Everything about removing spider veins on the face and nose


Spider veins are dilations of the capillaries of blood vessels. On the face they appear in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Spider veins are also called telangiectasia.

According to studies, more than 90% of the world's population are “owners” of telangiectasia, which, in turn, combines all types of vascular dilatation on the human body.

The name vascular network appeared due to the fact that dilated capillaries become quite noticeable on the body and form the appearance of a mesh. It is worth noting that such expansion of capillaries does not form without reason. This disease mainly affects women in labor and young mothers; telangiectasia can also be a consequence of a disease such as venous insufficiency.

In the course of the studies, it was revealed that the appearance of the vascular network is not affected by any individual factors or diseases. It has become known that those who are susceptible to chronic varicose veins may not have vascular networks on their body. Thus, we can conclude that the vascular network is not the cause or consequence of any individual diseases, it is a separate problem of the body in each specific case and is often caused by hormonal imbalance.

How to get rid of rosacea

The use of advanced technologies to eliminate rosacea contributes to the possibility of getting rid of aesthetic defects in minimally invasive ways. The most effective among them is laser coagulation of blood vessels. The advantages of laser star removal include:

  • The method is painless, apart from a slight tingling sensation. There is no need for anesthesia during laser removal of blood vessels.
  • Preservation of the integrity of the skin, absence of traces in the form of wounds, stitches, etc.
  • Efficiency. The speed of the session depends on the number of vessels to be removed by the laser.
  • Quick results. In the vast majority of patients, just one session is enough, after which the damaged vessels will disappear in a few days.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (LimeLight)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (LimeLight)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (Tru Pulse)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (Tru Pulse)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (Tru Pulse)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (Tru Pulse)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (Tru Pulse)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

Disease: telangiectasia

Treatment method: Laser therapy (Tru Pulse)

Upon examination of the patient, varicose veins were diagnosed. Laser therapy was performed.

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The causes of the appearance of spider veins can only be disturbances in the body’s hormonal system; often such “failures” affect women and girls.

Factors influencing the appearance of telangiectasia can be: pregnancy, childbirth, menopause in women, abortion, ovarian cyst. All of the above phenomena stimulate the process of restructuring hormones in the body. Contraceptives can be especially active in this matter, which is why it is recommended to seek advice from specialists before taking them.

In some rare cases, a disease such as telangiectasia may be congenital, especially if there is a family history.

Living with problem skin and rosacea. Part 2 - about rosacea

Hi all!

I recently talked about the principles I developed myself for caring for problem skin (here). As I already said, my skin is prone not only to acne, but also to rosacea, and it’s time to talk about it.


Unfortunately, many people know what rosacea is. This disease affects a fairly large group of people who, as a rule, have fair skin.

For those who don't know:

rosacea is a disease associated with increased permeability and fragility of capillary walls, which is accompanied by the appearance on the skin (including the face) of the so-called. spider veins, vascular network

In the photo, rosacea is in a serious stage.
Most often, rosacea

causes purely cosmetic damage to a person, however, if left untreated, it becomes a real problem that has many negative consequences:

  • increased sensitivity of facial skin;
  • dry skin;
  • disruption of the supply of nutrients to the skin, which leads to its premature aging;
  • development of vascular rosacea.

All this, of course, is not a reason to panic.

Not long ago, my rosacea on my face began to worsen, and I moved from the waiting phase to the active action phase.

So, to prevent the development and treatment

already existing rosacea, I developed the following scheme:

1) Visit to a cosmetologist;

Yes, cosmetologists deal with this disease, and the best thing I could come up with was to consult a cosmetologist with a dermatological education.

At the appointment, I asked him a lot of questions, from which I learned indications and contraindications for people whose skin is susceptible to rosacea.

You can carry out ultrasonic facial cleansing; do superficial chemical peels; do enzyme peeling; as an exception, medium retinoic peeling is allowed; use acidic agents; do lymphatic drainage massage

Do not perform mechanical or vacuum facial cleansing; use scrubs; steam the skin; do medium and deep chemical peels; treat the skin with alcohol before peeling; visit the bathhouse/sauna; visit the solarium/beach, sunbathe in one way or another; engage in active sports; take too hot or spicy food and drinks; smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages

In general, all treatment

rosacea comes down to leading a lifestyle that prevents its occurrence and eliminating existing rosacea.

Having critically processed the information received, I decided not to bury myself prematurely, leave sports in my life and occasionally allow myself spicy food and hot drinks.

