Is it possible to drink alcohol before and after mesotherapy?

Despite the fact that mesotherapy is considered a safe and gentle procedure, before and after it is performed, it is important to follow some precautions and restrictions prescribed by the cosmetologist. Mesotherapy and alcohol are a limitation that many girls neglect. However, violating the ban can have serious consequences, reflected not only in the effectiveness of the technique, but also in your health.

What happens to the body after mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the injection of special compounds into the structure of the dermis. They saturate epithelial cells with useful substances and restore natural metabolic processes.

Due to this effect on the skin, its microflora changes - blood vessels dilate, cell regeneration accelerates, the production of collagen and elastin is restored, as well as tissue metabolism.

Because of such changes, the girl is given skin care recommendations and restrictions that must be followed for 3-4 days after the session. They allow the epidermis to recover and prepare for the next mesotherapy procedure.

However, keep in mind that the procedure can be performed using either injection methods (manual or hardware) or non-injection methods. In the second case, the load on the skin is created much less, therefore the restrictions when performing it are prescribed relative.

What is mesotherapy for hair

The essence of mesotherapy is the subcutaneous or intradermal injection of biologically active components of special cocktails that normalize the condition of the hair and scalp and achieve a therapeutic, rejuvenating and preventive effect.

Medicines injected directly into the area of ​​the hair follicle provide it with the substances necessary for hair growth, activate metabolic processes, and improve blood supply to the hair follicles.

No less effective is the effect of the introduced cocktails on the scalp:

  • · metabolic processes are activated;
  • Toxic substances are more actively removed;
  • · oxygen saturation of cells improves;
  • · Accelerates the regeneration (renewal) of skin cells.
    Indications for mesotherapy of the scalp

Many hair and scalp problems can be solved with mesotherapy. The main indications for its implementation:

  • · various types of alopecia (baldness);
  • · dry and brittle hair;
  • Seborrhea on the scalp;
  • · thinning of hair structure and split ends;
  • · itching of the scalp;
  • · dandruff;
  • · early gray hair;
  • · ringworm, or trichophytosis;
  • · damage to the hair by any procedures (perm, coloring, frequent use of a hair dryer, etc.).

How does alcohol work before and after mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy and alcohol are two incompatible concepts. A ban on its use is prescribed both before the session and after the procedure.

This is due to the following factors:

  • When drinking alcohol, blood vessels dilate, which is why the meso-cocktail is more quickly distributed throughout the structure of the skin, while reducing its concentration;
  • All useful substances, including hyaluronic acid, are eliminated from the body faster;
  • The likelihood of swelling, papules, increased sensitivity of the skin and other manifestations of tissue reaction to mechanical stress increases. The rehabilitation period after mesotherapy increases;
  • The blood clotting rate decreases, which is one of the contraindications. This also increases the period of tissue recovery;
  • The water balance of the dermis is disrupted. Hyaluronic acid promotes tissue hydration, but alcohol neutralizes its effects, causing dehydration.

The condition of the skin generally worsens after drinking alcohol and energy drinks - it becomes less elastic, puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, and inflammation appear. When combining mesotherapy with drinking alcohol, be prepared for a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure and the occurrence of serious side effects.

The effect of mesotherapy

The result of mesotherapy is noted after 2-3 procedures, and the lifting effect is usually noticeable immediately after the first procedure. The complexion improves, deep wrinkles decrease and superficial wrinkles disappear, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes disappear, pigment spots lighten and vascular network disappears, the skin becomes moisturized and healthy in appearance. In addition, you can carry out mesotherapy for hair and body; the features of their implementation are described on our website (Read the articles: Mesotherapy for hair, Mesotherapy for weight loss).

How long before drinking alcohol is allowed?

As a standard, cosmetologists recommend stopping drinking alcohol the day before visiting cosmetology. This time is enough for its complete removal from the body and normalization of the internal microflora.

When drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities, you should take care of preparing for the procedure in advance.

In addition, keep in mind that one of the contraindications to mesotherapy is a low blood clotting rate. And the consumption of alcohol and energy drinks directly affects it, increasing the period of tissue restoration.

Plasma therapy + laser resurfacing

We recommend combining laser therapy with plasma therapy for owners of problematic skin prone to inflammation and signs of post-acne. With this combination of procedures, you will get smooth, beautiful skin, the texture of which is very different from the original one.

  • The plasma is filled with a special component that minimizes the recovery period.
  • After the procedure, patients are less likely to experience skin swelling and pain.
  • The rehabilitation and healing process is significantly accelerated.

As a result, deep processes of creating new connective tissue are launched, and post-acne scars straighten out on their own from the dermis.

Drinking alcohol after the procedure

After introducing the meso-cocktail into the tissues, you should also stop drinking alcohol, but the restriction is more strict.

