Facial scrub at home - 11 best recipes

You can take proper care of your facial skin not only with the help of store-bought cosmetic products, but also with products you prepare yourself. Regular use of a homemade scrub helps cleanse pores of accumulated dirt and restore oxygen access, which helps restore freshness and smoothness to the skin. The product is a cream composition containing small solid particles. The procedure helps remove dead elements, prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands and inflammation processes, the appearance of acne and pimples.
  • Scrub recipes for dry skin
      Coffee with yogurt
  • Apple
  • Recipes for combination skin
      With activated carbon
  • Cucumber
  • Recipes for oily skin
      With aspirin
  • Degreasing
  • Recipes for sensitive skin
  • Soft with honey
  • Recipes for aging skin
  • Renewing
  • Rules for using facial scrubs
  • Contraindications
  • Homemade facial scrubs recipes

    Facial scrubs are easy to make at home! It is enough to take a food product with abrasive particles. Fine salt, flour, coffee, soda will do just fine. Just massage your face with it adding a little water. A decoction of herbs is also suitable:

    • daisies
    • calendula
    • sage
    • mint

    They are used to pre-moisten the face or wash after the procedure to narrow the pores.

    How to exfoliate at home?

    1. Cleanse your face of makeup
    2. Wash your face with very warm water several times or hold your face over the steam for a couple of minutes.
    3. Immediately apply your chosen product, pre-mixed or neat.
    4. Massage problem areas for 1-2 minutes
    5. Rinse it off
    6. Apply moisturizer if necessary

    Below are some homemade facial scrub recipes. Choose yours and enjoy the effect of natural cosmetics prepared yourself!

    Useful tips from cosmetologists

    To maintain healthy and youthful facial skin, experts recommend following simple rules of basic care, one of which is scrubbing.

    Basic care consists of 5 simple points:

    1. Morning and evening cleansing.
    2. Toning.
    3. Moisturizing (serums, creams).
    4. Recovery and nutrition. Masks, scrubs, rolls.
    5. Additional care (self-massage, massage, hardware procedures).

    Experienced specialists give the following recommendations on the use of scrubs:

    • do not use a scrub in daily care, this will lead to dehydration, inflammation and peeling, as the non-keratinized layer of skin will be mechanically damaged;
    • after professional procedures with a traumatic effect on the skin: chemical peeling, microdermabrasion and injection manipulations, use belongings after restoration of the skin;
    • do not use hand and body scrubs on the face; the abrasive particles in them are too large and injure delicate skin;
    • the optimal time for the procedure is before going to bed, since metabolic processes are activated at night and the effect of UV rays on the renewed epidermis is excluded;
    • When choosing a product, be sure to consider your skin type.

    Homemade coffee scrub

    A facial scrub is made from ground coffee or grounds. In the first case, the particles will be harder. Select the degree of grinding according to your preferences. Small and hard particles are suitable for oily and problematic skin. For those who are sensitive, it is recommended to use already used coffee grounds. Apply to a moistened face. For dry skin, first add a spoonful of milk, cream or grape seed oil to your coffee. Massage your face for 1-2 minutes, rinse with water.

    More coffee face scrub recipes here

    Store products

    There are many products in this area available in retail and pharmacy chains. Brands and prices are shown in the table.

    Table of ready-made scrubs

    CompanyProduct/cost, rub.DifferencesSatisfied customers, according to reviews, %
    "Avon"“Tonic for deep cleaning of pores”/210Contains menthol, suitable for problematic skin types92
    “Natura Siberika”“Exfoliating for face”/230Recommended for use on oily and combination skin types96
    "Clean line"“Cleansing with apricot kernels”, bottle 50 ml/60Has no restrictions on skin types90
    "Black Pearl"“Cleansing and care”, bottle 80 ml/110Suitable for any type of epidermis92
    "L'Oreal"“Endless freshness”, bottle 150 ml/210Designed for normal and combination skin types80
    "Garnier"“Pure skin active” with coal 3 in 1/300Recommended for oily types88

    Face masks-scrubs at home

    Face scrub masks are effective and pleasant. They allow the skin to receive nourishment along with cleansing. It is important to select the necessary ingredients aimed only at cleansing and/or moisturizing too. Save recipes:

    Cleansing facial mask-scrub at home

    • clay, ground coffee, tea tree essential oil

    You will need 1 tbsp. clay. Mix it with water. Add the same amount of coffee. More water if it's too thick. Add 10 drops of ether. Mix and apply in a thick layer. Leave for 5 minutes, then massage and rinse immediately.

    Read more about acne clay

    About tea tree essential oil for acne

    Honey scrub mask

    We have nourishing and tonic properties. We help with comprehensive care for aging skin.

