Action and effect of Botox. How long does it last?

From this article you will learn:

  • why there is no effect after Botox injection,
  • how they cheat in beauty salons.

I’m afraid that my colleagues who work in beauty salons and mostly illegally administer botulinum toxin injections will not like this article. And in 95% of beauty salons they do this illegally. This article is a must-read for those who are just about to undergo Botox, Dysport or any other botulinum toxin for the first time, and will save you from disappointment and complications.

It will also be useful for those who have already received botulinum toxin injections several times. You will find out why many patients complain that after yet another visit to a beauty salon, Botox suddenly “doesn’t work” for them (although the procedure had always been effective before). Or why the duration of the effect after injections was only 1-3 months - while the cosmetologist promised you 5-6 months. In response to complaints, any cosmetologist always says that he did everything correctly, and the reason is not in him, but in your body. But this is not true.


The facial muscles have a peculiar anatomical structure: they are attached to the bone at one end, and the other end is woven into the skin.

Due to their location, the muscles, when contracting, move the skin, and certain emotions are displayed on the face.

Habitual emotions and increased tone of certain facial muscles lead to the formation of facial wrinkles.

Each muscle has nerve fibers that are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses from the brain to the muscle and causing its contraction. The active substance of Botox, botulinum toxin, after being introduced into muscle tissue, penetrates the endings of nerve fibers and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. The muscles relax and stop stretching or wrinkling the skin, so wrinkles and creases are smoothed out.

How does Botox work?

The so-called benefit of Botox for the face consists of a temporary cosmetic effect: wrinkles in the injection area are smoothed out for 2-5 months. But this is a misleading result. Even highly diluted poison remains poison and causes irreparable harm to beauty and health. It is the damaging properties of botulinum toxin that formed the basis for its cosmetic use.

The mechanism of Botox’s effect on expression lines is insidious. Botulinum toxin blocks acetylcholines, whose function is to transmit nervous excitement. The signal from the nerve to the muscle stops. No nerve impulses - no movement in the muscle. She becomes paralyzed and stops working. This is “relaxation” - an immobilized, non-living face.


In addition to Botox, botulinum toxin-based drugs such as Dysport and Xeomin are now common on the cosmetic market. Basically, the drugs differ in the dosage of botulinum toxin and resistance to changing storage conditions.

Estimated consumption of Botox, Dysport, Xeomin

Impact areaBotoxDysportXeomin
Forehead5-30 units.15-90 units.10-20 units.
Between the eyebrows15-30 units.45-90 units.10-20 units.
Eye area10-20 units.30-60 units.16-24 UNITS
Nose area2-10 units.6-30 units.4-6 units.
Lip area4-16 UNITS12-48 UNITS2-4 units.
Neck, décolletéfrom 60 units.from 180 units.from 60 units.
Axillary areas60-200 units.180-600 units.100-200 units.

How much is a unit of Botox?

To measure drugs based on botulinum toxin, not the usual milliliters are used, but special units of action (AU). An international unit (IU, sometimes - Action Unit, AU) in pharmacology is a unit of measurement of the dose of a substance based on its biological activity.

BOTOX ® is measured in “units” based on potency (biological activity). This measurement is unique to BOTOX®. You cannot compare 1 unit of BOTOX ® to the measurement used for any other product. One unit is the amount of BOTOX ® required to achieve a certain level of blockade of the nerve responsible for muscle contraction.

In medicine, the activity of a drug such as Botox is measured in international units of biological activity - action units. The number of units of the drug is not equal to the administered volume in milliliters. Approximately 10 units of Botox is about 0.1 ml of the drug.

The dose of Botox® and injection points are determined individually for each patient in accordance with the severity and location of muscle hyperactivity. Botox® is diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection. For each zone, the doctor selects the required number of units of the drug and its concentration.


Elimination and smoothing of wrinkles:

  1. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  2. Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  3. Oblique wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (they are also called “rabbit wrinkles”);
  4. Wrinkles at the outer corner of the eye;
  5. Upturned or low eyebrows;
  6. Pronounced nasolabial folds;
  7. Vertical and horizontal neck wrinkles;
  8. Treatment of hyperhidrosis, severe sweating of the palms, feet, and armpits;
  9. Non-surgical face lift, the so-called Botox lift.

How many units of botulinum toxin are needed to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead?

Expression wrinkles on the forehead are a common problem. Often such folds appear at a young age and quickly deepen, forcing their owners to hide their faces under their bangs.

Treating wrinkles usually requires multiple treatments. The earlier therapy is started, the more effective it is. 10-15 units of Botox are used for the forehead area . The amount of Dysport is calculated in a ratio to Botox of one to three, or one to four.

