Is washing your face with cold water good for your skin? How to do this correctly?

It is impossible to imagine daily facial skin care without washing; water cleanses the surface of excess sebaceous gland secretions, bacteria and impurities. Few people think that washing with water at the wrong temperature can harm the skin and all further care manipulations may be in vain.

We will tell you below which water is better to wash your face, cold or hot.

  • 3 What temperature water should I use for washing?
  • 4 How often should you wash your face?
  • 5 Harms from washing your face with cold water
  • 6 Conclusion
  • Wash your face only with cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type

    Apply the gel/foam to your face and gently massage with your fingertips, moving from the neck to the forehead in a circular motion. Facial massage removes dirt and also activates blood circulation. Continue massaging for 30 seconds to one minute, paying special attention to areas of increased oiliness: the T-zone and the sides of the nose. Finally, rinse off the cosmetic product with cool water to close the pores.

    When it comes to choosing the perfect face wash, there is no one answer. Choose a cleanser that contains ingredients that will help your skin type. For example, if you have oily or acne-prone skin, try salicylic acid-based gels/foams. A foam or gel cleanser is suitable for oily skin, while creamier cleansers are suitable for dry skin. Do not clean your face with regular hand soap! It will dry out your facial skin too much.

    Ionized water

    You can get such water only with the help of a special device - an ionizer - which is not available to everyone. As a result of exposure to silver ions and a weak electric charge, water is disinfected and its structure changes somewhat. It is believed that in this form it is better absorbed by cells, cleanses the body of toxins and reduces the acidity of the food consumed. Naturally, ionized water is also suitable for washing. But it is very important to take into account your allergophone: if it is burdened, you may experience irritation.

    Question and Answer Why can’t you wipe your face and hands with the same towel?

    Rinse off the detergent thoroughly

    Leftover cleanser on your face can cause dry skin.

    If you don’t know what skin type you have, what facial care products are right for you, or you still have questions about how to wash your face correctly, sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist. Our Skinlazermed specialists will help you choose the necessary cleansers and aftercare products for your skin, recommend facial care procedures, and answer all your questions. You can sign up for a consultation by phone: +7; +7 (812) 293-78-72

    Boiled water

    Why do we usually boil water? To neutralize hardness, since hard water is highly enriched with minerals, it contains magnesium and potassium salts. They irritate and tighten the face. These problems are especially pronounced during the heating season, when the skin becomes more sensitive. Of course, the softness of the water is a strong argument for boiling it, but this is perhaps the only advantage. An important point: let the water cool to room temperature, as this is optimal for our skin. It is better not to wash your face with hot water at all. And the cold one should not be used in winter, this is more of an option for summer.

    About the benefits of a cold shower

    It has long been proven that you can get a huge boost of energy and significantly improve your health by just turning the tap and turning the water colder. But this, of course, requires willpower. We will help you strengthen it a little by telling us what happens to the body when you take a cold shower.

    Just don’t think that we are forcing you to throw yourself into icy water. Nobody is forcing you to do this. Just try a little experiment: next time you take a shower, start with hot and end with cold.

    Stand under running cool water for at least one minute. To make it more comfortable, you can first put your feet up, then wipe your shoulders and face, and then stand completely under the water.

    Do this for a couple of days and just see how you feel. If it's better, then why not continue further. This is a good habit, and here's why:

    Do you want to improve, become more resilient, more purposeful and achieve your goals easier? A cold shower is a good way to strengthen willpower and, perhaps, the best way to get out of your comfort zone (psychologists say that this is very useful). Think for yourself what it takes to force yourself to stand under a stream of cold water. So, do it.

    Do you often worry about everything, do you get angry or lose your temper easily? A cold shower will also help. The fact is that cold water trains the nervous system, and it becomes easier for you to deal with stress. Research shows that a cold shower is like a little vaccine against stress.

    After about a month of regular cold treatments, you will become much “cooler” and minor troubles will no longer be able to affect your mood.

    If you are that brave person who has already tried to take a cold shower in the morning, you probably know that in the first second it is difficult to even breathe. But don't worry, breathing this deeply every morning improves your heart rate and significantly increases the concentration of oxygen in your blood. As a result, you will have more energy throughout the day, you will become more alert and less tired than your work colleagues.

    Cold showers are one of the best ways to improve the condition of your hair, and it's free (well, almost). After all, when you wash your hair in hot water, it becomes too dry, and cold water, on the contrary, closes the hair follicles (protective scales of the hair), due to which less sebaceous secretion is washed off from the hair. As a result, the hair begins to shine and falls out less. The same goes for your skin, which becomes clearer.

