The use of boric soap in the fight against acne: the pros and cons of the product

The fight against imperfections takes not only a lot of effort, but also money spent. However, as practice shows, expensive and professional acne treatments are not always effective.

To eliminate inflammation on the back, face and other parts of the body, you can use cheaper and proven methods. Boric soap for back acne is the most suitable option for quick skin rehabilitation.

Pros and cons of boric soap

It's no longer a secret that one of the oldest and most proven ways to fight acne is tar soap. But there are a number of factors why people refuse this option. The use of boric soap is more pleasant due to its almost imperceptible odor, which, unfortunately, its brother cannot boast of. What are the advantages of using boric soap?

In fact, this tool has many advantages, which include:

  • softer texture (unlike tar);
  • inconspicuous odor (this detergent smells almost nothing, since it has no fragrances);
  • gentle effect on the skin of the back and face;
  • quick elimination of redness and inflammation;
  • relieving skin irritation.

You can wash your back, especially during inflammation, every day, but it is advisable not to use a rough washcloth. With daily use, you can notice the achieved result after 2-3 baths. Drying pimples, eliminating red spots, reducing itching - an effect that is visible after the first wash.

Despite a considerable number of advantages, boric soap has several disadvantages that can be easily eliminated:

  • fast consumption, which is an insignificant drawback, since the product has a completely budget cost;
  • harsh effect on sensitive and dry dermis;
  • cannot always be found at the nearest pharmacy or store.

Just like tar soap, boric soap can cause tightness of dry skin and promote the formation of flaking.

Rules of application

The main area of ​​application of this cosmetic product is the complex treatment of mixed and problem skin.

Boric soap helps get rid of inflammation and acne on the face, the main cause of which is bacteria and microbes. It perfectly cleanses pores, dries out boils and ulcers, and fights comedones. With regular use, blackheads, pimples and acne marks disappear. It also copes well with excess oily hair, making it shiny and manageable.

Directions for use:

  1. Ulcers and acne. Apply soap foam to problem areas of the skin, leave for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated up to 2 times a day.

  2. Acne prevention. Wash with soap in the morning or evening, but not necessarily every day, 2-3 times a week will be enough.
  3. Fungal infections. During each wash, the affected skin is treated with soap foam.
  4. Calluses. To get rid of calluses, make baths of boric soap and baking soda.
  5. Oily skin. Wash with soap morning and evening.
  6. Excessive sweating. Every morning, wash problem areas with soap.
  7. Prevention of viral infections. Before going outside and after going outside, treat your palms with soap foam.
  8. Closed and open comedones - areas are washed and cleaned with a special brush once every 5 days.
  9. Oily hair. Apply soap foam to damp hair, massage and rinse. For oily hair, the procedure is performed 2 times a week, for dry hair - 1 time a week. After washing, apply hair balm or conditioner to your curls.

Beneficial properties of boric soap

Soap has an alkaline environment, and therefore, especially with constant use, the acid balance of human skin is disturbed.

Boric acid, which is part of the product, helps to actively reduce the aggressiveness of alkali and neutralize its effect.

Effective properties:

  • if the water is too hard, boric soap softens its composition;
  • quickly reanimates the affected epidermis in case of allergies, after insect bites, eliminates boils, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • helps eliminate fungal infections both on the back and on other parts of the body (face, legs, scalp);
  • reduces sebum production;
  • the existing mink oil is close in composition to human skin, which improves the elasticity of the dermis, helps eliminate small cracks, and saturates the skin with fatty acids;
  • soap suds are easily washed off without leaving behind a filmy feeling, so the product is perfect for those with oily skin types;
  • smoothes the surface of the epidermis, improves skin color, eliminates age spots.

However, if used incorrectly, the benefits of boric soap can be minimized.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Human skin is always covered with a thin layer of sebum - a special substance produced by the sebaceous glands to protect the skin from moisture loss and from microbes entering the inner layers. Sebum traps dirt particles that fall on the skin, and since it is of a fatty nature, it exhibits hydrophobic properties, i.e., does not dissolve in it.