During the preliminary consultation, the doctor will ask you to frown to determine the exact location of wrinkles and evaluate facial expressions. After this, the doctor will determine the required amount of the drug and the exact injection sites.


  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Inflammatory processes and injuries to the skin at the site of Botox injection;
  3. Taking antibiotics, calcium supplements, anticoagulants;
  4. Drooping of the upper eyelid, fatty hernias of the eyelids;
  5. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  6. Myasthenia;
  7. Severe myopia;
  8. Alcoholism;
  9. Age up to 18 years;
  10. Menstruation and a few days before it;
  11. Diseases of the liver and lungs, both acute and chronic;
  12. Early recovery period after any operations;
  13. Hemophilia and other blood diseases in which blood clotting is impaired;
  14. Herpetic rash on the lips.

How to count Botox units?

Whatever analogue of Botox you purchase, it is always based on the main active ingredient - botulinum toxin. It is he who blocks nerve impulses going to the muscular system. Just a few hours pass after the injections, and patients begin to feel changes:

  1. Muscle paralysis that does not last long
  2. Relaxation.
  3. Straightening creases and smoothing the dermis.

If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the resulting effect will last for at least six months.

It is important to consider that the described product is highly toxic. At first, patients, in addition to discomfort, experience other disturbances:

  • clarity of vision decreases;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

All of the above suggests that overdoses are unacceptable. The result can be anaphylactic shock and even cardiac arrest. That is why, even in salons, only specially trained cosmetologists with medical diplomas are allowed to work with botulinum toxin.

In addition to basic medical education, cosmetologists attend special courses and seminars on Botox procedures. At such meetings, the effect of the drug is discussed, the intricacies of its dilution are discussed, and actions with various analogues are considered.

There is a generally accepted system for calculating a unit of Botox. The concept of a unit is arbitrary and is used by cosmetologists all over the world. Using the accepted designation, cosmetologists in salons in various countries calculate the dosage of the product.

A unit of Botox is considered a dose of neurotoxin A capable of killing 50% of laboratory rodents. This dosage is not dangerous for humans. However, one unit is not enough to achieve a visible effect.

The standard dosage of Botox is 100 units. However, you can find other types of dosage - 50 - 500 units. The latter are created for professional beauty salons and clinics.

To dilute botulinum toxin, sodium chloride saline solution is traditionally used.


The day before the procedure you cannot:

  1. Drink alcohol;
  2. Perform any work while bending over, even simple actions such as trying on shoes, washing floors, etc.;
  3. Attend massage sessions during which you will have to lie face down.

It is imperative to stop taking antibiotics and, if possible, anticoagulants.

Antibiotics and Botox are combined in the body, but can mutually influence the severity of each other's effects. Thus, tetracycline antibiotics can reduce the effect of Botox, while aminoglycosides increase the severity of muscle paralysis.

Anticoagulants can cause hematomas to form at injection sites. It is not life-threatening, but the bruising may limit the patient's normal activities and communication with other people for some time.

Number of units of Botox for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

To get rid of excessive sweating, you will need quite a lot of Botox, but the result will be impressive.

On average, it takes about 50-100 units 50-70 units per palm . For one foot from 50-100 units . The effect of the procedure lasts for 1 year.


  1. After determining all indications and contraindications for the procedure, the patient gives informed consent to the procedure;
  2. On the patient's face, areas in which muscle tone is increased, which leads to the formation of wrinkles, are determined, and these areas are marked with a marker;
  3. For each area, mark the drug injection site with dots, circle the dots with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm (size of the drug distribution zone in the tissues around the injection site). The distribution zones must be in contact.
  4. The injection sites are cooled with ice or an anesthetic drug such as Emla is applied;
  5. Using an EMG device, the location of the syringe needle with the drug is determined exactly in the thickness of the muscle, and the drug is injected;
  6. In some cases, after removing the needle, the injection site is lightly pressed to prevent hematomas from forming, and pressed with gentle massage movements away from the eye area or other muscles located in this area so that the toxin acts only where it is necessary;
  7. The patient is under medical supervision for 30 minutes;
  8. The patient is given recommendations for facial care after the procedure.

A few words about the Botox procedure

Cosmetologists have been successfully using botulinum toxin, which can prolong youth, for more than 30 years. Its main function is muscle relaxation. As soon as the facial muscles relax, facial wrinkles are smoothed out. Women look 5-10 years younger without effort or serious discomfort.

The word “Botox” has long become a household word. The main drug with a popular name has a lot of analogues. The most common are:

  • Xeomin;
  • Dysport.

Each product has its own instructions for dilution and use. The most important thing is the ability to correctly dilute 100 units (units) of the drug with saline solution.