    You will become slimmer

    Cold water stimulates the formation of brown fat cells, which warms our body and helps burn fat deposited on the stomach and waist. Cold showers speed up the elimination of toxins, so excess weight will come off faster. There are studies that show that regular cold showers can help you lose up to 4 kg per year.

    Cold water constricts blood vessels, and blood begins to circulate faster. Starting to freeze, the body more actively supplies blood to the internal organs to warm them up. As a result, this has a very beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

    This is perhaps the most famous fact about cold showers. Chills promote activation of the immune system and an increase in lymphocytes and monocytes, which are responsible for destroying bacteriological agents in the blood; in other words, they kill viruses and bacteria.

    In addition, cold showers are good for the lymphatic system, which helps remove all kinds of waste from our cells. This is very important, because poor functioning of the lymphatic system leads to frequent colds, infections and joint pain.

    A contrast shower and alternating hot and cold water will help start the system and cleanse the lymph.

    It has been proven that cold showers can relieve symptoms of depression, and if taken regularly, they work as well as antidepressants. The mechanism that explains this effect is the stimulation of dopamine energy metabolism.

    Among other things, you will forever solve the problem of early rises. If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, take a cold shower; it helps better than any coffee.

    Cold water is one of the best ways to help you fall asleep instantly in the evening. At first it is difficult and not very pleasant to stand under cold water before going to bed. Start with a warm shower, warm up your body until you feel comfortable, and then turn the tap to cold water. For an even stronger effect, pour cold water into a bowl or jug ​​and pour it all over the back of your neck after taking a warm shower. It won't be cold; on the contrary, the water will seem scalding. And after this procedure, you will feel a pleasant warmth, your muscles will relax, and you will fall asleep like a baby.

    Doctor - hygienist

    Gapanovich Valentina,

    Do I need to wash my face after using micellar water?

    A product for cleansing the epidermis of the face, micellar water, has become widespread quite recently. Before this, the product was used abroad as care for infants and bedridden patients.

    Absolutely by accident, mothers of infants also began to use the product, observing an excellent effect. This is how the product spread in the cosmetology industry.

    In order to figure out whether to wash micellar water off your face after using it or not, you need to understand what it consists of:

    1. Micelles are fatty acid molecules with a solid core and hairs that attract and retain dirt particles;
    2. Various chemical elements, additives;
    3. Essential oils, glycerin.

    According to leading cosmetologists, there are practically no absolutely allergenic micellar solution compositions, and in addition, the average consumer will not be able to distinguish a product that is safe for use on the skin from a product that is better to wash off.

    Thus, regardless of the inscription on the package, after using micellar water, cosmetologists recommend rinsing off excess product either with plain water or by using tonic in an amount of at least 5 ml.

    Which one is better to wash?

    It is strictly not recommended to use hot and ice water.

    Both temperature options have negative effects. In the first stages, a person feels positive changes, but they quickly pass.

    The faucet in the bathroom is turned up so that the water is pleasant to the touch. Its value should be close to 20 degrees. Slightly lower values ​​are allowed.

    The best effect is a contrast shower. The alternating effect of warm and cool temperatures enhances the elasticity of the face and the walls of blood vessels. The secretion of sebaceous glands is reduced. The risk of acne formation is reduced.

    Important! You can use mineral water to wash your face. It should have a slightly alkaline composition, rich in vitamins and minerals. But such procedures are done no more than once a week.

    How to properly wash with holy water?

    Water that has been blessed in the church or outside by clergy is considered holy. You can collect holy liquid in any church at any time or on the great holiday of Epiphany on the night of January 18-19 in a consecrated reservoir. Many people believe that on this night holy water flows from all taps at home.

    The holy liquid has its special power due to the belief in its exclusivity. The Church is not against the regular use of holy water, but this should always be done with faith and reverence and not become a routine procedure.

    In order not to violate church rules when washing, you must follow the following procedure:

    • Faith does not allow girls to apply lipstick to icons or apply makeup before baptism, since a person must be absolutely clean before using various Christian attributes. Thus, before washing, the face must first be cleaned with soap or more gentle cosmetics;
    • To ensure that the holy liquid is enough for a larger number of procedures, it is mixed with ordinary water in a small plate or cup. Both according to belief and the laws of physics, a small amount of holy water mixed with tap water makes the latter also baptismal;
    • Use a clean cloth, dip it into a plate and gradually wash all areas of your face and neck with it;
    • Then splash water on your face three times with your palms and say the words of prayer;
    • There is no need to wipe your face dry; pat it dry with a clean towel and let it dry on its own.