Soap is obtained as a result of the hydrolysis reaction of fatty acid esters with alkalis. This reaction is called saponification, resulting in the formation of alkali metal salts and alcohols. These substances, when combined with water, have surface activity, which makes it possible to use soap to cleanse the skin: it separates sebium and accumulated impurities from the surface of the dermis, so that they can then be removed together with water.

Each of the components of boric soap has beneficial properties, and in their harmonious combination they have a complex positive effect.

How to use boric soap to achieve results?

In order not to harm your skin, you need to consider some nuances of using boric soap:

  1. Do not use the product for more than two weeks in a row. Firstly, addiction may occur, and secondly, a large amount of boric acid entering through the skin can harm the body.
  2. It is better to wash without a washcloth at all or use a soft washcloth. Using harsher hygiene products can lead to the growth of bacteria and damage delicate skin. You can use a soft washcloth, but not every day, in which case a scrub effect will be observed and dead scales will be removed.
  3. After water procedures, it is not recommended to rub the skin generously with a towel. It's better to gently blot your back.
  4. Finish washing with moisturizing. If there is no feeling of tightness, dryness and flaking, then this is not necessary, but if you have dry skin, then use body cream or milk. Despite the fact that boric soap is more gentle, it still dries out pimples and the skin along with them.

Making tar soap at home

Soap contains three main components:

  1. Boric acid, which has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal effect on the skin, and also neutralizes alkalis, making the water softer;
  2. Cosmetic glycerin creates a thin film on the face, thanks to which the skin will be protected from dehydration and negative environmental influences;
  3. Mink oil is not only a natural moisturizer, but also a substance that helps boric acid and other substances penetrate deeper into the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The manufacturing technology of these substances is not much different. The fact is that the fat base itself is initially treated with alkali and soap is obtained. But there are some subtleties. Potassium or sodium alkali can be used to make the product. The aggregate state of the product depends on this. That is, when saponifying potassium alkali, you will get a viscous or fairly liquid product. If you use sodium, then solid pieces.

An example of sodium soap is laundry and toilet soap. Potassium soaps are mainly used in making shower gel or liquid soap.

Sodium and potassium soap

Handmade soap is undoubtedly better. It is made not from animal fat, but from vegetable oils. This product contains no preservatives and a decent amount of natural essential oils. In addition, pieces of herbs, sea salt and other scrubbing components are often added to the composition. Because of this, the shelf life of such soap is significantly reduced.

Handmade soap

These soaps differ in the composition of the alkali used, which is used to saponify the fatty base. If it is potassium salt, then you will get liquid soap. If the alkali is sodium, the final product will be solid. But now liquid soap is obtained in two ways:

  • By saponifying oils with potassium alkali
  • Using surfactants, including sodium lauryl sulfate

According to the first method, soap is made only at home and the product turns out to be quite expensive. Therefore, all liquid soaps on the shelves are substances with surfactants that dry the skin and remove fat from its surface.

Liquid soap

These products differ in composition and cost. Toilet soap contains more fragrances and fragrances. This is simply a scented product that may contain emollients. Such as oils and glycerin. Bath soap is larger in size than toilet soap and contains more useful additives and essential oils.

After all, in the bath the body steams and its pores actively absorb nutrients in the soap. A good product, but in real life it is difficult to find a suitable option for a bath. This is basically regular soap with herbal scents. Read the ingredients on the packaging and buy paste-like products in jars specifically for the bath.

Initially, shower gel is not much different from liquid soap. It is worth noting that this is an excellent marketing ploy. Due to the fast pace of life, not everyone can spend a lot of time taking a bath. To wash properly, you need to apply soap to a washcloth and lather it. After this, the foam is applied to the body and rubbed in.

