Comprehensive care for the skin around the eyes. Secrets of making anti-wrinkle cream at home

  • 22949
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
  • 2

Anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes works much more effectively if you make it yourself at home. Such a folk remedy will be much more natural than a store-bought one, and preparing it is a pleasure! If you are afraid that it will take a lot of time or you won’t succeed the first time, then your fears are in vain. We will provide you with several easy-to-follow recipes for eye creams.

The most important thing is to use the appropriate components - essential oils, vitamins, which will properly take care of delicate skin (should be selected according to your skin type) and will prevent aging.

Mode of application

Home remedies have a lot of advantages, but only 2 disadvantages: they take time to prepare and do not give effect after the first 2-3 uses.

Only long-term course use will help achieve impressive results.

How to apply anti-wrinkle eye cream at home:

  • Remove it from the jar with a wooden or plastic spatula to prevent bacteria from entering and multiplying;
  • Apply to the skin pointwise, first from below, then a little from above under the eyebrow;
  • Using patting movements, drive the drug into the entire area.

There are plenty of recipes for creams for wrinkles around the eyes that you can prepare at home. A woman of any age can choose what suits her.

What should a homemade eye cream be like?

A homemade eyelid composition will bring maximum benefit if you follow the recipe accurately and prepare the product in small portions. The shelf life of natural cosmetics is limited, so you can make a serving of no more than 20 g at a time. Why is the attention of modern women focused on homemade creams?

  • Firstly, they are not harmful - they do not contain parabens, propylene glycol and other potentially dangerous compounds.
  • Secondly, the natural ingredients of products prepared with your own hands bring much more benefits.
  • Thirdly, they are easy to make; you can use the most necessary components to create it.
  • And finally, you will be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the resulting product, which is very important in modern environmental living conditions.

Universal recipes for wrinkles

At home, you can prepare simple creams for wrinkles around the eyes that will moisturize the epidermis, fill it with essential vitamins and put this area in order:

  1. Vitamin recipe. To create it, you need to buy vitamins A and E in oil form at the pharmacy, as well as cocoa butter and olives. The oils are mixed in equal proportions, a capsule of selected microelements is added to the composition and applied with fingers to the area around the eyelids. Or you can put the mixture on cotton wool and make a compress.
  2. Essential cream. For a quick and effective fight against crow's feet, a homemade anti-wrinkle eye cream recipe that contains olive or peach kernel oil is ideal. Prepared from 2 tbsp. l. with 2 drops of rosemary ether and the same amount of geranium concentrate. Add 2-3 drops of verbena and apply to the sensitive area under the eyes.
  3. Recipe for dry skin. Anti-aging cream is prepared from a spoon of butter 72.5%, yolk and 1 spoon of honey. You should also add 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh rose hips. Rub everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  4. With fresh rose water. The ancient recipe is prepared from complex ingredients, but is incredibly effective. To implement it, take 5 tbsp. l. rose water, 3 large spoons of apricot kernel and jojoba oil, 1 spoon of beeswax. You should also take ½ spoon each of borax oil and carrot seeds. Cook the cream over low heat, melting the wax. Then add borax and water. You need to cool in water. Then add carrot oil and put it in a jar for storage.
  5. Sea buckthorn. The recipe for anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes is prepared from 4 spoons of cocoa butter, heat it in a water bath and add 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn fat, 1 spoon of vitamin E. After cooking, beat well. Store in a glass jar.
  6. Olive cream. To prepare, you need 1 spoon of oil, a capsule of components A and E, as well as 5 drops of jojoba oil.
  7. Chamomile cream. Helps soften the skin. The composition includes half a 5 ml spoon of castor oil, 2 tsp. a decoction of chamomile and linden, as well as a spoon of softened butter.
  8. Smoothing. Intensive cream for dull, aging skin. Perfectly copes with wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years. The composition includes 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa, melted in a water bath, a capsule of vitamin A or E, as well as 4 drops of lavender and rose hips. Additionally, you should take 1 tbsp. l. thyme decoction. At the end of cooking, add 1 drop of geranium ether.
  9. Night cream. The composition includes olive oil or grape seeds, as well as 9 drops of Roman chamomile ether. Add to 2 tablespoons of the base herbal component and apply before bed.

