SCRUBS FOR DRY SKIN: why are they needed, how to use, 7 recipes

A scrub is the simplest of all deep cleansing cosmetic procedures, so many women prefer to do it themselves, because the effectiveness of home scrubbing is almost as effective as a salon service. And only those with epithelium prone to dryness have doubts: does their sensitive thin skin need an abrasive effect or will it only harm? The answer from cosmetologists is clear: for dry facial skin, a scrub at home is necessary to eliminate flaking and better penetration of nutrients. By following the specifics of using the scrub, you will help your skin receive the necessary nutrition and hydration.

Why does dry skin need a scrub?

Often, at first glance, dry skin does not need special care at all: the pores are not enlarged, there are no rashes or inflammations, it is smooth and matte . But this is a deceptive impression , very little time will pass, and the loss of elasticity from lack of moisture will announce itself with a network of early wrinkles . Owners of such epithelium usually notice three main problems associated with dryness :

  • Impaired sebum production due to clogged pores. Considering that the protective fat layer is already very thin, the problem of natural dryness is aggravated by the influence of external factors - sun, wind, cold.
  • Paleness and laxity of the skin caused by impaired blood flow and insufficient oxygen metabolism . A secondary sign of the problem is spider veins on the face.
  • Peeling as a result of severe lack of moisture, death and engorgement of the upper epithelial cells. You should not be careless about skin peeling; it provokes accelerated aging , disrupting cellular synthesis.

Proper, regular use of a facial scrub will solve all of the above problems, plus it will activate natural cellular restoration . At home, you can alternate nourishing formulations with moisturizing ones, which will saturate the skin with all the substances necessary to maintain water balance. The advantages of a homemade scrub can hardly be overestimated:

  • Eliminates deep impurities, exfoliates dead cells , opens pores for breathing.
  • Polishes dry skin, eliminating flaking.
  • The blood flow caused by the massage effect of solid particles activates cell renewal processes.
  • The soft base of the scrub , penetrating into open pores, will give nourishing elements to the skin.
  • After scrubbing moisture evaporation will decrease , the epithelium will remain moisturized for a long time.
  • Exfoliating dead cells will give your face a healthy glow .

For the procedure at home to really be useful, you need to take a responsible approach to scrub ingredients careful when choosing an abrasive element so as not to cause irritation. ingredients for dry skin .


When caring for this skin type, you should adhere to general recommendations:

  1. Choose gentle products to cleanse and exfoliate.
  2. Avoid cosmetics containing surfactants in high concentrations (SLS, SLES). Such cosmetics destroy the lipid layer, causing even greater dryness.
  3. Avoid products containing petroleum products (ceresin, petroleum jelly, isodecane, paraffin, mineral oil). When used daily, they create a protective film on the surface of the skin, which interferes with normal gas exchange and slows down the restoration of the lipid barrier.
  4. Use nourishing creams to restore the lipid layer.

How to pamper dry skin?

Scrubs prepared at home from fresh products , if the recommended proportions , have a milder effect than ready-made store-bought formulations. Therefore, for dry facial skin, independent, individually selected cleansing is preferable. When you decide to make a scrub at home, first decide on the abrasive :

  • Sugar Sweet grains will carefully remove dirt without damaging the vulnerable epithelium, since they do not have sharp hard edges and completely dissolve in a liquid medium.
  • Finely ground oatmeal or flour Not only has a mild exfoliating effect, but also perfectly nourishes the skin.
  • Semolina Small grain balls eliminate peeling so neatly that even the slightest scratches are completely eliminated. In addition, semolina quickly absorbs skin impurities.
  • Coffee grounds Coffee is known for its tonic properties and will help the skin regain its elasticity. The main condition is to use only fresh grounds from recently drunk coffee. You can read more about coffee scrubs here.
  • Cosmetic clay Perhaps the most gentle abrasive. An improperly prepared clay scrub can dry out the skin even more, so be sure to add rich sour cream or essential oils to the base. Its color will tell you about the properties of the clay: white will enhance blood microcerulation, green will eliminate peeling, gray will return moisture, red will relieve inflammation, pink will smooth out wrinkles.

The second mandatory component of the scrub is a soft creamy base, which facilitates the sliding of solid particles and saturates the skin with the necessary elements. As a basis you can take:

  • Fruit or vegetable puree Fresh fruit (banana, peach, grapes) should be peeled and seeds, then chopped with a blender or finely grated. Excess juice is squeezed out so that the consistency is not too liquid.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products For example, natural yoghurts, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cream, fermented baked milk. The higher the oil content, the better for dry skin.
  • Vegetable oils Such as: pumpkin, flaxseed, sunflower, olive, corn, etc. The oil base will soften the abrasive effect of the scrub without reducing its effectiveness, and will provide enhanced nutrition to the skin.
  • Honey A viscous honey mixture activates the regeneration of dry skin, retains moisture in it, gives softness and velvety. It is recommended to keep honey scrubs on your face for a while as a nourishing mask.

