Endoscopic brow and forehead lift using the ENDOTINE Forehead device

Consultation with plastic surgeons with over 20 years of experience is free! Make an appointment by phone. Waiting for you! Endoscopic forehead lift (temporoplasty, brow lift) is an operation aimed at improving the aesthetic proportions of the upper third of the face. This operation belongs to the category of “beautifying” and today has become in demand and more popular than ever. The technique consists of moving and fixing the soft tissues of the forehead and eyebrow line in a higher position through mini-accesses in the scalp.

Indications for endoscopic forehead lift

  • drooping eyebrows;
  • Frown;
  • Pronounced forehead wrinkles;
  • Skin laxity;
  • Decreased muscle tone - all this is an indication for a forehead lift.

The ideal age for endoscopic forehead lifting is from 30 to 45 years. However, younger patients often resort to forehead lifting. In many ways, this is due to the existing hereditary “heavy”, drooping eyebrows. Also, men and women turn to surgery when the medial edge of the eyebrow is too low.

Goals of forehead lift (temproplasty):

  • Lift the outer part of the eyebrow (brow lift) and, accordingly, the tissue of the upper eyelids,
  • Smooth out forehead wrinkles.

The main advantages and main advantages of the endoscopic forehead lift technique

  • Long-term result of the operation,
  • Natural result, no “tight mask” effect,
  • Possibility of combining with other operations,
  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • There are no large incisions, the operation is performed through incisions no larger than 3mm,
  • The use of video assistance during surgery, which avoids unnecessary tissue trauma,
  • Fast rehabilitation period,
  • Minimal risk of complications.

What is an endoscopic brow lift?

An endoscopic brow lift, or forehead lift, is a surgery that can eliminate drooping eyelids and facial expressions of worry or anger caused by vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. During this operation, which is equally common among men and women aged 35 to 70, the surgeon tightens the skin and underlying tissue of the upper third of the face upward, and sometimes removes part of the muscle that causes wrinkles between the eyebrows to appear between the eyebrows. As a result, the patient looks rejuvenated and rested.

Endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face opens the eyes and creates the effect of blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids (but without stitches!). Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

The height of girls' eyebrows should correspond to the distance from the inner to the outer level of the eye. For men, eyebrows can be slightly lower than this calculation, but not fall over the eyelids. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

Endoscopic forehead lift, check lifting. The operation was performed by Iskornev A.A.

Endoscopic forehead lift, thread lift with remodeling of the middle and lower third of the face according to A. Iskornev’s method, lip lipofilling.

Endoscopic forehead lift to harmonize the face. In the after photo (on the right) the lifting of the inner parts of the eyebrows is noticeable, the general sagging of the forehead has gone away.

For the purpose of minimally invasive correction of the oval of the face, modeling was performed using V-lock threads (2 threads). Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift may include: - age-related changes in the upper part of the face; - ptosis (drooping) of one eyebrow or both eyebrows, including after facial paralysis or as a result of injury.

Contraindications can be found in the appropriate section.

The best candidates for this surgery are patients with a low and flat forehead, a clear hairline, moderate to minimal wrinkles and little excess skin. Poor candidates for an endoscopic forehead lift include patients with high and arched foreheads, thin hair, deep wrinkles, and large excess skin.

Best candidate

Bad candidate

The reason for this is that the shape and height of the forehead are limiting factors for the use of a rigid endoscope. Thus, in patients with a short, flat forehead, it is relatively easy for a surgeon to work with an endoscope, but a convex forehead makes it difficult to work with a hard, straight endoscope, and a high forehead limits the reach of the endoscope.

Such patients can undergo an open coronary forehead lift.

Do I need a brow lift?

If you are concerned about drooping eyebrows that make your face look tired or sad, deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, or frown lines between the eyebrows, an endoscopic brow lift can correct all of these imperfections. To quickly understand what results you can expect, do a short test yourself. Place your fingers at the outer third of the eyebrow and gently lift the skin upward. This way you will understand how much the operation can change your appearance. However, to determine if this method is right for you, it is best to discuss the procedure in detail with your plastic surgeon.