Anyone can buy Botox and its analogues if they wish. Many women believe that they can do without a certified specialist. To avoid making mistakes, you need to carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the recommendations of professionals.


The experience of cosmetologists shows that the best results are obtained by injecting Botox into the following muscles:


Injections allow you to lift the corners of your mouth up, remove the “sorrowful” expression on your face, straighten small wrinkles in the corners of your mouth, and remove “puppet lines.”

The Botox injection procedure will be effective only for those who do not yet have significant sagging tissue in the lower part of the face.

A combination of Botox and hyaluronic acid fillers is effective.

Inject 1-2 units of Botox just below the corner of the mouth, 1 point on each side.


Injecting Botox can give the neck a more natural contour, eliminate “turkey band” stretch marks in the subcutaneous muscle, and give the neck skin a more youthful appearance.

In addition, the immobilized platysma stops pulling the skin of the cheeks down, which is an excellent prevention of the formation of “bulldog cheeks.”

An overdose of Botox in this area can cause swallowing problems. Therefore, during the first procedure, only the minimum dose of the drug is administered, the rest of the botulinum toxin is administered no earlier than two weeks later.

The procedure will be ineffective in people with a significant amount of subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the double chin and neck, as well as in those who have significant gravitational sagging of the soft tissues of the lower part of the face.

Enter 2 units. Botox on both sides of the muscle cord at a distance of 2 cm between the injection sites.


Botulinum toxin is injected intramuscularly only into those areas of the muscle located at the outer corner of the eye.

Botox injections can reduce the severity of crow's feet and prevent deepening of skin creases in this area.

Immobilization of the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle allows the frontalis muscle to raise the eyebrow upward and give the eyes and face a generally cheerful and open expression.

At the outer corner of the eye, 6-10 units of Botox can be injected both subcutaneously and intradermally. In the lower eyelid area, injections are carried out only intradermally, using a minimal amount of injected botulinum toxin. To raise the eyebrow, 6-10 units of Botox are injected above the eyebrow line, closer to the inner edge of the eye.


Injections allow you to smooth out purse-string wrinkles around the mouth and visually enlarge your lips by eliminating the habit of constantly pursing your lips.

Enter 1 unit. Botox in 4 points above the upper lip and two points under the lower lip.


Injecting Botox can smooth out uneven skin on the chin, especially if the uneven skin becomes more pronounced when talking.

Enter 4-6 units. Botox injection into two symmetrically located skins on the chin intramuscularly.


Typically, the nasal muscle is injected with Botox at the same time as botulinum toxin is injected into the procerus and corrugator muscles.

This is due to the possible appearance of longitudinal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose when blinking as a compensatory reaction after immobilization of the muscles in the area above the inner ends of the eyebrows.

The nasal muscle is blocked by injecting 1-2 units of botulinum toxin into 1-2 points.


When these muscles are paralyzed, vertical creases in the skin between the eyebrows are smoothed out.

Botox is administered in an amount of 8-16 units at 4-6 points in the projection of the location of both muscles.


Longitudinal forehead wrinkles are smoothed out.

The drug can be injected into different areas of the muscle and, depending on this, different effects can be obtained: eliminating wrinkles on the forehead, raising certain areas of the eyebrows, creating the effect of an open eye.

An overdose of the drug leads to the formation of a frowning effect, when the eyebrows hang low over the eyes, and sometimes with the inner ends of the eyebrows retracting under the arch of the orbit.

Various techniques can be used to immobilize the frontalis muscle, the most common of which is the V-shape. This area typically requires 12-20 units of Botox.


The first signs of paralysis of the muscles into which Botox was injected will be noticeable within a few hours after the injection.

Weakening of muscle contractions usually occurs on the second or third day after the procedure. It is at this speed that botulinum toxin enters the nerve endings.

The maximum effect of the injection will develop within 1-2 weeks after administration of the drug.

The rate of onset of the maximum effect depends on the administered dose of botulinum toxin and the individual characteristics of the patient and his sensitivity to the action of the drug.

The effect of the injection ends as quickly as new synapses of nerve endings with muscles can form (the zones where the impulse directly transfers from the nerve to the muscle cell). This process usually takes from 3 to 6 months. In some cases, the effect of Botox can last up to a year.

The indication for a new injection is such a weakening of the effect of Botox when contraction of the facial muscles becomes visually noticeable.

It has been proven that with the help of ozone therapy it is possible not only to treat existing problems with the skin of the face, but also to prevent their occurrence.


Before introducing Botox into the skin of the axillary area, a Minor test is performed, thanks to which the exact location of the sweat glands and their functional activity can be determined.