    This procedure will cleanse not only your face, but also your thoughts and soul.

    Beneficial properties of contrasting washes

    Today, the benefits of contrasting face washes are discussed everywhere in medical and lay circles. Their influence on skin health is colossal, because it affects almost all systems and organs. The mechanism of action of this water procedure is as follows:

    • The temperature difference increases subcutaneous blood circulation several times, which stimulates metabolic processes , i.e. during this procedure, intensive cleansing of the deep layers of the dermis from toxins and waste occurs, maintaining firmness and elasticity, resorption of fat folds on the face, elimination of double chin and jowls ;
    • active contraction and immediate expansion of blood vessels tone the facial muscles , which makes them more resistant to even the most active facial expressions;
    • blood composition improves;
    • the skin is charged with vigor and energy;
    • immunity is strengthened at the cellular level: the skin's resistance to such undesirable external factors as ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes will increase;
    • a contrast shower for the face helps fight wrinkles , smoothes the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, and prevents premature aging;
    • relieves stress and fatigue;
    • complexion improves.

    This list eliminates all doubts about whether contrasting washes are beneficial for facial skin. Ladies of any age will benefit from this procedure for rejuvenation and health promotion. Who can I recommend this water procedure for constant use?

    Can I wash my face or not?

    Cosmetologists recommend washing with cold water. But it shouldn't be icy. The pores become narrowed.

    Dirt particles will not be able to penetrate deep into them in large quantities. Therefore, the epidermis will remain clean for a long time.

    With age, the vascular endothelium weakens, which leads to the formation of a venous network on the face. To prevent the process or reduce negative manifestations, use cool water.

    Many people confuse the concepts of cool and excessively cold. If you use the latter type, only negative effects will arise. The surface layer of the epidermis is damaged, the skin quickly becomes rough and peels.

    Attention! Cool water has a beneficial effect on the skin; this is what you should wash your face with every morning and evening.

    Indications for contrast washes

    Based on the above indications, we can draw conclusions about who is primarily recommended for contrasting face washes. Cosmetologists advise doing them daily for those who suffer from the following cosmetic defects:

    • contaminated pores;
    • black dots;
    • loss of skin firmness and elasticity due to age and other factors;
    • fat folds on the face;
    • double chin;
    • shaved;
    • loss of tone in facial muscles;
    • tired skin;
    • constant attacks on the skin in the form of ultraviolet radiation, low temperatures, polluted atmosphere;
    • wrinkles, premature aging;
    • unhealthy complexion.

    If you have already encountered one or more problems from this list, do not rush to attack your skin with all sorts of expensive creams or salon procedures.

    They can be solved in a softer and simpler way: try starting every day with contrasting face washes - you will probably like the results that will allow you to avoid the use of products with questionable chemical composition and procedures in beauty salons, the consequences of which are always very difficult to predict.

    And you need to start by mastering the rules for taking a contrast shower for your face. An incorrect change in water temperature can harm the skin, so this event must be approached with all responsibility.

    Harm from washing your face with cold water

    Despite all the beneficial properties, washing with cold water can be harmful to the skin if you neglect the recommendations for observing the temperature regime.

    People who wash their faces with ice water may experience the following negative effects:

    • There is a high probability of vascular spasm; as a result, the epidermis does not receive enough nutrients (vitamins, minerals, microelements), and the rate of skin regeneration slows down. All this leads to early formation of wrinkles;
    • loss of tone and elasticity of the skin;
    • the formation of foci of peeling and redness of the skin (mainly the cheeks and chin);
    • gradual dehydration of the epidermis;
    • malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

    In winter, if after washing with cold water a person immediately goes outside, the skin receives double cooling, and the negative consequences develop much more quickly.

    The negative effects of ice water can be eliminated in a timely manner if you start using cool water.


    Cold water comes in different temperatures. If it is close to room value or slightly lower, only a beneficial effect occurs. This is evidenced by the reviews of most people who use the method for daily washing.

    When people begin washing their faces with extreme cold water or ice, they do not initially experience any adverse effects. To a lesser extent, oily shine is formed, the skin is tightened. But vascular spasm gradually appears, so areas of sagging and wrinkles form.

    Numerous reviews about the use of hot water are only negative. It becomes easier for people to wash their face in the morning and they do not experience discomfort. But gradually the quality of the face deteriorates.

    The best reviews can be seen about using a contrast shower and washing . The positive effect appears after 7-10 days. Most people notice increased elasticity and a healthy glow.

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