Mesotherapy: how long does the effect last and how often should it be done?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure aimed at eliminating aesthetic imperfections of the skin. Depending on the results of her diagnosis, the doctor prepares a therapeutic “cocktail”, which includes vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid and other useful substances. This elixir of youth is injected into the middle layer of the dermis, which, having received additional nutrition, improves its texture.

What does mesotherapy give?

After completing a course of procedures, you will notice how your skin tone will improve, small wrinkles will smooth out, bags under your eyes will disappear, your complexion will improve, and your oval will become more youthful.

Mesotherapy also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which means it will rid the skin of oily shine, even out the tone of the face, “cleansing” it of hyperpigmentation, scars. But that’s not all, because “meso-cocktails” have an antioxidant effect. This means that it will be easier for you to relieve inflammation on the skin and cleanse the pores of sebaceous plugs.

How is the therapy process built?

It all starts with a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist, not only in skin diagnostics, but also in the latest aesthetic medicine, will be able to select the optimal rejuvenation program. During the initial consultation, the dermatocosmetologist:

  1. Will analyze the condition of the skin.
  2. Find out about past and existing diseases.
  3. Find out your body's reaction to certain drugs.
  4. He will select the composition and optimal method of treating the skin based on your wishes (therapy can be either needle or non-injection).

Who is suitable for mesotherapy?

We recommend resorting to these rejuvenating procedures for people who have reached or are approaching their 30th birthday. As a rule, from this age the skin begins to lose moisture and gradually fade. Timely replenishment of tissues with useful substances allows you to stop cell aging. And if you do “meso-cocktails” regularly, you will look much younger than your age, since thanks to microinjections, vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances penetrate deep into the skin of the face, having a direct effect on it - unlike cosmetics that act primarily on the epidermis.

Pros and cons of mesotherapy

This rejuvenation method has advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider the advantages of mesotherapy.

  • Absolute safety. Cocktails are easily absorbed by the body, rejection is almost impossible. Among other things, they have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient: many note an influx of energy, vigor and positive emotions. There are almost no contraindications, the risk of side effects is reduced to zero.
  • Painless. The thinnest needles are used for injections, and dosed administration takes very little time. If the patient has increased sensitivity, the doctor can reduce it with an anesthetic cream.
  • There is no need to repeat the procedure every month. Since the result lasts for at least six months, the patient does not need to visit the clinic every month.
  • No age limits. Due to the environmental friendliness and exceptional benefits of the drugs, facial mesotherapy is allowed for patients of all ages.

The disadvantages of mesotherapy are relative:

  • Low risk of allergy to the needle. Since the drug is accepted by the body, rejection can only occur as a reaction to the needle penetrating the skin.
  • Fear of injections. Not everyone is calm about injections; some have had a panicky fear of injections since childhood. It is morally difficult for such people to decide on injection mesotherapy.
  • Formation of bruises. Sometimes patients complain of small bruises at the injection sites. Don't worry: everything will pass in 3-7 days.
  • The danger of going to an inexperienced doctor. Due to the growing popularity of mesotherapy, many cosmetologists offer their services at competitive prices. Be careful: an attractive price usually hides unprofessionalism, which can lead to necrosis, infections and pain.

How many procedures are needed to improve skin health?

To achieve results, you need to undergo 6 to 10 mesotherapy sessions. The break between them should be on average one week.


Improvement in the skin will not be noticeable immediately, since bioactive microelements must first accumulate in the dermis. You will feel and see positive changes 10-15 days after the start of anti-aging therapy, and with each procedure they will be more noticeable. But you cannot interrupt the course - otherwise you will not be able to consolidate the achieved result.

How often can facial mesotherapy be done?

Dermatocosmetologists at VERSUA Clinic recommend repeating the course of microinjections no earlier than after a year. Otherwise, the skin may become accustomed to vitamin cocktails. It's too much.


The sooner you start a skin correction program, the longer the results of cosmetic procedures will last. That is, if microinjections are performed from 25-28 years of age as a preventive measure, the effect of therapy will last for a longer period - up to 2-2.5 years.

Much depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Therefore, the answer to the question of how often mesotherapy can be done in your case should only be given by the doctor who performed this procedure.

Selecting a drug for injection

It is important to understand that no qualified doctor administers the same drug to different patients. Each cocktail is always unique and differs not only in composition, but also in the predicted result.

Most synthetic preparations are based on hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the hydration and elasticity of the dermis. The human body easily accepts it and eliminates it naturally after 8-12 months (depending on the concentration). Preparations created based on the effect of animal products contain mainly elastin and collagen.