Each armpit requires about 50 units. botulinum toxin. The sweat glands stop functioning for a period of 3 to 6 months. The method is good for those who suffer from excessive sweating.



To smooth out small wrinkles in the lower eyelid area, intradermal papular administration of the drug in a minimum concentration of 1 unit can sometimes be used. There can be no more than 4 such injections in the area of ​​each eye.


Immobilization of the proud muscles and the corrugator muscle is often performed on young patients in cases where there is a habit of constantly straining the muscles or the tone of these muscles is constantly increased.

In some cases, repeated injections in this area may not be necessary for a long time. This is due to the fact that the habit of drawing eyebrows and frowning can fade away within 3-5 months of the drug’s effect, and in the area of ​​creases the skin will have time to smooth out and will be able to resist the formation of creases for some time.


It is extremely rare that nasolabial folds are corrected with Botox. This is due to a high risk of developing complications such as drooping corners of the mouth. At the same time, the simultaneous use of filler based on hyaluronic acid or collagen with injections of small amounts of Botox allows you to get excellent results.

This is due to the fact that when the muscles are relaxed, the preparation of hyaluronic acid or collagen remains in the tissues much longer and helps improve the structure of the skin, especially at the bottom of the creases, where collagen is usually deposited slowly.


Typically, Botox is administered for medical reasons to patients who suffer from migraines more than 15 days a month. In this case, injections are carried out in the head and neck area every 12 weeks.

Such injections only help those who have been diagnosed with a severe form of migraine. If your head hurts from time to time and the pain intensity is weak or moderate, then Botox injection may not give any result. FOR MEN

Yes. Men are now increasingly injecting themselves with Botox to give their faces a well-groomed appearance and their overall appearance to look youthful.

When administering Botox to men, the following significant differences are taken into account:

  1. Thicker and denser skin, therefore Botox injections often need to be carried out to a greater depth;
  2. The dose of the administered drug is usually greater in men compared to women, since their facial muscles are more developed and their contractions are stronger;
  3. The injection points for the drug may differ significantly in men due to the fact that what is beautiful on a woman's face (for example, raised arched eyebrows) will look bad on a man's face.

The most common reasons are

If after injections of Botox or its analogs there is no effect or is weakly expressed, then we are most likely talking about complete or partial denaturation of botulinum toxin molecules. This occurs due to violations of storage conditions before diluting the bottle with botulinum toxin, errors in diluting the drug, violation of the conditions of its storage and use after dilution. There are also particularly enterprising cosmetologists who simply charge 15-20% less units than what was paid by the client.

1) Violation of storage conditions (before dilution) –

Most botulinum toxin preparations are very sensitive to storage temperature. You can store undiluted botulinum toxins from any manufacturer (with the exception of Xeomin) either frozen in the freezer or in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. And this storage regime cannot be violated from the moment the drug is packaged by the manufacturer until the drug is diluted with saline solution directly in a cosmetology clinic or beauty salon.

But imagine that somewhere during the transportation/storage stage the power supply is turned off, and the drug was first defrosted and then frozen again, or it simply lay overnight in a non-working refrigerator even without re-freezing. All this immediately leads to a decrease in the effectiveness (strength and duration of action) of the drug. The only botulinum toxin that can be stored at room temperature until diluted is the German drug Xeomin, which provides a guarantee against violations of storage conditions at least until the drug is diluted.

2) Errors when diluting the drug –

Botulinum toxin molecules are a very delicate substance that needs to be very carefully diluted with a solvent (saline). For example, if saline solution is introduced into the bottle too quickly, then during the dilution process many air bubbles and foam may form - which should not happen under any circumstances. Also, you should not shake the bottle, trying to dissolve the botulinum toxin crystals in the saline solution. Incorrect dilution and vigorous shaking of the solution lead to denaturation of botulinum toxin, i.e. to complete or partial loss of effectiveness.

3) Violation of storage conditions (after dilution) –

This is the most common violation. Any botulinum toxin after dilution should be used only within 24 hours, which is stated in black and white in the instructions for use for Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, etc. That is why, in clinics that value their patients, botulinum toxin injections are carried out on special “Botox days”. For example, a patient came to you, and in front of him you diluted a bottle of Botox 100 units. You will only give this patient 25-35 units, but the rest should only be used within 24 hours.

The next patient may come only in 2-3 days or a week, and it turns out that the remainder of the diluted drug will need to be thrown away. That is why the clinic collects several patients, and when they have the required number, they call them and invite them to a certain day. It usually happens quite differently in beauty salons, where most often they work not with dermatologists or cosmetologists with higher medical education, but with ordinary nurses with advanced training in “nursing in cosmetology.”

