11 acid peels for home and salon use

Update date: 02/11/2021 10:54:11 50358 Share:

Author of the article: Demidova Anna Viktorovna

*Review of the best according to the editors of simplerule.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Acid peels are specialized preparations for rejuvenating and restorative cosmetic procedures. They are used in beauty salons and at home. Therefore, the experts at simplerule.ru decided to compile for you a rating of the best products that can be bought in a regular or online store. But first, you need to learn more about what acid peels are, what their features are, what types of drugs there are, indications and contraindications for their use.

Glycolic peeling

Glycolic Acid is perhaps the most popular and best known among alpha hydroxy acids.

Firstly, glycolic acid has a small molecule size, it is very tiny - only 76 Daltons, thanks to which it penetrates the skin easily and deeply.

Secondly, glycolic peels have a wide spectrum of action:

  • even out the relief, make the skin smooth,
  • stimulate the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which helps increase skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles,
  • reduce sebum secretion,
  • help cleanse pores and eliminate blackheads.

Thanks to such versatile properties, peelings with glycolic acid can be used to solve aesthetic problems of both aged and young skin.

However... Despite their wonderful properties, glycolic peels are not suitable for everyone. For those with sensitive skin with rosacea and couperose, glycolic acid can cause severe redness, prolonged inflammation and excessive flaking.

As a result, instead of the listed positive effects, owners of such skin may experience persistent redness, dehydration, hypersensitivity and more pronounced rosacea.

Therefore, I advise such people to pay attention to the following two acids.


There are many contraindications to peelings:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • the appearance of herpes and other infections;
  • acute stage of inflammation and acne;
  • fever, respiratory, viral diseases;
  • mechanical damage;
  • taking medications for acne, immunosuppressants;
  • oncology, hypertension, asthma, diabetes;
  • acute period of allergy;
  • fresh tan;
  • rosacea - an acute reaction of the skin to irritants;
  • skin vascular diseases, psoriasis, keloid sutures.

After the procedures: laser, deep cleaning, you must wait about 2 months before peeling. Areas with birthmarks and large moles are not treated with acid.

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Milk peeling

Lactic acid specializes in hydration. You can often find it in cosmetics.

Lactic acid is also present in our skin; it is part of the natural moisturizing factor (NMF), and as soon as its amount in the skin decreases, dryness appears.

In low concentrations, lactic acid has a moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Peels with lactic acid provide a light brightening effect and have a mild exfoliating and stimulating effect.

Such peels increase skin turgor, improve complexion, and can be recommended for owners of thin, dry, dehydrated skin and sensitive skin, including skin with rosacea and rosacea.

Milk peelings are considered soft, even for summer, or rather year-round, so they can be used during periods of sunny activity and are suitable for those who live in hot countries.

Light milk peels can be used to prepare the skin for harsher formulations.

Where can I buy

You can buy a facial product in two ways - in a store in your city that sells cosmetics or in an online store, where the assortment is much wider.

If the desired product is not found in the store, then on a specialized website with a high degree of probability you can find exactly the required product. In addition, users are always advised to check out new arrivals in the cosmetics industry, and perhaps the buyer will make several purchases.

To quickly search according to the parameters necessary for the user, you can set filters by price, manufacturer, skin type, age restrictions, and also by the desired effect.

You can find reviews from other customers for many products. This will allow you to be confident in your purchase in case of positive opinions, or refuse to purchase if there are a large number of negative reviews.

Each product has a detailed description, so after reading all the characteristics and making sure that the cosmetic product fully satisfies your needs, you can place an online order and receive the product soon.

Almond peeling

Mandelic Acid has a large molecule, does not increase skin sensitivity to the sun and can be used at any time of the year, of course with precautions - be sure to use a cream with a high SPF, do not sunbathe, etc.

Almond peeling is considered the most gentle of superficial peels, so it can be used even for thin, sensitive skin prone to rosacea.

This peeling can be prescribed from the age of 14 for the treatment of teenage acne. In adulthood, it is used as a superficial peeling for sensitive or oily skin, as well as to smooth the skin in preparation for more aggressive formulations.

Mandelic acid normalizes sebum secretion, has a pigment-constricting effect, eliminates comedones, evens out complexion, so these peels will be effective if you have:

  • increased sebum secretion,
  • enlarged pores,
  • clogged pores (comedones, blackheads),
  • superficial pigmentation,
  • sensitive aging skin.

Criterias of choice

To purchase the right product, you should focus on the user's skin type. Manufacturers offer many options for dry, oily, combination or all types in one bottle.