To enrich the composition, you can add a few drops of essential oil : neroli, rose, chamomile, sandalwood are suitable for dry skin. You can also buy liquid vitamins and add them little by little to your homemade scrub.

Which formulations to choose

Delicate, dry skin needs gentler exfoliation than other skin types.

Pay attention to peeling or rolling, because they have a more uniform texture and do not cause irritation.

The finer abrasive particles contained in a dry scrub, the better.

Therefore, avoid products with coarse particles : grains of salt (such products are more suitable for problem skin) or apricot kernels.

It is worth choosing cream-based products , because they are gentle on the skin.

Subtleties of use

Care and gentle movements, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, are a prerequisite for applying the scrub to dry facial skin . What other nuances should be taken into account when performing the procedure at home? The rules are extremely simple:

  • Scrubbing dry facial skin is performed in the evening , when leaving the house to go outside is prohibited. Overnight, the epithelium will have time to recover after a light massage.
  • The composition is gradually applied to a previously cleansed, moistened face in a circular motion without pressing or rubbing.
  • It is not recommended to steam dry skin before the procedure to avoid unnecessary injury.
  • The time of massage actions should not exceed 1 minute.
  • Rinse off the scrub with warm water, then gently pat your face with a terry towel.
  • After the scrub, it is recommended to close the pores with cool boiling water sprayed onto the face from a spray bottle.
  • The final stage is applying nourishing cream . When distributing the cosmetic product , do not forget about the massage lines.

Compliance with this simple sequence guarantees your dry skin gentle cleansing and renewal . And the next morning she will repay your care with an even, beautiful tone, smoothness and radiance.

Delicate whitening peeling

For those with dehydrated skin with freckles, I recommend using the following recipe:

  • Rice (50 g);
  • Almond oil (10 ml);
  • Milk (60 ml);
  • Lemon essential oil (up to 4 drops).

Grind the rice in a blender and then put it in a container with hot milk for 10 minutes. At the end of time, add almond and lemon oil to the mixture and stir until smooth. The composition is applied to a dry face; after the scrubbing procedure, it must be left for an intensive effect for a couple of minutes. This peeling will help you get rid of freckles, age spots and post-acne!

Scrub recipes for dry skin

A distinctive feature of homemade scrubs is a modest list of ingredients, rarely exceeding 3-4 items. However, such simplicity does not detract from the effectiveness of the procedures . Make sure of this by using one of our recipes:

  • Green tea, sugar, honey Pour 1 tablespoon of strongly brewed cold green tea into a small container, gradually add granulated sugar until it stops dissolving when stirring slowly. Add a spoonful of honey, mix gently until smooth - you should get a semi-liquid mass. The scrub has a pronounced antibacterial and regenerating effect. Tea is used exclusively for loose leaf tea of ​​good quality.
  • Carrots, milk, semolina Fresh carrots are famous for their moisturizing effect, and milk provides nutrients to the skin. You will need 2 tablespoons of finely grated or blended carrots, 50 ml of milk, 1 tablespoon of semolina. Squeeze the juice from the carrots, combine it with semolina, gradually pour in the heated milk, bringing the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. When used as a mask, the scrub will give your skin a light tan.
  • Rice, cottage cheese, olive oil Grind a spoonful of long grain rice in a coffee grinder until it resembles flour. Add 2 tablespoons of full-fat homemade cottage cheese, preheating it in a water bath. Pour in a spoonful of olive oil and mix the ingredients thoroughly. The scrub will retain moisture and form a light protective film on the face.
  • Oatmeal, cream, butter Combine oatmeal, cream with 20% fat content, and unrefined sunflower oil in equal parts. The result will be a slightly runny mixture that has healing and moisturizing effects, and also perfectly cleanses the epithelium from the rough top layer.
  • Strawberries, cream, semolina A fragrant “delicious” scrub will give your face long-lasting hydration. Mash a couple of large strawberries thoroughly with a fork, add a tablespoon of semolina and the same amount of cream (can be replaced with sour cream). Please note that semolina swells very quickly, becoming soft, so the mixture is applied to the face immediately after preparation.
  • Honey, banana, sour cream, coffee In a convenient small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of banana puree, a spoonful of honey, the same amount of sour cream and coffee grounds. This scrub has proven itself well as a moisturizing mask: apply it to the face, massage for 1 minute, then leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse thoroughly.