In beauty salons, in order not to lose clients, they are not prescribed on special days, but injections are given immediately. How does this happen. The cosmetologist dilutes a bottle of Botox with 100 units, and this fresh solution is given only to the first patient (for example, 30 units), and the remaining 70 units of the drug solution are consumed as follows. The first option is to put the bottle of diluted botulinum toxin back into the refrigerator, where it can stand for 2-3-4 weeks until the cosmetologist uses it completely. Naturally, the strength and duration of action of botulinum toxin will be lower the longer the bottle of the diluted drug sits in the refrigerator. Let us remind you that it can stand for 24 hours, after which it must be thrown away.

The second option is to take the remaining 70 units into several syringes (say 30 units + 20 units + 20 units), and these syringes are placed in the freezer. And when the patient arrives, the syringe is removed from the freezer. Considering the small volume of the solution, only 5-10 minutes are enough to defrost it. But the whole point is that diluted solutions cannot be re-frozen, because... ice crystals mechanically destroy botulinum toxin molecules. In clinical studies with Gartlan MG and Hoffman HT, it was shown that after repeated freezing and thawing, at least 69.8% of botulinum toxin molecules lose their activity.

4) Deception with dilution of the drug -

Let us explain using the example of the drug Botox. If a bottle of Botox® 100 units is diluted with 2.0 ml of saline solution, in this case there will be 5 units in 0.1 ml of solution. If 2.5 ml of saline solution is used for dilution, 0.1 ml will contain 4 units of botulinum toxin. But imagine that the cosmetologist specifically used 1.0 ml more saline solution for dilution than needed, so that in each 0.1 ml injected into you there would be several units of Botox less. The units of the drug saved from such manipulation will be supplied for money to another patient.

5) Illegal Botox injections in beauty salons –

We have already said above that botulinum toxin injections cannot be administered by nursing staff, although in beauty salons, “cosmetologists” are predominantly nurses who have undergone advanced training in “nursing in cosmetology.” Moreover, such a certificate also does not give them the right to inject botulinum toxin, and for this they need to undergo special training. But the fact is that according to the law, only doctors can teach botulinum therapy, i.e. specialists with higher medical education.

You can easily check the last statement by trying to enroll in a course on botulinum therapy, for example, at the Department of Additional Professional Education at Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov or MIEM. But in small private offices, in an effort to make money from training, they even teach nurses illegally, giving them commercial certificates that do not give them any right to carry out additional professional activities. Having completed such 1-2 day courses, without properly knowing either the anatomy of the facial muscles or the exit of nerve trunks and blood vessels, they begin to inject Botox.

A common mistake of such specialists is that they do not know the location of the muscles well and do not always make injections at the right points. In addition, they are simply afraid to inject and often inject too superficially - sometimes not even into the muscles, but into the deep layers of the dermis. Of course, such specialists can say that the solution has diffusion (i.e., the property of spreading in tissues), and it will reach where it is needed. This is partly true, but the muscles are surrounded by fascia, through which solutions diffuse poorly. This is if the solution is injected deep into the muscle - it will have good diffusion along the muscle, but not otherwise.

Important: but poor knowledge of the facial muscles and injection techniques can lead not only to the lack of a good effect. The most serious complications with botulinum therapy relate to excessive relaxation of certain muscles, especially when you inject between the eyebrows or in the eye area. Frequent complications are diplopia (double vision), lagophthalmos, swelling of the eyelids, hernial protrusion of infraorbital fat pads. Other common complications are ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid, ptosis of the eyebrows.


  1. Pain at the injection site.
  2. Hemorrhages at the skin puncture sites can occur due to incorrect technique for administering the drug and insufficient care after the procedure, when the injection sites are not pressed hard enough or for enough time, as well as when the rules of preparation for the procedure are violated.
  3. After Botox, headaches occur in cases where a large dose of the drug is administered at once when several areas of the face are injected at once. This complication usually resolves within a few days after the procedure.
  4. The spread of poison to nearby muscles can disrupt the normal movement of the eyelids, lips and other parts of the face:
  • paralysis of the muscles located in the zygomatic region can cause drooping of the corners of the mouth and drooling;
  • paralysis of the muscles in the eye area can cause disruption of blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which will cause swelling under the eyes after Botox;
  • an unsuccessful injection in the eyebrow area can provoke ptosis of the upper eyelid, in which the eye will not open completely;
  • excessive injection of Botox into the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle can lead to a sharp rise of the eyebrow with the formation of a hypertrophied, surprised facial expression;
  • paralysis of the laryngeal muscles during injections in the neck area can lead to impaired swallowing;
  • the transfer of botulinum toxin to the eye muscles located in the orbit can lead to strabismus and double vision;

Unprofessional administration of Botox using large doses of the drug can lead to the formation of a mask-like face, impaired ability to show emotions, smile, eat, and speak.