The next criterion is the result that the user plans to achieve. Cleanse or moisturize, get a rejuvenating effect or get rid of pigmentation and blackheads. You can also get a toning and restorative effect, smooth out shallow wrinkles and improve complexion. In this case, the buyer chooses a product that will perform the maximum number of necessary functions.

For specific skin needs, hypoallergenic acid peels, products to combat problem skin and acne sufferers are available.

Age recommendations should also be taken into account. Therefore, brands produce products that can be used from the age of 18 (for example, girls with acne or blackheads). For women who are struggling with age-related changes in the form of stretch marks and facial wrinkles, products in the 40+ category have been created.

The pricing policy for the product is from 30 rubles for a one-time sample and more than 15,000 rubles for a bottle. The cost depends on the volume, manufacturer, components, and functionality.

Particular attention should be paid to manufacturers. Buying a low-quality product can negatively affect the health of the skin. Therefore, in this situation, it is better to overpay for the brand name and choose those products that are highly rated among other buyers.

Among domestic manufacturers, it is worth noting Natura Siberica, MI&KO - a brand that specializes in organic cosmetics, Biomatrix. The latter brand uses high-quality and safe materials to produce its products and works using modern technologies. The Vitex company also deserves some attention, since its products are not only of high quality, but also at reasonable prices for the population.

The most popular foreign manufacturers are the Latvian company DNC, the French-Japanese brand IconSkin and SFERANGS from South Korea.

All of the listed brands produce quality products in different price categories. The information provided will help the user not to make mistakes when choosing and purchase the right chemical peel that meets all the criteria.

Salicylic peeling

Salicylic Acid specializes in oily and problematic skin.

It has a pronounced exfoliating effect, and problem skin is characterized by an increased formation of keratinized scales. The scales can stick together and close the ducts of the sebaceous glands, thereby creating favorable conditions for clogged pores and the appearance of acne.

Salicylic acid successfully dissolves sebaceous plugs, reduces sebum secretion and normalizes sebum composition, which is extremely important because acne-prone skin is characterized by viscosity and increased sebum production.

In addition, salicylic acid has an antimicrobial effect and helps lighten post-acne pigment spots.

Accordingly, the main indications for the use of peels and products with salicylic acid:

  • increased sebum secretion,
  • uneven terrain,
  • pore blockage,
  • black dots,
  • age spots and post-acne scars.

However, salicylic acid can be irritating and cause redness, so people with sensitive skin should proceed with caution - use milder products and opt for other peels.

What factors influence the ranking?

When compiling a rating and distributing the places that certain acid peels occupy in it, our experts take into account the following aspects:

  1. Type of peeling. We have tried to select medications for you that are as safe as possible to use at home.
  2. Release form, ease of use of the drug.
  3. The relationship between the cost of peeling and its effectiveness.
  4. Opinions of women who have already used a specific cosmetic product.
  5. The point of view of dermatologists and qualified cosmetologists.

The rating of acid peels compiled by our experts will help you save time when choosing a product and buy a product that will meet your expectations.

Jessner Peel (Hollywood)

Another one of the most famous peelings. It is often called Hollywood because of its popularity among the stars.

The classic Jessner peeling formula is a water-alcohol base and a mixture of three components:

  1. Resorcinol,
  2. Lactic acid
  3. Salicylic acid

Jessner peeling has a wide spectrum of action, so it can be used to correct age-related changes and improve the condition of problem skin.

The depth of peeling penetration depends on the number of layers, due to which you can achieve different results - both a superficial effect with slight peeling, and a deeper effect with pronounced peeling.

Therefore, indications for such peeling can be very different:

  • enlarged pores,
  • increased sebum secretion,
  • uneven terrain,
  • expression wrinkles,
  • acne spots and scars.

What acids are suitable for restoring different types of epidermis:

Acid name Facial skin type
Mandelic acid or scientifically phenoxylglycolic acid. Oily problem skin with enlarged pores, combination skin, as well as mature skin.
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Oily problem skin with enlarged pores, combination dermis, as well as mature skin.
Retinoic (so-called yellow peeling). Oily dermis with extensive rashes. As well as age-related dermis with pronounced signs of aging.
Lactic acid. Dry, dehydrated dermis, prone to peeling, irritation and allergies.
Salicylic acid. Combined and problematic dermis with signs of photoaging.
Glycolic acid. Any type of skin.
Fruit acid. Normal, combination, oily dermis with the first manifestations of age-related changes.

