Lymphatic drainage massage - what is it for, how often can it be done

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

The lymphatic system is an important part of your immune system. It helps to get rid of accumulated toxins in the body. Lymph flows through the body, a special fluid of the lymphatic system that collects waste and other nasties and sends them to the lymph nodes, where it is all neutralized. At the same time, it delivers the nutrients they need to the cells. When a malfunction occurs in the lymphatic system and the lymph stagnates, lymphatic drainage massage comes to the rescue.

Lymphatic drainage is offered by many cosmetologists. It is done to improve the appearance of the skin, remove puffiness, dull color and irritation of the skin. Some plastic surgeons even specifically refer people for lymphatic drainage massage. Because sometimes the swelling after a facelift surgery, which should go away in a couple of weeks, does not subside within six months. In this case, if you do this procedure three times a week for two weeks, the swelling can quickly disappear. Thanks to facial lymphatic drainage, stagnant fluid is returned to circulation.

Some even believe that lymphatic drainage massage can replace facelift surgery. And this is true, because it is much safer and more effective.

Contraindications to the use of a vacuum device

Vacuum facial massage has certain contraindications, which are determined by the specific effects of the device on the skin:

  • Acne during exacerbation;
  • Open wounds, abrasions, cuts and other damage to the area of ​​skin being massaged;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Large moles or papillomas;
  • Herpetic rashes;
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • Impaired sensitivity of the skin;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Colds and infectious diseases;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Fragile blood vessels;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Taking blood thinning medications;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Individual intolerance to the procedure.

IMPORTANT! It is also not recommended to use a vacuum device immediately after tattooing, microblading, permanent makeup, Botox injections, deep peeling and injection procedures. You need to wait for the skin to recover

Hardware massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be performed with two devices: microcurrent and vacuum.

Microcurrent device.

The effect of current stimulates the muscle fibers of the face. During the procedure, the muscles contract and relax, which improves microcirculation, swelling subsides faster, and the cells begin to receive more nutrients.

At least that's what they say. The impulses, entering the deep levels of the epidermis, irritate and strain the muscles. This will cause the facial muscles to “pump up”, and it will only look even more swollen.

Vacuum device. Have you ever done or heard about cupping massage? So here is the same scheme. For vacuum massage, either a device with small suction cups or the same jars, only with a smaller diameter, are used. In the affected area, capillaries expand, blood flow increases, and metabolic processes are activated in cells and tissues. Also, thanks to the significant expansion of pores in the affected area, the skin is quickly cleansed of sebum and other impurities. Jars for the procedure can be ordered at

Vacuum massage is not recommended for:

  • pregnancy
  • tumors
  • inflammatory processes in the body
  • temperature
  • skin diseases

What does a patient get after facial lymphatic drainage?

  • Swelling that was located in one or another part of the face resolves.
  • The contour of the face is tightened, relief appears.
  • Skin color improves, it acquires a natural and healthy shade, grayness and yellowness disappear.
  • Expression wrinkles and crow's feet are smoothed out.
  • The rehabilitation period after Botox is made easier.
  • Double chin is eliminated.
  • The face is rejuvenated.
  • Dry and oily skin disappears.
  • The water-salt balance in the cells is normalized.
  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • Dark circles and bruises whiten.
  • Nasolabial wrinkles are smoothed out.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

There are three types of manual techniques:

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage.
    During this procedure, the specialist performs circular movements with gentle pressure. This method stimulates the work of capillaries, which are responsible for the accumulation and removal of fluid from the body. This massage activates the work of lymph and relieves vascular spasm.
  • Deep lymphatic drainage.
    This method is characterized by faster and more intense movements. It is thanks to this that the deep muscle layers and lymph vessels are worked out. Deep massage activates blood flow, dilates blood vessels and increases muscle tone. Typically this method is used on the abdomen, buttocks or thighs.
  • Point lymphatic drainage.
    Here the specialist acts specifically on the lymph nodes. This is usually where the session begins.