Why is Botox dangerous?

Someone, influenced by the inspired rhetoric of cosmetologists, may object: “Just think! The muscle is not removed. He’ll rest a little and recover in six months.” No no and one more time no!

  • Firstly, it will not recover. There is clinical evidence that even after a single injection of Botox, the muscle does not return to its previous state.
  • Secondly, we understand that everything in the body is interconnected. If one muscle does not function, then others work hard for it, without stopping to perform their usual load. And these are serious, deep-seated problems! Muscles, forced to work for their atrophied colleagues in the workshop, become overstrained, wear out faster, and the vectors of skin tension change. And the owners of a smooth and motionless forehead after a few months clutch their heads: not only the old problems have returned, but also a lot of new wrinkles, bumps, and creases have appeared. What to do? Urgently run to the cosmetologist for a new dose of poison.
  • Thirdly, scientists have proven that botulinum toxin spreads throughout the body. Only part of it is retained in the injection area. The rest of the neurotoxin moves menacingly and unpredictably from neuron to neuron. It is impossible to predict when and what part of the body affected by the poison may be paralyzed.
  • Fourthly, side effects from Botox use kill beauty and health. And they are not a rarity, but a pattern.


  1. After Botox, you should not touch or massage the injection sites;
  2. For several hours after the procedure, you should not lie down, play sports, or take antibiotics or painkillers;
  3. For a week after the injections, you should not visit the bathhouse, sauna, or lie in a hot bath;
  4. You should not drink alcohol for two weeks after Botox injection;
  5. During the day after the procedure, it is recommended to frequently and frequently strain the facial muscles to speed up the onset of the Botox effect;
  6. When performing injections in the area around the eyes, it is recommended to refrain from taking excess liquid, spicy and salty foods for two weeks to prevent swelling on the face.

The result of beauty injections

The effect after injections begins to appear after 2-3 days , gradually relaxes the muscles and reaches its apogee within 10-14 days .

The results will last for an average of six months. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you what needs to be done so that the effect of the drug does not end prematurely. You will also learn what procedures can be combined with botulinum toxin .


  1. Radio lifting;
  2. Photorejuvenation;
  3. ELOS rejuvenation:
  4. Fraxel;
  5. Massage and manual lymphatic drainage;
  6. Gas-liquid peeling;
  7. Microdermabrasion;
  8. Oxymesotherapy.

All of the above procedures do not affect the result of Botox injection, therefore they can be carried out both before and after the administration of botulinum toxin without restrictions. WHAT PROCEDURES REDUCE THE DURATION OF EFFECT OF BOTOX AND PROMOTE THE RESTORATION OF THE MOBILITY OF FAMILY MUSCLES?

  1. Magnetic stimulation (exposure to a low-frequency magnetic field) by activating the conduction of impulses along preserved synapses, blood flow and metabolism helps restore connections between nerve endings and muscle fibers. The method is used to correct complications after botulinum therapy such as double vision (diplopia), strabismus.
  2. Electromyostimulation causes and enhances contraction of smooth and striated muscles. Prescribing it two weeks after Botox administration helps to more quickly restore facial muscle mobility. If you apply electrical myostimulation immediately after administering Botox, the effect of Botox will be stronger and will occur sooner.
  3. Microcurrents, affecting both the muscles and the nervous system, significantly weaken the effect of Botox.
  4. Ultrasound therapy accelerates the conduction of impulses along the nerves, improves metabolism and cellular respiration, which leads to faster restoration of synapses and weakens the effect of the toxin.
  5. Galvanization allows, under the influence of direct electric current, to deliver medications deep into tissues, including those that promote the regeneration of nerve endings. Therefore, galvanization is used to eliminate almost all undesirable effects of botulinum therapy.
  6. Infrared laser helps restore peripheral nerves and conduct electrical impulses from the central nervous system. This leads to a weakening of the effect of Botox.


  1. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out not only as a result of the relief of spasm of the facial muscles, but also due to the fact that in the area of ​​the smoothed crease, collagen and elastin are formed in quantities that, even after the end of the effect of Botox, can maintain the elasticity of the skin for some time;
  2. Botox injections allow you to obtain the effect of facial skin rejuvenation, avoid plastic surgery or postpone it to a much later date;
  3. Can be used to correct neurological disorders;
  4. Botox helps with sweating.


