Wrinkles on the chin - the best tips on how to get rid of them

A neat, harmonious chin transforms the face, making it visually younger. If the chin is proportional, then the lips become more beautiful and the oval is tightened. Defects in the chin area can be acquired or congenital. To get rid of an unsightly chin, there are several methods in modern surgery. This article will discuss volumetric methods of chin correction.

Causes and prevention of wrinkles

Wrinkles on the chin have different causes. Analyze your habits and body condition. Perhaps these recommendations will help you.


Age is the main enemy of youthful skin. After 30 years, collagen production in the subcutaneous layer decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity.

Facial expressions

Excessively active facial expressions, habit of grimacing. Try to control your facial expression.

Incorrect posture

The habit of walking and sitting with your head down is a common cause of chin deformation.
Practice good posture. Walk as if an invisible rope is pulling the top of your head into space, look forward.

Keep your chin parallel to the floor. When sitting, make sure that your head and neck are in a vertical straight line, with your spine resting on the back of the chair.

Uncomfortable pillow

A high, poorly chosen pillow and an uncomfortable position during sleep provoke the appearance of wrinkles on the chin.

Replace the pillow with a less voluminous one or choose a comfortable bolster. If you sleep on your back, your head should not be raised too much. Sleeping on your stomach is not advisable.

Dry skin

Dry facial skin is a problem for men who often shave their chins. Microtraumas and alcohol-based products strip the skin of its protective fatty film.

Use moisturizing aftershave care and nourishing creams.


Lack of sleep and stress cause hormonal imbalances in the body. When there is a lack of sleep, a person lacks the hormone melanin. At the same time, the level of stress hormones increases, causing accelerated aging.

Get enough sleep! To maintain youthful skin, the body must relax and rest.


An unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins, diets with sudden weight loss, and obesity reduce tissue elasticity.

Reasons for the formation of a double chin

  • Malocclusions
    and other pathologies in the formation of the masticatory-speech apparatus can contribute to the appearance of a double chin.
  • Features of the anatomical structure
    of the lower part of the facial skull and throat. The shorter the neck, the higher the likelihood of developing a double chin; the greater the angle between the lower jaw and neck; the lower the protrusion of the larynx (Adam's apple) is located in men, formed by the plates of the thyroid cartilage.
  • Genetic factor.
    Features of the anatomical structure, metabolism and biosynthesis of proteins can be inherited. Metabolic disorders often manifest as a tendency to be overweight, and a slowdown in the process of protein synthesis and maturation also inhibits collagen regeneration - all this contributes to the appearance of such an aesthetic defect as a double chin.
  • Poor posture.
    The habit of slouching and keeping your head down leads to the formation of a double chin due to weakening of the muscles in the front of the neck.
  • Incorrect position while resting.
    Sleeping, reading or using gadgets (tablets, smartphones) while lying on high pillows provokes the appearance of a double chin.
  • Overweight, obesity.
    At any age, excessive weight gain is accompanied by fat deposition in the chin-cervical region.
  • Dramatic weight loss.
    With a significant decrease in body weight, sagging skin occurs, including in the chin area.
  • Hormonal disorders
    . Changes in hormonal levels are almost always accompanied by weight gain or loss, which in turn leads to the formation of a double chin.
  • Pathologies of the immune system.
    Diseases of the thyroid gland, for example, are often accompanied by the formation of a double chin.
  • Age-related changes.
    Even with proper care, already at the age of 35-40, the skin begins to lose elasticity, which leads to sagging, and every year the signs of gravitational ptosis become more noticeable.

Removing wrinkles on the chin at home

So, you have found wrinkles on your chin - how to get rid of them? Do not despair. We remember how to remove wrinkles on the chin with home remedies.

  • We clean the skin of the chin and neck with soft peeling twice a week.
  • After the cleansing procedure, we make a moisturizing and tightening mask. You can use ready-made masks sold in pharmacies or home remedies - choose any recipe you like.
  • Nourish your facial skin with creams containing retinol. Olive, almond and grape oils and vitamin A, sold in pharmacy capsules, are perfect.
  • We combine applying oil to the skin with a chin massage. Hands move smoothly along the massage lines, from the middle of the chin up towards the temples.
  • Contrast showers or compresses tone the skin and stimulate blood circulation. The procedure can be performed using a small towel, soaking it alternately in hot and cold water and applying it to the chin for a short time.

Massages for double chin correction

Massage of the lower third of the face and neck is another additional method for correcting and preventing a double chin. Its use is advisable in the same cases as performing an individual complex of facial gymnastics.

