Vitamin B12: release forms, indications, how to use

To maintain normal hemoglobin levels, a balanced diet is necessary. Excessive nervousness, pale skin, poor appetite and fatigue may indicate anemia and a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. In this case, additional use of special medications is indicated.

What is vitamin B12, release forms

Vitamin B12 is a representative of the water-soluble group of vitamins, can accumulate and be stored in the liver, and contains cobalt.

It is necessary for the human body, as it takes part in hematopoiesis and the production of red blood cells. The source is animal products - dairy and meat products, chicken eggs. As a rule, vegetarians, pregnant women, as well as people diagnosed with atrophic gastritis or chronic enteritis suffer from cyanocobalamin deficiency. The cause of a lack of vitamin B12 may be pathologies that prevent its absorption in the intestines.

To compensate for the lack of cyanocobalamin in the population, pharmaceutical factories produce a variety of drugs containing either one component or a combination of essential vitamins and minerals (vitamin complexes).

You can buy vitamin B12 in pharmacies in several dosage forms:

  • capsules for oral administration;
  • film-coated tablets;
  • solution for injection.

B12-deficiency anemia of the elderly, or “old people always have cold feet”

Anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 has been known to medicine for a long time, and was previously considered incurable, leading to the death of the patient for several months. Today, the problem is not treatment, but the identification of pathology in the elderly, for whom it is typical. Indeed, for this category of patients, most of the symptoms of B12-deficiency anemia are “a common consequence of old age”, and therefore are not a reason for examination.

10 times more likely in older people

B12-deficiency anemia at a young age is a fairly rare phenomenon, mainly due to a complete rejection of “animal” products or impaired absorption of vitamin B12 and occurs in approximately 0.1% of the population.

In the elderly, the prevalence of this pathology is 10-20 times higher, and is already 1-2% under the age of 75, and about 4% among representatives of the older group.

Moreover, this B-12-induced anemia is a rather multifactorial disease, and among the main reasons for its development:

  1. lack of intrinsic factor Castle (produced by the stomach and necessary for the absorption of B12 from food),
  2. B12 deficiency in diet
  3. severe intestinal dysbiosis or helminthiasis.

Castle's intrinsic factor deficiency

It is not for nothing that this pathology ranks first among the causes of B12-deficiency anemia in the elderly, because the absorption of B12 in the intestines is possible only in combination with the “gastric” factor.

In other words, the absorption of vitamin B12 is severely impaired during atrophy (atrophic gastritis) or resection (removal of part of an organ) of the stomach. While atrophic gastritis occurs in the elderly with a frequency of 70-80%.

The causes of atrophic gastritis are also varied. But in the elderly, autoimmune aggression plays a significant role in this.

Antibodies to the parietal cells of the stomach or Castle factor itself are found in 90% of patients with atrophy of the gastric mucosa. However, today it is not clear whether they are an independent cause of such gastritis, or whether they develop against the background of an existing disorder.


Many clinicians pay attention to the “continuity” of the risk of B12 deficiency among close relatives. After all, 20-30% of patients with anemia and atrophic gastritis in the family already had (or have) similar diseases.

In addition, among patients without a family predisposition, the average age of onset of B12 anemia is 66 years, and with a family history - 51 years.

B12 deficiency in diet

It's no secret that older people often develop a penchant for plant-based foods. While the consumption of meat and dairy products, as well as eggs, is greatly reduced or stopped altogether. But these foods are an essential source of vitamin B12, which also explains the frequency of B12 anemia in vegetarians.

Intestinal dysbiosis or “worms”

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be caused by “simple competition”, since bacteria and parasites are quite “voracious” in relation to it.

At the same time, the “accelerated” proliferation of bacteria is facilitated by the tendency of older people to constipation and the frequency of intestinal diverticulosis. And among helminthic infestations, the wide tapeworm is of greatest importance.

