Secrets of effectively smoothing nasolabial folds from Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie

Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: June 24, 2022

Review date: November 02, 2022

Causes of nasolabial folds (wrinkles)

Nasolabial folds are natural lines that extend from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Everyone has nasolabial folds, even babies. They are noticeable when a person smiles or expresses something emotionally. But with age, nasolabial folds become visible even in the absence of emotions on the face. There are several explanations for this.

Nasolabial folds appear when:

Collagen loss occurs. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity as the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases markedly. This is a natural process that is characteristic of every person’s body.

There is sagging of the cheeks. When a person has a lot of fat deposits on the face and in the chin area, then with age they will make themselves felt. Plump cheeks increase pressure on the nasolabial folds. As a result, wrinkles appear faster.

Bone loss occurs. As we age, calcium is lost from our bones. As a result, the teeth are the first to suffer. If a person loses some teeth and does not replace them with implants, the skin of the face begins to sag.

If a person has naturally dry skin. Dry skin develops wrinkles faster than oily skin. And if a person also smokes, then this is an additional blow to the skin. Harmful chemicals present in cigarette smoke seriously damage the skin, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles in the nasolabial folds.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Frequent stressful situations occur. When stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced. Increased secretion of this hormone causes surges in the activity of free radicals, which accelerate the process of premature aging.

The man loves to sunbathe too much. Ultraviolet rays are the main cause of collagen breakdown in the skin. You need to sunbathe in very moderate amounts.

When sudden or dramatic weight loss occurs. In such a situation, the skin simply does not have time to get into the desired shape. Stretch marks also appear for this reason.

When a person chooses the wrong diet. To keep your skin healthy, you need to eat a balanced diet.

Modern aesthetic medicine can cope with any of the problems that cause the formation of nasolabial folds.

Removal of nasolabial folds

There are several reasons for the appearance of folds running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips:

  • anatomical features,
  • active facial expressions,
  • age-related skin changes.

Get rid of nasolabial folds using fillers in a medical clinic.
Correction of nasolabial folds allows you to significantly rejuvenate your face without resorting to surgery!

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The result is the same: ugly furrows lie in a visible place, giving the face a dull and dissatisfied appearance. To remove this defect, gels are used that give the tissue additional volume. As a result, the skin is tightened, smoothed, and wrinkles disappear. Hyaluronic acid, which underlies such fillers, is a substance that regulates the hydration of the epidermis. Over the years, it is produced less and less, which leads to aging of the skin and deterioration of its qualities. The artificial introduction of the substance not only mechanically increases the volume, but also promotes rejuvenation of the epidermis by increasing its moisture content.

Since hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, fillers based on it do not cause intolerance or allergic reactions. Injections have a minimum of contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • rashes, dermatological diseases in the treatment area;
  • severe systemic diseases such as diabetes.

Also, the procedure is not performed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, for any acute illness, or for adolescents under 18 years of age.

Cosmetological correction methods

To more effectively resolve the issue, cosmetologists have developed special procedures. These include contour plastic surgery (injection of fillers), botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, SMAS lifting, 3D volumization, thread lifting, and hardware techniques.

Individual consultation

Contour plastic surgery (fillers)

It is the main and most popular way to fix the problem. Hyaluronic acid is most often used as a filler.

Fillers are injected into the nasolabial folds subcutaneously using injections. The drug has a gel-like structure. After injection of hyaluronic acid, the nasolabial folds are uniformly filled. As a result, they level out and become less deep.

In addition to smoothing wrinkles, hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the physiological condition of the skin. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic, its ability to regenerate (recovery) increases, metabolism improves, and age-related changes decrease.

Over time, hyaluronic acid is absorbed. The rejuvenating result after such exposure lasts on average 6-12 months. After this, the procedure can be repeated again.

Contour plastic surgery does not require special rehabilitation. However, certain restrictions must be observed. Directly on the day of the procedure, you should not use decorative cosmetics, usual care products, wash your face, or touch or massage the injection site.

List of what not to do after injecting fillers into the nasolabial folds:

  • sunbathe;
  • exercise;
  • take thermal procedures, take a steam bath.