    • honey, coffee

    We take them in approximately equal proportions. You can add a little water if it is too thick. You need liquid flower honey. Before use, be sure to do a sensitivity test. Place a small amount of honey on the crook of your elbow. Assess the reaction within 30 minutes. If there is no redness, rash or itching, the risk of an allergy is minimal.

    About honey face masks


    • protein, fine salt

    We have tightening and cleansing properties. For one protein you will need 1 tbsp. salt. Apply for 5-7 minutes, then massage for another couple of minutes.

    About protein for the face

    After such procedures, it is recommended to wipe your face with a pore-tightening toner. By the way, timely moisturizing is important to eliminate blackheads.

    About how to get rid of blackheads


    Despite the presence of many healing properties, in some cases the use of scrubs can significantly harm the skin of the face. It is strongly recommended to refrain from using home remedies if the following contraindications occur:

    • Allergy to components of the composition . The use of a scrub if you have an individual intolerance to any of the ingredients of the product is fraught with a severe reaction in the form of a rash on the face, accompanied by itching, inflammation and swelling and can lead to anaphylactic shock.
    • Skin diseases . With such pathologies, the use of any cosmetics and skin care products without the permission of the treating dermatologist is fraught with an exacerbation of the current disease.
    • Damage to the skin of the face . If you have scratches, wounds and burns, or large areas of inflammation, you should avoid using any type of scrub until the skin is completely healed. Otherwise, the damage may increase significantly in size.
    • Severe acne . With a large number of acne on the face, the use of rough cleansers will lead to an increase in the area of ​​​​inflammation.
    • Dilatation of capillaries . Using a home remedy containing particulates can cause damage to blood vessels, leading to the formation of vascular networks on the face (rosacea).

    If a person has excessively thin or too sensitive skin, then you can only use very soft scrubs - with ground oatmeal, apple-based, berries with the addition of sour cream.

    With the correct use of homemade cleansers, strict adherence to recipes for their preparation and taking into account existing contraindications, it will be possible to significantly improve the general condition of the face and prolong its youth, solve many skin problems and prevent their occurrence in the future.

    Cleansing facial scrub at home

    In fact, all scrubs are cleansing. Essential oils, lemon juice, clay and soda work especially well. Use one of the following.

    • clay, mint essential oil, salt

    Mix a teaspoon of clay and salt, dilute with 3-4 tablespoons of water. Take 3-5 drops of ether. The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. Instead of salt, sugar, oatmeal, and rice flour are also suitable. To make the particles scratch less, grind them in a coffee grinder.

    Read more about facial clay

    • lemon, bran

    Pour a teaspoon of bran in half with mixed water and lemon juice in the same amount. Massage the required areas for a couple of minutes. We wash it off. Be sure to apply a soothing composition. Be careful, lemon can cause irritation and is not suitable for open wounds. The scrub has a whitening effect, deeply cleanses and tones.

    About face masks with lemon

    Scrubs for oily and inflammation-prone skin

    If your skin is prone to excessive sebum production, then peeling is especially necessary. It is very important to remove contaminants, but this must be done with extreme caution. If you overdo it with scrubs, the process of sebum production may intensify, and instead of benefit you will get disappointment.

    Mattifying face scrub with kiwi

    Kiwi is rich in amino acids and vitamin C, which help reduce excess sebum production. Not only is olive oil a cooking staple, but it also has strong antibacterial properties and actually helps prevent excess sebum from being produced on the skin. Brown sugar cleanses the skin of dead cells and moisturizes, leaving the skin feeling fresh and healthy.


    • 1 kiwi
    • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
    • a few drops of olive oil

    Peel the kiwi and grind it into a puree. Mix all the ingredients to form a paste, rub the scrub into the skin with gentle circular movements for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    Spicy honey scrub

    A duet of cinnamon and honey extremely effectively fights both bacteria and impurities, soothes inflamed skin, and eliminates skin rashes. This spice reduces the level of oily skin, which means there are fewer rashes on the face - both inflammation and blackheads. Cinnamic and trans-cinnamaldehydes, eugenol, which are contained in the plant, can even boast anti-cancer properties.


    • 3 tablespoons natural honey
    • 1 tablespoon cinnamon, preferably freshly ground

    Apply this pasty mixture to your face using a brush. Scrub gently and after five minutes wash with cool water. After some time, it is recommended to wash your face using your favorite product and moisturize your skin with cream.

    Lemon face scrub for acne

    Lemon juice is an excellent antiseptic; it will kill off all bacteria on the skin, preventing them from causing sabotage on your face. It will reduce the amount of sebum and inflammation. Remember that it is very acidic, so too much of it can cause skin irritation. Additionally, this juice may make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so always wear sunscreen to protect it from UV damage.


    • ½ teaspoon lemon
    • 1 tablespoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon purified/distilled water

    Mix the ingredients well and rub the paste into the skin in a circular motion. Two to three minutes is enough, do not press too hard on the skin. Rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream.

