Recommendations after the facial biorevitalization procedure
Biorevitalization: the mechanism of action of beauty injections A few words about how beauty injections work
How to remove facial wrinkles and prevent their reappearance
Causes of wrinkles Wrinkles on the face are a problem that occurs not only in adulthood.
Fractional laser technologies: a trade-off between effectiveness and safety
The TORI aesthetic medicine clinic invites you to visit the fractional photothermolysis procedure at a reasonable price. This is very
Using sunflower (vegetable) oil for facial skin care
Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise using sunflower oil on the face, as it effectively smoothes
Temporal lifting - correction of the temples with filler. Removing holes in the temples
The popularity of contour plastic surgery In the desire to please oneself, an enlargement procedure has long become popular
What is a facial essence, its composition, types and methods of use
Facial essence - what is it and what is it for? Essence –
Elimination of swelling of the face and body: at home and through salon procedures
From this material you will learn: What are the main causes of swelling What to do when swelling appears
How to choose the best cream for bruises and dark circles under the eyes?
Male look: products for the skin around the eyes February 23, 2016, 00:00 | Ksenia Konstantinova
Why does the nail move away from the nail bed on the toe: diagnosis and treatment
Detachment of the nail from the nail bed on the foot is a pathology that may indicate
What cosmetic procedures cannot be done for rosacea?
Contents Etiology and pathogenesis Clinical manifestations Treatment principles, hardware methods for treating rosacea Cuperosis (advanced
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