I tested all the other points on myself and found them to be effective.

2) Start studying the compositions and ingredients of cosmetics;

I read a lot about rosacea and found out that there are some natural and synthetic ingredients in cosmetics that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, or otherwise have a beneficial effect on skin with rosacea.

Most effective

I will list (in fact there are quite a lot of such ingredients):

  • Retinaldehyde (vitamin A in aldehyde form);
  • Wine Extract (wine extract);
  • Vitamin A palmitate/ Retinyl Palmitate (another form of vitamin A);
  • Alpha Bisabolol (alpha bisabolol);
  • Rutin (rutin);
  • Vitamin C in different forms;
  • Hypericum Perforatum Extract (St. John's wort extract);
  • Centaurea Cyanus Flower Water (cornflower hydrosol);
  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Water (ginkgo biloba hydrolate);
  • Hematite Extract (hematite extract);
  • Esculoside (esculin);
  • German Chamomile (German chamomile extract);
  • Betula alba (white birch extract);
  • Vaccinium Myrtillus Seed Oil (blueberry seed oil);
  • Aniba rosaeodora (rosewood essential oil);
  • Coriandrum Sativum Fruit/leaf Extract (coriander extract).

Through quite a lot of research, I compiled a list of facial products containing the components I needed.

For example

, not so long ago I wrote about Goodal sheet masks with blueberries (link to post):
Goodal Blueberry Infused Water Mild Sheet Mask
They contain two ingredients that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and generally have a good composition.


eye cream around the eyes:
Belweder Creme lissante contour des yeux au gluconolactone
In the future, I plan to highlight the products from my list as soon as I form my opinion about them.

3) Do not sunbathe and use Sunscreen all year round;

I noticed that the sun has the most negative effect on the condition of my rosacea


The fact is that prolonged exposure to the sun greatly increases the temperature of the skin, literally frying it. This leads to a strong dilation of blood vessels, which for skin with rosacea is fraught with their destruction and subsequent hemorrhage.

For example, this summer I accidentally found myself in a situation where I had to spend about an hour in direct sunlight at noon. This aggravated the existing vessels, but new small ones also appeared!

Despite the fact that I was wearing 50 SPF protection, the negative factor is very strong, so it’s still better to take cover from the sun.

4) Avoid any cosmetic products containing alcohol;

Alcohol-containing products instantly affect the skin with rosacea: blood suddenly rushes to it, it becomes hot, all this destroys the already fragile blood vessels.

Theoretically, you can use alcohol-containing cosmetics if, for example, alcohol is contained at the end of the composition or in the rinse-off product.

The same goes for disinfection.

skin before any procedure: it is better to use alcohol-free products, for example, hydrogen peroxide.

5) Exercise moderately;

I noticed that if you train without weights

, sports even strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and over time the face turns less red during the day.

But as soon as you add serious weights to your training, the situation gets much worse.

In addition, if the workout is very active, the face becomes red and hot, so I specially take a pre- chilled mist

, it helps reduce skin temperature.

6) Remove existing vessels.

This is a very important point in treatment. If you do not remove an already burst vessel, this can lead to the growth of the lesion, the appearance of nodes on the skin, and subsequently scars if it is removed too late. Unfortunately, at the moment there is only a treatment method that inhibits the growth of rosacea and removes what has already developed.

There are several ways

removing them:

  • photoslerosis;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser removal;
  • cryotherapy.

! A cosmetologist will select the most effective method of removal for you.

I've had a small spider vein on my nose since I was about 10 years old. By the age of 22, it began to grow, and at 28, I already decided to remove it immediately. Together with her, the vessels on the wings of my nose were removed.

I did this in the clinic using laser coagulation, this is perhaps the most common method.

The essence of the procedure is that by exposure to a laser beam of the required length, the vessel sticks together due to the coagulation of irradiated hemoglobin, and subsequently resolves.

I did 2 procedures

on the Cynosure Elite+ device
in the clinic
, and I still have a few more to do to finally remove the vessels that did not go away right away.

There are painful sensations during the process, as if you are being stabbed quite hard with a thick needle, but they quickly pass.

Nevertheless, the result is already very good.

Before that, I removed my star 2 times with another device in a beauty salon

, and she returned almost immediately, although she became a little smaller.

For clarity

I offer several photos from different years.

