How often can you use a mesoscooter - all the subtleties of home mesotherapy

Mesoscooters are successfully used to rejuvenate the skin, improve the condition of the hair and eliminate skin defects. Its action is based on the principles of acupuncture and the introduction of special preparations with active ingredients into the subcutaneous layers. Microscopic needles of the device create microchannels through which the drugs used enter the layers of the dermis.

Korean scientists have developed an innovative product to stimulate hair growth - Pelo Baum. Pelo Baum is a line of products based on peptides. Peptides, also known as growth factors, are protein molecules that are produced in every body; their role is to stimulate recovery processes. Peptides are integrated into the natural mechanism of hair growth, trigger the process of hair follicle growth and cell division, slow down the aging process of cells, lengthen the active growth phase and shorten the resting phase of hair. In addition to the group of peptides, Pelo Baum contains herbal extracts and vitamins. Read more about Pelo Baum -

The effectiveness of serums and other medicinal compounds when using a mesoscooter increases by an average of 93%, so patients often want to use it as often as possible. But for a safe effect on the skin, you need to know exactly how often you can use the mesoscooter in a specific area of ​​treatment, and strictly follow these recommendations.

What do the patches look like?

Patches cannot be confused with anything else. As a rule, they are thin pieces of gel that are smooth to the touch and melt slightly in your hands. The shape of gel stickers usually resembles a crescent, one end of which has a rounded outline - this shape allows you to maximize coverage of the area under the eyes, where the skin needs special hydration and nutrition. Some manufacturers bring a playful aspect and make patches in the shape of a heart, which consists of two half stickers for each eye.

And the latest trend in Korea is fabric patches. They are made from the same fabric as traditional face masks. In essence, these are full-fledged fabric eye masks impregnated with a special composition. But in this article we will look at traditional ones on a water-gel (hydrogel) basis. We'll talk about fabric stickers separately.

Do I need to wash off the mask after use?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether they need to wash their face after a fabric mask if the product is not completely absorbed and there are serum residues on the skin. Stickiness on your face can be irritating and make you want to get rid of it. In this case, the best thing to do is to gently remove excess essence with a cotton pad or paper napkin. Manufacturers do not recommend washing your face with water; this will reduce the effect of the procedure. Some components must be released in the skin tissue over a long period of time. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether you need to wash off the mask from your face is a resounding no. If there is very little product left, then it should simply be massaged into the skin with light tapping.

The arsenal of manufactured fabric masks is very diverse. When choosing, you should listen to yourself and take into account the recommendations given in the article. The main feeling from a cosmetic procedure should be a pleasant feeling of renewal and comfort for the skin.

How patches work

Hydrogel patches are based on a dense and smooth-to-touch gel, which is obtained from brown algae. The hydrogel perfectly retains moisture, adheres well and, under the influence of temperature, deeply moisturizes the skin, giving it the beneficial substances with which it is impregnated. This material is environmentally friendly and safe; it is also used in the food industry.

The skin in the eye area is very thin and sensitive and requires a special approach. She is more susceptible to external factors and ages faster. And under modern living conditions: poor ecology, lack of sleep and constant stress, even young girls complain about wrinkles under their eyes. Well, dark circles and swelling have become constant companions for many. Patches help quickly tidy up the skin under the eyes and slow down the aging process.

What are the benefits of face masks?

Face masks perform many useful functions:

  • cleanses and exfoliates the epidermis of cosmetics, various contaminants, and dead cells;
  • dry and mattify the skin, eliminate oily sheen;
  • moisturize and nourish it with useful substances;
  • stimulate cellular metabolism;
  • relieve acne and other irritations;
  • lighten freckles, age spots;
  • eliminate wrinkles and stimulate regeneration processes in cells;
  • tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

Regular use of face masks allows you to preserve its beauty and youth for a long time.

Eye patches: composition

As we said above, hydrogel patches are based on a special gel made from brown algae. In the composition, it can be presented in two varieties: agar-agar (Agar) or carrageenan (Carrageenan / Chondrus Crispus Extract).

