Correction of eye wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) and wrinkles around the mouth (purse string)

Tested by an expert
Sharubina Karina Petrovna Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: January 22, 2022

Review date: November 10, 2022
Mesoeye C71 is one of the newest injection products with an innovative formula. With its help, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness and drooping eyelids, dullness, dry skin and wrinkles around the eyes are eliminated.

What effect does the drug have?

The revolutionary feature of this drug is its powerful activation of metabolism. It eliminates the whole complex of changes associated with poor blood circulation, as well as lymph stagnation.

Mesoeye C71 contains unique peptides that immediately begin to act in the skin, protect it and eliminate age-related appearance problems:

  • restore the density and elasticity of elastin and collagen fibers,
  • lift and tighten the eyelids and area around the eyes,
  • eliminate dryness, perfectly moisturize the skin, create a revitalization effect,
  • improve microcirculation, lymphatic drainage,
  • strengthens capillary vessels,
  • eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes.

Mesoeye C71 acts not only on the signs, but also on the causes of aging, thinning and sagging skin.

Mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes: techniques

As you understand, the healing and rejuvenating effect is directly related to the injection composition and the activation of the processes of natural internal skin renewal. Tone, elasticity and a healthy appearance can be easily restored using various methods aimed at nourishing the skin with beneficial substances. They differ from each other in the way they affect the skin.

There are two techniques of mesotherapy around the eyes. Reviews of one type indicate that it is painless, since it is a procedure without injections. It's called electric corporate. The components of the drug penetrate the epidermis using an electric current. Changes are triggered in the middle layers of the skin by an active composition consisting of molecules with a heterogeneous structure, applied to the dermis around the eyes.

Another mesotherapy technique against circles under the eyes and wrinkles is called needle and is considered a more traditional technique, or classical. Injections are made with thin needles, leaving barely noticeable injection marks. This type of procedure is more unpleasant in sensation, but has a more pronounced effect, since the components of the drug are injected deeper. After manipulations with the needle technique, redness, slight swelling, and minor allergic reactions of a temporary nature may occur. The needle marks disappear very quickly, although they slightly injure the upper layer of the epidermis, leaving you with only the amazing result of a quick transformation. Sometimes a nozzle with miniature needles or a mesoscooter is used to administer the mesococktail.

How does the drug work?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is almost absent here. This makes the periorbital area especially sensitive to dehydration and age-related changes. As a result, shadows are formed that give the face a tired, gloomy, unhealthy appearance.

Dry skin leads to early wrinkles. In some places its surface becomes swollen and edematous, in others depressions form.

The area around the eyes is saturated with thin vessels. Therefore, it is very sensitive to stagnation of blood circulation and lymph flow. The accumulation of lymphatic fluid leads to edema, and impaired microcirculation worsens metabolic processes. Together, this leads to aging.

To neutralize all these factors, a unique complex formula of the drug Mesoeye C71 was developed. Its components affect all causes of age-related changes. Thanks to this, not only a protective, but also a restorative effect is achieved:

  • Mesoeye C71 injections strengthen the walls and increase the tone of blood vessels. Thanks to this, local blood circulation and microcirculation are improved, and restoration processes are activated.
  • Improving the outflow of lymph completely eliminates congestion, swelling, bags, swelling and other signs of impaired lymph flow.
  • Protection is created against damage to collagen fibers by blood glucose - glycation. Thanks to this, they restore their elasticity and density, sagging disappears, and a lifting effect is achieved.
  • Moisturizing the skin improves its color, eliminates age-related phenomena associated with its dryness - lethargy, fine wrinkles, sagging.

In addition, Mesoeye C71 ideally compensates for the lack of subcutaneous tissue, evens out the relief, and makes the skin denser. With its help, shadows and circles under the eyes are eliminated, and a pronounced tightening effect is achieved without surgery.