If you do not adhere to the massage lines, the procedure will be in vain. Here are the main directions:

  • from the center of the forehead to the temples
  • from the tip of the nose to the center of the forehead
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples
  • from the corners of the mouth to the center of the ear
  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes

To feel the results, it is recommended to perform this massage at least once a week. In general, everything is very individual and depends on factors such as individual characteristics and problems.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

A 2015 study found a direct link between a malfunctioning lymphatic system and sagging skin. This massage can also be useful in preventing aging.

Since the lymphatic system plays a huge role in immunity and healing, the benefits of this procedure are endless. When it comes to the skin, problems such as puffiness, acne, dryness, dullness and even skin sensitivity can be resolved with a simple lymphatic massage. The highest concentration of lymph nodes is found on the face and neck, meaning this type of massage can really produce results.

During the procedure, the effect occurs directly on the lymph nodes, which accelerates the movement of fluid in the body. Lymphatic drainage helps cleanse tissues of waste and toxins, remove dark circles under the eyes, and wrinkles on the skin. It returns the skin a healthy appearance and radiance.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that it is temporary. It needs to be done regularly - at least several times a week.

Moreover, its effectiveness also depends on your lifestyle. Do you get a massage, but eat poorly, smoke, drink alcohol? In this case, it will be difficult to achieve a good result.

Disadvantages also include contraindications. Of course, any procedure has them, but here they can appear only after a few weeks - pimples and burst blood vessels.

In addition, this procedure in salons is quite expensive, and to achieve good results, you need to go to 15-20 such sessions.

How to correct a swollen oval face

What can you do at home?

First, prevention is the best cure. The better the quality of your skin, the longer your facial contour will be clear and even. And you can improve the quality and density of your skin yourself with daily and proper care. Retinol is recommended as an anti-aging component - it affects both the dermis, triggering collagen formation processes, and the epidermis, stimulating cellular renewal processes. Currently, retinol is a very popular anti-aging component and for good reason - its effect is noticeable and pronounced, but it is important to remember about the peculiarities of its use, because it irritates the skin and if used incorrectly, complications can occur (it will be especially difficult to deal with vascular problems). Retinol is always applied at night; its use should always be accompanied by the use of SPF during the day.

Another important ingredient in skin tightening is vitamin C. Not only does it have vascular strengthening and brightening effects, but collagen formation processes also cannot take place without it! Even when taking collagen internally, you must make sure that you consume enough vitamin C, because otherwise all your efforts are in vain! By tightening the skin, vitamin C has a lifting effect and significantly improves the quality of the skin.

What can be done in a cosmetologist's office

Massages and microcurrents

They give a good effect and are also able to relieve the lymphatic system, preventing the formation of edema. It is important to follow the course and regularly.


Stimulates cellular renewal processes. Cosmetologists often encounter patients’ fear that peelings thin the skin, but when done correctly, they, on the contrary, thicken and renew the tissue.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

An excellent way to influence the dermis - they stimulate collagen formation processes, saturate the skin with amino acids - the building material of proteins, and replenish the deficiency of hyaluronic acid. It is also important to follow the course of these procedures.


A popular procedure, during which it is especially important to pay attention to the qualifications and working methods of the specialist. When tissues sag downwards, as a rule, the corrective method of choice will be not to work in the lower third of the face (not filling the nasolabial folds), but, first of all, to fill the deficit in the areas in which it has formed, that is, in the temporal and zygomatic areas. In any case, everything is individual and when installing fillers, it is extremely important to take into account the patient’s personal data, so look at the work of the cosmetologist you are contacting, read reviews, and ask what actions will be taken in case of failure. And, of course, for this procedure you can only consult a doctor!

Hardware techniques

Currently, the most popular type of oval restoration devices are ultrasonic face lift devices (non-surgical SMAS lifting). The principle is based on the fact that ultrasonic waves penetrate to a depth of 5 mm, causing targeted thermal contraction and tissue tightening, which leads to tightening of not only the skin, but also subcutaneous fat. As mentioned above, we are all individual and only a doctor can determine whether this technique is right for you after an individual consultation.


A surgical facelift can give an amazing result; in case of pronounced tissue prolapse, surgical intervention can help eliminate the problem, however, it is important to remember that here, too, a lot depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, so choose a specialist carefully. And let me remind you that the operation will not affect the quality of the skin in any way, so you should not wait for pronounced age-related changes to undergo surgery in the hope that it will solve all the problems at once.