Gel stickers, which include more than 5 additives: extracts from plants, fruits and other components, are considered richer in composition and, accordingly, more effective. And the more, the better. Often in their composition you can find aloe extract, Asian centella, snail mucin, gold, pearl powder, swallow's nests and other useful ingredients.

If you want gel stickers to solve a specific problem, pay attention to the following ingredients in the composition.

  • Rose extract is perfect for young girls. It delicately moisturizes the skin and stimulates its blood circulation.
  • Shea butter, horse fat, swallow's nest extract - suitable for older skin, have a powerful nourishing and smoothing effect.
  • Snake venom is good at smoothing out wrinkles, but in reality it rather has a prolonged antioxidant effect, like red wine extract.
  • Seaweed is best for relieving swelling. The fact is that seafood contains a large amount of minerals, which ensure lymph flow and reduce swelling under the eyes.
  • Aloe, collagen and hyaluronic acid are excellent moisturizers.
  • Pearl powder and vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, removes dark circles and brightens well.

How to alternate face masks?

If the skin is not problematic, the application regimen may be as follows:

  • first there is a deep cleansing of the face with clay, film or peeling masks;
  • the next day you can make moisturizing, nourishing, tightening masks (including alginate ones).

Alternate nourishing masks with moisturizing or cleansing ones, as they are denser in composition. They can clog pores. Combination skin needs moisturizing, nourishing and whitening masks. They can be done alternately once a week.

Face masks are easy to use. They save care time, slow down aging, solve skin problems and improve appearance.

How to use patches correctly

It is better to stick patches on clean and toned skin. It is believed that it is correct to apply them with a narrow, sharp edge to the inner corners of the eyes, and with a wide edge to the area adjacent to the temples. But in reality there is no single rule. You can apply the patches however you want, depending on the result you want to achieve. A wide area in the temple area will help relieve swelling and lighten circles, near the nose - smooth out wrinkles and additionally moisturize the dry skin of the wings of the nose.

Did you know that gel stickers can be used not only under the eyes? They are also applied to other areas of the skin that require hydration: to the nasolabial folds, on the forehead and even on dry elbows.

Korean fabric masks are a godsend for lazy people

Does it happen that you are simply too lazy to use masks? Well, you understand with your mind what you need - after the mask, your face will be cleansed/refreshed/rested/groomed (underline as necessary), but you absolutely don’t want to go to the mirror, smear some substance on yourself, time it, go wash it off...? I get lazy, and very often. The battery of jars with masks is increasing, they look reproachfully from the shelf, but the face does not become more beautiful. And again, an ingenious solution came from Asia - fabric masks! Of course, I know that many European and American manufacturers have fabric masks, but still, it is in Asia (Japan and Korea especially) that these masks are most popular, and more popular than the masks in tube jars that we are used to. I want to tell you about the Korean sheet masks Beauty Friends and DayLight. Initially, I received these masks as a gift when purchasing Korean cosmetics, but I liked them so much that now I buy them on an industrial scale. There will be no description from the manufacturer and composition, because I didn’t find this information in Russian or English, I suspect that it exists in Korean, which I don’t speak...

The mask packaging is a disposable bag containing one non-woven cloth soaked in a healing solution. The napkin is cut to the shape of a face, there are holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth. It seems to me that the holes are made for a wide Asian face; the mask does not fit perfectly on a European face, but it is acceptable - if you smooth the mask well with your hands, it will take the shape of the face

These masks are very easy to use - you just need to open the package, apply the mask to your face and smooth it with your hands.
Just for lazy people like me. It’s convenient that the masks can be placed in different corners of the apartment where I visit most often, and used when there is a moment to “open-pull-out-smooth.” It is especially convenient that the masks can be placed near the laptop and used while reading. Beauticians After 20-30 minutes, the mask on the face will be almost completely dry, you just need to remove it and do a light massage - drive the remaining solution into the skin with your fingers. You can first cool the mask (I have several in the refrigerator), or heat it up - hold it under hot water for a couple of minutes. This greatly enhances the effect of the mask.

The mask is positioned as disposable, but I have seen mentions that it can be used 2 times - there is quite a lot of liquid left in the bag, so after use the mask can be folded, put in the bag and closed with a paper clip. But I haven't done that yet.