Depending on which acid is the main active component of the cosmetic product, peelings can be divided into three groups:

  1. Surface, based on fruit, vegetable acids, salicylic, glycolic acid. Such drugs act at the upper level, within the stratum corneum. Promote exfoliation of the surface structures of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen-elastin protein compounds. After using such products there is no recovery period, the likelihood of adverse reactions is very low. These are the products that are recommended for use at home.
  2. Medium, based on trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Such peels affect the upper layer of the skin - the entire depth of the epidermis, as well as the initial levels of the dermis. After using such drugs, the rehabilitation period will be 10-14 days. During this period, redness may occur.
  3. Deep, based on carbolic acid. The use of such a drug contributes to the complete renewal of the skin of the face, since it acts on both the epidermis and the dermis. The use of the product will require long-term rehabilitation, which can last from 2 to 3 months.
  4. Acid peels may contain several active substances. For example, Jessner's Hollywood Peel formula uses a combination of lactic and salicylic acid.

Azelaine peeling

Azelaic Acid specializes in the treatment of skin with acne and rosacea. It inhibits 5-alpha reductase and tyrosinase, thereby reducing sebum secretion and lightening post-acne spots.

In addition, azelaic acid has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect and normalizes the keratinization process, that is, it effectively fights pore clogging.

At the same time, azelaic acid has a gentle effect, so it can be used even for sensitive skin with rosacea. But chemical peels with this acid may also contain other acids, so they must be selected individually.

But in general, I advise people with sensitive skin, acne, post-acne, rosacea and rosacea to take note of this acid. Moreover, it is an acid that can also be used during periods of active sun.

Preparing the skin for the procedure

For each client, the composition is selected individually by a cosmetologist who conducted the examination. The skin is tested for the active substance. 2 days before the procedure, the consultant may prescribe antiviral medications and advise you to stop taking certain medications.

Preliminary preparation is carried out, which helps the solution penetrate deep into the skin and speed recovery.

The more intense the penetration of acid into the layers of the skin, the more the skin needs preparation.

In 2 weeks:

  • refuse to visit swimming pools and saunas;
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and artificial rays (solarium);
  • use creams with protection of at least 30 SPF;
  • exclude scrubs, peelings, microdermabrasion, use fruit peels only for their intended purpose;
  • The consultant may prescribe the use of lotions with glycogel acid or cream with retinoids.

It's not worth it in a week:

  • perform wax or laser hair removal;
  • do Botox or collagen injections;
  • chemical manipulations with hair: dyeing, curling, hair straightening.

TCA peeling

Trichloracetic Acid, or TCA for short, has a pronounced keratolytic effect. TCA causes protein coagulation and removal of the upper layers of the epidermis. At the same time, TCA stimulates fibroblasts and activates the synthesis of dermal structures - collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

The main indications for TCA peeling are post-acne scars, hyperkeratosis, pronounced wrinkles, and decreased skin tone.

You often ask my opinion on how I feel about this or that peeling, for example, TCA. There is no bad or good peeling. The result depends on what is prescribed, to whom and for what purpose.

A good example was in the comments to the last video. The girl wrote: “I do TCA every year, 45 years old, Asian skin is porous, thick, other peels are ineffective for me.”

It is quite possible that if the skin is thick and resistant, soft peelings will be like grain to an elephant, but the skin will tolerate TCA normally. But for people with sensitive skin, I would not recommend this peeling, because it is a rather harsh peeling.

Thin, sensitive skin will take a long time to recover, which can lead to complications in the form of post-inflammatory pigmentation.

Penetration rate

The concentration of acids determines the renewing ability of the peeling: the higher it is, the deeper the skin exfoliation occurs.

There are very superficial peels, superficial, medium-deep or deep peels. The latter affects the deep layers of the skin, suitable for severe wrinkles and noticeable signs of aging. Treatment involves the use of carbolic or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), the effect is similar to a surgical facelift, the end result is complete rejuvenation. Performed only by specialists.

Home peeling preparations available on the market contain acids in safe quantities; their characteristics are such that it is difficult to harm yourself; they act only in the upper layers of the skin. However, contraindications, precautions, and procedures specified in the instructions should be strictly observed. Errors when choosing a peel, as a rule, are not related to the composition; it is always balanced, but are explained by violation of the procedure, abuse of time or neglect of the skin characteristics.

The best manufacturers combine acid peeling components with other types, enzymatic and mechanical, in one product, thereby enhancing the functionality. They also add caring components, such as hyaluronic acid, plant extracts and oils.