Let's take the matter of beauty into our own hands - make up a cream

The mass passion for homemade cosmetics and, in particular, making face creams with one’s own hands is by no means only connected with the desire to save money on really expensive face care products. By making up creams yourself, you give an individual approach to caring for your own beauty. And having full knowledge of the composition of such cosmetics, you can formulate an active anti-aging strategy. Victory in this war will definitely be yours!

Homemade cream is an excellent option for facial care

Features of application

To please your skin and help it maintain youth for a long time, follow simple recommendations, thanks to which the cream you make yourself will bring a lot of benefits and will not cause harm:

  1. To prepare and store homemade facial care products, try not to use metal utensils - only glass, ceramic and porcelain; Before use, it must be treated with medical alcohol.
  2. Be sure to test the finished cream on an inconspicuous area of ​​sensitive skin (behind the ear, on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow) - if all the ingredients suit you, redness will not occur in this area.
  3. Homemade creams consist of natural ingredients and therefore do not last long - depending on the composition, they can retain their properties from five days to a month.
  4. The formulas of homemade creams usually do not include cosmetic fragrances, so their “bouquet” of aromas is exclusively natural.
  5. Such facial care products should be applied along massage lines, using smooth movements, lightly pressing into the skin with your fingertips.
  6. Before use, a portion of the cream should be melted a little, warming it with the warmth of your hands, and the skin of your face should be cleansed.
  7. Try not to get the cosmetic in your eyes.
  8. In the first half hour after applying the cream, the face should be relaxed, active facial expressions and conversations should be kept to a minimum.
  9. Excess unabsorbed product should be carefully blotted with a paper napkin.

Homemade cream is stored, on average, no longer than two weeks

Main components and preparation nuances

Homemade creams differ from “branded” creams in much the same way as home cooking differs from restaurant cooking. Professional preparation is beautiful and impressive, but an exclusive one made with your own hands is good because it contains obviously high-quality products. And everyone can learn the secrets of cooking, if desired.

What you might need

What components do you need to prepare to start making homemade anti-aging creams? This directly depends on your skin type, age and what kind of result you expect from using a homemade “potion”.

However, most of the ingredients can probably be found in your kitchen or medicine cabinet. Everything else is easy to buy - in a pharmacy, online store or just in a supermarket. In any case, the cost of a complete set of components will be much less than a ready-made high-quality cream.

So, what should you stock up on before you start getting creative with your cosmetics? Most of the volume of almost any cream is liquid - herbal decoction or mineral water - well, this is just the simplest thing. A beginner’s cream maker’s kit must contain active ingredients—their share in the finished cream does not exceed seven percent. Such components may include, for example:

  • yeast, ginger or hop extract - for oily skin;
  • oil vitamins A and E, propolis, pollen, pumpkin seed or linden flower extracts - for dry skin;
  • oil vitamin F, chamomile extract, peony tincture - for especially sensitive skin.

Vitamins are an important component of most effective creams

Valuable base oils can fill up to a third of the volume of the cream. The most popular of them are the following:

  • almond, peach, watermelon, corn, black cumin, grape seeds, milk thistle - for oily skin;
  • olive, sesame, jojoba, shea, apricot, peach, macadamia, avocado, coconut walnut - for dry skin;
  • lemon, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, rose, burdock, black cumin, wheat germ - for very sensitive skin.

Essential oils add special chic, aroma and charisma to homemade cream. Here the count is already in drops, and in each formula no more than ten drops of one ether or a mixture of them can act effectively:

  • lemon, grapefruit, rosemary, bergamot, lemon balm - for oily skin;
  • blue chamomile, sandalwood, myrrh, patchouli, jasmine, rose - for dry skin;
  • rosewood, orange, verbena, spruce - for sensitive skin.

