Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist with before and after photos and reviews from cosmetology visitors

Photos before and after facial cleansing by a cosmetologist filled the virtual space. Many consider the procedure a panacea for many cosmetic defects and take it as a powerful weapon against old age. But are the expectations justified? When is cleaning really necessary? When it does not bring visible changes for the better. We'll tell you in our material.

Modern cosmetology has a huge arsenal for high-quality, painless “general cleaning” of the face. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore each to choose the best method.

What are the pros and cons of cleaning?

Throughout our lives, our skin absorbs kilograms of dirt. Decorative cosmetics, street dust, traces of exhaust in megacities, sediments from poor-quality water - any cosmetologist will add to the list of sources of “garbage” for our epithelium. As a result, our complexion becomes dull, pores become clogged, and with age, fine and large wrinkles steadily appear. It is recommended to cleanse your face from time to time. The ideal option is once a month.

How high-quality cleaning will help:

  • relieves skin rashes;
  • refreshes complexion;
  • will destroy traces of “old” cosmetics, powder, foundation;
  • tightens pores;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the facial skin;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Some types of cleansing remove dead layers of skin, releasing new ones that are clean and tender. Very often, it is cleansing with such an effective method as peeling that rejuvenates a woman, removing up to 30% of visible wrinkles on the face, making even deep creases on the forehead and “crow’s feet”, which often appear after 30 years, invisible.

Timely cleansing helps the skin breathe. The flow of oxygen to every cell improves. This is beneficial for skin cells and overall human well-being.

But there are also certain disadvantages. For skin diseases, such as spider veins, dermatitis, rosacea, the procedure can aggravate the situation and aggravate the disease. For safety, it is wise to do the procedures not at home, but in a beauty salon. Even if a cosmetologist recommends mechanical facial cleansing, the manipulation will take place without negative consequences.

Modern methods of cleansing

Gone are the days when facial cleansing was done only by hand. The face was steamed over a “Chamomile” device or just a bowl of hot water, and then the cosmetologist simply squeezed out pimples and cleaned out blackheads. The rest was done with simple masks made from oatmeal, lemon or cucumber. Now cosmetologists actively use gentle techniques, although mechanical cleansing is often necessary for high-quality and deep cleansing of the face.

Types of cleaning:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • disincrustation;
  • ultrasonic;
  • vacuum;
  • laser

Squeezing pimples and blackheads remains the only way to remove “ancient” contaminated pores - blackheads - from the surface of the skin. Often no device takes them, and then the cosmetologist involves physics. After mechanical cleaning (this is often visible in the photo), redness remains, the skin noticeably swells in the areas where the manipulation was performed and it takes time for it to fully recover. Other methods require separate consideration.

Chemical skin cleansing

Many people confuse chemical facial cleansing with peeling. But this is not always the same thing. For cleansing, special alginate masks, film masks and other compositions with plant and chemical components can be used. Peelings, of course, are superior in effect to such procedures. They remove the stratum corneum of the skin, achieving natural cell regeneration.

There are these types of peelings:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

For superficial peeling, cosmetologists use high concentrations of fruit and lactic acids. In addition to them, the composition may contain whitening, moisturizing components and vitamins. The master applies acid to the face, leaves it for a short time, neutralizes the effect with special solutions, and then removes it. After the procedure, it is important to wait until the epithelium peels off. But the result of such cleansing is impressive. The face becomes younger, pigment spots and minor redness disappear, and an internal glow appears.

Peeling has contraindications. For example, experts do not recommend it for those with sensitive skin prone to rosacea.

Medium and deep peels are much more aggressive. Find out which one is right for you personally in a personal consultation with a specialist.

When should IPL not be done?

This technique has the following contraindications:

  • recent tanning;
  • great dark complexion, phototype 4-5 according to Fitzpatrick;
  • carrying a baby;
  • lactation;

    During lactation, the procedure is prohibited.

  • mechanical damage to the skin in the area that is planned to be treated;
  • active herpes;
  • photodermatosis;
  • using products that increase photosensitivity;
  • tendency of the skin to develop keloid scars.

If you are predisposed to the occurrence of keloid scars, the procedure is not performed

Important ! If there is a tendency to herpetic rashes, preventive procedures are performed seven days before the session. This will prevent exacerbation of the disease.