In total, I tried more than 10 types of masks, but I will only tell you about the six that are currently available. The masks listed below are positioned as “for any skin type”, i.e. are aimed at hydration-toning-nutrition-rejuvenation, which everyone needs. My skin is oily, dehydrated with periodic breakouts, and all the described sensations from the masks are purely subjective. Italic

– a description found on the Internet of exactly how this ingredient is useful.

1. Beauty Friends Snail essence mask - mask with snail extract.

Snail secretion extract contains a huge amount of biologically active substances - a full set of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of new connective tissue, allantoin, collagen, vitamins A, C, E, B6 and B12, elastin, chitosan, protease enzyme, as well as glycolic acid.
All this is used by the snail to restore its damaged body, as well as its limestone house. Now snail cosmetics are a trend in Korean cosmetics; almost every manufacturer has a line of products with snail extract. Naturally, the first thing I bought was this particular mask. The mask is practically odorless, moisturizes superbly, and it seemed to me that after using this mask in the evening, the rashes fade in the morning and heal faster. Rating - 5

2. Beauty Friends Pearl essence mask - mask with pearl extract.

But this mask is for me in the morning, I especially like it chilled (when I’m not too lazy to go to the refrigerator). After it, the skin color becomes uniform, the pores are tightened, and traces of fatigue and lack of sleep are completely erased from the skin. It’s convenient that you can put the mask near the bed, set an additional alarm clock 20 minutes earlier, open the package without opening your eyes, put on the mask, smooth it out and continue to sleep. The downside for me is that the mask whitens the skin. Rating - 5

3. DayLight Red Ginseng mask sheet - mask with red ginseng.

Ginseng - has a strong tonic effect, stimulates regeneration, restores skin tone.
Another “morning” mask, but this is my purely subjective division into morning/evening; the mask can be used at any time of the day. The skin tightens, becomes elastic and dense, pores are noticeably smaller and their contents brighten. After this mask, any foundations and powders fit perfectly, no emphasizing of peeling or bleeding into wrinkles. Rating - 5

4. DayLight Marine Algae mask sheet - mask with seaweed

Algae contains iodine, bromine, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, amino acids, alginic acid, vitamins, enzymes and phytohormones, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.
Just a very good moisturizing mask. Slightly foul smell, but not strong. After using it in the evening, the next morning you don’t want to use serums or creams at all; the skin looks tight and nourished. Rating - 5

5. DayLight EGF mask sheet - mask with EGF

EGF (epidermal growth factor) is a low molecular weight polypeptide that slows down the aging process of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, improves complexion, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores skin elasticity, increases its protective properties, prevents pigmentation, relieves irritation and redness, reduces vascular stars on the face.
When purchasing this mask, I fell for the incomprehensible abbreviation Mask with an incomprehensible chemical smell (maybe this is what EGF smells like?), it doesn’t do any instant miracles for the face, it just moisturizes and nourishes. But I believe that for the wrinkle smoothing promised by the manufacturer to manifest itself, a cumulative effect is necessary, so I use this mask often, alternating it with collagen. Rating - 5-

6. DayLight Collagen mask sheet - mask with collagen

Collagen is a structural protein that provides skin elasticity and also has pronounced moisturizing abilities.
Gives the skin elasticity, increases turgor, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and provides an instant lifting effect. Another mask that works for a cumulative effect. The smell is quite nasty, but what would you not do for the promised lifting and reduction of wrinkles? It moisturizes superbly, after the mask the skin is soft and elastic, and does not need cream, etc. at all. I hope that over time the rest of the promises will be fulfilled... Rating - 5-


— the masks are excellent, they really work, many provide immediate visible results. It’s easier for me to use fabric masks, and my skin is very grateful that I now additionally nourish and moisturize it not once every couple of weeks, but every other day. The effect is “on the face” - the skin now looks fresh, well-groomed, and the complexion has lost its tired-gray tint. Lately I have been constantly haunted by the question “Oh, did you just return from vacation?”

The testing period is six months. Price – 8 UAH/piece ($1).