Valuable natural oils and esters are present in almost every homemade cream

To give the cream the desired consistency, a small amount of emulsifiers, up to two percent, is added to the mixture. These can be various thickening substances that are harmless to the skin:

  • sucrose stearate, starch, cetyl alcohol - for oily skin;
  • guar gum, beeswax - for dry skin;
  • sodium alginate, stearic acid - for sensitive skin.

How to cook

Homemade creams, oddly enough, are very easy to prepare. The components are either boiled, combined in a special sequence, or simply mixed. For the resulting product to be effective and safe, you will, of course, need at least minimal skills. But it’s not difficult to purchase them either, if you follow the recommendations for cream making:

  1. Heat the base oil (or other fats) in a water or steam bath to about sixty degrees.
  2. Without stopping the heating and stirring constantly, add the emulsifier and liquid (mineral water or herbal decoction).
  3. When the cream thickens enough, remove it from the heat and cool to human body temperature.
  4. Add active ingredients and esters.
  5. Wait for the cream to cool completely, transfer it to a tightly sealed jar and store it in the refrigerator.

To make the cream soft and airy, it must be thoroughly whipped.

Of course, each recipe has its own preparation nuances, but in general, all homemade creams are cooked according to the same method.

Fights visible wrinkles

To combat noticeable crow's feet and wrinkles under the eyes, you need to use more powerful recipes.

And the best of them are prepared using essential oils:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of cosmetic incense and the same amount of lime, mix with 2 drops of rose essential oil. Apply to skin morning and evening.
  2. Take 1 spoon each of chamomile, rose and grape seed oil extract. You can add 2 drops of sandalwood ether.

These simple recipes will help you get rid of severe wrinkles in 2-3 weeks. They need to be used in courses of 3-4 weeks every day.

Cucumber masks

In summer, you cannot ignore fresh vegetables, fruits, berries - a storehouse of useful minerals and vitamins. The first position is given to cucumber, it has an astringent property, moisturizes, refreshes, and quickly relieves swelling. The classic option is to apply cold slices to the eyelids.

Cucumbers are an effective means of rejuvenating the skin of the eyelids

Cucumber works well in symbiosis with other components. Grind a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Spread the resulting mixture onto cucumber slices, apply to your eyelids, and press down with your hands. After 20 minutes, rinse with fresh water. After this procedure, the skin will simply glow with freshness.

A home remedy made from a mixture of oils and cucumber is indicated for aging skin. Mix a tablespoon of oil (peach, casta, almond) with two to three drops of essential oil. Grease frozen cucumber slices with oil and give a light circular massage. This will refresh aging eyelid skin and smooth out crow's feet.

Refreshing eye masks can be made from vegetables, berries (strawberries, apricots, raspberries, grapes, rowan), fruits (peaches, avocados, apples).

Nutrient formulations

After reaching the age of 35, the skin needs maximum nutrition, so creams for wrinkles around the eyes, which are prepared at home, contain not only well-moisturizing, but also super nutritious ingredients:

  • Yolk recipe. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of butter, an yolk, and half a spoon of bee pollen. It is sold in stores that sell honey or other bee products. You also need to add 4 drops of lemon ether and the same amount of rose to the composition.
  • Superfood for aging skin. The basis of the recipe is 1 tablespoon of melted interior fat, to which 2 tablespoons of olive or peach fat were added. You can also add 2-4 drops of any ether (rosemary, lemon and lavender are considered the most effective). You need to use a powerful recipe once every 2 days at night.

But for young epidermis, lighter recipes are suitable, the main purpose of which is hydration. This is what is found in anti-wrinkle creams created at home, which is relevant after 23-25 ​​years.

Features of ideal eye cosmetics

When choosing a good commercial cream for the skin around the eyes, you need to approach it with special care, since it is very delicate. And some harmful components of creams can easily harm it.

One or more of these beneficial active ingredients must be included in the best eye cream.