Before all procedures: a bright red bump is visible

After 2 procedures in a beauty salon: the star decreased, but only slightly

After 2 procedures in the clinic and appropriate care,
now the camera is almost unable to capture the place where the star used to be. This is great progress; previously, in its place there was a bright red spot that was not covered up by any layers of concealer, and moreover, it was raised like a tubercle. Now only a barely visible pigment spot remains, the tubercle has smoothed out.

The rest of my ventures come down to proven recommendations.


  • I wash my face only with warm water;
  • I don’t drink or eat too hot;
  • I perform only safe cosmetic procedures

To sum up both parts, I can only say one thing: no matter how difficult your situation is, everything is in your hands.

You can start taking steps to improve your life right now!

Thanks to everyone who mastered it, I wish you beauty and perfection :).


Ways to treat spider veins


It is the process of introducing a special drug into the vessels - sclerosant, the active substance of which glues the vessels together. After administering the sclerosant, the affected area must be bandaged and compression garments placed on it. Sclerosant is mainly used for lesions of the veins of the lower extremities. The number of necessary procedures directly depends on the extent of the disease. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that the sclerosant does not remove capillaries on the body. The advantage of administering sclerosant is that the operation is less traumatic and easily tolerated, according to reviews.


Involves the effect of electric current on the capillaries. Experts do not recommend removing spider veins on the face using electrocoagulation, since healthy vessels can be affected along with the affected capillaries, and subsequently scars and scars appear on the face. The advantage of the electric shock procedure is the fact that the entire procedure is necessary to treat the vascular network.

Radio wave surgery

A special device “Surgitron” is used. The drug uses high-frequency radio waves in treatment, which, without contacting directly with the skin, remove the vascular network. The advantage of using this technique is that it is low-traumatic and does not cause swelling or the appearance of scar tissue. The disadvantages include the fact that high-frequency waves cannot remove a large number of affected capillaries, according to reviews.

Laser or photocoagulation

The method is often used for cosmetic purposes to remove mesh on the face and décolleté. The technique involves removing the affected vessels with a laser, whereby the capillaries absorb the laser energy and are sealed. The obvious advantages include the fact that photocoagulation is an excellent method that does not require direct contact with the skin. Disadvantages include the fact that laser therapy covers a small area of ​​action, often no more than 3 mm, and also that the use of laser in treatment is not suitable for people with dark or tanned skin. Due to this, laser photocoagulation is used on small areas of skin that have been affected by the vascular network.

Ozone therapy

It is based on the use of an ozone-oxygen mixture in treatment, which in turn stimulates oxidative processes in blood vessels and their walls are destroyed. The use of an ozone mixture is often done to remove spider veins on the legs.


Contraindications for removing vascular network include the following factors:

  • allergic reaction or complete intolerance to the drug sclerosant;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • not recommended for use by nursing mothers and women during pregnancy;
  • for inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • heart disease;
  • with the development of peripheral arthropathy.

After removing blood vessels on the face with laser

The condition of the skin after laser treatment depends on many factors. Typically, there will be redness and slight swelling, especially if a large area is treated. When touching the skin, discomfort is possible, which lasts from several hours to 1-2 days. The sensations after a cosmetologist’s work are similar to those that occur after excessively long exposure to the sun. Therefore, you should not plan any activities for the period after the procedure. During this period, it is important to rest and recover.

To relieve discomfort, you can apply a cold compress to the treated area. However, you cannot use ice in this case. In addition, during the recovery period, it is advisable to sleep with your head on an elevation so as not to increase tissue swelling.

After a week, the skin may darken and bluish-purple spots may appear. This is a normal recovery process, so don't be alarmed. You just need to be prepared for the fact that during the recovery period you will have to stay at home, avoiding social events. The use of makeup is also undesirable.

Skin care during the recovery period. Until the skin is completely restored, special care will be required. The doctor will select the specific drug. As a rule, a vaseline-based emollient ointment, such as Aquaphor, is prescribed. It is also necessary to use moisturizers and sunscreens. To avoid complications, it is not recommended to go out in the sun without UV protection for at least a month. It is advisable to select clothing that will protect the treated area from radiation.


Laser treatment of vascular pathology

Removal of capillary hemangiomas on the body:
1 mm100 rub.
2 mm300 rub.
Removal of hemangioma on the face with a vascular laser1,000 rub.
Cheek (one)6,000 rub.
Nose wings (both sides)1,500 rub.
Full nose3,000 rub.
Chin3,000 rub.
Single vessel (1 cm)1,000 rub.
Local area (1 cm2)1,500 rub.
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