Facial slimming massage: remove cheeks and double chin

How to shrink cheeks with massage

The face is losing weight slowly. The extra millimeters are in no hurry to leave the cheeks. Massage helps speed up the process. Success will require patience and a comprehensive approach.

  • Regular face fitness classes;
  • Transition to a balanced diet;
  • Massage;
  • Compliance with the principles of healthy lifestyle;
  • Sufficient amount of sleep;
  • Positive emotions and avoidance of stress.

An intensive weight loss course is needed. To achieve a visible result, it will take at least 2 months of work, with deep study of the area.

A variety of massage techniques are performed using jasmine, lavender, rosemary, bergamot, and citrus oils. It is better to buy them at a pharmacy. Try to keep the product natural. These oils enhance the effect of the procedure, normalize metabolism, and help eliminate toxins. The mixture of oils tightens the skin, makes it fresher and younger. And the specific aroma helps reduce appetite.

Express methods

Sometimes you need to get rid of your cheeks quickly in order to look irresistible at any significant event. The following can help with this and get rid of sagging skin:

  • lifting masks;
  • camouflage with decorative cosmetics;
  • contrasting lotions.

The latter are done this way:

  1. Fill two containers with cold and hot water, and place a small terry towel in each of them.
  2. First, the skin is steamed by applying a hot compress for a couple of minutes, then a cold compress is applied.
  3. This tightens the skin, gives the face a fresh look and allows you to get rid of sagging.

Express methods of getting rid of cheeks can also include surgery, but often the recovery period after surgery takes a lot of time. One of the most effective surgical procedures to get rid of cheeks is the removal of Bish's lumps. The face becomes slimmer, cheekbones begin to show. The operation should be performed only after consulting a doctor. Circular lifting and injection of lipolytic drugs under the skin also help to remove swelling and get rid of cheeks.

Facial slimming massage: basic recommendations

Apply to the entire face, not just the cheeks. This will not only speed up the result, but will help improve blood circulation and tighten the contour.

The skin on the face is delicate. To avoid harm, perform the movement strictly along the massage lines and calculate the force. Do not use chaotic movements, otherwise you will not be able to remove swelling.

The procedure requires regular repetitions. If you want to speed up the result, do it:

  1. In the morning, 2 hours before leaving the house;
  2. In the evening in 60 minutes. before sleep.

The use of nourishing masks will relieve tension from the skin and consolidate the effect. Cosmetologists recommend choosing products that include:

  • Honey;
  • Salts;
  • Lemon juice.

If possible, additionally use vacuum massage. But it should only be done by a cosmetologist with a medical education.

You'll see results in just a month, but don't stop. In six months you won’t recognize your reflection in the mirror.

Is it possible to achieve the effect at home?

It is impossible to eliminate a defect without finding out the cause of its occurrence.

  1. Obesity is no more decorative for a person, just like the “swing” of losing weight and gaining weight, when the skin of the face either stretches from fat or sag.
  2. Of course, the older a person gets, the less elastic his skin is, so you can’t do without auxiliary exercises.
  3. Perhaps your ancestors already in the third or fourth generation had a double chin, then heredity takes place, but it is not an obstacle to achieving the ideal oval face.

It is difficult to get rid of a double chin if:

  1. You sleep on a pillow placed vertically, with your chin literally resting on your chest;
  2. A person constantly slouches when walking or sitting at a computer, at which he spends most of his time;
  3. Your diet is unbalanced and you are a supporter of unhealthy foods.

Having eliminated these three shortcomings, you will soon notice how much the condition of your chin has changed.

How does massage help you lose weight?

Facial muscles, exposed to the effect, become toned and strengthened. Thanks to the activation of metabolism, natural destruction of fat cells occurs, swelling goes away, wrinkles are smoothed out. Facial gymnastics also helps to work out the muscles. Can be alternated with a gymnastics course.

Important! Massage should be enjoyable. You shouldn’t overload your face, your cheeks are not abs, you don’t need abs there. If you feel discomfort and fatigue, complete the procedure to avoid muscle hypertonicity.

How to remove a chin at home in a week

The problem of a double chin occurs not only in overweight people - even thin girls have to deal with it. There may be several reasons for the appearance of a defect:

  • hereditary factor;
  • anatomical feature;
  • age-related changes;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • the specifics of the work, in which a woman sits for a long time with her head bowed;
  • eating high-calorie foods.

A diet in which you should stop eating sugar and salt, include in your diet fatty fish from cold seas, which saturates the body with healthy omega-3 and omega-6 oils that promote skin elasticity, and drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water will help remove this cosmetic defect. water per day. In order not to attract the attention of others to the problem area, you should not wear a necklace or other flashy jewelry around your neck.