  1. Botox injections may not produce results if a person has individual insensitivity to the drug;
  2. The result largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor injecting the drug;
  3. Does not remove deep wrinkles;
  4. It is practically ineffective in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin, where wrinkles are not formed by the work of facial muscles;
  5. Limited period of action, the need for repeated administrations of the drug;
  6. Over time, the load of paralyzed muscles is taken over by nearby muscles, hence new “compensatory” wrinkles may appear.

Conclusions -

Thus, the first thing you should do is understand which specialist you came to see and whether he has the right to perform botulinum toxin injections.
Secondly, you should be wary if the cosmetologist immediately suggested that you do botulinum toxin injections on this first visit, and not on the “Botox day”. This means that the drug has either already been diluted in advance, or the remainder of the drug will go to other gullible suckers. If the doctor took out a syringe that had already been drawn up in advance, and you did not see him drawing it from the bottle, this means that you have a re-frozen and thawed drug in front of you. Some patients, when you start telling them this, begin to very zealously defend such a specialist. It’s like nothing that the drug was diluted in advance, because Botox “got up” after that. But besides the fact that he “got up” or “didn’t get up”, there are other criteria, for example, the duration of action of the drug ( In addition, this can have an impact on the development of resistance to botulinum toxins - lead to the production of so-called blocking antibodies by the immune system (and then gradually the botulinum toxins will no longer affect you at all). And lastly, this is the deliberate provision of obviously low-quality services.

As for comparing the effectiveness of different botulinum toxin preparations, as we showed above, there are many simultaneously influencing factors that patients are not even aware of. And these are not only different names of drugs and the number of units, but also the degree of dilution of the drug, the “freshness” of the solution, the correct injection technique, and, banally, the honesty of the cosmetologist.

How Botox should work: Before and After video


  1. Plastic surgery;
  2. Introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations;
  3. Comprehensive skin care using procedures aimed at moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin;
  4. Hardware cosmetology.

With hypertonicity of the forehead muscles, bioreinforcement and volumetric modeling of the superciliary and temporal areas with fillers based on hyaluronic acid helps well.

Botox under the eyes for hypertonicity of the orbicularis oculi muscle is administered only intradermally, so its effect is usually not pronounced.

Fractional laser rejuvenation provides a much more pronounced effect in this area.

Area around the mouth: lipofilling and laser facial resurfacing are perfect for eliminating purse-string wrinkles.


It is usually not recommended to use alcohol a day before the procedure and two weeks after it.

Drinking alcohol before the procedure significantly increases the risk of developing hematomas.

After the procedure, alcohol can cause swelling, as it promotes the expansion of skin capillaries and blood flow to the face (after drinking alcohol, the face turns pink and sometimes becomes noticeably red).

Effect of the procedure

Effect of Botox for hair at home:

  • don't get frizzy;
  • the rod is regenerated;
  • the shade becomes more saturated;
  • curls look smooth and pleasant to the touch;
  • a noble shine and beautiful tints appear;
  • hair is nourished from the inside, making it strong and healthy;
  • volume and density increases.

However, a positive result is possible only with the right choice of product. You can either prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made in the store.

When choosing ready-made products, do not neglect studying the composition. It should include vitamins A, E, C, B, keratin, amino acids, and plant extracts. It is due to these components that hair restoration and transformation occurs.

The most effective and safest products for home use are the following products from the following manufacturers:

  • Homna Tokyo;
  • Kallos;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Tahe;
  • Nano Botox.

These products must be used according to the instructions. Immediately before the procedure, you need to wash your hair and pat it dry with a towel. After this, the product is applied to the strands. For more precise and uniform application, you can use a syringe.


The Botox effect is no longer new to anyone. However, not everyone knows that there are no cosmetic creams and serums containing botulinum toxin, since it is destroyed in solution within several hours, and under the influence of oxygen within several minutes.

Basically, such skincare cosmetics contain proteins and peptides that have a Botox-like effect (at least that’s what the manufacturers say).

An example of such a compound is argireline; it is currently the most common cosmetic component that has a Botox effect.

In fact, practical cosmetology does not rely much on the effect of such products, since it is difficult to imagine that the components of cosmetics will be able to overcome the entire thickness of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue, not enter the bloodstream and lymphatic vessels, reach the muscles and accumulate in them in an amount sufficient to block neuromuscular transmission.

It seems that the action of such cosmetics is based on the pronounced effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, as a result of which fine wrinkles are straightened.

Creams for home use

Another alternative to salon Botox is ready-made creams. You can buy them at any cosmetics store. The main thing is to carefully study the composition. It must contain peptides. They are the ones who fight wrinkles, giving the face smoothness and restoring youth.

For reference: Peptides penetrate fibroblasts, exerting a muscle relaxant effect.