Selection criteria: skin type, individual skin needs, type of acid, its concentration, additional ingredients in the composition, release form, brand.


I think the same about the PRX-T33 peel, which you often ask about. It was widely advertised last winter and was positioned as universal, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Because this formula uses a hybrid molecule of TCA and hydrogen peroxide, which prevents the damage of protein denaturation.

The upper layer of the epidermis does not suffer as much as with TSA, and the rehabilitation period is more comfortable.

But still, this peeling contains 33% trichloroacetic acid and 5% kojic acid, which also has a pronounced irritating effect.

TCA easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, the depth of exposure is difficult to control, and sensitive skin is already more permeable.

Last year I consulted with several girls with thin, sensitive skin who asked for help to restore their skin after PRX-T33. Because it took a long time for the skin to recover after peeling, and the cosmetologists who performed the procedure said: “This means this peeling is not suitable, and the redness and hypersensitivity will go away over time.”

But it's not right. The skin needs to be helped to recover in time, otherwise prolonged inflammation can lead to side effects, for example, post-inflammatory pigmentation, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, if you have indications for TCA peeling, but have sensitive skin, it is better to pay attention to pyruvate peeling, which is based on pyruvic acid.

Acid peeling – what is it and what is it for?

Acid peeling is used to deeply cleanse the skin. Since the lifespan of dermal cells is 28 days, after this time they die, but remain on the surface of the face, clogging pores, causing the development of inflammatory processes, stimulating the aging process of the epidermis. Clogged and dirty pores do not allow the skin to breathe freely and receive sufficient nutrients from external sources. And this is where acid peeling comes to the rescue, which will help quickly and effectively remove the dead layer of cells and cleanse not only on a superficial level, but also on a deeper level. The use of such products allows you to prolong the health, youth and beauty of your facial skin.

How acid peeling works:

  1. Exfoliation of the top layer of the skin, followed by renewal of the epidermis.
  2. Penetration into the deep layers of the dermis with the deliberate application of light burns, which act on the epidermis as a stress factor. Such traumatization of the skin causes accelerated renewal of the skin, starting the processes of self-healing and regeneration. The body, in order to restore damaged tissue, begins to more actively produce elastic proteins that are responsible for maintaining the tone and turgor of the dermis - collagen and elastin.

As a result of using acid peeling, you can get the following effect:

  1. Effectively cleanses the skin, narrowing pores, making them less noticeable.
  2. Normalization of the microrelief of the facial surface, as well as the shade of the epidermis. Dullness, dullness, hyperpigmentation, gray, yellow or greenish tones disappear.
  3. Restores skin elasticity, disappears fine wrinkles, reduces the severity of large folds.
  4. Normalization of metabolic processes and hydro-lipid balance.

If you plan to perform acid peeling on a girl under 20 years of age who has not yet seen visible age-related changes, it is recommended to use a product based on fruit acids. This cosmetic product has a gentle effect on the epidermis, while at the same time effectively preventing the earlier occurrence of manifestations of the aging process.

If a woman aged 30-35 years and older who wants to get a pronounced rejuvenation effect is going to undergo acid peeling, it is recommended to use a drug based on chemicals. The type of acids, the required concentration, the number of procedures - all this should be determined by a specialist, based on the specifics of the aesthetic problem, indications, age and initial condition of the woman’s skin. That is why, even if you plan to carry out cleansing procedures with acid peelings yourself, it is recommended to first consult with a cosmetologist.

Acid peels are made on the basis of different acids, which have certain characteristics and have different effects on the skin. Therefore, before buying a cosmetic product, read its composition.

Ferul peeling

Ferulic Acid has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

It suppresses the activity of free radicals, inhibits the activity of tyrosinase, and also improves skin firmness and elasticity. And thanks to these properties, it is recommended for the prevention of photoaging and skin pigmentation disorders.

Ferulic acid is gentle and therefore suitable for sensitive skin. By the way, I’m currently giving myself a course of ferul peeling.

True, my peeling is multi-acid and, in addition to ferulic acid, contains malic, citric, lactic acid and retinol. Therefore, it has a wider spectrum of action and can be used not only independently, but also as a preparation for retinoic peels.

