that arouse genuine interest among patients who cannot or do not want to visit a massage room. Understanding consumer preferences, medical equipment manufacturers are actively saturating the market with compact devices for muscle stimulation. However, do massagers for the cervical-collar area have any effect and can they replace the impact that is performed by the hands of a specialist?


Massaging devices differ in design, but their use is always used to achieve two main goals - increasing blood flow and lymph outflow. Depending on the cost of the massager, the model can be equipped with several types of influence (for example, mechanical with infrared).

Types of ShVZ massagers:

  • Collar pad.
    Ergonomic devices are placed on the upper back to provide a kneading effect using rollers that automatically roll under the fabric.

  • "Pillow".
    A device that is placed under the head is used to stimulate the muscles of the neck and partly the back. The weak vibration arising from the moving heads helps relieve attacks of cervical osteochondrosis.

  • Manual electric massager.
    A device with a handle and replaceable attachments helps massage the neck-collar area even in those areas of the back that are difficult to reach on your own.

  • Devices with infrared exposure.
    Together with the mechanical treatment of the PVZ with rollers, special emitters help warm the skin, accelerating pain relief.

  • "Butterfly".
    The myostimulator sends electronic impulses to the muscles, increasing blood flow. In addition to the weak effect, which is considered a disadvantage of the device, the massager should not be used by persons with a weak cardiovascular system and “pacemakers” (pacemakers).

  • Massager "Molecule".
    A universal device with several protrusions (“legs”), suitable for stimulating muscles over the entire surface of the body. Unlike electric massage devices, this option is less convenient for massage at home: its use is only effective if you have an assistant. Holding the center of the hand simulator, a professional massage therapist or assistant moves it along the CVZ.

  • Massager "Arc".
    A device equipped with spiked rollers has a more intense effect on the neck and back. It is also easier to use without an assistant to break down subcutaneous deposits at the withers and on the hips.

  • Tape massager with roller teeth.
    The muscle stimulation device visually resembles a washcloth belt. Operating principle: has a kneading effect by moving wooden or plastic mini-blocks over the entire surface of the back. The intensity of the massage is adjusted using the knobs.

It is most convenient to use automated options, since they provide massage without physical effort on the part of a person, but the price of these products is much higher than manual devices.

Helpful advice

Portable back and neck exercise machines are useful for office workers and drivers to use during their lunch breaks to prevent pain and cramps at the end of the working day.


The ability to use massagers for the cervical-collar area at a convenient time brings comfort to patients. Thanks to this convenience, reviews of devices that replace the hands of a massage therapist are mostly positive. However, manual devices and electrical devices are more designed for light muscle kneading (relieving spasms), while the more complex techniques of classical massage - grabbing and pulling - cannot be repeated with their use. For this reason, to correct most neurological diseases, therapists prescribe a course of therapeutic effects in a massage room, and after treatment, they recommend using these devices for prevention.

The effectiveness of Spanish chiromassage: before and after results

A patient who has undergone the first session of Spanish chiromassage will be able to notice its results immediately. Cheekbones and facial contours will become more noticeable after the first procedure. An effective technique that takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient, which allows you to improve your complexion within a short period of time.

To maintain the result, it is necessary to regularly maintain the first positive effect by visiting the salon of a cosmetologist or massage specialist. Muscle relaxing, lifting or classic massage will stimulate restoration processes in the epidermal tissues. At the end of the procedure, the patient experiences a state of relaxation.

After several sessions, it is impossible not to notice the following effect on age-related imperfections on the face:

  • bags under the eyes - smoothing out deep and fine wrinkles, eliminating puffiness;
  • drooping corners of the lips - leveling the relief of the skin;
  • double chin - skin tightening, normalization of tissue metabolism;
  • nasolabial folds - correction of wrinkles and folds around the mouth;
  • gravitational ptosis of facial areas - restoration of skin elasticity.

Chiromassage specialists do not guarantee a complete correction of the situation, but significant benefits from the procedures are expressed in the slow development of skin aging processes. The course of treatment relieves tension from various areas of the face and body due to its deep reflex effect on the body.

After regular procedures, the effect of a circular lift will be noticeable over time.

Who is it recommended for?

The chiromassage technique is offered for use by anyone who has:

  • rosacea, manifested by dilation of subcutaneous vessels in the form of red “stars” or a network of capillaries;
  • loss of clarity of the contour and oval of the face with the appearance of sagging skin;
  • decreased level of elasticity of the epidermis;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to cells;
  • chronic fatigue and constant depression.

The technique has no age group restrictions, but it is recommended for everyone who has reached the age of thirty-five, since it is at this time that the skin begins to fade and lose its elasticity.

Benefits of chiromassage for the face

Chiromassage technique: training for beginners

Before the session, the massage therapist and the patient should be relaxed. It is better if the room is filled with the sounds of light music. The massage procedure should be performed taking into account the massage lines on the face from the very center.

Applying pressure in the area of ​​various points of the face, the massage therapist rhythmically performs the main elements of the procedure, which should be:

  • stroking;
  • pressing;
  • exciting;
  • vibrating;
  • pinching;
  • tapping;
  • patting.

You should start moving from the jawline to the corners of the mouth, and then move to the cheekbones, grabbing the skin on the cheeks. Continue movements from the wings of the nose to the brow ridges on the temporal area through the cheeks. Massage from the center of the forehead to the temple area. Perform circular movements towards the hairline.

The purpose of chiromassage is to influence the muscle tissue of the superficial and deep layers of the skin, after which rejuvenation of the face and body occurs.