The rating of the best home creams with Botox effect includes the following products:

  • Botulolike from KORA;
  • Cyclim Boto Effect;
  • Hyalogic LLC Facial Relax Face Serum;
  • Mixit Botox Active.

Unlike injections, such creams have a minimal number of contraindications. However, they also have a drawback - the lack of an immediate effect. If in the case of beauty injections the result will be visible after 2-3 days (after swelling subsides and skin restoration), then the cream must be used daily for 1-4 months (depending on the duration of the course).

Botox for hair

Botox at home

Botox is a procedure that can restore hair structure. As a result, the curls look healthy, silky, smooth, and shiny. In addition, the application of a special composition helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the hair, due to which it is less damaged.

This procedure is especially relevant for curls that are subject to coloring and heat (curling irons, flat irons, stylers). Thinning, brittle and weakened strands need effective restoration. Botox successfully copes with this task. In addition, the procedure solves several other problems that 90% of girls face:

  • hard and unruly strands;
  • electrolysis;
  • fluffiness after washing;
  • brittle, split ends;
  • lack of shine, dull color.

The principle of action and objectives of Botox for hair are significantly different from injections for the face. When working with curls, you do not need to rejuvenate them, but restore the structure, fill the hair from the inside, give strength, and eliminate damaged cells.


Introduction areaBotoxDysportXeomin
smoothing and correction of facial wrinkles250-300130250-300
hyperhidrosis treatment25080220

In the table, prices are presented for 1 Unit of the drug in Russian rubles.

The cost of Dysport is lower than Botox or Xeomin, but you should remember that one unit of Botox corresponds to 3-4 units of Dysport.

Prices for Botox in Moscow in a number of clinics may differ not only depending on the number of units of the drug required for the procedure, but also on the day of the week when the injections are performed.

Drug manufacturers

Botox . The manufacturing company is located in the USA ; the manufacturing company is Allergan . The company uses auxiliary components: sodium chloride and human plasma albumin. The cost of the drug is higher due to the high concentration of the active substance: one unit of Botox is equal to approximately three units of Dysport . Therefore, it is used more sparingly; in the end, the cost of the procedure is approximately the same.

Disport - the drug is produced in Europe by the French company Ipsen . The substance contains botulinum toxin and auxiliary substances lactose and albumin. Since the drug has a high degree of penetration into tissue, it begins to act a little faster than its analogues, although the final effect, as with Botox , is achieved within two weeks.

Botulax - Manufacturer Hyugel Inc., Republic of Korea

  • Sustained therapeutic effect that lasts over time
  • Selective corrective action that determines the preservation of natural facial expressions against the background of complete correction of facial wrinkles
  • Excellent patient tolerance
  • The authority and high production standards of the Korean pharmaceutical concern HUGEL Inc.
  • Botulinum toxin type A – hemagglutinin complex – is a highly purified neurotoxic protein produced in compliance with local and international GMP standards.

Relatox is a premium Russian botulinum toxin drug used in aesthetic cosmetology to correct facial wrinkles and eliminate hyperhidrosis. The drug is produced at the Immunopreparat .

For its production, high-quality raw materials are used, strain Clostridium botulinum 501 serotype A and gelatin from a leading European manufacturer as a stabilizer. During the production process, botulinum toxin undergoes a three-stage purification system, which guarantees the effectiveness and absolute safety of the procedures.

Xeomin - manufacturer Merz (Germany) Highly purified botulinum toxin type A with proven safety and effectiveness for the correction of facial wrinkles. Xeomin is a botulinum toxin produced by a strain of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum type A, freed from complexing proteins.

The therapeutic effect of botulinum toxin appears 2–3 days after administration, the peak therapeutic effect occurs after 7–12 days. This effect gradually decreases and after 3-4 months muscle contraction is restored. Xeomin contains only pure, active neurotoxin, purified from complexing proteins, which reduces the risk of side effects and addiction even with regular use.

LANTOX® Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products, China Botulinum toxin type A-hemagglutinin complex is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum that causes botulism . It is a drug that affects neuromuscular transmission and has a local muscle relaxant effect.

Highly purified protein (botulinum toxin type, A), extracted from the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum using high-tech methods. The mechanism of action is due to a reversible blockade of neuromuscular impulse transmission. The toxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine, leading to local muscle relaxation.

As a rule, injections of Botox, Dysport, Botulax, Relatox, Xeomin, Lantox (these are similar drugs, the difference is only in the manufacturer and concentration of the active substance) are used to correct expression wrinkles in the upper third of the face. Botulinum toxin is also used to treat hyperhidrosis . Under the influence of the drug, sweating decreases due to a reduction in the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands.

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