Rating of the best acid peels

NominationPlaceName of productPrice
Rating of the best acid peels1Natura Siberica with AHA/BHA Wild berries acids338 ₽
2Azelique Age Refining Activated Charcoal & Clay Mask, with Azelaic Acid1 266 ₽
3Natural facial peeling gel Planeta Organica709 ₽
4Ecco Bella Leave-On Invisible Exfoliant & Blemish Remedy2 596 ₽
5Mizon AHA 8% Peeling Serum1 655 ₽
6Pixi Beauty Glow Peel Pads2 840 ₽
7Cotton swabs impregnated with A'pieu AHA & BHA Aqua Peeling Cotton Swab80 ₽

Whitening peeling Natura Siberica with acids AHA/BHA Wild berries

Rating: 4.9

This acid peeling takes first place in our rating, as it has an impressive composition. The formula of the drug contains lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids, which have a complex effect on the skin. Among the components of the product there are also panthenol, various vegetable oils and extracts that promote the fastest possible restoration of the skin.

Reviews from women who have used the peeling say that it has a dense, slightly viscous, creamy consistency that is completely imperceptible on the skin with barely noticeable particles. The product does not dry out on the face, does not cause a feeling of tightness or burning, and is easily washed off without leaving a residue.

It is recommended to use acid peeling from the Natura Siberika brand 2 times a week for 5-7 minutes. The result is a feeling of renewed, incredibly smooth and soft skin. As well as a natural, uniform complexion, improvement in the condition of the dermis, which has traces of inflammation.


  1. Reliable domestic manufacturer.
  2. Reasonable price.
  3. Excellent safe composition.
  4. Fast action.
  5. Pleasant consistency.
  6. Unobtrusive scent with notes of raspberries and other berries.
  7. Excellent effect with slight lightening of the skin.


  1. If you leave the cream on your face for too long, persistent redness will occur.

Azelique Age Refining Activated Charcoal & Clay Mask, with Azelaic Acid

Rating: 4.8

The next position in our rating is occupied by a relatively expensive, but undoubtedly high-quality peeling in the form of a mask. The drug has a versatile effect and can improve the condition of both problematic and aging skin of any type. The product contains acids - glycolic and azelaic. As well as a set of other components useful for the epidermis. These are activated carbon and dirt-absorbing clay. And algae, hyaluronic acid, which increases moisture levels. There are extracts from plants - green tea, cucumber, aloe.

According to user reviews, using an acid peeling mask is easy and comfortable. After drying, the drug causes a slight feeling of tightness and tingling, and is washed off without problems. Scrubbing particles additionally carefully cleanse the surface of the face when washing and have an exfoliating effect. As a result, the skin after the mask becomes matte, velvety, smooth and toned, and blackheads and pores are almost invisible on the face.


  1. Great composition.
  2. Comfort of use.
  3. Complex effect.
  4. Versatility, can be used for any skin type.
  5. Skin healing.
  6. Additional exfoliating effect.


  1. Relatively high price for 140 milliliters of product.
  2. When used on sensitive skin, an unpleasant burning sensation may occur.

Natural facial peeling gel Planeta Organica

Rating: 4.7

The next position in our ranking is occupied by gel peeling, suitable for all skin types, even dry and sensitive. The product is convenient to use, as it comes in the form of a spray can. Acid peeling is considered a budget product, but it contains expensive AHA acids. As well as papaya extract and enzyme, apple fiber, citric, lactic acid, pineapple enzyme, extracts of bhringraj, echinacea, sugar cane, licorice, lemon, rosemary. And oils - carrot seeds, macadamia, avocado, grape seed, guaiac wood, lime, olive, neem tree. And vitamins F, A.

If you read user reviews, you will find out that the product is applied for 10-15 minutes, does not dry out, and is easily washed off with water the first time. While using an acid peel, a burning sensation may occur, but it quickly passes. After washing off the product, there is no redness, the skin becomes soft and smooth.


  1. Very rich composition.
  2. Low price.
  3. Convenient release form.
  4. Easy and safe to use on any skin type.


  1. Small volume - only 50 milliliters.
  2. To get noticeable results, peeling must be used regularly for at least a month.

Ecco Bella Leave-On Invisible Exfoliant & Blemish Remedy

Rating: 4.7

The next step up in our ranking is a clear, leave-in cleanser for cleansing skin and removing blemishes. The drug is distinguished by the fact that it contains a rare combination of AHA and BHA acids. Also included in the peeling components are clay, oat extracts, calendula, licorice, vitamins E, C. And essential oils of lavender, rosemary, and pelargonium.

According to reviews from women, the result of peeling is noticeable after the first use. The face looks fresh, the color is even, the texture improves, the pores are narrowed. If inflammation occurs on the skin, it goes away very quickly, almost within a few hours. The product can be applied to the skin every day (before bedtime), there is no need to rinse off.


