“The frogs have arrived. How to deal with “bulldog cheeks”

Is it possible to remove jowls?

Natural age-related changes often manifest themselves as gravitational changes - sagging of the skin under the influence of gravity. Gradually you notice that the oval loses its clarity, and the cheeks seem to sink down. These are the so-called jowls, also known as ptosis of the cheeks, also known as the “bulldog cheeks” effect.

How to remove jowls on your face? Cosmetic procedures and especially home care in cases of gravitational changes on the face cease to be effective. However, you can quickly remove jowls and a double chin with the help of plastic surgery.

Jowl removal surgery

In our clinic, jowl removal is performed using the most popular, effective and least traumatic method - SMAS lifting. The abbreviation SMAS stands for “superficial muscular aponeurotic system” - it is a muscular fibrous layer located under the skin. This system is located in the neck, cheeks and ears; it is responsible for the oval of the face.

Therefore, to eliminate jowls, a plastic surgeon will work with both classic skin tightening and SMAS structures for volumetric modeling of the face and achieving a lasting effect.

We use homemade masks

You need to fight jowls not only in the cosmetologist’s office, but also at home. A good tightening effect can be achieved using masks based on white clay and honey. For the first option you will need 2 tablespoons of dry white clay, 1 tablespoon of grape juice and 1 teaspoon of wheat germ. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For a honey mask, beat the egg white, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey heated in a water bath. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse gently with warm water. Do not forget that regularity of procedures is important in home care. Alternate masks 1-2 times a week.


As soon as the first signs of ptosis become noticeable, you must immediately take action, because preventing the problem is much easier than dealing with it later. First of all, this applies to skincare products, which will have to be selected very carefully.

All of them should be specially designed for the dermis with age-related changes; a good remedy would be the regenerating placental-hyaluronic mask Placenta & Hyalurone Mask 1 pc., which contains camellia. It moisturizes and nourishes all layers of the skin at once, smoothes out wrinkles and early creases.

It is advisable to wash your face daily in a contrasting way, that is, alternating warm and cold water. Some people recommend using ice from herbal decoctions. With this method you need to be extremely careful not to overcool the skin and not cause spasticity and inflammatory processes.

We recommend

GHC Placental 3D Mask withQ10

Serum concentrate

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Establishing nutrition

Experts advise not only to take care of your skin, but also to establish a daily routine and review your diet. It is advisable to avoid fast food, fried, smoked, excessively fatty, salty and sweet foods. If possible, you should reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates, give up sweets, baked goods, and pasta made from soft wheat varieties.

The body needs to “stimulate” the metabolism, so make sure that the diet is as balanced as possible. We must not forget about protein, which the body needs to build new cells.

Healthy lifestyle

Defects occur not only due to poor quality food or improper care. The cheeks sag due to the general poor condition of the body, which signals that there is a problem. A lot has already been said and written about spinal distortions and posture; stooping has become a real scourge for modern people.

You will have to pay attention to your lifestyle in general, increase physical activity, give preference to walks rather than lying on the couch in front of the TV or “surfing” the Internet. It is better to give up bad habits once and for all, quit smoking, and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Gymnastics for sagging cheeks: exercises for the oval of the face from sagging jowls

These are a good choice as a preventative measure, they will help strengthen muscles, smooth the surface of the skin, make it firmer and more elastic. We must not forget that the oval begins with the neck, and that, in turn, with posture.

  • Place your palms on both sides of your face so that your fingertips touch your ears and press lightly. Smoothly open and close your mouth, increasing the amplitude each time. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Puff out your cheeks, count to five, and release air through your pursed lips. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Perform light claps on the bottom of the chin with the back of your hand from the center to the ears for 1-3 minutes.
  • Hold a pencil between your lips and use the tip to write out the alphabet from A to Z.

Such movements will only become effective if you perform them daily. When there is not enough time and energy, then just once in the morning, immediately after waking up, is enough, but it is better to repeat it in the evening before bed.

Doing a massage with a towel

There are a variety of options for home massage. I will tell you about a technique using a terry towel, the size of which must be chosen based on the size of your face: the towel should almost completely follow its contours. Take two bowls of water. Pour cold water into the first and add 1/2 tablespoon of salt, and hot water into the second. Fold the towel lengthwise and soak it in cold water, wring it out a little and lightly pat it on your chin, then apply it to it and gently pull it towards your temples. Stay in this position for 3 minutes. Next, repeat the same manipulations with hot water. The procedures need to be done 3-5 times.

We buy only the right cream

When choosing a cream, forget about the stereotype “the more expensive the better.” The main thing is to find the necessary ingredients in the composition: elastin (responsible for skin elasticity), retinol, vitamin E, argan oil, magnesium (improves blood circulation). The higher the component is on the list, the more of it there is in the cream itself, therefore, it has an active effect on the skin. If a component that is important to you completes the list, it means that this product contains so little of it that you should not expect any benefit. Take this point into account.

“Pumping up” the muscles

Gymnastics for the face, like exercises for the body, should be done daily, only in this case the effect is guaranteed. If regularity is not your thing, look for another way to deal with jowls. There are a lot of exercises to work out the vulnerable zone, for example, you can alternately pronounce the drawn-out sounds “U” and “I”, do at least 10 repetitions. Another way is to try to reach the chin with the tip of your tongue. The minimum number of repetitions is 10 times.