How to suspect B12 deficiency

Weakness, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and other “classic” (iron deficiency) signs of anemia are very weakly expressed with a lack of B12. And, in most cases, they are forced to see a doctor only when they reach a severe degree of severity (hemoglobin at a level of 60-40 g/l or less).

At the same time, among the complaints that provoke seeking help are symptoms of worsening concomitant diseases (angina pectoris, arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease and others), the decompensation of which is due to prolonged oxygen deprivation of tissues (hypoxia) and impaired blood flow.

Another, almost obligatory, sign of B12 deficiency anemia in the elderly is damage to peripheral nerves, or funicular myelosis.

True, signs of such neuropathy are revealed only after a thorough examination, because:

  • weakness in limbs
  • constant feeling of cold in the legs,
  • numbness,
  • tingling
  • and sensory impairment

according to the elderly patients themselves, “the phenomenon is normal at this age,” and “old people’s feet always get cold.” This means that such symptoms “definitely” cannot be a reason for examination.


1. Clinical blood test

The “blood picture” with B12 deficiency is characterized by a decrease in red blood cells, hemoglobin, an increase in erythrocyte indices (MCV, MCH), as well as a lack of platelets and leukocytes.

Red blood cells, in this case, are characterized by irregular shape and/or size (macrocytosis). And the appearance of such deviations is due to the enormous importance of vitamin B12 for normal DNA synthesis.

With B12 deficiency, the most actively dividing cells obviously “suffer” more, and one of such systems is the hematopoietic one.

2. Blood test for vitamin B12

The appearance of characteristic abnormalities in the general blood test, it is necessary to clarify the cause of their occurrence. Because not all macrocytic anemias are of B12 deficiency.

3. Confirmed vitamin B12 deficiency obviously needs to determine the reasons on which the effectiveness of further treatment obviously depends:

  • examination of the stomach complex “Gastrocomplex” (0.H84.201) to detect mucosal atrophy (laboratory “analog” of FGDS),
  • blood test for antibodies to parietal cells of the stomach (0.A56.201) and Castle factor (9.0.A57.201);
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis (12.A1.900);
  • stool analysis using the PARASEP method (2.A12.101) (a modern version of stool for helminth eggs) or a comprehensive blood test for antibodies to helminths (50.0.H92.900).
  • What is vitamin B12 for?

    First of all, vitamin B12 is needed for the normal functioning of the hematopoietic system, since the substance is necessary for the maturation of red blood cells. Helps prevent anemia. Also cyanocobalamin:

    • takes part in providing the body with energy;
    • necessary for the reproduction of cells in the bone marrow, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
    • helps the nervous system work smoothly;
    • ensures iron absorption;
    • has an analgesic effect;
    • needed for metabolism (participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
    • serves as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease, depression, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular pathologies.

    The role of vitamin B12 in the body

    Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)

    was first opened in 1948. Scientists isolated a new substance from raw liver and prescribed it to treat pernicious anemia.

    Over the past 70 years, cyanocobalamin has been well studied by scientists and doctors, as a result of which it was possible to establish its effect on the body:

    • blocking stress hormones;
    • improvement of blood clotting;
    • amino acid synthesis;
    • reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
    • detoxification of the body during alcoholism;
    • improving liver function.

    Cyanocobalamin helps athletes withstand heavy loads, accelerates weight loss and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

    It plays a special role in the functioning of the central nervous system. The vitamin complements the main therapy for cerebral palsy in children, Down's disease, intercostal neuralgia, etc.

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    B12 from Vitamir

    One of the popular monopreparations containing cyanocobalamin is Vitamin B12 from the Vitamir company. It is produced in tablets and goes on sale in packages of 30 and 60 pieces. In addition to the main substance, it contains lactose and stearic acid. This is a dietary supplement that is recommended as a dietary supplement as a source of vitamin B12.

    Among the contraindications, the manufacturer indicates personal intolerance, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    According to the instructions, you should take 100 mg tablets once a day, one piece during a meal. The course of treatment is one month. Repeating is possible after a month's break.