It is recommended to observe these prohibitions for two weeks. You should use sunscreen before going outside.

How to get rid of nasolabial folds: various methods

Today, correction with fillers is the optimal way to eliminate unsightly grooves running from the wings of the nose to the lips. Plastic surgeries are less effective and require careful preparation and long-term rehabilitation. Injections do not leave traces and quickly replenish lost volumes. Contour correction of nasolabial folds is most often performed with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Such drugs are not rejected by the body and are well tolerated. Juviderm gels do not cause allergic reactions.

An important advantage of such fillers is the ability to correct the result if it does not suit the client. In this case, an enzyme is used that destroys hyaluronic acid and removes it from the body. If the correction of nasolabial folds is carried out using fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite, polylactic acid or polycaprolactone, then you will have to wait for a year until the gel resolves on its own.

Is it possible to do without plastic surgery?

People often think that they can get by with a circular facelift. This is partly true - with shallow wrinkles, after lifting they soften. If the folds are deep and there are other problems associated with age, then both operations - a facelift and excision of the folds - can be performed for an optimal result.

In some cases, a plastic surgeon may recommend the installation of implants, which are installed for sagging or sunken cheeks. The operation itself is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. During surgery, the plastic surgeon makes small incisions on both sides of the mouth and removes a small area of ​​skin. The remaining skin can then be pulled tighter and sutured, creating the appearance of sharply softened folds. The plastic surgeon will position the incisions so that the surgical scars are as hidden as possible within the new folds. The operation is complex, so it is necessary to find a surgeon with experience in this particular procedure.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead?

Forehead wrinkles are parallel grooves in the skin. They often appear first. For many girls after 25 years.

The main causes of wrinkles on the forehead and ways to combat them.


Active facial expressions. Forehead wrinkles are caused by emotions such as frowning and surprise. Mimic activity is increased in people whose activities are related to performances and communication. Correction of facial wrinkles can be carried out starting from the age of 18. These are not age-related changes, but the consequences of facial activity. Botulinum toxin injections are the most effective.


Stress. Sleep disturbances and tension cause contraction of the muscles of the head, neck and chest. Overstressed muscles of the skull pull the skin down, and characteristic creases appear on the forehead. In the initial stage and for prevention, it is necessary to strictly monitor sleep and rest patterns, and be sure to go for a walk. Drink herbal soothing teas at night. Cosmetologists primarily recommend a course of massage to relax the facial muscles and muscles of the skull. If wrinkles are deep and preventive measures do not help, then cosmetologists have a whole arsenal of means to combat wrinkles on the forehead. The most effective are botulinum toxin injections, which relax the muscles. Deep wrinkles can be filled by injection using soft fillers.


Unfavorable environment. High temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and insufficient air humidity have a very bad effect on our skin. In such cases, it is necessary to use protective equipment and regularly irrigate the skin with thermal water. The clinic recommends giving preference to moisturizing and nourishing masks.


Diseases of the cardiovascular system immediately affect the skin of the face. It is on the forehead that characteristic horizontal and vertical grooves appear. You need to start with a visit to a cardiologist. A specialist will select cosmetic procedures to eliminate wrinkles. The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead due to health problems occurs gradually, so there is always the opportunity to engage in preventive measures for a healthy lifestyle.

What techniques can cope with gravitational ptosis?

If the patient has severe gravitational ptosis, then the treatment protocols will be different.

How to understand that a patient has all the signs of tissue ptosis? Very simple. As doctors advise, you just need to go to the mirror and lift the nasolabial folds slightly up with your fingers. If they level out, then there is prolapse of the soft tissues.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Gravitational ptosis is a natural process caused by weakening of the ligamentous apparatus with age. You can strengthen it and return it to a state of youth in various ways.

Thus, excellent results are obtained by circular tissue tightening at the level of SMAS - the muscular aponeurotic layer - using the Altera System

, created by the international company Merz Aesthetics.


- This is the only device in the world that works on the principle of plastic surgery. Deep lifting with the Altera System apparatus includes tightening of the skin, subcutaneous fat, facial muscles, collagen and elastin fibers. This lift gives a pronounced and long-term rejuvenation effect.