    Oatmeal scrub

    All adherents of a healthy lifestyle love oatmeal; it is useful not only as part of the diet, but has also established itself as a first-class scrubbing agent. It gently removes dead skin layers and removes excess sebum from pores.


    • 1 tablespoon milk
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
    • a few drops of rose essential oil in water

    Mix the ingredients and leave for a few minutes. The oatmeal should swell. Then use it as a scrub, gently massaging your facial skin for a couple of minutes. It is recommended to rinse off with cool water.

    Rice-honey scrub

    Rice has lightening properties, and when crushed it can be used as an excellent scrub; the honey component of this scrub has healing properties and saturates the skin with moisture.


    • two tablespoons of rice
    • honey

    Rice should be ground into flour, mixed with honey to a paste consistency and used as a scrub. After washing your face, apply a moisturizing cream.

    Scrub “Soda + honey + lemon”

    You can’t do without baking soda in everyday life, and it can also be useful for self-care. This is a very effective product, and you know why: it perfectly breaks down fat and dirt. The astringent component of lemon juice can reduce sebum production.


    • 1 teaspoon honey
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

    Make a paste and massage it onto your face for 3 minutes. To achieve the greatest effect, wash your face first with warm and then with cold water.

    Scrub for dry skin

    If your skin is flaking, the first thing you want to do is exfoliate it thoroughly. And it would seem that the scrub will solve all the problems, but no. The scrubbing procedure can cause even more drying. But this does not mean that you need to give up the scrub, just use moisturizing ingredients.

    Oil-honey scrub with sugar

    As you already know, honey has proven itself in the fight against dry skin. It works great when paired with olive oil, which prevents skin from aging prematurely and nourishes it, and brown sugar is an excellent antibacterial agent.


    • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
    • 1 teaspoon honey
    • 1 teaspoon olive oil

    Mix, massage the mixture for a couple of minutes, moving from bottom to top. It is better to wash your face after such a scrub with contrasting water. This scrub is very effective when used once every three to four days.

    Green tea scrub

    Green tea is known to everyone for its healing properties. It has a beneficial effect on your skin, both when used as a drink and during personal care. Green tea helps heal scars, delays the aging process, preventing the formation of wrinkles and age spots. It can also be used as a tanning product.


    • 7 green tea bags
    • ½ cup white sugar
    • 2-3 tablespoons honey

    Take the tea bags and cut them, pour out the tea. You can also use drunk tea. Mix tea with other ingredients. Spread the resulting mixture with a granular structure over your face in an even layer and massage your facial skin for 5-6 minutes. Particular attention should be paid to those areas where the skin is very flaky. Wash your face with cool water and don’t forget about the most important step in the fight against dryness: apply some moisturizer - cream, serum or lotion.

    Softening scrub

    The main secret of this scrub is coconut oil; it soothes and moisturizes the skin thanks to omega-3 fatty acids. And the high level of polyphenols in matcha helps increase skin cell growth. Honey intensively nourishes the skin.


    • 1/3 cup coconut oil
    • 1 cup coconut palm sugar
    • 1 tablespoon organic matcha powder
    • 1 teaspoon organic honey

    Mix all ingredients and gently wipe your face, then rinse well. If you overdo it with the amount of product, you can use it as a whole body scrub. This sweet honey scrub should be used 2-3 times a week.

    Soft facial scrub at home

    A soft facial scrub at home is prepared from oatmeal or coffee grounds. These are the most delicate particles with smooth edges. Pay attention to the cooking process.

    • oatmeal, geranium essential oil

    Pour boiling water over a spoonful of oatmeal for cooking for 10 minutes. After swelling, add ether and almond oil as desired. It turns out to be a very soft moisturizing scrub. Also suitable as a mask. Smooth out wrinkles. If you don’t like whole flakes, you can pre-grind them to the desired size.

    About oatmeal for the face

    • coffee grounds, milk

    The grounds are suitable from a Turkish coffee pot or coffee machine. They have the same properties. Add a teaspoon of milk or cream to a tablespoon. The mixture gives a cleansing and moisturizing effect and is suitable for sensitive, dry and aging skin.

    Cooking principles

    First, it’s worth considering the rules and recommendations:

    • The ingredients must be fresh;
    • Prepare for one use only, before applying to the surface;
    • The composition should include abrasive particles, but they should not be large. Otherwise, you can seriously damage the skin;
    • If you are making a sugar-based scrub, you should apply it immediately before the particles have time to dissolve;
    • When carrying out chocolate peeling, a bar of dark chocolate containing cocoa is used;
    • For honey scrub, it is recommended to use candied honey because it contains abrasive particles;
    • It is worth adding vegetable oils to the base; they will make the texture smooth and delicate.
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