    The appointment must be agreed with the doctor. The price of a pack of 30 pieces starts from 180 rubles, sold without a prescription.

    Who should take it?

    Vitamin B6 will be especially useful for the following categories of people:

    • girls who use contraceptives or other means that contain estrogen;
    • women in position. An excessive amount of estrogen appears in the body of a pregnant woman. Pyridoxine helps correct the situation;
    • girls in the last 14 days before menstruation. There is also too much estrogen in the body;
    • people who want to get rid of extra pounds;
    • teenagers who have problem skin;
    • patients with high blood sugar levels;
    • persons with mental illness.

    B12 from Blagomin

    Available in the form of capsules of 0.2 g. One jar contains 90 pieces. In addition to the main active ingredient, it contains gelatin and microcrystalline cellulose.

    The intake is indicated to replenish the lack of cyanocobalamin in the body. Also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, persons with intolerance to substances from the composition.

    The instructions prescribe taking one capsule once a day for a month. Allowed for teenagers over 14 years of age and adults. You can undergo treatment courses several times a year.

    The price for a jar starts from 240 rubles, a prescription is not needed to purchase.

    Why is vitamin B12 deficiency dangerous?

    Despite the fact that this substance is produced by the human body in moderate quantities and comes from food from the outside, no person is immune from the development of cyanocobalamin hypovitaminosis. People at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency include older people, people taking antacid and antidiabetic medications, as well as those people who have previously undergone a procedure to remove part of the stomach.

    The main symptoms of hypovitaminosis B12 include pallor of the skin and its yellowing, changes in the psycho-emotional state, decreased visual acuity, dizziness and shortness of breath, impaired coordination, and a tingling sensation in the lower and upper extremities.

    Vitamin B12 solution

    Available in ampoules of 10 pieces per package. 1 ml contains 0.5 mg of cyanocobalamin.

    Indications for prescribing vitamin injections are:

    • anemia due to chronic lack of vitamin B12;
    • iron deficiency anemia, as well as caused by severe bleeding (as an additional treatment);
    • Cerebral palsy and Down syndrome;
    • anemia caused by drug or toxin poisoning;
    • liver pathologies (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
    • skin diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis);
    • radiculitis and neuralgia.

    The solution is injected into the spinal canal, vein or muscle, under the skin, and also taken orally.

    The dosage should be selected by the doctor based on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient.

    According to instructions:

    • in case of vitamin deficiency and anemia due to it, administration of 100/200 mcg once every two days is indicated;
    • for anemia due to bleeding or iron deficiency - 30-100 mcg twice or thrice a week;
    • children are prescribed 30-100 mcg per day, depending on the indications;
    • anemia with neurological pathology is treated with daily injections of 400-500 mcg for a week, then once every five to seven days.

    Therapy can cause allergies, increased heart rate, diarrhea, and nervous excitement.

    In the form of a solution, vitamin B12 is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, with thromboembolism, and increased production of red blood cells.

    Lack of cyanocobalamin must be confirmed by analysis.

    The price of a package of 10 ampoules starts from 30 rubles, and is available with a prescription from a doctor.

    Consequences of shortage

    Due to a lack of vitamin B6 in the body, the following problems may occur:

    • weakened immunity. Lack of pyridoxine leads to a decrease in antibodies that protect the body from harmful microorganisms;
    • lack of glucose. In this case, fatigue, irritability appear, and sleep is disturbed. It happens quite often in pregnant women;
    • imbalance of sodium and potassium. This usually results in swelling of the face, arms and legs. Sometimes the belly may become larger, which is not the cause of excess weight;
    • problems with protein absorption. The lack of protein is associated not only with an insufficient supply of this useful substance, but also with a deficiency of pyridoxine. If you consume too many protein foods, their absorption may take up all the vitamin B6 that is present in the body.

    How to use pyridoxine for hair

    Vitamin-based hair masks are especially popular. They can be easily prepared at home. Pyridoxine has a positive effect on the condition of hair and stabilizes blood circulation.

