Recipe for a black face mask Black Mask with photos and videos

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A huge number of people, to one degree or another, have encountered the problem of blackheads on their faces.

These spots can seriously ruin your face, appearing on your nose, forehead or chin. Up to 95% of teenagers and approximately 25% of adults suffer from acne. Sometimes blackheads can leave pigment spots, scars, scars.

The black mask has recently appeared on our market, but has already attracted the attention of everyone who wants to get rid of acne on their face. Let's figure it out.

What is the black mask used for and how does it work?

The manufacturers of Black Mask claim that this is the most effective remedy in the fight against comedones. This mask relieves your face of pimples, blackheads and many other problems.

The product is easy to use, and thanks to its natural composition, you can expect a fairly quick effect.

Also, this mask penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, nourishes it with vitamins and microelements , very well cleanses the skin of all kinds of impurities and destroys comedones. The skin on the face becomes toned, soft and even.


Considering the natural composition of the cosmetic product, there are practically no contraindications for use. In any case, you should check yourself for allergic reactions to the components of the mask.

A good way to test for allergies is to apply a small amount of the mixture to the inside of your elbow. If no spots, swelling or redness appear within 24 hours, then the product can be used without fear.

There is only one main contraindication - severe diseases in which there are deep wounds. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor, as this may indicate terrible diseases.

Black face mask Black Mask – instructions for use

This mask is quite easy to use, instructions are given below. Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse your facial skin and remove makeup.

  • Mix one teaspoon of the mixture from the bag with two teaspoons of warm water or milk.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the T-zone or the entire face, do not apply the mask to areas with hair and around the eyes.
  • The mask will dry in about 20 minutes. Wait.
  • Lift the mask with your fingers and pull it completely off your face.
  • Remove any remaining mask from your face with water.
  • Apply your favorite moisturizer.

It is recommended to use the mask twice a week, but if you have dry skin, once is enough. You will notice the effect of use immediately, but to consolidate the result you should complete the full course - one month.

Before and after effect in the photo

Numerous before and after photos prove the effectiveness of the mask from the first use. First of all, blackheads disappear and the skin looks very clean. The complexion becomes healthier.

After completing the full course, a rejuvenating effect is visible. Pores are tightened, so the skin looks smooth and radiant.

Classic Black Mask recipe at home

We suggest you try making this mask at home at much lower financial costs. The best analogue of Black Mask is the use of gelatin with activated carbon. We will need:

  • 2 g gelatin;
  • 5 g water or milk;
  • 4 tablets of activated carbon.
  1. Grind activated carbon into powder, mix with gelatin, add water or milk until a creamy consistency is formed.
  2. Heat the resulting mask in a water bath or in the microwave for two minutes.
  3. Apply the warm mixture to a previously cleansed face.
  4. Wait until the mask has completely dried and a film of gelatin and charcoal has formed on the skin, then pull it off your face.
  5. Remove residues with water.
  6. Apply your favorite moisturizer.

Activated charcoal is useful because it not only penetrates deeply into the pores of the face and cleanses, removing all impurities and blackheads, but also inflamed areas of the skin become less noticeable, and charcoal also gently dries the skin. Thanks to the collagen in its composition, gelatin tightens the skin of the face, making it more elastic and toned. Evens out complexion.

How does cleansing happen?

As a rule, black masks are based on 3 active components that affect the cleansing process:

  1. Activated carbon. The absorbent properties of coal have been known since the dawn of mankind. Charcoal draws out dirt from pores and removes waste products and toxic substances from the skin, rejuvenating and making it healthier.
  2. Black clay. This type of clay has a very high degree of plasticity, thanks to which the black mask, after drying, can be removed in a single layer without having to wash it off. Clay attaches to dirt and binds it together as it dries. All that is required is to carefully separate the mask from the skin after drying the clay mass.
  3. Healing mud. Being a product of the vital activity of millions of microorganisms, therapeutic mud has nothing in common with ordinary mud. Healing mud tightens the skin of the face, blocks the development of inflammation and stimulates blood circulation.

Other home medicine kit recipes to combat blackheads

There are a lot of cleansing recipes for face masks. Choose your option, taking into account your skin type and whether you are allergic to any component.