  1. Balanced composition.
  2. An excellent result that lives up to expectations.
  3. Possibility to use every day and not wash off.
  4. Economical consumption - the product lasts for 3-5 months of regular use.


  1. Acid peeling is available in the form of a heavy glass bottle without a dispenser. To get the gel, you need to literally “shake it out” by turning the bottle upside down.
  2. During use, the skin feels sticky.
  3. High price.

Mizon AHA 8% Peeling Serum

Rating: 4.7

This Korean-made drug occupies a place in our rating because, despite the rather high price, it contains as much as 8% glycolic acid. This is considered an excellent indicator for drugs that are intended for independent, home use. The peeling also contains preparations that promote rapid restoration of the skin after the procedure - oils and fruit extracts.

According to user reviews, it is convenient to use the drug, which is facilitated by a bottle with a pipette and a button dispenser. The consistency of acid peeling is similar to water. Distributes easily and evenly over the face. The result after the first use is that the skin becomes smooth, the texture is evened out, wrinkles disappear, as do peeling and oily shine. The complexion is evened out, becomes more natural, spots are lightened.


  1. The product is suitable for normalizing the condition of the “thickest” skin, which is less susceptible to the effects of other drugs.
  2. Good composition.
  3. Convenient release form.
  4. Optimal consistency.
  5. The ability of peeling to increase the moisture content of the skin.


  1. The bottle is opaque, it is quite difficult to assess how much liquid is left in it.
  2. The product leaves a sticky feeling on the skin.
  3. Peeling has a sharp sour smell.
  4. Doesn't cope well with acne and blackheads.
  5. High price for a 40 ml bottle.

Pixi Beauty Glow Peel Pads

Rating: 4.6

This place in our rating is occupied by an unusual acid peeling, which is available in the form of discs impregnated with a cosmetic preparation. The discs are in a plastic jar with a tight-fitting lid, so they do not dry out between uses.

The peeling contains a large amount of glycolic acid - 20%, lactic and salicylic acid. As well as additional components - retinyl palmitate, extracts of various plants.

According to user reviews, wiping the skin with impregnated cotton pads is convenient, nothing leaks, there is no burning sensation, as well as a feeling of tightness or irritation of the skin. One disc is enough to treat not only the face, but also the décolleté area. The drug is easily washed off with water 3-5 minutes after application.

The result of peeling is smooth, radiant, soft skin with a smoothed texture and narrowed pores. And also a more even complexion, lightening of pigmentation and post-acne, reducing the number of blackheads, pimples, and comedones.


  1. Impregnated discs are one of the most convenient forms of release.
  2. Economical to use - 60 discs are enough to use the product every day for 2 months.
  3. Good composition.
  4. Comfort of use without burning sensation.
  5. Occurrence of the expected result after the first application.


  1. At first, the discs seem a bit dry and not well soaked.

Cotton swabs impregnated with A'pieu AHA & BHA Aqua Peeling Cotton Swab

Rating: 4.5

The next position in our rating is occupied by an unusual product - cotton swabs soaked in acid peeling. Our experts gave this drug last place solely because it is expensive. The effectiveness of the product is high and reviews about it are 95% positive.

There are three types of impregnated cotton swabs – MILD (5% AHA+10% Lime); INTENSIVE (8%AHA + 10% Aloe); Two Step Black Head Swab. The first is suitable for delicate and sensitive skin, the second is for those who want to get a pronounced result, the third is a combination of acid peeling and a patch for blackheads.

According to user reviews, using acid peeling, which is impregnated with the tips of the sticks, is very easy. It is enough to remove the individual packaging, rub cotton wool over your face, wait 10 seconds until the drug dries, and the procedure is completed. The quality of impregnation allows you to apply not one, but two or even four layers of the product at a time, increasing the effectiveness of the drug.


  1. A very convenient release format - disposable sticks are completely ready for use.
  2. Light aroma.
  3. High efficiency - smoother and more even skin, healthy complexion.
  4. Several impregnation options with varying degrees of peeling effect.
  5. There is no need to rinse off the product; you can immediately apply decorative cosmetics.

Retinoic or yellow peeling

Retinoic acid (Retinoic Acid, Retinol, Retinaldehyde) has a fairly wide spectrum of action:

  • accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells,
  • eliminates pigmentation,
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid,
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles and reduces the severity of existing ones,
  • normalizes sebum secretion.

Retinoic acid can be used to solve skin problems with acne, and to correct various age-related changes, and to combat pigmentation disorders.