How long to keep patches under the eyes

The standard time for using the product is 20-30 minutes. The minimum time for them to take effect is 10 minutes. If you forgot to note the time, look at the condition of the sticker - you feel that it has given up all the moisture and has begun to stick to the skin - remove it. It is not recommended to keep the hydrogel on the skin in the eye area for longer than 30 minutes, much less leave it overnight. The fact is that it has a reverse reaction and after thirty minutes begins to “take away” moisture.

Remember the most important rule - patches cannot be overexposed!

Why shouldn't you use face masks too often?

Using face masks too often can have the opposite effect. They have a more intense effect on the skin than creams and other skin care products. The reason for this is that the masks contain a higher concentration of biologically active components.

Oversaturation of the skin with active substances often leads to:

  • thinning of the epidermis, disruption of its protective properties, inflammatory reactions;
  • loss of moisture and pH imbalance;
  • failure in the metabolic processes of the lipid layer and the appearance of excessive dryness.

An excess of components also stops the synthesis of many substances that are formed in the skin layers. The layers do not receive enough oxygen through the pores and stop breathing.

How often can patches be used?

Some people use gel stickers daily in courses of 30 days, some every 2-3 days, and some exclusively before an important event. In fact, there are no restrictions. It is not necessary to use patches within a month if there are 30 pairs in a jar. As a rule, the shelf life allows you to “stretch out” the pleasure for longer. But if you want to achieve lasting results - increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin and forget about circles and puffiness under the eyes - make it a habit to use them every morning before applying makeup.

An open jar should not be kept for more than two months. You can see the expiration date of an opened product on the packaging; it is indicated by an icon and is calculated in months. For example, “12M” means use within 12 months.

Possible side effects with frequent use of a dermaroller

If you use the ZGTS mesoroller correctly, observing the recommended intervals between sessions and home mesotherapy courses, side effects occur extremely rarely.

Before using a mesoscooter frequently, you need to go through an adaptation process - perform several procedures at intervals of 3-7 days and carefully monitor the reaction of the dermis.

There is no need to use a dermaroller if the following are found in the planned treatment area:

  • signs of inflammation or irritation;
  • rosacea, eczema, psoriasis;
  • foci of fungal or viral infection;
  • large moles;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • warts, papillomas or other neoplasms;
  • keloid scars;
  • scratches, burns and other damage to the skin.

Listen to your body, maintain the recommended intervals between home mesotherapy procedures, strictly follow the instructions for using the dermaroller and change it in a timely manner, and the results will certainly please you!

How and where to store patches

Many manufacturers recommend storing patches in the refrigerator. This way they retain their properties longer and relieve swelling better. But this is not necessary, you can simply put them in a dark, cool place.

In an already open jar, it is necessary to close the lid tightly so that the moisture does not evaporate. For the same purpose, it is not necessary to tear off and throw away the protective membrane, this way you will protect the patches from drying out.

How to choose ingredients according to skin type

Each skin type needs certain masks, so it is necessary to select the components correctly:

  • Fat. It is recommended to make facial products with a mattifying, cleansing, and soothing effect. Herbal ingredients (linden, chamomile, cocoa bean extract), clay, honey, protein, lemon juice are suitable for this.
  • Dry and sensitive. Nourishing and moisturizing masks are needed. The best natural ingredients for flaky skin are honey, olive oil, egg yolk, yogurt. Boiled pumpkin and oatmeal are also suitable.
  • Problematic. Characterized by frequent occurrence of acne, irritation, and allergic reactions. First, cleansing masks are used to open the pores on the face, and then products with natural oils, aloe juice, and medicinal plants are applied. They will help normalize the balance of sebum and heal wounds that arise due to acne.
  • Normal. Raw fruits, vegetables, kefir, citrus fruits are suitable for it, but not more than 2 times a week. You can apply the product with sour cream or olive oil, but only once in 7 days.
  • Combined. Soothing, nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing masks are suitable. Products with oatmeal, milk, coffee, berries, cottage cheese, honey, and egg yolk are good.

How to make patches at home

If you love DIY home remedies and want to experiment with gel stickers, the recipe is very simple.