Vitamins in cocktails for mesotherapy (groups A, B, E, C, P) act as antioxidants, organic acids improve cellular regeneration. Minerals (selenium, magnesium, phosphorus) are aimed at solving other problems.

Sometimes doctors add medications to the cocktail, without which it is impossible to remove age spots. In cases where facial contour correction is planned, the drug also contains lipolytics. Fat-burning substances are needed to correct the contour of the face and eliminate the double chin. In addition, the patient’s own plasma helps enhance the effect of facial mesotherapy.

Alternative procedures

At an appointment with a cosmetologist in Moscow, the question is often asked what is the difference between this or that service; clients often ask for advice on ways that will quickly and painlessly put their skin in order. Let's find out what the differences are between mesotherapy and biorevitalization, as well as what the difference is between beauty injections and plasma lifting.


To answer the question of how biorevitalization differs from mesotherapy, let us outline the features of the procedures. Mesotherapy uses liquid cocktails (ozone therapy is an exception), while biorevitalization requires a thicker gel-like consistency. In addition, it is worth highlighting the following differences:

  • purpose - beauty injections are designed to eliminate serious aesthetic problems, biorevitalization is preventive in nature;
  • efficiency - meso-cocktails give an instant effect, biorevitalization triggers natural self-regeneration processes not so quickly;
  • Duration – the effect obtained from biorevitalization lasts twice as long compared to mesotherapy techniques.

Consult with a professional which of the described services will suit you best and relieve you of worrying problems.


Plasmolifting also uses the injection method; only the composition of the injected substances changes. If multi-component meso-cocktails are created for mesotherapy, then plasma lifting requires the patient’s blood plasma enriched with platelets. To do this, blood is drawn (up to 40 ml), and the centrifugation process is started to prepare the solution.

The plasma lifting technique does not cause allergies due to the 100% biocompatibility of previously taken plasma. Such injections accelerate regenerative processes and normalize cellular metabolism. As a result, your skin looks fresh, rested, is saturated with useful substances, gets rid of pigmentation, wrinkles, and its structure improves.

Possible negative consequences

The concept of side effects is quite often associated with mesotherapy. Patient reviews often contain questions about whether or not to do a second procedure if negative consequences appeared after the first time. In fact, there is no need to be afraid of such manifestations; the human body reacts to the intervention and activates its resources, which is also very beneficial for skin rejuvenation.

What are the most common consequences of mesotherapy? The negative effect of the procedure can be expressed in such phenomena as:

  • swelling;
  • bruises;
  • papules and redness;
  • moderate pain.

How often should mesotherapy be performed?

The frequency of sessions during a mesotherapy course is prescribed by a cosmetologist individually for each client. It depends not only on the area being treated and the type of problem, but also on the depth of penetration of healthy cocktails.

It is most often recommended to take three days to two weeks between sessions to give sensitive skin time to recover.

Approximate schedule of procedures

Despite the fact that the recommended frequency of mesotherapy almost always varies, there is a standard schedule that cosmetologists often adhere to:

  1. Between the first three sessions, the break should be 7-10 days, since it is during this period that the maximum saturation of the epithelial cells occurs.
  2. The next 5-10 sessions are performed 2 times a week.
  3. Maintenance sessions are carried out much less frequently - once every 1.5-2 months.

When scheduling sessions, you should also take your condition into account. If you feel severe damage to the skin, you should tell the specialist about it to avoid traumatizing it.

What should you not do after the session?

After performing mesotherapy, the cosmetologist always prescribes skin care recommendations for the girl, compliance with which will not only increase the effectiveness of the manipulations, but will also help prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

Not many restrictions are prescribed:

  • For 4 hours, refrain from washing your face and applying any cosmetics to it;
  • Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and energy drinks for 6 hours;
  • For three days after visiting cosmetology, avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or taking a hot bath;
  • During the course of mesotherapy, stop taking blood thinning medications and also avoid sunbathing.

By gentle handling of the treated area, you can achieve the desired result much faster. At the same time, you must follow the prescribed recommendations after each session.


During mesotherapy, the needle is not inserted deeply (up to 1-1.5 mm), dangerous toxic components are not used in the process, and the ingredients do not cause side effects. There are factors in the presence of which you should refuse injections:

  • pregnancy (all trimesters);
  • lactation period;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail;
  • impaired coagulation (conditions associated with poor blood clotting);
  • oncology;
  • severe heart disease, vascular pathologies;
  • renal failure.

It is extremely important to notify a specialist about the presence of contraindications and consult with your doctor before undergoing mesotherapy.

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