Rehabilitation after a forehead lift

After frontotemporal lifting, there is usually no pain, but sometimes there is some discomfort associated with a feeling of tension in the forehead, temples and eyelids.

Traces of the intervention progressively disappear, allowing the patient to return to normal socio-professional life after some time (5 - 20 days, taking into account postoperative signs).

In the first days, complete rest is necessary and you should refrain from excessive exertion. The consequences of the operation are mainly expressed in the appearance of edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (bruising), the significance and duration of which varies greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The bandage is removed between the 1st and 3rd days. The staples are removed between the 5th and 15th day.

During the first weeks, there may be some loss of sensation in the forehead, and in some cases itching in the scalp. These sensations will gradually disappear.

How is an endoscopic brow lift performed?

During an endoscopic brow lift, the surgeon uses a small, pencil-thin camera that is connected to a television monitor. The endoscope is passed under the skin through several small incisions no more than 1 cm long, located just behind the hairline. Thanks to the camera, the doctor can clearly see the muscles and tissues located under the skin on the monitor screen. The surgeon then inserts a second instrument through one of these incisions, which he uses to peel away the skin and work on the muscles. During endoscopic lifting surgery, the eyebrow and forehead tissues are pulled up and fixed at the desired level using the new sutureless ENDOTINE™ Forehead device.

A brow lift can also be performed using the traditional “open” approach, in which an incision is made slightly behind the hairline or along it from ear to ear through the top of the head. Using this incision, the doctor works with the soft tissue, removes excess skin and areas of muscle that cause glabellar lines, and fixes the tissue in its new position. At the end of the operation, the surgeon connects the edges of the incision with sutures.

“I am very pleased with the difference... There are only a few wrinkles left on my face, and my skin has noticeably smoothed out. I'm happy with the result"

Margarita, 42 years old

Due to the fact that endoscopic surgery is performed through smaller incisions, after it itching and temporary numbness of the scalp bother patients much less often than after a classic “open” operation. In addition, after endoscopic lifting, patients return to their usual daily activities earlier.

In some cases, endoscopic and open approaches are combined. In any case, the operation usually lasts for 1-2 hours, is performed under general (intravenous or inhalational) anesthesia, and often the patient is allowed to leave the clinic on the evening of the day of surgery.

Advantages of endoscopic brow lift compared to traditional “open” surgery:

  • Small incisions in the skin, less noticeable scars.
  • Less commonly, numbness of the scalp occurs.
  • Fewer areas of hair loss.
  • Less pain, swelling and bruising.

Specifics of the recovery period

The duration of rehabilitation, the rate of subsidence of swelling and hematomas depend on the technique used, the volume and complexity of the correction. On average, soft tissue recovery takes 2 weeks. Loss of sensitivity may persist for up to 3 weeks, but it goes away on its own without additional treatment.

If the surgical approach was carried out using incisions and subsequent suturing of the wound, the sutures are usually removed after 10 days. Limitations after surgical brow lift (within 1 month) are:

  • intense sports, increased physical activity;
  • insolation;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • thermal procedures and mechanical effects on the operated area.

Sometimes a special elastic tape is applied to the correction area (for up to 3 weeks) to fix the displaced tissues and secured in a new position. Individually, according to indications, medicinal antibacterial therapy and painkillers may be prescribed to prevent inflammatory lesions and relieve pain.

Endotine Forehead tissue fixation device - a new solution for effective brow lifting

The ENDOTINE Forehead Tissue Support Device is a revolutionary new solution specifically designed to lift and hold the soft tissue of the forehead during brow lift surgery. Thanks to the unique structure of the device, the teeth located on the main platform contact the soft tissues of the forehead at several points, which makes it possible to evenly and accurately distribute the tension force over the entire area of ​​the platform. Typically, other fixation methods, such as screws and sutures, use only one point of contact at which the soft tissue is stretched or torn, and the results of the lift may disappear.

Forehead tissue fixation device :

  • There is no need to install screws that protrude through the scalp, injure the postoperative scar and lead to hair loss.
  • No stitches are required, which injure the hair follicles, which also leads to hair loss.
  • The ENDOTINE Forehead device does not need to be removed as it is completely absorbed by the body over time.