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon agar-agar seaweed;
  • 100 ml hot water;
  • additional supplements depending on the goal you want to achieve (lemon juice, aloe, chamomile or green tea).

As a result, you will end up with rather large bars of gel with a very modest composition, which will most likely slide off in the process, and it will be completely impossible to walk with them. But if you want, experiment.

Mistake 2: “I’ll leave it overnight.”

The most “resourceful” representatives of the fair sex do not just keep the mask on for longer, but leave it on all night. At the same time, the main idea is this: at night, the skin rests, the pores open, and the mask works better. But this is categorically wrong. The consequences for the skin after a night spent with a mask can be very dire.

The exception is special night masks. But the main thing here is to monitor the composition and avoid fruit acids (for example, lemon juice), as well as perishable foods if this is a homemade recipe.

How to choose patches

To begin with, we note that you can use the product at any age. But experts still believe that the most suitable period is from 25 to 45 years. At 25 years old, the skin is still able to cope with problems and recover on its own, but after 45, more powerful products will be needed.

Thus, you should choose patches based on your age, current skin needs and problems that need to be solved. Our ingredient cheat sheet in point No. 4 (“what are patches for”) or our consultants will help you choose the ones that are right for you.

Mistake 1: “The longer, the better.”

The instructions for using the mask say to keep it on for 15-20 minutes.

And we think - let me hold it for all 40 minutes! For super results! So that all, all, all the benefits are absorbed to a single drop. And this is a fatal mistake.

Why? It's simple! Once the mask dries, it no longer has any benefit for us! And sometimes it makes it even worse!

A dry mask begins to suck moisture from the skin. So, for example, for sensitive skin this can lead to allergic rashes and irritations. And the result is not benefit, but harm. This is why it is important to keep the mask wet at all times. This is the only way it works for the desired result. For example, clay masks should be irrigated with clean water or hydrosol to prevent them from drying out on the skin.


It’s not in vain that manufacturers indicate the time for keeping the mask on! Pay attention to this!

How much do eye patches cost?

The cost of patches varies depending on the brand, the number of stickers in the package and the concentration of certain ingredients. Let's say that some patches contain gold in an amount of 10 ppm (per mille), and in others - 100 ppm. The number of useful extracts can also vary: from 5 to 10 or more. So for one pair of gel stickers you can pay from 45 to 350 rubles, for 30 pairs (or 60 pieces - more often the quantity is indicated on the package per piece) - from 950 to 2,000 rubles and more.

We hope we have answered all your questions. And if not, we will be happy to answer! Ask them in the comments. Go to the website and choose the patches you like in our catalog.

Be charming!

Common mistakes

The main mistake many women make is frequent use of face masks and changing ingredients. For a cosmetic product to help, it is advisable not to use other products for a certain period. After achieving the desired result, take a short break to allow the skin to rest. Then the composition of the mask can be replaced.

Another mistake is neglecting an allergy test. In this case, when adding a new component to a cosmetic product, there is a risk of a severe allergic reaction (especially to citrus fruits, honey, berries, milk).

You can't apply masks thoughtlessly. It is important to first determine your skin type, select the right components and only then begin the procedure. Otherwise there will be no desired effect.

Only the right approach

In order for the product to fulfill its stated promises and work only for the benefit of beauty and health, it is necessary to use it correctly and for its intended purpose:

  1. A cosmetic product chosen without taking into account your skin type will only do harm.
  2. Before using any mask, the face needs to be thoroughly cleansed using a scrub. Without adhering to this rule, the skin will receive less benefit from its action.
  3. Women with dry skin should not use film masks. They strongly tighten the upper layer of the epidermis, which can lead to microtrauma.
  4. Paraffin masks have quite a lot of contraindications. Before using them, you must read the instructions.
  5. Purchased ready-made masks must be checked for allergic reactions. Otherwise, the beauty procedure can play a cruel joke.

Home Remedies

You can read about the benefits of camphor oil for hair here. Read all about the benefits and harms of castor and burdock oils for hair in the article.

You need to take care of yourself constantly and systematically. Only daily care can preserve beauty and health for many years. Accustom yourself to the need to use caring cosmetics, industrial and home-made, and enjoy your reflection in the mirror every day.

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