Beneficial substances in the cream

List of mandatory and effective components:

  • Vitamin A. Retinol has very beneficial properties. As part of the cream, it can tighten the skin and nourish it with vitamins. But there is a small drawback: if tocopherol is not also present in the composition of such a cream, then the skin will peel off greatly.

  • Vitamin E. This component must be supplemented with tocopherol. Such creams can make the skin around the eyes elastic, firm, and moisturized. Skin color will improve and small age spots will disappear.
  • Seaweed extract. Creams with such ingredients are ideal for problematic and overly oily skin, they tighten and nourish mature skin well.
  • Essential oils. Oil supplements perfectly nourish and moisturize dry skin.
  • Plant extracts. Extracts from medicinal plants have good medicinal properties. They have all sorts of actions. Depends on which plant extract you will use.
  • Animal products. Drugs with this composition have high prices and maximum effect.
  • Synthetic compounds. These are a variety of chemical formulas that act quickly and effectively.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It must be included in the cream for women over 30 years old. It does a good job of preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Recipes for Hydration

The dermis between the ages of 23-24 and 30 needs maximum hydration. Recipes for creams against wrinkles around the eyes are as simple and accessible as possible:

  • Aloe. The composition includes natural aloe juice and grape seed extract, you need to take it in equal proportions.
  • Honey. To create, you need to take 2 spoons of bee product, the same amount of glycerin, 1 spoon of powdered gelatin and 6 spoons of clean water. Gelatin is dissolved in water, then honey and glycerin are added.
  • Lifting effect. Sometimes the problem of drooping eyelids is typical even for young girls. A homemade cream made from 3 spoons of honey, 6 drops of grape concentrate, 4 drops of olive, 1 drop of geranium ether and 3 drops of parsley juice will help tighten it up and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Additionally, you need 1 spoon of clover decoction and the same amount of golden root infusion.

You can use other recipes for certain ages

Butter with rowan

Red and black pearls of berries contain large amounts of vitamin C and other organic acids, which contribute to intensive rejuvenation of epithelial cells. To prepare, take a tablespoon of crushed berries and combine it with the same amount of butter. Add honey (1 tsp) to the resulting mixture and beat the ingredients until smooth.

Use the finished nourishing product before bed, applying a thin layer of cream to cleansed facial skin. As a result, facial and static wrinkles are smoothed out, the shade of the dermis is evened out, and the water balance of the epidermis is restored.

Analogues of expensive creams

At home, you can quickly and easily prepare a cream for wrinkles around the eyes, which replicates the effectiveness of expensive store-bought creams.

Each age will have its own recipe:

  1. From 25 years old. The result is a delicate cream with excellent moisturizing properties. Prepared from 4 ml peach oil, 6 ml water and 1 g beeswax. 3 g of lanolin will help make the product creamy. Mix everything by first melting the solids in a water bath.
  2. From 30 years old. This wrinkle cream recipe also uses lanolin and almond oil. Apply mixed substances in the morning and in the evening.

  3. From 35 years old. The composition includes 1 tsp. gelatin, honey, glycerin and water in the amount of 5 tablespoons. Stir, dilute in a water bath, beat.
  4. From 40 years old. The cream for this age is prepared from St. John's wort infusion. It is made from a glass of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of herbs. Strain 15 minutes after brewing. Meanwhile, the cocoa is heated in a water bath and a vitamin E capsule and 4 drops of lavender and rosehip essential extract are added to it. Everything is mixed and transferred into a convenient glass jar.
  5. After 50 years. You need to take a cream from 1 spoon of margarine and yolk. Then rose or jasmine petals are added to the mixture. Stir and apply under the eyes.

In addition to anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes, you can use other natural products at home.


This cream has a fairly rich, thick texture that is absorbed into the skin within 20 minutes. Therefore, we recommend using this recipe as night care for dry epidermis.

It is necessary to mix olive and coconut oil (2 tablespoons each) and heat the ingredients. Then add 1 tsp to the mixture. tocopherol and a few drops of lavender essential oil. To give the cream a lighter, airy texture, the heated mixture should be thoroughly beaten, then immediately cool the resulting consistency.