How to remove a double chin in a week? The problem needs to be approached comprehensively: do gymnastics, massage, compresses, pats. The skin of the chin should be cared for during and after the course using special creams and tightening masks. Compresses made from lemon juice are an excellent way to get rid of the problem, when a bandage soaked in lemon juice is applied to the area every day and kept for about half an hour.

Slimming the cheeks with massage, types of techniques

The facial correction plan depends on:

  • Conditions of the skin;
  • The scale of the problem;
  • State of health;
  • Age.

Successful work requires patience and strict adherence to the developed plan.

It will also be useful for you to know why the oval of the face changes with age and how to tighten it.

Easy correction

Apply some oil suitable to your skin onto your palms. If the problem is minor, the emphasis is on stroking.

  1. Carried out from the center of the face, to the sides;
  2. The eyelids are massaged around the eyes. The movement begins from the outer corners of the eyelids;
  3. Gradually increase the intensity and pressure. The task is not to rub the skin, but to disperse the blood in the deeper layers;
  4. Avoid pain.

Now move on to rubbing. Do it energetically, but with a sense of proportion. If you overdo it, you will create fertile ground for the formation of wrinkles.

Tapping queue. Performed with fingertips. In the area of ​​the double chin there are phalanges. You need to work on your double chin, even if there is no problem there. Prevention will not be superfluous.

Soothe the skin with stroking. Rinse off any remaining oil with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Classic way

For those who will perform the procedure twice a day. Basic Rules:

  • The fingers move symmetrically, working over the entire face;
  • Your thumbs should be placed under your chin. They move from the center to the earlobes and back;
  • Duration 15 min.

How much time should you devote to gymnastics?

There are no innovations here. To lose weight in your face, you need to devote the same amount of time to exercise as other workouts for weight loss, that is, at least perform two full-fledged complexes per week. You can do gymnastics either on Tuesday and Friday, or on Monday and Thursday.

It all depends on your own preferences. Other workouts for weight loss do not affect the face, so exercises for achieving cheekbones and sunken cheeks can be performed along with aerobic and other exercises. In other words, it is permissible to do exercises both for losing body weight and for losing weight on the face on the same days, and if there is no time for them during the working week, then on weekends.

Reader Questions

Is it good for the night?

Depends on the time you go to bed. There should be at least 60 minutes left before your night's rest. It is difficult to fall asleep immediately after an intense workout. Same with the face. In addition, you activate your metabolism and speed up your blood. After this, immediately lying on your side is contraindicated.

How many massage sessions are needed?

If you trust a cosmetologist, he assesses the condition of the skin, selects the type of massage and its duration. Usually these are 10 procedures prescribed every other day. At home you will not get a massage as professional as in a salon. Therefore, you can carry out the procedure every other day or daily. The main thing is regularly. Duration is at least a month, and then depending on the condition. Massage not only helps make your face look thinner. It tones the muscles, makes the skin younger and fresher. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Do you need massage products?

Experts have not come to a common denominator on this issue. Some argue that it is necessary to lubricate the skin so as not to injure it or cause irritation. Others believe that the effect without the use of creams and masks is more noticeable. Friction increases, blood accelerates better.

When you massage at home, check what works best for you. Start without lube. If there is discomfort or unpleasant sensations, it is better to take oil. Everyone's skin is different, and so is their sensitivity.

Please note: if you are undergoing a massage course, peeling is strictly prohibited. Use only delicate cleansers.

Will it really help?

It's up to you. If you want to lose weight, you need to reconsider your diet and do physical activity. Massage is a helper, but not a panacea. An integrated approach, perseverance and patience are guaranteed to produce results. If you indulge in sweets, fatty foods, carbohydrates, or spend time in front of the TV, a massage alone will not do the job.

Session cost

To obtain a guaranteed effect, it is better to carry out a massage from a professional massage therapist. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin and conduct a conversation. As a result, he will suggest the most suitable methods of influence.

The course of procedures is 2–4 weeks with maintenance exercises and light massage at home. The cost of a single session with a master ranges from 1–5 thousand rubles. The price depends on the type of massage, the required intensity of treatment, and the number of problems to be solved.

Restrictions and contraindications

Depends on the intensity and techniques used. The main ones include:

  • Fragility of blood vessels, inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • Hypertension;
  • Acne, herpes and other inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • Serious diseases such as diabetes, oncology, heart pathologies;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menstruation;
  • Colds, FLU

You need to start a massage course carefully, increasing the load gradually. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed. Be sure to start with warming up.