Cleansing face mask made of charcoal and cosmetic clay

  • Grind two tablets of activated carbon into powder.
  • Mix with one teaspoon of green or black cosmetic clay.
  • Add warm water or milk until creamy (about two teaspoons).
  • Add 1 teaspoon of gelatin to the mixture.
  • Let the mask sit for 15 minutes. and make the mixture homogeneous by heating in a water bath.

Activated carbon and egg white mask

  • Grind 4-5 tablets of activated carbon into powder.
  • Add half of one egg white.
  • Apply the resulting mass to problem areas of the face.
  • Wait 20-30 minutes, a film will form on your face, which you can lift and pull off your face.
  • Apply your moisturizer.

Mask of colorless henna and sage decoction

  • Add a little sage decoction to one teaspoon of colorless henna until a creamy consistency is formed.
  • Apply to previously cleansed face until completely dry.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Apply your facial moisturizer.

If you have oily skin, apply this mask two to three times a week; those with dry skin can use the mask once a week.

Henna has strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, normalizes the fat metabolism of the sebaceous glands, and improves cellular metabolism of the skin. This mask cleanses the skin very well, tightens pores and prevents the appearance of acne.

A decoction of sage enhances the effect of henna, and also cleanses and tightens pores.

Which mask for blackheads is good?

The DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask meets all stated requirements - deep cleansing of pores immediately after the 1st use. The result will surprise even an experienced specialist!

How does DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask work?

How does DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask work?

  1. Deeply cleanses the skin and dissolves blackheads, tightens pores

Dissolves the fatty film on the surface of the skin, delicately exfoliates dead keratinocytes, cleanses and renews the skin. Penetrates inside pores, softens and dissolves sebaceous plugs to narrow pores. The key to success is the components included in the mask: pumpkin pulp in combination with Mandelic acid 3%. They have a powerful keratolytic, antioxidant and warming effect, literally pulling blackheads out.

Prevention of the appearance of new comedones and rashes, combating increased oily skin.

  1. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect

Prevention of the appearance of acne on the skin and inflammation is a quick resolution of existing rashes, and the mask normalizes the composition of the bacterial flora of the skin and acidifies the pH due to the Lactobacillus included in the composition.

In fact, lactobacilli in the mask work to restore flora, like eubiotic and prebiotic preparations prescribed to restore intestinal flora after taking antibiotics.

3. Moisturizes and restores skin barriers

The moisturizing effect is achieved by removing excess layers of horny masses that cause dry skin. The barrier function is restored due to the work of Lactic acid 3%, which is part of the natural moisturizing factor of the skin.

4. Increases the penetration of active beneficial substances from subsequent products

All products applied after using the mask will penetrate the skin much deeper, because... the fatty film, keratinized scales and sebaceous plugs were removed.

5. Cleansing facial skin

Against the background of mask exposure, diffuse hyperemia is acceptable - this is an indicator of effective work and achievement of results. At the end of the exposure and removal of the mask, the skin will be steamed, with redness in places. You need to take advantage of this and perform mechanical cleansing of the face, randomly walking over the entire surface of the skin. And do not be afraid of skin redness.

How to use Pumpkin mask DermaQuest

One of the advantages of the mask is the ability to use it at home yourself.

Application steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup and impurities - make-up remover. It is important to first wash off cosmetics and particles of impurities that form on the skin during the day.
  2. Therapeutic cleansing of the skin using products with acids. This step is not mandatory, but desirable for more effective penetration of the mask. Recommended for thick skin with excessive hyperkeratosis and fatty film. Performed using washing gels with acids.
  3. Apply the pumpkin mask to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes. The consistency of the mask is gel-like and spreads well and comfortably over the skin.
  4. Exposure time 10 – 15 minutes . For those who are using the mask for the first time, you should not overexpose it, the time may be reduced.
  5. Removing residues with water at a comfortable temperature . Wash off the mask with napkins, a sponge or a damp towel, usually with cool water.
  6. At the final stage - applying moisturizing or soothing mask , or serum plus cream .