Tissue tightening occurs using focused ultrasound, which has the ability to penetrate to a depth of 4-4.5 mm. This is the level of SMAS - superficial muscular aponeurotic system. It is located under the skin and connected to it into a single frame. When muscles contract, they pull the skin along with them. As a result, sagging and deep creases appear over the years.

Ultrasound heats the subcutaneous layers. When the temperature rises there, the collagen fibers and connective tissue of the fatty layers thicken. The skin begins to tighten. And in order for the effect to be natural and long-lasting, an internal renewal process begins in the skin. During the Ulthera-therapy procedure, micro-focused ultrasound energy is delivered to a precise depth and at a temperature that stimulates the growth of new, young collagen and elastin to replace old ones.

Altera is a one-time procedure with no seasonal restrictions and no rehabilitation period. After the procedure, the skin renewal process continues for 2-3 months, after which the patient’s appearance is radically transformed! The effect of the procedure lasts for at least 3 years.

Lifting threads also work for a long time in the skin, which also remarkably remove the manifestations of gravitational ptosis. There are already quite a lot of threads today (this includes Dermafil

, and
, and
). All of them belong to the category of “smart”, that is, they adapt perfectly to tissues, do their job and are eliminated from the body naturally.

Their main task is to move tissue from the center to the periphery, in other words, to tighten it. For example, threads from France Clovermed do an excellent job of this.

Row of threads ( Aptos

Silhouette Soft
) are made from 100% polylactic acid, biologically compatible with the human body. It completely resolves and is eliminated from the body within 9-12 months. But during this time, being inside the body, it has a rejuvenating effect, activating skin renewal and slowing down the aging process. In addition, skin cells begin to actively produce new collagen of their own, which increases skin elasticity. This happens under the influence of polylactic acid.

All lifting threads have special notches that are securely fixed in the facial tissues, thereby tightening its contour. The effect of non-surgical lifting is created. A reliable supporting frame is formed around the threads, which will remain in place after the thread has dissolved.

In complex cases, when ptosis is very pronounced and advanced, complex combined treatment protocols are used, consisting of implantation of threads and injection of fillers, or the use of ultrasound and fillers. Also, in combination with these techniques, hyaluronic preparations can be pierced, which will only enhance the rejuvenation effect.


Despite the fact that the appearance of wrinkles is considered to be a sign of age-related changes and aging of the skin, in some people, due to the anatomical structure of the face or other individual factors, nasolabial wrinkles appear at a fairly early age.

Causes of early appearance of wrinkles:

  • insufficient hydration and skin care;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • smoking;
  • high facial activity;
  • sleeping on the stomach (when a person sleeps with his face buried in the pillow).

How is the procedure done?

  1. You come to LIPSCLINIC in the center of Moscow for a consultation. An experienced cosmetologist examines your face, determines the condition of your skin and the features of wrinkles.
  2. Then, based on your individual characteristics, the doctor selects a filler (a drug natural to the body to fill wrinkles) that is most suitable for you personally.
  3. You sit down in a chair and relax. The cosmetologist cleanses your face and administers local anesthesia - applying a cooling anesthetic cream to the skin.
  4. After 15 minutes, the selected filler is carefully injected into the area above the upper lip with a miniature needle. You hardly feel any sting or pain.
  5. Ready! The result is noticeable immediately. No long recovery periods or swelling!

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes


Myopia or farsightedness causes wrinkles to appear around the eyes, as a person squints all the time. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the ophthalmologist. And to get rid of wrinkles in this case, cosmetologists prescribe injections of botulinum toxin, which relaxes the muscles.


Kidney disease causes severe swelling. They stretch the skin, which, after the outflow of excess intercellular fluid, gathers into folds. In this case, it is necessary to comprehensively treat the disease, reduce swelling and strengthen the skin around the eyes. A consultation with a surgeon is necessary to rule out or confirm hernias.


Poor nutrition with a lack of minerals greatly affects those areas where the skin is thinnest and most delicate. And the area around the eyes is just like that.

In all of the above cases, cosmetologists will give individual recommendations.

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