Double chin exercises

How to get rid of a double chin? A simple gymnastic complex will help you quickly solve the problem. There are different exercises for double chin. Nobody forbids combining techniques. Here are five options that have proven to work.

  • Fists. Prop your face with your palms clenched into fists and try to reach your chest with them. After 7 - 10 seconds, pause and perform this action again.
  • Cargo. Imagining that you are holding a load with your lower jaw, begin to lift it upward. Overcoming resistance, throw your head back and stay at this point for a few seconds. Also slowly lower your head. Repeat 5 – 7 times.
  • Language. Stick your tongue out and try to reach the tip as high as possible, ideally up to your nose. Next, try to draw the number 8 in the air with your tongue, and then begin to pull it down. Continue for 1 – 2 minutes.
  • Lips. Tilt the back of your head back and tense your neck muscles. In this position, bring your lower lip forward and try to reach your nose. Then try to bring your upper lip to your chin. You need to do 5 repetitions, alternating the upper and lower lip.
  • Sounds. Tighten your face and neck, and then say the sound “u”. Relax for 1 - 2 seconds, and then you need to tense your muscles again and pronounce the vowel “and”. Alternate the pronunciation of sounds for 2 - 3 minutes.

In addition, there is a special gymnastic complex that will help solve the problem quickly.

  • Puff out your cheeks. Imitate rolling a ball with your mouth. Do not part your lips while performing the exercise.
  • Fold your lips into a “tube” position. Sing all the vowels. Repeat several times in a row.
  • Take air into your mouth. Exhale it through your mouth in small “portions.” Release should occur in spurts.
  • Grasp a pen or pencil between your teeth. Imitate the “airy” spelling of words. When doing this, strain your neck and facial muscles to the maximum.
  • Head up. Move your chin so that your lower lip catches your upper lip.

As you can see, you can work on improving your appearance in your usual home conditions.


Ekaterina, 27 years old

Easy to do. The facial muscles begin to work. Helps against the first wrinkles.

Ksenia, 37 years old

You can escort the lady herself. But when a specialist does this in the salon - complete relaxation! The time required for a massage is more than 15 minutes, because you still need to prepare the skin, and after the session soothe and nourish it. Plus the mask takes time. But you can set aside an extra half hour for your loved one.

Anastasia is 34 years old.

This facial slimming massage does not involve force, therefore, it is suitable for almost everyone. I am also currently taking a course with a cosmetologist. A combination of useful and pleasant, that’s how I can describe it.

Valentina 28 years old

Without exaggeration, a facial massage can help relieve stress and improve the oval and contours of the face, relieve headaches, and even with a plasticizing mask, it’s absolutely fabulous!

Valeria 42 years old

I love massage, but there’s also a cosmetologist, you need to find the right one. If his hands are crooked, then his face will look tired and exhausted. Sometimes it’s better to do it yourself than to go to such a specialist.


For people who want to achieve a slim face and neck by doing exercises, to lose weight more effectively, they need to adjust their diet, or, in the best case, choose an individual diet.

Basic recommendations:

  • You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. This is approximately 8-10 glasses. Firstly, it helps to remove toxins and stabilize metabolism, and secondly, water fills the stomach and you want to eat much less. The amount of food consumed is reduced without effort.
  • Alcohol-containing drinks retain water in the body, so you should avoid them.
  • Salt also retains water, and it is necessary to limit not only pure salt added during cooking, but also finished products that contain it in large quantities. These are marinated, smoked, sausage products. In addition, monosodium glutamate is added to these products, which causes appetite and promotes the absorption of food in greater quantities than is necessary to achieve a feeling of satiety.
  • Sugar is also limited, or better yet excluded altogether, because these are pure carbohydrates that lead to weight gain.
  • To avoid overeating, you need to eat often - approximately every 3 hours, but little by little (200 g each), maintaining a feeling of fullness. It is easy to overeat on an empty stomach, since the signal that the stomach is full does not reach the brain immediately, but after about 20 minutes.
  • Appetite increases with calcium deficiency, so you should add foods rich in this substance to your menu. The daily calcium intake is about 1200 mg.
  • The diet should be rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain fiber and vitamins in abundance.
  • Fermented milk products are useful: kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk.

Medical experts are confident that 70% of success in losing facial weight depends on proper nutritional adjustments. Nutrition should be balanced. But you need to keep in mind that you won’t be able to lose weight just on your face; the volume will disappear evenly throughout the body. If sculpted cheekbones and rounded shapes are needed, then the emphasis is on physical training.

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