To improve blood circulation, activate the lipolysis process, increase the elasticity of the skin of the problem area, etc., it is recommended to conduct a course of one of the types of massage:

  • manual,
  • vacuum,
  • vibration

Advantages and disadvantages

All types of massage for correcting a double chin are safe and painless and do not require special training or rehabilitation. Already after the first procedure, blood and lymph circulation in the problem area improves.

The disadvantages of the method include the need for several sessions.

Contraindications and side effects

If manipulations are performed correctly during a massage, the appearance of any side effects, and even more so negative consequences, is completely excluded.

Contraindications for any type of massage are:

  • the presence of pustules, ulcers, scratches and other skin damage in the correction area;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (massage is possible after consultation with an endocrinologist);
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute infections.

French gymnastics for the face

French women know how to remove wrinkles on the chin with the help of gymnastics. Cosmetologist Evelyn Gunther-Pechot came up with a system of exercises that became popularly known as French gymnastics.

The exercises are performed using the palms and fingers and consist of sequential tension and relaxation of the facial muscles.

Evelyn's followers claim that after a month of daily exercise they began to look 10 years younger!

  • Apply nourishing cream to cleansed facial skin.
  • We pat the neck and chin: with the left hand - on the right side of the neck, with the right hand - on the left. We continue the cotton massage of the chin upward, along the cheeks and wings of the nose, ending on the forehead. Clap until the skin turns slightly red.
  • Exercise for the oval of the face, getting rid of “bulldog” cheeks. Open your mouth, place the fingers of one hand behind your lower teeth (place a clean cotton napkin under your fingers) and pull your jaw forward - down. At the same time, create resistance by trying to close your mouth. Perform 4 times for 15-20 seconds.
  • Exercise to smooth out wrinkles under the lower lip. Place the fingers of both hands under your lower lip and press slightly. Use your lower lip to push your fingers away, creating resistance with them. Tighten your muscles for 30 seconds, then relax, perform 2 times.
  • Removing the double chin. Place the thumbs of both hands under the chin in the middle and press with them from below, creating resistance with your head. Perform for 1 minute, without repetitions. Then massage your chin with your thumbs.
  • Cover one palm with the other, place them under your chin and press on it while trying to open your mouth. Perform 3 times for 20 seconds.

Cosmetology procedures

If home remedies don't help and you don't know how to fill wrinkles on your chin, seek professional help from a cosmetologist. The following procedures may be offered to you:

  • Chemical peeling. During the procedure, the top layer of skin is removed using acids. The procedure is painful and not harmless.
  • Botox. Injections relax facial muscles, wrinkles on the chin disappear after 10-15 days. The effect lasts up to 8 months. Botox has contraindications and can only be used by certified specialists.
  • Revitalization – subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. Several procedures are carried out, wrinkles disappear within 5-7 days. Repeat once every six months to maintain the effect.
  • Spot correction – filling wrinkles on the chin with subcutaneous injections of drugs.
  • Laser tightening of wrinkles on the chin. It is carried out in several procedures.
  • Photorejuvenation with light pulses. Causes slight redness of the skin; sunbathing is contraindicated during the course.
  • ELOS treatment is a combination of light and radio wave radiation. A course of 5-6 procedures with a month interval between them. Painless, the effect lasts for a long time.
  • Ultrasonic lifting. The pulses affect the subcutaneous layer to a depth of 5 mm. The effect is immediate and lasts 1-3 years.

Double chin contouring

Contour plastic surgery is a non-surgical technology for eliminating aesthetic defects and rejuvenating the skin by introducing filler gels made from hyaluronic acid into problem areas. Thanks to injections of special preparations, it is possible not only to level out horizontal wrinkles, give clarity to the contour of the lower part of the face, eliminate sagging skin that has lost its elasticity, restore its elasticity, but also launch the process of neocollagenesis - rejuvenation of the dermis.

Advantages and disadvantages of CP

The main advantages of contour plastic surgery:

  • atraumatic and painless all manipulations;
  • outpatient procedures;
  • almost complete absence of side effects;
  • the presence in the composition of the preparations of substances that help restore skin elasticity and prevent its aging;
  • immediate lifting and rejuvenating effect.

But the injection of gels with hyaluronic acid cannot solve all the problems associated with such an aesthetic defect as a double chin. For example, the use of this technology is impractical if there is a large accumulation of fat deposits in the correction area.

Features of double chin contouring

There are several filler gels based on hyaluronic acid, methods for performing contouring and methods for administering drugs. In each specific case, ROSH clinic specialists draw up an individual plan for injection correction of the double chin: select gels, develop implementation tactics and determine the number of procedures.

Double chin injection correction is performed on an outpatient basis. The duration of the session depends on the complexity and volume of the upcoming manipulations.

You can read more about the features of injection plastic surgery with preparations based on hyaluronic acid, recommendations for preparation and recovery after its implementation, contraindications and side effects in the article “Title - link”.

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