The minimum period of abstinence from alcohol is 6 hours. When performing non-injection mesotherapy, it is often enough for partial absorption of nutrients and tissue healing. However, in other cases, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for two days.

A similar restriction also applies to caffeine and energy drinks. They have a more gentle effect, but also affect the integrity of blood vessels, blood microcirculation and the state of metabolic processes in the dermis.

How long to give up alcohol?

To avoid negative consequences, you need to know how long after facial mesotherapy you can drink alcohol.

Cosmetologists advise drinking alcohol as little as possible. This recommendation is explained by the fact that ethanol entering the human body, even several weeks after the procedure, will contribute to faster elimination of the drug. This in turn will significantly shorten the duration of the effect obtained from the injections.

If we talk about possible side effects, they can be prevented only if the person does not drink alcoholic beverages for 2 weeks after mesotherapy. If the patient is undergoing a treatment course consisting of several sessions, then it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol for the entire period of treatment and for a month after its completion.

It is important to understand that each person’s body is individual. While in one patient alcohol after mesotherapy will not cause any reaction, for another, alcohol after injection can result in serious health problems. The exact period during which it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages will be determined by the doctor after the rejuvenation procedure.

Does degree matter?

It is impossible to say exactly how long a girl needs to stop drinking alcohol after mesotherapy. This depends on the strength of the alcohol, since it is eliminated from the body at different rates and has different effects on it.

If we talk about low-alcohol drinks (beer, wine, champagne), on average they leave the body within 8-15 hours.

Drinks with a high alcohol content (martini, vodka, rum) can last up to two days, so you must adjust the limit yourself. This is the only way you can avoid unwanted consequences and complications after manipulation.

Consider the amount of alcohol consumed - the more alcohol that enters your body, the longer it will take to dissipate.

Possible consequences of drinking alcohol

The most common consequence of drinking alcohol after an anti-aging procedure is a sharp deterioration in the general condition of the skin. Bruises may occur at the injection site, swelling and inflammation may increase. The skin becomes flabby, new wrinkles and rosacea appear.

In addition, drinking alcohol after facial mesotherapy leads to the following consequences:

  • Lack of the desired effect from the procedure. Neutralization of vitamins and other beneficial substances by ethanol will result in mesotherapy not bringing any benefit;
  • Excessive oily skin. The interaction of ethyl alcohol with the components of the drug can disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Vasodilation and a sharp increase in blood pressure. The drugs used in mesotherapy have vasodilating properties. Alcohol also dilates blood vessels. Its use in large quantities when interacting with the components of the drug will lead to a significant increase in blood pressure, which can be life-threatening. In addition, increased blood circulation is fraught with a decrease in the concentration of the administered drug in those places where its effect is necessary;
  • Vascular spasms. In most cases, alcohol after dilation of blood vessels leads to their spasm.

In addition to the above-mentioned consequences when drinking alcohol after mesotherapy, one should not exclude the development of an allergic reaction. It may appear as slight redness or a profuse rash accompanied by itching and swelling.

Minimizing the impact of alcohol

If you do drink alcohol immediately before or immediately after a session, you should consult your doctor for advice. Then he will prescribe you some remedy that will help you remove alcohol faster: antihistamine, decongestant or anti-inflammatory.

You can enhance the effect of medications using traditional methods of removing alcohol from the body: brine, activated carbon, Polysorb, drinking plenty of fluids, citrus fruits.

If you drank alcohol after visiting a cosmetologist, pay attention to the following precautions that will help you avoid unwanted consequences:

  • Avoid washing your face and applying cosmetics for 4 hours;
  • Stop smoking for 6 hours;
  • For three days, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or taking a hot bath;
  • Stop taking blood thinning medications and avoid sunbathing.

Treat your skin as gently and carefully as possible after the session. You should not use scrubs and peels for several days after the injection of meso-cocktails in order to reduce the burden on sensitive skin and speed up its recovery.

Be more careful about the selection of food in your diet. It should not be too heavy and fatty, since the body should spend energy on eliminating alcohol, and not digesting food.

If serious side effects or complications occur (itching, peeling, rash, irritation, pain), consult your doctor immediately.

Mesotherapy + laser resurfacing

The third way to prepare the skin for laser resurfacing is to complete a course of mesotherapy, during which the skin will be filled with nutrients and moisturized from the inside.

  • Age-related changes will disappear: wrinkles are smoothed out, pores are narrowed.
  • The skin becomes elastic and youthful, looks fresh and natural.
  • The oval of the face is tightened, after a course of procedures you can achieve the disappearance of the double chin.
  • Skin imperfections disappear: pigment spots gradually lighten, inflammatory manifestations disappear.

Mesotherapy is used both before laser resurfacing to prepare the skin, and after it to speed up the recovery period after laser resurfacing.

Our cosmetologists will be happy to advise which of these methods of preparing your skin for resurfacing will be ideal for you.

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