The result of using the DermaQuest Pumpkin Mask

  • Eliminates blackheads by 95%
  • 83% works like home peeling, deeply cleanses the skin

Smoothness, cleanliness and absence of blackheads on the face!

Precautionary measures

  • Black masks should be used if you have oily and problematic skin with comedones, enlarged pores and acne. They should be used very carefully on dry and thin skin, and film masks are contraindicated for it.
  • Frequent use of these masks can lead to dryness and dehydration of the skin, the formation of wounds and peeling. Use the mask once a week if you have dry skin, and two to three times a week if you have oily skin.
  • If you have combination skin type, apply the mask exclusively to problem areas.
  • To avoid allergic reactions, test the mask on your wrist first and make sure that all components are suitable for you.
  • Before applying the mask, steam your face, this will allow the mask to penetrate deeper into the pores.
  • After cleansing, be sure to apply your favorite moisturizer to your skin and do not go outside for the next two hours.

Composition and features of ingredients

The black mask contains quite a lot of microelements, vitamins and plant extracts. All components have hypoallergenic properties and therefore do not provoke negative reactions on the skin.

The beneficial properties of the cosmetic product are due to its unique composition:

  1. Bamboo charcoal . This ingredient provides deep cleansing of the skin, penetrates the pores, cleansing them of impurities and harmful substances. Thanks to the presence of this substance, the black mask successfully copes with the active production of sebum and blackheads. This component is perfect for all skin types.
  2. Grapefruit peel oil . This substance provides lightening and cleansing of the skin, helps narrow pores and initiates regeneration processes. This component also has a drainage effect.
  3. Extract from wheat sprouts . This substance provides excellent tissue regeneration, has nourishing and softening properties, and perfectly cleanses the skin. In addition, the extract has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. With its help, blood circulation and the condition of the epithelium are improved - the number of wrinkles and irregularities is reduced.
  4. Provitamin B5 . This substance is also called panthenol. It has wound healing and moisturizing properties. In addition, this component has a smoothing effect.
  5. Olive squalane . This ingredient is obtained from olive tree oil. It is an excellent source of fatty acids. Thanks to the presence of this ingredient, the black mask prevents moisture loss, normalizes breathing and prevents early aging. This substance has high penetrating ability. In addition, it does not leave a greasy feeling.
  6. Collagen . This product forms a film on the dermis that retains moisture. This is a completely harmless ingredient that is suitable for all skin types.
  7. Vegetable glycerin . Provides moisture penetration into the skin. Thanks to its use, the functions of all other ingredients of the product are stabilized.

Black face mask Black Mask – reviews from experiment participants

Our small experiment will help you understand what effect a black mask has on the skin of the face, and our expert will comment on each “before” and “after” photo and give his recommendations to the participants.

Katya, 22 years old:

I use the black mask twice a week. The skin became fresh and less oily. Old rashes have decreased, blackheads have disappeared, and new ones no longer appear.

Comment: In order to regulate the fat balance of the skin, you should also pay attention to nutrition.

Angelica, 32 years old:

For a month, I used a black mask prepared at home before bed once a week. It completely got rid of my acne and evened out my skin's surface and tone. After the mask I applied nourishing cream.

Comment: To maintain normal fat balance, apply mattifying cream during the day.

Marina, 36 years old:

A friend recommended this mask to me and I really like it. The skin became lighter and smoother. Please tell me how long does the result last after using this mask?

Comment: Unfortunately, the effect after using such products does not last a lifetime, but it will please you for at least one or two weeks. To enhance the effect, regular use is necessary - at least once a month. Also, don’t forget about creams, lotions, tonics and scrubs.

Expert assessment

Experts in the field of cosmetology positively evaluate the black mask and prescribe this remedy for treatment. Among the main advantages, cosmetologists highlight:

  • Completely natural composition;
  • An abundance of active ingredients with a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • A large number of clinical studies and the “Dermatologist Approved” mark;
  • Universality of use for men and women of almost any age;
  • Quick treatment of skin problems;
  • Safe removal of blackheads instead of the usual squeezing;
  • Combination of cleansing and moisturizing functions;
  • Cleansing even in hard-to-reach places (at the junction of the wings of the nose and cheeks);
  • One of the most effective remedies suitable for home use;
  • Prevention of rashes and comedones.