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolevna


Mesotherapy for dark circles and wrinkles – 50 years in cosmetology

Mesotherapy injections became popular several decades ago. The main task of injections is directly related to the tightening and healing effect: correction occurs not only quickly, but also with obvious benefits for the internal condition of the skin. Now this is not just fashion, it is a manifestation of the completely natural desire of every woman to glow with natural beauty and charm. The popularity of the procedure has a very specific explanation and, in addition to its anti-aging and corrective effect, it is safe and accessible. Mesotherapy injections against circles under the eyes began to be done in many aesthetic medicine clinics and by cosmetologists at home. True, the question always arises about the reliability of such manipulations at home or without the participation of a qualified specialist. The delicate and sensitive area around the eyes needs special care and professional treatments. But back in the middle of the 20th century, mesotherapy was considered only a pain-relieving manipulation, which was used by the French physician Michel Pistor.

It is worth taking a closer look at what compounds are used in mesotherapy for dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. In fact, almost all compositions are essentially very similar. The basis is hyaluronic acid, which, when ingested, stimulates the amazing activity of collagen. Mesococktails include a lot of useful biological substances that stimulate metabolism. For example, their composition (along with hyaluronate) almost always includes in different proportions:

  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • glycolic acid.
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Read more about mesotherapy preparations around the eyes

Since the skin around our eyes is very sensitive and thin, it is important to choose the right composition and perform manipulations very carefully so as not to further injure the epidermis. For injections in this part of the face, we use special gentle meso-cocktails, characterized by a gentle and delicate effect.

There are the following groups of compounds:

  • Preparations with peptides: are most actively used to reduce swelling and dark circles under the eyes. The active components in this composition are proteins. They improve the outflow of lymph, accelerate the blood, remove excess fluid, and effectively launch the metabolic mechanism in cells.
  • Preparations with hyaluronate: effectively smooth the skin, nourish it, deeply moisturize it, and have a beneficial effect on elasticity. Useful substances in this combination can be used even for basic wrinkle prevention, saving you from minor visual troubles of premature aging.

Both drugs have a pleasant rejuvenating effect and correct skin defects. The main difference between these two types of compositions is their fundamental purpose: for deep wrinkles and pronounced, unpleasant circles under the eyes, a peptide composition is more suitable. A product with hyaluronic acid will do a great job with small crow's feet. But no matter what mesotherapy you choose for the eyes, before and after you will feel like a different person!

What is important to remember in this case: regardless of your desire, the main recommendation on which product to use should come from a cosmetologist. But your aspirations to become more charming play an equally important role. Therefore, you need to have an open dialogue with a specialist so that you understand each other correctly.

The base of the vitamin-mineral “duet”, together with hyaluronic acid, delicately activates the smoothing mechanism of the dermis. Instead of being disrupted by injections, the skin absorbs all the beneficial components like a sponge, removing the unpleasant blue under the eyes and puffiness, which create the sad impression of extreme fatigue and lack of sleep. Of course, we should not forget about the personal nuances of the epidermis and the level of activity of the body towards regeneration.

Using a thin needle, they reach exactly the right place under the skin, guaranteeing a long-lasting mechanism for maintaining properties. The epidermis is quickly renewed, moisturized, wrinkles smooth out and disappear, and youth returns. True, this effect lasts only as long as the main active ingredient (hyaluronic acid or peptides) is still present in the body. Some time after the injections, they begin to be excreted; this is a natural process. It is the composition of the miraculous cocktail with vitamins and hyaluronate that primarily affects the duration of the result. In second place is the number of injections given per session.

But patients who crave youth and beauty are not stopped by the fact that the effect of the composition ends after some time, since the result is completely justified and nothing prevents you from doing a second series of injections after some time. The area of ​​mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes is definitely the leader in the reviews: “subcutaneous injections get rid of swelling and the hated crow’s feet”, “I look 20 years younger”, “my skin glows from the inside”, “why didn’t I do this before”. The opinions of admiring women and men pour in as if from a cornucopia. Many people notice that the spectrum of action of these injections is very wide. What do those who have already tried mesotherapy focus on:

  • amazing rejuvenation effect;
  • swelling disappears (this is especially noticeable in the morning, the skin after sleep glows like after a magic serum);
  • dark circles under the eyes disappear or become much less pronounced;
  • wrinkles around the eyes disappear (the same “crow’s feet” and the result will last for several months);
  • the upper eyelid is tightened;
  • the oval and contours of the face become clearer and more pronounced, aligned along their natural line (even if you chose only mesotherapy injections for bruises under the eyes);
  • the general condition of the skin improves noticeably, its elasticity becomes noticeable even to the touch.