How to avoid possible complications

Complications may appear if all contraindications are not taken into account. Also, if done incorrectly, redness or swelling may occur. In order to avoid these and other possible consequences, the specialist must monitor the patient’s condition and reaction. If you do self-massage, then be even more attentive and careful.

We constantly repeat that massage should be performed strictly along massage lines. If you do it against the massage lines, gather the skin into folds, press hard on the skin while stroking - all these actions lead to the formation of additional wrinkles and ptosis (drooping) of the skin, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Who will benefit from the procedure?

Lymphatic drainage massage will be useful for everyone, even as a preventive measure. But you should especially pay attention to this procedure if:

  • Are you worried about constant swelling?
  • Have you noticed an unhealthy complexion?
  • you have sagging and sagging skin
  • the skin began to actively age
  • mimic wrinkles appeared
  • muscle tone has decreased significantly
  • There are skin problems (scars, acne, stretch marks)
  • Are you worried about general fatigue?

All these signs may indicate malfunctions of the lymphatic system.

Advice from professionals

If manual lymphatic drainage massage is performed independently, you need to pay attention to the nuances:

  • devote at least 10-15 minutes to each part of the body;
  • massage time can be distributed over a week, alternately paying attention to certain areas;
  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin;
  • The massage is performed using moisturizers.

It is advisable to choose a time when no one can disturb you. This will allow you to completely relax.

On a note!

The basis of manual lymphatic drainage massage is smooth movements along the lymph nodes and gentle pressure on specific areas of the body.

Preparation for facial lymphomassage

If you are going to a salon for a procedure, there are not many preparatory steps. During the entire course it is recommended not to drink or smoke. You need to monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you drink, especially before bed. If you drink a lot at night, severe swelling is expected in the morning.

In order to do lymphatic drainage facial self-massage at home, prepare everything you need: facial oil or a good rich cream. We recommend trying Squalane from Beauty 365. It is a lightweight sugar cane oil that is great for massage.

Some people take various tools to help them, like jade rollers or gua sha stones. If it’s difficult for you to do a massage with your own hands, then you can take a gua sha scraper, there will be a slightly different technique, be sure to stick to it.

As for jade rollers, you also need to know how to use them. Many people simply take them and roll them back and forth, thinking that now they will smooth out everything that is needed and disperse the lymph. Not so simple. In order to disperse lymph, you need to move in certain directions.

How to massage yourself

If you don’t want to spend money on a cosmetologist, then read carefully how to do facial lymphatic drainage with your own hands. Also stick to the technique we wrote about above.

First - cleansing. Use a special product like soft foam or mousse. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and other contaminants.

Warm up. Take some serum or oil and apply it to your hands. First you need to warm up the cervical lymphatic trunk. Using light circular movements clockwise, first massage your neck, then your face and head. Using circular movements, massage these areas in the following order:

  1. Chin
  2. Cheeks
  3. Bottom of eyes
  4. Forehead

Now tapping, vibrating movements and pinching. All these manipulations help stimulate blood circulation.

Finish the procedure with stroking to now soothe the skin.

Watch the video on how to do a vacuum massage using a miracle jar.

First, apply oil or serum to your face. Start the massage from the chin. Perform the movements first on the left side, then on the right. Gradually move to the upper zones.

How to do vacuum facial massage at home?

In order for the procedure to be as comfortable as possible, to bring benefits and visible results, it is important to correctly carry out a vacuum massage. First, it is recommended to prepare the skin: remove makeup and other impurities using the “Cleansing Universal” micellar cleansing gel-mousse from the Beauty Style brand. It is universal, suitable for any skin type, carefully and delicately cleanses the epidermis, leaving behind a feeling of freshness, lightness and cleanliness. After cleansing, it is recommended to use a scrub or peeling to cleanse the pores more deeply. A light exfoliant “Cleansing universal” with a micro-polishing effect for all skin types from the Beauty Style brand will come to your aid. The product delicately exfoliates dead skin cells, cleanses pores of excess sebum and dust, and normalizes metabolic processes in cells. The skin literally breathes and absorbs nutrients better, which means the effect of a vacuum facial massage will be much higher.