Video on how to make Black Mask

From the presented video you will clearly learn how to make a black mask from available ingredients at home. How to apply correctly, how long to keep on your face, how to remove. Pros and cons of this mask in use.

As you know, our beauty depends not only on external skin care, but also on proper nutrition. The appearance of comedens is promoted by spicy and fried foods, alcohol, smoking and strong coffee. But fresh vegetables, fruits and berries will help your skin stay healthy.

How do you take care of your skin? Share your impressions of the article in the comments.

Efficiency of use

The face mask effectively cleanses and renews the skin, and also has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. After the first use, the skin looks fresher and tighter.

The effect of systematic use of the mask:

  1. Regulation of sebum production;
  2. Removal of the keratinized top layer;
  3. Delicate skin peeling;
  4. Opening of clogged pores followed by deep cleansing and narrowing;
  5. Gentle skin care, smoothing and brightening;
  6. Removing toxins and destroying pathogens;
  7. Increases the protective functions of the skin against negative environmental influences (wind, frost, heat, UV rays);
  8. Improves the appearance of the skin: fine wrinkles are evened out, complexion improves, contours become clearer;
  9. Awakens natural collagen production.


  1. Normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, naturally reducing the production of sebum.
  2. Saturates skin cells with beneficial substances, forming the natural protection of the epidermis.
  3. Absorbs all toxins and impurities, healing the skin.
  4. Improves the condition of problem skin, disinfects, and prevents the development of bacteria that lead to acne.
  5. Tightens the contour of the face if applied along the entire perimeter, eliminates the double chin and sagging cheeks.
  6. Completely eliminates acne with regular use.
  7. Removes inflammation and irritation.
  8. Evens out complexion.
  9. Eliminates greasy shine.
  10. Removes swelling.
  11. Charges the skin with freshness, beauty, perfectly tones dehydrated and tired epidermis.

Scope and properties

The scope of application of these properties, as mentioned above, will vary for specific models. In general, they are used to combat blackheads, pimples and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Read more about masks for blackheads here. Among the general properties of this type of care are:

  1. Cleansing pores of dirt, fat, and dead skin particles.
  2. Giving the dermis firmness and freshness.
  3. Restoring the natural color of the skin with long-term use.
  4. Mattifying effect.
  5. Smoothing out small facial wrinkles.

The use of different types of coal also affects the final effect, although not as significantly as the addition of new components.

Evaluation of the protective properties of some types of anatomical masks

The development of industry has made the negative impact of humans on the ecology of the Earth decisive. One of the most important criteria for a favorable environmental situation is air purity. Unlike food or water, air purity is much more difficult for the average consumer to control.

According to the literature, residents of the more industrialized Northern China have an average life expectancy of three years less than residents of agricultural Southern China. Researchers attribute this difference to the cleanliness of the air - the air in Northern China contains a huge amount of suspended particles resulting from factory emissions [1].

In Russia, the problem of air pollution concerns only large industrial cities. According to Roshydromet, in 12 of the 35 largest cities in Russia, air pollution with suspended particles exceeds the maximum permissible levels, which undoubtedly affects the health of their residents [2, 4, 6].

Another criterion for air purity is the presence or absence of a dangerous biological aerosol in it - pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi. As a rule, in large cities, the problem of biologically dirty air is most acute, as evidenced by regularly occurring waves of respiratory diseases [3].

Medical masks are most often used as a means of personal respiratory protection in a person’s daily life. In this regard, the purpose of this work was a comparative assessment of the protective properties of four types of medical masks.

We selected the following as evaluation criteria: assessment of the filtering properties of the mask material, the resistance of the mask material to air flow and the tightness of the mask to the face.

Materials and research methods

Types of anatomical masks studied

The protective properties of four medical masks were studied, images of which are presented in Fig. 1.

White mask - anatomical medical mask “Barrier Reef” in the SB version without a valve, with elastic bands with a nose clip, manufactured by Hubei Xianmeng Health Protection Commodity Co., Ltd., PRC.