It is necessary to draw up a photorejuvenation plan in advance. This includes:

  • studying reviews;
  • conversations with people who have undergone the procedure;
  • searching for a quality clinic and an experienced doctor.

In this case, the doctor must be experienced enough so that he can be completely trusted.

You need to trust a good doctor

Use of electroplating

Facial cleansing using the desincrustation method is a gentle procedure for all skin types. Cleaning is carried out even for those with thin sensitive skin. For everyone who suffers from redness and irritation. Disincrustation is cleaning with a special device. To begin with, the face is treated with a solution that consists of baking soda (10% concentration), extracts of medicinal herbs, and microelements.

The device produces microcurrents that carry the cleansing solution into the deep layer of the skin. Reacting with sebum, the solution forms soap, and the cosmetologist easily removes it from the surface of the epithelium.

The advantages of the method are enormous:

  • keratinized cells are destroyed;
  • the pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleansed;
  • acne heals;
  • complexion improves.

For a number of diseases, such as herpes, seborrhea, during pregnancy and lactation, the procedure may be prohibited. But overall the procedure is safe and delicate.

The essence of phototherapy technology

A lot of people are not aware of the essence of photorejuvenation. Many people know that prolonged exposure to the sun is fraught with accelerated aging and other problems. This type of aging is called photoaging, and it can be reversed. But what does rejuvenation with the help of light waves have to do with it? There seems to be a contradiction. But sunlight consists of the following types of radiation:

  • ultraviolet - 10%;
  • visible light - 40%;
  • infrared light - 50%.

Sunlight combines different types of radiation

Important ! From this list, only ultraviolet light is harmful to the skin.

For photorejuvenation, broadband intense pulsed light (IPL) is used. There is no UV. IPL is a quantum flux that is supplied in separate beams - 2-6 per flash. Wavelengths of 400-1400 nm are used here.

Here are the general components of an IPL device:

  • a handpiece containing a xenon lamp;
  • sapphire or quartz filter;
  • digital display;
  • cooling system.

Phototherapy apparatus

How can ultrasound help?

Recently, cosmetology has been actively using innovative methods of facial cleansing. These include ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning is absolutely painless, completely safe, never causes irritation and is suitable for absolutely everyone.

The principle of the procedure is the use of high-frequency sound. The device is a microscopic vacuum cleaner. It emits ultrasonic vibrations to draw dirt out of the skin.

What happens in the end:

  • cellular metabolism is stimulated;
  • blood flow in the vessels improves;
  • improves complexion;
  • oxygen flow increases.

But ultrasound is not able to “pull out” deep comedones from their holes. And here the cosmetologist uses mechanical cleaning, squeezing out blackheads with his hands. It’s worth knowing: ultrasound is not performed on people with age spots or serious disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

The most modern method is called gas-liquid peeling. Cleaning is carried out by bubbles of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which break the dirt into small particles. Peeling is valued for its bright rejuvenating effect.

Cost of the procedure

We will indicate the approximate cost of such a procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityApproximate cost of one procedure (facial skin treatment)
Moscow5500 rub.
Saint Petersburg5000 rub.
Rostov-on-Don5000 rub.
Novosibirsk4000 rub.
Krasnoyarsk4000 rub.
Norilsk4500 rub.
Kaliningrad4000 rub.
Ufa4300 rub.
Orenburg4500 rub.
Vladivostok3900 rub.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky4900 rub.

Vacuum facial cleansing

Effective hardware facial cleansing by a cosmetologist, which can be seen in the photo, is called vacuum cleansing. A small device does the job. It vacuums out all the dirt and excess subcutaneous sebum from the pores. In the process, the epithelium is powerfully saturated with oxygen, and it helps to launch renewal processes at the cellular level. Plus, the vacuum has a slight lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face.

Pros of the procedure:

  • blood circulation increases;
  • complexion becomes fresh;
  • the facial contour is tightened.

The result pleases everyone: the skin is evened out, the pores are narrowed, the top layer of skin disappears, giving way to velvety skin. But it is impossible to repeat the procedure at home; a lot depends on the skills of the cosmetologist: you have to clean thoroughly, treating the skin literally centimeter by centimeter.