However, retinoic peels almost inevitably cause side effects called retinoid dermatitis. Therefore, you need to be prepared for redness, itching, swelling and increased sensitivity of the skin after yellow peeling.

In addition, retinoic peeling requires preparation.

Firstly, in order to even out the surface of the skin and improve the penetration of retinol. And secondly, so that the skin adapts to retinol and the inevitable side effects are not so pronounced.

Ready-made products for home peeling

To achieve the desired result from the procedure, you can purchase ready-made peeling preparations in pharmacies or cosmetic establishments for carrying out the procedure at home.

The Kora company, Russia, produces the Exfoliant cream mask . Main components: tartaric, lactic, citric, glycolic acids with the addition of grape seed oil. Cost from 630 rub. (100 ml). Mild burning and redness is acceptable. Usage: combination skin, oily – after 3 days; dry, sensitive – once a week; course of up to 20 procedures. Improves skin texture, promotes toning, moisturizing, and rejuvenation.

The company Aravia, Russia, produces 3 types of peelings, each with a volume of 150 ml. All of them are intended for salon use: normal or oily skin - up to 2 times a week, sensitive, refined skin - 1 time per week, up to 10 days.

  • Peeling Lactica Exfoliate 10%. Main components: 10% lactic acid, polyquartenium, sodium hydroxide. Cost from 400 rub. Cleanses, moisturizes, promotes regeneration, enhances microcirculation, synthesizes collagen.

  • Papaya Enzyme Peel . Main components: papain, olive and corn oils. Cost from 400 rub. Cleanses, relieves inflammation, softens the color of age spots, removes hyperkeratosis.
  • Body peeling “Fruit Peel” . Main ingredients: glycolic, citric, lactic acids, PH-corrector, bitter orange extract. Price from 730 rub. Renews and refreshes the skin, increases elasticity, synthesizes collagen, eliminates unevenness, improves texture and color.

Company Secrets Lan, China. Several types of effective fruit peels are made for home use. Available in tubes of 100 g, prices from 200 rubles. Apply once every 3 or 7 days. Irritation is unacceptable; if it occurs, rinse with water.

  • Sea Horse – main components: glycolic acid, seahorse extract, propolis. Improves blood flow, nutrition, moisturizes, thereby increasing elasticity and evening out the relief.

  • Fruit – main components: glycolic, malic, citric, polyacrylic, aminoacetic acids, glycerin. Renews epidermal cells, cleanses and reduces pore size, has a beneficial effect on skin texture and color, and makes it silky.
  • Renewing ginseng – main ingredients: glycolic malic acid, polyacrylic acid, ginseng extract. Improves blood circulation, promotes hydration, tones the skin.

Gemene company, Russia. DNC Gemene produces fruit peeling for home use. Main components: lactic, glycolic, hyauronic, malic, tartaric acids, radish enzyme. Price from 400 rub. (20 ml). Apply periodically every 3 days. Enhances metabolism, improves texture, restores tone, slows down the appearance of dark spots, preventing and correcting the effects of age on the skin.

HolyLand Company, Israel. The company's fruit peels have natural compositions, the main components being apples, papaya, sugar cane and blueberries. Suitable for superficial peeling of all skin types. Thanks to natural ingredients, peelings have no side effects.

  • Rapid Exfoliator is a mixture of fruit acids with extracts from figs and papaya. Price from 3000 rub. (volume 100 ml). Use once a week or every 10 days; mild redness and burning sensation are acceptable. Evens out the relief, smoothes wrinkles, cleanses pores, helps to narrow them, moisturizes, synthesizes collagen and elastin.
  • Prepping Lotion – a mixture of fruit, salicylic, ascorbic acids with retinol, green tea extract. Price from 2900 rub. (250 ml). Apply every other day 5 minutes before using the cream, tingling is acceptable. Pronounced face lifting. Reducing swelling, narrowing pores, restoring metabolism.

Cosmetolog company, Russia. Cosmetolog produces anti-aging. Main components: lactic, malic, glycolic, citric acids, urea. Price from 210 rub. for 50 ml. Apply after 3 days. A slight burning sensation is acceptable. Intensive hydration, restoration of the epidermis, smoothing of microrelief, increased tone, elasticity, obstacle to the appearance of acne, comedones, post-acne correction.

Skinlite company, South Korea.

Produces 2 types:

  • Gel Apple and grapes. Main components: extracts of grapefruit, kiwi, guava, orange, grapes, strawberry, apple, banana, castor oil. Weight 50 g. Price from 150 rub. Use for home use after 2 days. Boosts metabolism, improves texture, cleanses and renews.