The design of the ENDOTINE Forehead Tissue Fixation Device is specifically designed to evenly distribute tissue tension and reduce the area of ​​stress. Thanks to this, the surgeon can achieve greater control over the aesthetic result - the height and shape of the eyebrows.

An experienced surgeon will install the ENDOTINE device in less than a minute using a few simple steps. After the eyebrows are raised to the desired height during endoscopic surgery, ENDOTINE is placed under the soft tissue of the head and provides a secure fixation. At the end of the operation, the edges of the incisions are closed with sutures, and the ENDOTINE device remains under the scalp, where it gradually dissolves.

The ENDOTINE Forehead is only a few millimeters in size. The device is made of bioabsorbable material.

«The main difficulty we encountered with endoscopic eyebrow lifting is the difficulty of fixation... In our opinion, reliable fixation is a guarantee of a predictable result of endoscopic eyebrow lifting, which depends on both the height of the eyebrows and their shape.”

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Drs. Stuzin, Baker and Baker 107 (3): 872, 2001.

During surgery, the surgeon can adjust the position of the ENDOTINE Forehead device as needed to achieve the desired forehead height and shape. Thanks to this, greater control is achieved over the aesthetic result of the operation - the height and shape of the eyebrows.

Be sure to consult with your surgeon about the possibility of using the ENDOTINE Forehead device during your upcoming endoscopic brow lift.

Frontal-temporal lift surgery. Video

On video: a fragment of the frontotemporal lifting operation. I focus on the stage of skin incision. The fact is that this is a very important moment of the operation, since it is necessary to make the incision in such a way as not to damage the hair follicles. Therefore, the cut in this case is not a perfectly straight line. If the incision is made as accurately as possible, then the scar is then practically invisible.

Type of anesthesia and hospitalization for temporal lobe lift

Depending on the case, two types of anesthesia can be used:

  • Local anesthesia with sedation.
  • General classical anesthesia, during which the patient is completely immersed in sleep.

The operation can be performed “outpatient”, in which case the patient can leave the clinic on the day of the operation after several hours of postoperative observation.

However, in some cases, a short hospital stay is preferable. The patient arrives in the morning (or sometimes the day before, in the afternoon), and the patient is allowed to be discharged on the next postoperative day.

What should I expect after surgery?

Immediately after surgery, swelling and bruising may appear in the eyebrow area and forehead, which may persist until the 10th day after surgery. The first night after surgery, you should sleep with your head elevated. You can apply ice to your face to reduce swelling. You may be worried about slight discomfort in the surgical area, which quickly goes away when you take painkillers prescribed by your doctor. The dressing and drains (if required) are usually removed within the first few days after surgery. After a few days, the doctor will allow you to shower and wash your hair. As the healing process begins, you may feel numbness and itching where the skin was cut. For most patients, the recovery period after a traditional brow lift is about 2 weeks. After endoscopic surgery, recovery is often faster. During this period, you may feel the ENDOTINE Forehead device under your skin and experience increased sensitivity in this area until the bioabsorbable material from which the device is made is absorbed by the body.

"I think it's worth paying a little more for Endotine ...Especially considering the existing alternatives"

Pamela, 42 years old

Most patients are very pleased with how younger they look after a brow lift. Although the final effect may sometimes take weeks or months to become noticeable, you will likely agree that the results were worth the wait.

The duration of the effects of surgery varies from person to person. It depends on many factors, including heredity and lifestyle. Although you will start to look younger, remember that the aging process cannot be stopped. It is likely that in the future you will decide in favor of another plastic surgery.

Progress of the frontal-temporal lifting operation

Each surgeon has his own method of working, which he adapts to each individual case in order to achieve the best results. However, I will explain the general basic principles.

Skin incisions measuring 5-10 mm (their number is from 3 to 5 pieces) will be located in the hairline, a few centimeters from the edge of the hair growth of the forehead. One of the incisions will allow the passage of an endoscope connected to a mini video camera, while the others will open the way for various instruments specially adapted to endoscopic surgery.

The location of these incisions corresponds, of course, to the location of future scars after a temporal lift, which will be practically invisible, due to the fact that they are small in size and will be hidden in the hair.