    For a vitamin mask you will need to purchase 4-5 ampoules of vitamin. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. burdock, castor and olive oil and stir well. Heat over low heat, add pyridoxine solution. Mix all ingredients well and you can apply the mask to your hair. Leave on hair for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse your hair well under warm water. After a couple of such procedures, you will notice how your hair will become softer, smoother and shinier.

    Side effects

    Milgamma has a beneficial effect on the body, saturating it with essential elements and vitamins. But we must not forget that this is a medical drug and should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Before taking a course of taking the drug (whether it be tablets or injections), the doctor must make sure that the patient does not have an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug

    Side effects from taking Milgamma can be in the form of allergic reactions - rash, itching, as well as increased sweating, dizziness, arrhythmia or convulsions. All these phenomena can occur with sudden administration of the drug or if the dosage is not observed.

    Vitamin B6 and carpal tunnel syndrome

    Sometimes it happens that a person wakes up with a feeling of numbness in the fingers. Neurologists call this condition tunnel syndrome. The cause of this disease lies in the wrist area, where there is a special canal (tunnel) through which the median nerve passes. It innervates the second, first and third fingers of the hand, and thanks to this nerve, these three fingers sense and carry out movements. In people with a certain type of activity, when the load is placed on the hand or the work is accompanied by vibration, the transmission of impulses along the median nerve is disrupted, and the fingers become numb as a result. To treat carpal tunnel syndrome, the doctor may prescribe a course of vitamin B6 injections and physical therapy. Using a needle, a drug containing B6 is injected directly into the tunnel, as a result of which inflammation, numbness and pain go away. Typically, for carpal tunnel syndrome, 3 to 5 injections are given, and such therapy has a very long-lasting effect.

    special instructions

    People who have gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as cardiac ischemia, should take it with caution. If you have liver problems, you can take the drug in small doses.

    Pyridoxine can be stored for 36 months from the date of release. You need to keep the medicine in a dry and dark place away from children at a temperature of +8...+15 degrees.

    It can be purchased at a pharmacy without a specialist prescription, but before taking it, it is better to consult with your doctor.

    If you consume alcoholic beverages in excessive quantities, the absorption of the vitamin will decrease, and, consequently, the body will experience a lack of pyridoxine.

    Reviews from patients and doctors about Milgamma

    By analyzing the totality of the complex of vitamins that make up Milgamma, you can understand the benefits this drug brings to the human body. It is the B vitamins that have a positive effect on the overall strengthening of the immune system and have a powerful therapeutic effect in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Thanks to the use of Milgamma, specialists achieve quick relief from acute pain; the treatment brings a long-term positive effect. In addition, experts recommend taking Milgamma vitamins for various diseases of internal organs, since this replenishes the elements and nutrients that a weakened body lacks.


    11/02/2018 Clinic with a normal nurse. I was given intramuscular injections. No blood, no vein problems.


    01/26/2018 The plasma therapy procedure helped a lot. The hip joint did not give rest either day or night. It was painful to walk, sit, and stand up. After five sessions I feel almost healthy. Special thanks to Dr. Usenko N.S.


    09/04/2017 Many thanks to Dr. Shogenov R.K. The plasma therapy procedure put me on my feet, my back pain went away. I wish you health and prosperity.


    Read all reviews

    Pharmacological group of vitamin Milgamma

    Agents that affect tissue metabolic processes. B vitamins (Milgamma) do not contain mineral complexes.

    The active ingredients of the drug are B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

    The choice of the form of administration of this medication into the body depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, whether ampoules with a solution or tablets

    The active ingredients of Milgamma injections are B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), as well as lidocaine, which has local anesthetic properties.

    Milgamma tablets are intended for oral administration. Their composition is identical to the injection solution (B vitamins - active substances benfotiamine 100 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 1) and differs in the absence of lidocaine hydrochloride and the presence of excipients.

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