Comprehensive care for the eye area

Additionally, you can use other useful methods to care for the skin around the eyes to protect against aging processes:

  • Apply tea bags to your eyes. They eliminate signs of fatigue and refresh the look. You can brew strong black tea and soak cotton pads in it.
  • Use cucumbers! Simple circles of juicy vegetables will help with swelling, fatigue and dark circles. Vegetables should be kept in front of your eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Use raw or boiled potatoes for wrinkles. Apply the grated vegetable mixed with olive oil or sour cream to the area around the eyes for 20 minutes.
  • Butter combined with banana. Mix a spoonful of banana puree and the same amount of butter, apply for 20 minutes. A good remedy for wrinkles and dark circles!
  • Use pure plant oils in combination with essential extracts. The best anti-wrinkle products for the area around the eyes are grape seed oil and almond oil. Rose ether is ideal for anti-aging, as is sandalwood or lavender, while lemon extract will quickly fade dark circles.

Using natural recipes is one of the best methods to combat those annoying wrinkles around the eyes that can appear as early as your 20s. But you shouldn’t worry about this, since natural products will be an excellent source of everything you need to restore ideal smoothness to your skin.

A significant advantage of anti-wrinkle creams prepared at home is their safety and effectiveness, proven over time. They are universal and suitable for any age if you choose the right recipe. And don’t think that such a product contains only cheap components.

There are also recipes whose cost can exceed 1-2 thousand rubles per 50 ml. But most often, an effective drug can be produced for 200-300 rubles (for several servings).

How to properly apply cream on eyelids and under eyes

The cream should be applied in the directions of least stretch of the skin. For example, along the upper eyelids - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, along the lower eyelids - vice versa, from the outer to the inner.

Apply eye cream with light patting movements using only your fingertips, being careful not to stretch thin skin. Such creams, as a rule, are easily and quickly absorbed, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing delicate skin. Those with sensitive eyes, as well as those who wear contact lenses, should use eye care products with caution so that the cream or gel does not get into the eyes.

It is best to moisturize the skin of the eyelids only once, preferably in the morning, since evening moisturizing can cause morning swelling. To relieve eyelid puffiness, apply a cooling eyelid gel based on plant extracts to the upper and lower eyelids in the morning instead of washing your face. It not only effectively relieves swelling, but also smoothes out fine wrinkles. Another effective way to combat eyelid puffiness is “ice masks”, which look like a plastic mask filled with gel. This mask should be stored in the refrigerator, and in the morning applied to the eyelids for a few minutes. The product should be applied with light tapping movements, using fingers, a cotton pad or a swab.


  1. Home recipes have a cumulative lifting effect. Therefore, only regular use of natural ingredients will bring maximum rejuvenation effect.
  2. Before using products containing honey, plant extracts and other active ingredients, you should definitely conduct a test to determine an allergic reaction.
  3. For best results, it is recommended to combine homemade anti-aging creams with moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing masks.
  4. Remember that home remedies have a minimal shelf life due to the absence of preservatives and stabilizers. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month.


On calendula


  • dried calendula inflorescences - 3 tbsp;
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • almond oil – 1 tbsp;
  • beeswax - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • calendula oil – 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to prepare an infusion based on a herbal component. To do this, pour calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water.
  2. As soon as the mixture has cooled to room temperature, it is filtered and sent to the refrigerator.
  3. Next, beeswax is melted, which is then combined with all the remaining ingredients, including calendula decoction.

The resulting product is applied to the skin using a cotton pad. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water. The effect of such a product is comparable to the effect of a collagen mask, which smoothes out facial wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.


Regular use of this night cream increases the elasticity of the skin and also helps to effectively eliminate the first signs of aging.

Grind the egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil. Then add 15 g of sea salt, a large spoon of chamomile infusion and ½ teaspoon of honey. In a separate bowl, heat 3 small spoons of Vaseline, then mix it with the previously prepared mixture. The finished composition is stored in a tightly closed jar for no more than one month.

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