Additionally, let us remind you that the process of collagen and elastin production begins to actively manifest itself under the skin. This cannot be felt on a physical level, but it will be perfectly noticeable in the changed appearance.

Agree, a very attractive list of effects for mesotherapy around the eyes. Before and after photos, which are taken in all clinics, visually prove the result of a wonderful transformation. But is everyone ready for injections for this? There are plenty of people around us who faint at the mere sight of a needle. For them, cosmetology, which never stops developing, has come up with methods without injections. We will talk about this in the next part of our article.

Composition of the drug

In terms of its composition and action, Mesoeye C71 is classified as a vasomodifier and bioremediator, the benefits of which are well known in the cosmetic services market.

A unique feature of the drug is its complex composition, which includes:

  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (density 0.4%),
  • a complex of more than 50 vitamins, microelements, amino acids,
  • nucleosides,
  • patented formula Hexapeptide 17-C 71 to improve lymph outflow,
  • patented formula PeriOrbita L PePtide XP2 to relieve spasms of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Injections of this drug combine the effects of biorevitalization, contouring and mesotherapy.

The main difference between Mesoeye C71 and conventional hyaluronic acid preparations is its complex action. This provides maximum rejuvenation effect for the skin around the eyes.

Along with moisturizing (biorevitalization) of the skin, increasing collagen content, protecting and strengthening collagen fibers, it has two more important effects:

  • strengthens the walls of capillaries, improves the tone of the veins, activates the inflow and outflow of blood, metabolic processes, nutrition, regeneration of skin and subcutaneous tissues;
  • eliminates stagnation of lymphatic fluid and the swelling and bags caused by it.

Mesoeye C71 is one of the latest developments by the American company ABG LAB LLC, which is one of the world leaders in the field of innovative facial rejuvenation products. Production is located in South Korea (BNC Korea, Inc.).


The following methods can effectively and quickly remove wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Anti-wrinkle eye mesotherapy eliminates even very deep furrows and is carried out by injection using cocktails. A needle or cannula is used to administer drugs.
  2. Dermadrop is a non-injection mesotherapy.
  3. Biorevitalization is aimed at filling folds with hyaluronic acid.
  4. Botulinum therapy (BTA) – botulinum blocks nerve impulses, resulting in the disappearance of expression wrinkles in the eyes.

Other methods of rejuvenation are fractional resurfacing, laser peeling, TCA chemical peeling. You can use these methods independently or in combination to improve results.

How the procedure is performed

At the initial consultation, a specialist from our clinic will draw up a drug administration regimen according to individual indications.

Before the procedure, an anesthetic gel is applied to the skin, so Mesoeye C71 injections do not cause pain.

Before injections, the skin is thoroughly cleaned and removed, as well as local disinfection with a surface antiseptic.

Injections are performed with thin needles to a depth of 1-3 mm intradermally. The volume of the drug per injection ranges from 0.05 ml to 0.1 ml. Injection points are determined by individual indications. The procedure is similar in nature to mesotherapy.

The duration of the procedure is usually from 10 to 15 minutes. After this, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic, and a cooling compress is applied to it. After a short time, you will be able to leave the clinic and return to your normal lifestyle.

Special means of rehabilitation after Mesoeye C71 injections are not required. For several days, it is recommended to refrain from visiting the pool, sauna, bathhouse, or tanning (including solarium). If the procedure is performed in summer, sunscreen is recommended to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.


To remove wrinkles under the eyes after 40 years or at an earlier age (from 25-30 years), you do not need to give up your usual lifestyle, but you need to make some adjustments to improve the results of the procedure and minimize possible side effects. 2 weeks before and a month after the procedure, you need to stop visiting solariums, beaches, and increased physical activity; stop taking blood thinning medications a week or at least 3-4 days. After rejuvenation, you should not sunbathe, visit baths, saunas, or use decorative cosmetics. Contraindications – acute and chronic diseases, pathological changes in the epidermis in the area, cancer, other serious pathologies, lactation and pregnancy. There are also relative contraindications - they are rather precautionary measures.

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