You need to start with relaxing movements and end with intense pressure on the facial muscles. This activates fatty tissue and the work of the sebaceous glands. The procedure should be carried out step by step, respecting the duration of the massage session.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Types of relaxing massage

The procedure can affect the entire body or its individual parts, depending on which there are several types. A general or classic relaxing massage begins with a light kneading of the back with a gradual increase in the intensity of movements. Next, the limbs are massaged one by one, during which large muscle groups are first warmed up, after which the transition is made to small ones. The procedure ends with massage of the chest and abdomen, moving to the head and neck.

During a head massage, special attention is paid to the temples, where there is a cluster of multiple nerve endings.

A separate relaxing massage for the back begins with calm and leisurely stroking, as well as rubbing the entire surface. The massage therapist should be positioned on the side, opposite the patient’s back, trying not to take his hands off his body and thereby maintaining a relaxing effect. Next, kneading is performed, the duration and intensity of which are adjusted depending on the patient’s sensations. After this, you can move on to vibrations and pats. The procedure is completed again with leisurely kneading and stroking.

The foot massage begins with upward stroking and rubbing of the hips and knee joints. Next, the shins are worked separately with a smooth transition to the feet. Their massage is performed using point and gentle pressure.

During a relaxing foot massage, it is not recommended to use stroking, so as not to cause a tickling sensation and other negative reactions in the patient.

The arm massage is carried out in a similar way to the procedure for the legs: you should move from the elbow joint towards the shoulders, stroking and warming up the palms of the hands. Particular attention should be paid to the fingers, for which kneading and point pressure are carried out.

During the procedure, additional devices can be used to further stimulate the nerve endings.

The master performing a relaxing massage must remember that the main goal of the procedure is to immerse the massaged person in a feeling of complete relaxation. If during the procedure the patient complains of pain in any place, this area should be skipped: a separate therapeutic massage is used to eliminate pain.

During the massage, you can additionally talk with the patient, trying to further immerse him in a state of serenity. You can describe various images to him, for example, natural places where a person will feel distant from everyday problems. In addition, communication will help prevent a person from falling asleep, otherwise the massage will not bring the desired effect.

At the end of the procedure, the person should lie still for a few more minutes. You can turn off the lights and turn off the music. Also during this time, the remaining oils will be absorbed into the body, which will create an additional positive effect. Later, you can take a hot bath and drink aromatic tea to feel truly relaxed and rested.


Self-massage is a procedure designed to replace the therapeutic effect provided by a massage therapist. It is also useful to acquire the skill of self-massage of the neck and shoulders to relieve spasms during the working day. Restoring good health may be necessary both during a hike and before performing physical exercises, which sometimes - without warming up the muscles - cause discomfort in the body. Anyone can quickly master the technique performed with their own hands, thanks to relatively simple techniques that are easy to repeat.


The exercise can be performed either sitting or standing - the effectiveness of the effect does not change depending on the position of the body. However, uncomfortable positions that cause muscle tension should be avoided.

Method of neck and shoulder self-massage:

  • Neck.
    First, you grab it with both hands, which touch the cervical vertebrae with your fingertips, but do not press on them. Then strokes are carried out, descending from top to bottom (amplitude from 1 to 3 cm). Stimulation options: with both hands simultaneously or with each hand alternately.
  • Shoulder girdle.
    Having begun to rub the neck in a circular motion, the person, without leaving the body, moves his hands to his shoulders and rhythmically grasps the skin (the technique of squeezing the fingers is reminiscent of the process of sculpting plasticine). Gradually, the massage area of ​​the neck-collar area shifts to the shoulders.

  • Upper back.
    Together with the shoulder girdle, the adjacent skin areas are kneaded. The maximum amount of time should be devoted to the upper trapezius muscle, which is often very tense.
  • The entire neck and collar area.
    At the end of the massage, any actions are performed that can be repeated with your own hands - patting, tapping, chopping (20 times each technique). Kneading the muscles should be completed by stroking.

If during self-massage you were able to detect trigger points that cause pain when pressed, then you should rub them very carefully.

Only specialists in the field of massage have the knowledge and skills to help bring exceptionally beneficial effects to these areas of the body.

Medical fact.

You can massage the CVZ area even through clothing, so you can provide a therapeutic effect not only at home.


The body chiromassage technique is a symbiosis of many practices: yoga, relaxation massage, manual therapy.

Any restorative procedure is carried out by masters according to the following rules:

  • All actions are performed using the knuckles on the fingers, the edges of the palms, the wrist and fingers.
  • Movements during the process should be soft and smooth; rough and aggressive techniques are prohibited. The patient should receive maximum relaxation during the massage.
  • The same movements are not performed more than 2 times.
  • Before starting the process, the masters activate nerve points on the back of the head, which help relax the muscles.
  • All movements are carried out along strictly designated lymph drainage lines. This approach quickly restores blood circulation and tones the skin.
  • After completing the process, the master should apply a moisturizing cream or mask to the skin, which will help consolidate the result.

What does the Spanish chiromassage procedure look like step by step:

  1. Regardless of the chosen technique, the master carries out cleansing actions that help get rid of cosmetic products on the skin, as well as secreted sebum. Using special products, they clean not only the face, but also the neck, shoulders, and arms. Any experienced specialist is obliged to prepare the patient’s skin for massage. Otherwise, germs and bacteria on the skin will spread throughout the body and lead to an inflammatory process.
  2. Patients with sensitive and allergy-prone skin are offered an antiseptic compress made on a herbal basis (chamomile, sage, linden). The optimal temperature of the product is 35 degrees Celsius.
  3. A special oil is applied to the human body to facilitate movement during the massage process. As an addition, light candles, turn on relaxing music or an aroma lamp.
  4. The master proceeds directly to the chiroplastic massage procedure itself according to the method chosen by the patient.
  5. At the end, the remaining oil is removed with a napkin, and a cream or mask is applied to the skin.


You can consolidate the result with a cup of herbal tea.

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