When does IPL fail?

It makes no sense to use this technique in the following cases:

  • sagging skin;
  • deformation of the oval of the face due to subcutaneous fat;
  • insufficient body fat and poor muscle tone;
  • pronounced deep wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle.

For the greatest effectiveness of the technique, the doctor may recommend additional use of others. For example, contour plastic surgery or biorevitalization.

It is worth combining photorejuvenation and another cosmetic procedure

Laser cleaning

Nowadays, new technologies are actively used for facial cleansing. The laser is one of the latest inventions in the engineering industry. Under the influence of a laser beam, the upper keratinized layer of the skin is destroyed, and at the same time the renewal process starts. A huge plus of the procedure is the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. Their quantity becomes sufficient for wrinkles to begin to smooth out, and the complexion to turn from dull to radiant.

Advantages of the cleansing method:

  • the skin becomes cleaner and fresher;
  • skin texture is evened out;
  • firmness and elasticity increases;

The effect is prolonged: even after completing the procedure in the beauty salon, regeneration will continue. The “climax” will be noticeable approximately a month after completion of the course of sessions.

A necessary condition for high-quality laser cleansing is the qualification of a cosmetologist. The devices are complex and a specialist must understand their operation. And be prepared to spend money: the course is still quite expensive.

It is important to understand that laser cleansing cannot be performed on women under 25 years of age, but at the age of 35+ the procedures can become regular.

Experts' opinion

According to doctors, IPL is a very effective technique without serious flaws. According to them, photorejuvenation allows you to avoid plastic surgery, while obtaining excellent results. However, more than half of the doctors add that it is better not to do IPL for a woman under 35 years of age.

According to some experts, the operating principle of IPL is based on a special type of non-polarized light radiation, with which it is possible to influence a considerable number of skin problems at a lower cost, and therefore a lower price for the patient, which, for example, laser therapy does not allow.

Experts believe that this procedure has many advantages.

Anna Avaliani, cosmetologist

“Before committing to the IPL, one must prepare. Thirty days before the procedure and fourteen after it, you need to spend as little time in the sun and heat as possible. For another month before the session, you should not use antibacterial drugs, retinoids and medications like Aspirin and Ibuprofen. Otherwise, complications are possible. The absence of a positive result may mean a medical error - using the wrong filter or a device that has exhausted its resource. And if the doctor does not have the proper experience, the appearance of burns, scars, and even worsening pigmentation cannot be ruled out.”

Experts agree with the benefits of the procedure

Alison Pontius, plastic surgeon

“It is commonplace for a person, having become a victim of the media, which advertised “magical rejuvenation,” to expect the IPL to throw off decades of their life. But this is impossible. This technique heals the skin, corrects it “little by little”, but does not give such a strong effect as many expect. To improve the result, it is necessary to combine IPL with other techniques at the discretion of the cosmetologist. But if this method is completely unsuccessful, you can go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.”

Photos of real patients

We have made the most detailed selection of photographs of patients who resorted to facial cleansing from a cosmetologist. They all experienced different methods. Look at the before and after pictures. Draw your own conclusions.


After cleaning by a cosmetologist, the face in the photograph looks much lighter and younger. Here you can see that with the help of chemical cleansing you can achieve a lifting effect: on light, clean skin, wrinkles are practically invisible.


Mechanical facial cleansing by a cosmetologist: see photo. Here you can see that after manual cleaning, redness remains and the skin looks slightly swollen. But there are no purulent pimples and blackheads left on the face.


A face cleansed by chemical cleansing using a desincrustation machine is distinguished by radiance and virgin purity. This method allows you to achieve a wonderful effect of velvety, glowing skin. What immediately catches your eye in the photo.


The photo of facial cleansing using the vacuum method shows how painstakingly the cosmetologist works. It’s also easy to notice in the pictures: black dots disappear without a trace.


Cosmetic procedure with laser is one of the new and progressive ones. But not everyone can afford such facial care because of the high cost.


The photo shows how facial cleansing is carried out in the salon. Ultrasound skin cleansing even brings pleasure to clients of aesthetic centers and beauty salons.