  • The entire forehead and temples are subject to exfoliation down to the brow ridges and the root of the nose. Sometimes, this peeling can be carried out to the level of the cheekbones and upper cheeks.
  • The muscles are weakened in order to get rid of the wrinkles that they cause: the frontal muscle for horizontal wrinkles, the interglabellar muscles for interglabellar wrinkles. In addition, depending on the specifics of each specific case, other operations of a special nature may be performed.
  • The detached tissue will be subjected to a tensioning procedure to smooth out crow's feet, lift the brows and remove loss of forehead tone. It will be maintained in proper position using deep fixation techniques, the type of which will depend on the surgeon's preferred technique.
  • Small incisions are most often closed using staples, which can be easily removed.

The duration of the operation is from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the volume of intervention.

What risks are associated with the operation?

Thousands of men and women choose endoscopic brow lifting every year without encountering any complications. Although the operation rarely causes side effects, and when they do occur, they are mild, you should discuss possible complications in detail with your surgeon. Remember that you can reduce the risk of complications by following all the doctor’s recommendations both before and after surgery.

«I am a nurse, and therefore I understand the advantages of endoscopic surgery over traditional surgery, and I think that this is the best option available."

Maria, 42 years old

Smile to your young self!

... As we often hear: “In my heart I’m still 20...”. And sooner or later we ourselves begin to feel this unfair difference between the “imprint of years on the forehead” and spiritual impulses: we want, as in our youth, to fall madly in love, drive us crazy, stop our gazes. However, time is inexorable. That’s why we won’t beg for his favor, but simply trust an experienced specialist.

A short operation, a short recovery period - and one morning a young woman will smile at you in the mirror: her eyebrows are coquettishly arched, her eyes are laughing, and on her smooth marble forehead - not a single sad thought, not a single “line” about the past

Advantages of the method

An endoscopic forehead lift is considered a full-fledged surgical operation, but unlike the classic lift method, it has many advantages:

  • No visible marks.
  • Reduced trauma.
  • Modern equipment that displays an image of the internal area of ​​the operation on a monitor allows you to carry out any manipulations with maximum precision, preserving the integrity of blood vessels and nerve endings.
  • Low risk of complications.
  • Accelerated rehabilitation.
  • Good and long-term results.

How to determine whether this operation is suitable for your case? Where to begin?

It's simple. Consult a good plastic surgeon.

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CodeProcedure nameCost, rub.
F35. forehead lift (open approach)77000
F35. endoscopic forehead lift77000
F35. periorbitoplasty126500
F35. the middle third of the face using a subciliary approach (check-lift) (difficulty category 1)85000
F35. the middle third of the face using a subciliary approach (check-lift) (difficulty category 2)105000
F35. lifting of soft tissues of the midface using subciliary access115000
F35. endoscopic lift of the upper two-thirds of the face181500
F35. endoscopic midface lift115500
F35. fat pad resection29500
F35. the upper two thirds of the face with SMAS plastic surgery140000
F35. lift of the face and neck (rhetidectomy)165000
F35. and neck lift with SMAS plastic surgery187000
F35. the lower two-thirds of the face and neck with SMAS plastic surgery170000
F35. facelift207500
F35. face and neck lift283000

Facial aging

The face inevitably reflects the first visible signs of aging. Elimination of these age-related changes remains one of the main tasks of modern facial plastic surgery. With age, facial tissues lose their elastic properties and strength, falling down under the influence of gravity. In the midface, the malar fatty tissue descends, emphasizing the nasolabial folds. With the descent of the zygomatic fat, nasolacrimal grooves are formed. Sagging eyelid tissue can form bags under and above the eyes. Recession of cheek fat and sagging skin leads to the appearance of nasolabial folds, jowls and “sadness folds” at the corners of the mouth.

Progressive atrophy of fatty tissue with increasing age is another factor responsible for facial aging. As the tissue atrophies under the influence of gravitational forces, the eyebrows droop, giving the face a serious expression, and the drooping of the eyebrows on the upper eyelids can sometimes obscure part of the field of vision. Constant contraction of the forehead muscles leads to deepening of forehead wrinkles and a feeling of “forehead fatigue.” Most of these age-related changes can be corrected with an endoscopic facelift.

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