Pink mask - anatomical medical mask "Masker's" in the SL version without a valve, with elastic bands with a nose clip, manufactured by Hubei Xianmeng Health Protection Commodity Co., Ltd., PRC.

Black mask - anatomical medical mask "Masker's" in the NF version with a valve, with elastic bands with a nose clip, with an exhalation valve, manufactured by Hubei Xianmeng Health Protection Commodity Co., Ltd., PRC.

Blue mask - three-layer medical mask, with elastic bands with a nose clip, Ivanovo region, Kineshma, Russia.

Measuring the air flow resistance of mask filter material

A special installation was used to measure the resistance to air flow of the filter material of the masks.

The procedure for estimating the air flow resistance consisted of measuring the pressure drop across the holder at different injected air flow rates. First, the pressure drop across the holder without the filter attached was measured. The mask material was then clamped tightly into the holder and pressure was measured at several air flow rates. The drop across the filter was calculated from the difference between the pressure values ​​measured with the filter and the values ​​measured without the filter.

Measuring the passage of 0.3–5.0 micron aerosol particles through mask material

A laser aerosol particle counter (model 4705) was used to measure the passage of aerosol particles with a diameter of 0.3–5.0 microns. The device was calibrated by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The measurement procedure consisted of sequential measurement of the concentration of aerosol particles of different sizes. The percentage of transmission of particles of each size I was calculated using formula (1) as the ratio of the number of particles of each size passing through the filter Cf to the average concentration of the corresponding aerosol in the room Co:

I = 100%(Sph/Co) (1)

The quality of the filter material K is determined by the ratio of the logarithm of aerosol transmission by the filter material to the value of the flow resistance, which in the simplest case can be expressed by the pressure drop ΔP on the filter cloth:

K = –log(I)/ΔP (2)

Typically, 5 measurements were taken in different areas on each mask sample.

Measuring the passage of large aerosol particles using the example of lycopodium (spores of the club moss, Lycopodium clavatum) through mask material

When studying the permeability of mask material for large aerosol particles, spores of the moss moss, Lycopodium clavatum, with a size of about 30 microns were used. These spores are available commercially under the name Lycopodium. They are used medicinally as baby powder, for dusting pills, and in folk medicine to heal wounds.

A special installation was used for measurements. In this case, a nanofilter made in the laboratory from nylon nanofibers by electrospinning was connected in series with the sample of the mask material under study, as described in [5].

The number of particles passing through the sample was determined by direct particle counting on a nylon nanofilter, which is optically transparent, so lycopodium particles are easily visible on the filter at low microscope magnification.

Assessment of the tightness of anatomical masks to the face

With small changes in pressure with a tight or loose fit of the mask to the face, the volunteer does not change the breathing mode, and the air flow from the lungs remains the same in both cases. That's why:

Qп = Qн + Q` (3)

The air flow with a tight fit is equal to the ratio of the pressure drop across the mask with a tight fit to the resistance of the mask, and with a loose fit - the ratio of the pressure drop across the mask with a loose fit to the same mask resistance:

Qп = ΔPп/Rм (4)

Qн = ΔPн/Rм (5)

Hence, the tightness of the mask to the face is equal to the ratio of the pressure drop across the mask with a loose fit to the pressure drop across the mask with a tight fit:

J = 100%(Qn/Qp) = 100%(ΔPn/ΔPp) (6)

J = 100%QnQpΔPp ΔPn

If you measure the pressure drop across the mask with a tight and loose fit, you can estimate the tightness of the mask to your face.

A special device was used to measure the pressure drop across the mask during breathing.

Results and discussion

Dependence of the pressure drop on the filter cloth on the flow rate

As can be seen, despite averaging over five measurements for each flow velocity, the filter fabric of white and pink masks (“Barrier Reef” SB and “Masker’s” SL, respectively) shows significant scatter, which indicates the heterogeneity of the material.

The black ("Masker's" NF) and regular blue mask materials show almost identical flow resistance values, as can be seen from the small spread of pressure values ​​for each flow rate.