Photos for promotion of promotions

I am not a supporter of stock photos and always advise using your original photos to advertise cosmetologist promotions. But here are a few options where you can choose pictures as a last resort:

  1. Google Images - where without them, but I advise you to search for images using words in English.
  2. Yandex Pictures - make sure that the selected photos are not used by another center in your city.
  3. Paid stock photos - a large selection of high-quality photos in good quality.
  4. Free stock photos - not a large selection, but good quality and free.
  5. Pinterest - there are interesting images.
  6. Desktop screensavers - there are interesting images.
  7. Designspiration - original design works.

User reviews

Vera Ivanova, 30 years old, Saratov: Personally, I use deep facial cleansing in the salon using the ultrasound method. It is delicate, and what cannot be ultrasoundd is completed by my master. The photo shows the results before and after. They suit me.

Inna Petrenko, Kaliningrad, 50 years old: At my age, only strong cosmetic procedures help. I go to a cosmetologist for facial cleansing with peelings, not forgetting to carry out the procedure in winter.

Svetlana Vorosova, 40 years old, Smolensk: With my problem skin, I can only afford vacuum cleansing. I am very pleased with the procedure.

Let's draw conclusions. Often, to achieve results, a cosmetologist uses several cleaning methods in combination. He starts with a mask, moves on to ultrasound, and finishes everything off with manual mechanical cleaning. It’s easy to keep your face in well-groomed condition at home, using simple masks made from flax seeds and sesame seeds, regularly using ready-made peelings and just taking care of yourself systematically. Have beautiful skin!

Finding and working with a photographer

Don't expect to find the perfect photographer on your first shoot and get the best photos in the world. Perhaps the first time everything will not go so smoothly and you will not like everything. You can’t predict everything, the main thing is that you will understand your mistakes and know better what to do next time. You can avoid something by listening to my recommendations.

You can download the brief from the link, fill it out and send it to the photographer. There are many points that I list below.

  • I don’t recommend hiring a friend who seems to be well versed in technology and is willing to take photos for free as a photographer. For free you can get photos that look bad. For free, you cannot demand from a person the entire amount of work that you need. But there are always exceptions.
  • Keep in mind that my checklist shows a maximum program. Find out how much from my list the photographer can complete for your budget. Maybe for your budget the photographer will only be able to do interior photography and photos of employees. More photos means higher cost of shooting, but also more advertising materials for the future. You may decide to divide the shooting into several stages.
  • Be sure to take a look at the photographer's portfolio.
  • Show the photographer examples of photographs you like.
  • Tell the photographer the area of ​​the room and the number of “rooms” that need to be photographed.
  • Let us know whether there will be people in the frame and whether you need “shooting with models” or whether you plan to do only “interior photography”.
  • Tell us why the photographs are being taken: website, advertising banners, social media. networks, printing.
  • Inform about your target audience: women 30-40 years old.
  • Explain the purpose of the photographs: to show the interior of the room, to inspire confidence in the target audience, to show comfort, to show details of procedures.
  • Specify the date and time of the photo shoot.
  • Discuss the approximate duration of the shoot.
  • Determine the price in advance.
  • Discuss in advance how the issue will be resolved (already on the spot) if suddenly the scope of the photographer’s work exceeds the amount initially discussed.
  • Discuss the time frame by which all photographs will be ready.
  • Discuss whether photo processing is included in the price.
  • Specify in what format you will receive the photos.
  • Discuss/consult with the photographer whether he should take additional light. It may cost more, but here you should trust the photographer.
  • Discuss how payment will take place and when.

READ ALSO: What to do if after peeling your face is red, itchy, spots appear, herpes appears, does the skin always peel, how to relieve swelling, allergies, dermatitis and other consequences?

Some obvious but useful tips that will come in handy when preparing for shooting:

  • Order general cleaning before filming
  • Before shooting, remove everything unnecessary - everything that does not directly relate to your center or simply does not look aesthetically pleasing. Sticking wires, ugly jars of cosmetics, trash cans, everything unnecessary on the windowsills, remote controls, pieces of paper, icons, plush toys, holiday decorations, incl. New Year's, etc.
  • Organize shooting during daylight hours. Keep in mind that filming must be completed before it starts to get dark.
  • The TV is turned off or on, if only a video about cosmetology is shown on it.
  • All jars and products are arranged neatly, and not scattered chaotically.
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