If desired, any scrub for dry facial skin at home can be used as a mask, because their composition is usually very rich in nutritional elements. The only exceptions will be mixtures with fruit acids; they must be washed off immediately to avoid burns of the thin epithelium.

Rating of cosmetics

Yves Rocher Hydra Vegetal

A gentle scrub-gommage in the form of a gel with microparticles. It contains plant extracts of blue agave and maple sap, known for their moisturizing properties.

The product provides gentle exfoliation and cleansing, adding radiance. The price is 550 rubles .

Uriage Gelee Gommante

A gentle product based on thermal water, suitable for sensitive and dry skin types. Microgranules help get rid of peeling, even out the surface, and remove dead cells from the surface.

Thermal water tones, improves complexion, and gives freshness. The price of 50 ml of scrub is approximately 850 rubles .

Fresh Line Hera

This delicate scrub is based on soft fruit AHA acids and grape seed powder. Has exfoliating, softening and antioxidant effects.

Price for volume 30 ml - 900 rub..

Declare Extra Gentle

Extra soft scrub-exfoliant with a gel texture and tiny polypropylene particles. Helps get rid of the stratum corneum and improve complexion.

The average price is 2100 rub..

With honey

Scrubs with honey regenerate, make the skin moisturized and tightened, and rejuvenate it. There is only one contraindication - an allergy to honey.


  1. Ingredients: crushed oatmeal – 3 tsp. (with a slide), liquid honey – 1 tsp, apple cider vinegar – ¼ tsp. All components are stirred, then basil essential oil is added - 1 drop. Apply with rubbing movements onto the face, wait 8 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water.

  2. Pour boiling water over and infuse mint tea, leave to cool. Gently heat 0.5 tbsp. liquid honey, mix it with 3 (without a slide) tbsp. granulated sugar and ½ tbsp. olive oil, add 1 (heaped) tsp to the resulting mixture. mint tea, stir again. The remaining mint tea is placed in the refrigerator. The resulting product is smeared on the face, waited for 10 minutes, then removed with cold mint tea.
  3. Thoroughly mix 10 g of white clay, ½ (heaped) tsp. sea ​​salt, 1 (heaped) tbsp. powdered milk. Pour 1 tsp into the same mixture. honey, 5 ml jojoba oil. Apply to a damp face and leave for 3 minutes.

Top 10 cleansing creams

For oily skin, cleansers containing salts and clay are recommended . These components remove excess sebum well and dry the surface of the face.

The most popular include:

  • Black Pearl “Cleansing + Care”, volume 80 ml, price 148 rub.
  • Herbalife Skin berry, volume 120 ml, price 850 rub.

For dry and sensitive facial skin, manufacturers produce a line of delicate cleansers that act very gently on the epidermis and do not injure or irritate it.

The most popular include the following:

  • La Roche-Posay (France), volume 50 ml, price 1400 rub.
  • Facial Scrub Skinlite, volume 120 ml, price 320 rub.
  • Cleansing gommage Sebo Vegetal Yves Rocher, volume 75 ml, price 720 rub.
  • Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant, volume 60 ml, price 5500 rub.

For normal and combination skin, we offer the widest range of cleansers , based on both natural abrasive components (apricot kernels, blueberry grains, microminerals) and artificial ones.

The most popular include the following:

  • Pure line with apricot kernels, volume 50 ml, price 70 rub.
  • Oatmeal cleansing phytocosmetics, single sachet volume 15 ml, 49 RUR
  • Organic Shop Cleansing “Ginger Sakura”, volume 70 ml, price 71 rub.

With salt

Before preparing scrubs with salt, it must be ground to a powder state. Scrubs with salt must be used immediately, otherwise the grains of salt will dissolve and there will be no proper scrubbing effect.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. rose base oil, ½ tbsp. salt. Mix the ingredients and wait until the oil is completely absorbed into the salt. Apply to the skin, rub in, massage for 3 minutes, remove with water.
  2. 1 tsp olive oil, 2 (without a slide) tsp. table salt, 2 tsp. cream (cold) is stirred, applied to the face, removed with cold water.
  3. Connect 2 tbsp. salt with 8 tbsp. liquid glycerin and ½ tbsp. mineral water, stir until the ingredients dissolve. Put 1 more tbsp there. table salt, mix again. Melt 1 tsp. solid coconut oil over low heat, pour it into the total mass, stir. Add ½ tsp. orange base oil.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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