Let's sum it up

When your cheeks are drooping (sagging) and sagging, it is important to figure out what to do, how you can tighten the drooping (sagging) and remove these swollen jowls on your face. The mechanism of this phenomenon is often based on age-related changes, poor lifestyle or poor quality care. Therefore, it is worth taking care of yourself in advance - using only proven cosmetics, reviewing your diet and style, and losing excess body weight if necessary. If you pay attention to problems in time, you can maintain freshness, clear lines, and most importantly, health for many years.

We trust our face to a professional

If you don't have the time or desire to restore your face with home treatments, try a professional massage. It helps improve local blood circulation, cope with swelling, start the process of tissue regeneration, improves skin tone and stimulates renewal of the epidermis.

There are several types of massage: manual and hardware. Each technique is good in its own way, but to achieve the desired rejuvenation effect with manual massage you need to do at least 5-10 procedures. When it comes to hardware massage, as a rule, one session is required, which is preferably repeated twice a year to maintain beauty.

Among the hardware techniques, one can highlight lymphatic drainage massage; it is indicated for women after 35 years. Good skin tightening is provided by myostimulation, laser and ultrasound techniques, radio frequency lifting (RF-lifting), which allows not only to reduce subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the double chin, angles of the jaw, cheek-zygomatic area, but also to tighten the skin.

How to choose a jowl correction method

The choice of technique should depend on the indications. However, in practice, the surgeon often offers a limited choice, since he does not know all the methods. Therefore, there are many legends among patients about the ineffectiveness of, for example, space lifting. However, in some cases this is indeed the case. Other specialists give information that the space method is too dangerous and traumatic, offering the MASC available to them, which rarely brings the desired result, since it is effective only at the very initial stage.

General recommendations for choosing a method:

  • MASC can be used in the same cases as thread lifting.
  • The space method is indicated for moderate jowls, when the neck is still in good shape.
  • The SMAS lift is most effective for severe problems. However, everything must be done according to indications; you should not rush with heavy artillery if it is not yet necessary.

Getting rid of Bisha's lumps

Bisha's lumps are fatty deposits in the cheek area. While our muscular frame is normal, they make our cheeks round, but over time, thanks to the force of gravity, they begin to pull our face down, because the fat they are made of is quite heavy. In order to avoid sagging tissue, you can resort to surgical removal of Bichat's lumps (bishectomy). In this case, the operation is performed in an open (external) manner. If you just want to remove Bisha's lumps without a facelift, this can be done using endoscopic equipment: through an incision in the mucous membrane from the side of the oral cavity. Healing of the mucosa occurs 2-3 days after bischectomy, and complete restoration and correction of the mucosa takes from 4 to 10 days.

How is space lifting done?

Space lifting allows you not to move the entire SMAS layer, but to work only in spaces where there are no ligaments that increase with age. Suturing the spaces also allows you to remove jowls. In this case, the ligaments are also cut, and the SMAS returns to its original position. In this case, a minimal incision is made on the SMAS layer itself, without which the surgeon cannot do his work. After all the manipulations are completed, the SMAS is simply sutured and the excess skin is excised. To perform a space lift, access is also required through an incision along the ear and above.

The advantages of the method include fixation of spaces, which eliminates the possibility of relapse. While with SMAS the spaces remain stretched, only the muscular aponeurotic layer is tightened. Therefore, jowls may appear again as the space continues to stretch. However, the space method, unlike a full-fledged SMAS, does not make it possible to tighten the neck muscles.

Insert threads

Both in our country and far beyond its borders, bio-reinforcement with threads (contour plastic) is extremely popular among women. Abroad, thread lifting is even often called the “Russian method”, since this method of rejuvenation was invented in Russia. Threads for contouring are made from absolutely safe materials that have passed multiple tests.

The insertion of threads under the skin occurs very quickly (only 10-15 minutes) under local anesthesia through small punctures, after which no trace remains on the skin. There is virtually no recovery period, and the patient can continue to live his normal life. The result of thread reinforcement is noticeable immediately after the procedure and is progressive: the oval of the face is significantly tightened, the disturbing sagging of tissues, jowls, nasolabial folds and the double chin disappears. The duration of the threads is different: non-absorbable threads made of polypropylene last up to 6 years, absorbable threads made from polylactic acid - up to 2 years, and those made from caprolactone - up to 5 years.

What are jowls and why are they formed?

Jowls are one of the signs of aging. And if after 30-35 years age-related changes affect more the upper third of the face, then at 40-50 years the middle and lower thirds suffer. The facial muscles, as they say, float away. The jawline becomes unclear, the oval of the face changes, turning into a square shape. Double chin and jowls occur even in thin women.

What is the mechanism for the formation of these age-related changes? The force of gravity literally presses on us, forcing the musculoskeletal system, muscles, and skin to be pulled down. The biochemical mechanism of tissue change is triggered. Less and less protein is produced to maintain elasticity, as well as other substances responsible for the condition of the skin. Muscle tone decreases. Some facial muscles shorten, others lengthen significantly. The tissues stretch and sag.

Jowls are formed due to the fact that there are practically no dense structures in the lower third of the face. However, there is a layer of fat that is poorly retained by muscles and fascia. Due to gravitational ptosis, tissues descend from the middle part to the bottom, forming sagging. These are jowls that can and should be removed to look young and beautiful.

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