The composition of liquid soap and gel is approximately the same, these are essential oils, fragrances and surfactants. Glycerin is added to soap, but not to shower gel. Now some companies actually produce an interesting product: 2 in 1 shower gel and shampoo. There is nothing strange about this. Such products are made for men, as they are less demanding on the composition of the shampoo. Many companies simply make money by advertising shampoos for different types of hair. Although in general their composition is not much different.

Shower gel

As you can see, liquid soap is different from laundry soap. Therefore, before purchasing hyena products, read their composition.


  • absolutely natural composition (birch tar, sodium salts of olive, coconut, palm, castor oils and water);
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;
  • handmade.

The table summarizes the main parameters of the products discussed above.

BrandTypeWeight (g)Additional components
Kleonahard80essential oils of jojoba, avocado, olive, coconut
Nevskaya cosmeticshard100
Agafyathick300extracts of calendula, meadowsweet, sweet clover
Spivakhard100olive oil, coconut oil

Contraindications to the use of boric soap

Boric acid has the property of quickly penetrating into tissue, after which the substance accumulates in the body. For a healthy adult, a small amount of this remedy is beneficial. However, it is better for weakened people to avoid using boric soap:

  • pregnant women;
  • cannot be used for bathing babies;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • with individual intolerance, which can be expressed in symptoms such as excessive dry skin, peeling, irritation, redness, severe itching.

Therefore, when using soap to eliminate acne on the back, it is worth remembering that reasonable use of the product will give a decent result. But if you abuse it, you can harm not only your skin, but also the body as a whole.

What is the composition made from?

Sulfur soap is a cosmetic product that contains 2-5 percent sulfur.

Sulfur is a chemical element that is used in medicine. Contained in every cell. In general, about 0.25 percent of this compound is present in the human body.

Included in some:

  • Amino acids, in particular cysteine ​​and methionine;
  • Vitamins such as biotin and thiamine;
  • Enzymes.

In addition, takes part in:

  • The formation of certain proteins, so-called desulfide bridges;
  • Bacterial photosynthesis.

Analogues of boric soap for acne

Despite the unique composition, there are many analogues to combat imperfections. One of them is tar soap and sulfur soap. Each of them has its own characteristics, so when choosing, first of all pay attention to the composition.

Comparison of tar, sulfur and boric soap:

Borax soapSulfur soapTar soap
AdvantagesGently cleanses the skin, eliminates oily shine, acne, rashes of various kinds, and has a subtle scent.Fights excessive sebum secretion, treats acne, acne, and tightens pores.Excellent cleanses, dries out pimples, blackheads, acne, various rashes.
FlawsCannot be used in large quantities or on an ongoing basis.There is a not very pleasant smell of sulfur, it dries and tightens the skin.It can cause excessive oiliness and dryness of the skin, and has a pronounced unpleasant tar smell.

One of the most popular companies producing soap is Nevskaya Cosmetics. The products of this company are budget-friendly, so the purchase will not particularly affect your wallet. Boric soap is in demand among many buyers, as it is of decent quality. In addition, the company's products can be found on the shelves of many stores and pharmacies.

Remember that beauty is first and foremost care. By taking care of yourself and your body, you will be irresistible, especially since it doesn’t always require a lot of money.

Benefits for hair

This remedy helps to defeat dandruff and relieve itching. Tar soap for hair has a drying effect, which helps eliminate oiliness, strengthens it, stimulates growth and prevents hair loss.

To prevent an unpleasant odor from remaining on your hair, you can use all kinds of masks, conditioners and balms. It is recommended to wash your hair with soft warm water. To soften hard water, you need to mix it with baking soda. The soap should be foamed and rubbed into the roots.

Perhaps the strands will become dull and difficult to comb. Then you can rinse them with water and vinegar or lemon juice or a herbal decoction.

Visible results from regular use of this soap will appear after 2 months. Many who wash their hair with this product for longer than 30 days switch to it forever, replacing shampoo with it. Girls notice that their strands become much softer, more manageable and silky.

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