The next stage is steaming the facial skin. We don’t need the antediluvian methods of vaporization, so use the innovative steam sauna for the face 105 S from Gezatone. The device creates soft steam that does not burn the face, but steams the skin well and helps remove impurities and toxins. The comfortable cup fits tightly to the face, providing maximum comfort during the procedure. A fairly large reservoir for liquid allows you to pour useful herbal infusions into it, which will additionally soothe, soften and moisturize the skin before the vacuum massage procedure. We recommend that you prepare an infusion of calendula, lemon balm or chamomile.

IMPORTANT! Those with dry, sensitive and thin skin, as well as those with signs of aging, are not recommended to resort to vaporization.

Thoroughly disinfect the vacuum facial massage attachment using an alcohol-containing solution. Before starting the procedure, lubricate your facial skin with oil or cream - this will improve gliding and enhance the effect of the vacuum massage. Pay attention to the massage cream for the face, neck and décolleté with hyaluronic acid from the manufacturer Beauty Style. It contains beeswax, which saturates the skin with vitamins and antioxidants, and also softens and nourishes the epidermis, making facial massage easier. Turn on the vacuum device, set the optimal mode and move it along the massage lines. The correct massage scheme is as follows: Forehead: wrinkle your forehead and perform movements with a vacuum apparatus from bottom to top and top to bottom. It is recommended to start processing from the central part, using a larger jar first, then a smaller one. Movements from the bridge of the nose to the eyebrows are made with a small jar.

Lower part of the face: fix the chin with one hand, with the other, install the nozzle of the vacuum device in the central part. The slide is carried out towards the ears, and after a few minutes they change direction - from the ears to the center of the chin. You can also make circular movements. If you need to work out wrinkles above the upper lip or in the corners of the mouth, purse your lips, do a few manipulations, then make a smile and also massage the area for several minutes.

Middle part of the face: vacuum massage is carried out with large attachments. The starting point is the corners of the mouth. Move from them with sliding movements up the cheek, towards the temples. Pay special attention to the area under the temples and the cheekbone area. Avoid exposure to the skin under the eyes to avoid causing bruising and bruising.

IMPORTANT! If painful sensations occur, reduce the force of the device on the skin. The procedure should not cause discomfort.

How often can you do lymphatic drainage facial massage?

Cosmetologists recommend performing this massage several times a week or even every evening before bed. It all depends on how busy you are. If you do it at night, it will help get rid of puffiness in the morning, and the skin will recover faster after sleep.

Do you want to get rid of swelling, remove wrinkles and restore skin tone? Lymphatic drainage is a great help in solving these problems. But it will be even more effective if you combine proper nutrition, exercise and cleansing the body. In just four weeks at the “Flourish” marathon, you will work on all problem areas, learn how to massage with cups so that there is no redness, cleanse your body of toxins and more. Interested? Then read the details about the marathon below.

Efficiency and versatility of the procedure

The human body is very sensitive and reacts sharply to changes occurring in it. In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are exposed to stress, or eat poorly, the rate of lymph flow decreases. As a result, metabolism slows down. To normalize it, lymphatic drainage massage is needed. Even one procedure will help get rid of a number of problems. The system begins to function normally, excess fluid and unnecessary harmful substances are removed from the body. You can massage the whole body and individual parts at home yourself.

On a note!

Since restoration of metabolism during massage occurs at the cellular level, it is used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Lymphatic drainage massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • prevention for all forms of cellulite;
  • figure correction (getting rid of excess fat);
  • tightening of the skin on the face, reducing the depth of age-related wrinkles;
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • relieving tension, normalizing the psychological state and metabolic processes, eliminating swelling due to the removal of excess fluid
  • relieving fatigue and feeling of heaviness in the legs.

This type of massage can be performed on women regardless of age; it significantly helps improve the overall condition of the skin, making it more youthful and elastic. The procedure is carried out on any part of the body, taking into account existing problems: on the face, stomach, back, legs, arms. Let's take a closer look at how massage is done in the most popular areas.

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