The coefficient characterizing the slope of the direct relationship between pressure and flow speed is averaged for each type of mask and is presented in Table. 1.

As can be seen from the table, ordinary blue masks have the least resistance to air flow. Then, in ascending order, there are white “Barrier Reef” SB, pink “Masker’s” SL and black “Masker’s” NF masks.

Breakthrough of aerosol particles with sizes in the range of 0.3–5.0 microns and assessment of the filtering qualities of mask materials

As can be seen from the data presented in Fig. 2 and in table. 2, black anatomical Masker's NF masks have the lowest leakage for all sizes of aerosol particles.

The leakage through the material of conventional three-layer blue masks is the largest among the materials studied.

The pink Masker's SL anatomical masks and the white Barrier Reef SB anatomical masks are slightly inferior to the black Masker's NF masks, but are significantly superior to the usual three-layer blue masks.

The most obvious difference in the filtration efficiency of masks can be seen by obtaining the inverse values ​​of breakthrough: filtration efficiency. The filtering values ​​are shown in Fig. 3.

The quality of the filter material is determined by the degree of particle slippage related to the pressure drop at a fixed air flow rate through the material. It is convenient to quantitatively characterize the quality as the ratio of the negative logarithm of the degree of breakthrough to the pressure drop at a fixed flow rate in accordance with formula (2).

As can be seen from table. 3, the highest filtering quality of the material is possessed by the black anatomical Masker's masks in the NF version, which for particles of minimal size (0.3 microns) are 20–30 (!) times superior to ordinary blue medical masks.

For particles 30 microns in size (lycopodium particles), the difference in filtering properties between masks is not so great. In different experiments, the mass of lycopodium deposited on the surface of the sample varied from 1.2 to 32 mg. In this case, the number of lycopodium particles passing through the samples was only a few particles. Three independent measurements were taken for each mask type. The results of the experiment are summarized in table. 4.

As can be seen from the table, the material of all the studied masks allows an extremely small number of lycopodium particles to pass through, amounting to (2–58) × 10–6 of the number retained on the material.

Assessing the tightness of masks to the face

In table Figure 5 presents data on the tightness of the masks to the face, calculated from the pressure drop across the masks using the method described above using formula (6). It can be seen that blue medical masks have the lowest fit to the face (35%, two-thirds of the air passes by the mask and is not purified), and black “Masker's” NF masks have the highest fit (more than 73%). The white "Barrier Reef" SB and pink "Masker's" SL masks are slightly inferior to the black "Masker's" NF mask. The results are shown in Fig. 4.

From the data obtained, it follows that when assessing the effectiveness of masks, not only the filtering properties of the material are of great importance, but also such an indicator as fit to the face.


A comparative test of the protective properties of the tested medical masks allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

In terms of the quantitative parameter of material quality (the ratio of the logarithm of breakthrough to the flow resistance) for aerosol particles of 0.3–5.0 microns, the black Masker's NF mask is 7–30 times superior to the standard blue medical mask. White masks "Barrier Reef" SB and pink masks "Masker's" SL in the aerosol range of 0.3–5.0 microns are 2–4 times superior to ordinary blue ones. For aerosol particles of 30 μm, no statistically significant difference in breakthrough was found for all four masks studied. All of them have very low leakage.

Black “Masker's” NF masks have a better fit to the face, and therefore better filtration quality (more than 73%, which is 108% better than a regular blue medical mask). White Barrier Reef SB masks and pink Masker's SL masks showed less fit, which is 63% and 40%, respectively, better than a regular blue medical mask.

The results of comparative tests of the protective properties of the tested medical masks fully confirm the validity of the speedy transition to anatomical medical masks (“Barrier Reef” SB, “Masker’s” SL and “Masker’s” NF) and their further improvement.


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A. Yu. Mikheev*, 1, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. V. Avseenko V. N. Morozov*, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

* FGBUN ITEB RAS, Pushchino

1 Contact information

Assessment of the protective properties of some types of anatomical masks / A. Yu. Mikheev, A. V. Avseenko, V. N. Morozov For citation: Attending physician No. 12/2018; Issue page numbers: 59-64 Tags: airway, air filtration, face seal

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