  • Skinlite Peeling Gel. Main components: apple extract, multicomponent fruit acids, castor oil. Price from 320 rub. (100 ml).

    Use for home use after 2 days. Suitable for sensitive skin, removes irritation, nourishes, moisturizes, cellular regeneration, smoothes skin texture.

Which peeling to choose

Another frequent and typical question that I receive in the comments: - I’m 48 years old, I have combination skin, can you recommend what kind of peeling to do?

Too little information. It is impossible to give specific recommendations on chemical peels without seeing you.

To recommend a specific peel, you need to consider:

  1. Skin condition
  2. Sensitivity
  3. Phototype
  4. Problems that you want to eliminate - pigmentation, wrinkles, post-acne
  5. Individual tolerance
  6. Rehabilitation period - there is an opportunity to stay at home
  7. Your capabilities - how many procedures you can do
  8. Climate and other nuances

You need to understand that to achieve maximum results, the course may include several different peels. And even a combination of peelings during one procedure.

Not only acid matters, but also:

  • concentration,
  • pH,
  • number of layers,
  • what other ingredients are included in the peeling,
  • preparation, post-peeling care, etc.

There are many nuances. As you understand, this is a task for an experienced cosmetologist, and requires an individual approach. You are 48, have combination skin, I am 48, also have combination skin, and our peels can be completely different.

But I can give one universal piece of advice to everyone in absentia.

Always start with light superficial peels

First option. You can have a couple of light superficial peels done by a cosmetologist, and based on how the skin reacts and how it recovers after peeling, decide what to do next. Move on to more intense and deep effects or limit yourself to superficial peels.

Second option. Guided by the same principles - taking into account the condition of the skin and the properties of the acids that I talked about today, use peelings for home care.

The concentration of such agents is usually no higher than 10-12%, and the pH is not lower than 3.5.

Such peels are relatively safe, but at the same time quite effective. If your problems cannot be solved with home peelings, such products can serve to prepare the skin for professional peelings from a cosmetologist.

But aggressive hard peelings are not always necessary.

If you do not have serious problems - deep wrinkles, scars, deep-lying pigmentation, or are unable to undergo a course of peelings from a cosmetologist, then you can conduct a course of peelings at home.

During online consultations, if necessary, I select products with acids for home care for clients, and we achieve good results.

With the help of home peelings you can successfully solve minor superficial problems:

  • even out skin texture,
  • smooth out small wrinkles,
  • lighten pigmentation,
  • reduce sebum secretion,
  • eliminate blackheads,
  • reduce enlarged pores.

If you have more serious problems, then with deep exposure the effect will, of course, be greater. But home peelings can also improve the situation.

Contraindications for the use of acid peels, possible side effects

Before starting a cosmetic procedure to renew the skin, read the contraindications:

  1. Exacerbation of herpetic infections.
  2. The presence of voluminous neoplasms in the treatment area, for example, papillomas or moles protruding above the surface of the skin.
  3. The presence of a vascular network on the face.
  4. Extensive purulent rashes on the face.
  5. Diseases of the epidermis - dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.
  6. The presence of burns or mechanical damage, for example, wounds, scratches or abrasions.
  7. Oncological diseases (any).
  8. Kidney, heart failure.
  9. Tendency to form keloids and scars.
  10. Increased sensitivity of the skin.
  11. Very dark, dark skin.
  12. The presence of an allergy to one or more components of the drug.
  13. Acid peeling should not be performed within 2-3 weeks after any beauty salon procedures.
  14. You should use the drug with caution if you have tattoos on your face, as acids can affect pigments and lighten them. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as during menstrual periods, acid peeling is not carried out or is carried out only after mandatory consultation with the attending physician.
  15. Also, before carrying out the procedure, you need to become familiar with what reactions may occur, which of them are predictable and normal, and which are considered complications.
  16. Expected skin reaction:
  17. Moderate redness.
  18. Development of a mild inflammatory process.
  19. Increased dryness of the skin.
  20. Peeling, which is accompanied by the “peeling off” of a thin layer of skin.
  21. Complications can be considered:
  22. Tissue infection.
  23. The occurrence of extensive inflammation.
  24. Severe redness.

When using superficial acid peels, complications occur extremely rarely, and the expected reaction is mild. Therefore, these drugs should be used at home. Medium and deep peelings are recommended to be used independently only under the supervision of a cosmetologist or in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic.

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