Products that slow down hair growth are a good addition for depilation
The problem of unwanted hair on the body constantly occupies our energy. And, it would seem, manufacturers and
Double Japanese facial cleansing: the essence of the technique, how to choose products and carry out the procedure
Facial cleansing is an important daily ritual that forms the basis of skin care. It is the epidermis, liberated
How to get rid of scars?
How to get rid of acne scars and get smooth skin
To remove acne scars, laser peels and resurfacing are used, but they are only slightly
Cucumber face lotion
Face whitening at home, the best and fastest way
Fashion, as we know, is fickle. The popularity of chocolate tanning is gradually fading into oblivion. Less and less
Problems of the eyelid area
Eye cream with hyaluronic acid: secret of choice and reviews
Eye cream with hyaluronic acid is designed to combat aging skin in this area.
Types of body scrubs and DIY recipes for making them
To keep your skin healthy and attractive, you need to take regular care of your body. Refresh
Face masks with gelatin and glycerin for wrinkles
The best recipes for face masks with gelatin and glycerin for wrinkles
Hello, dear readers! I really love homemade cosmetics for their reliability, naturalness, predictability and
French facial massage - three techniques from Christelle Guinet, Joel Siocco, Pascal Coche
This body massage consists of a set of techniques invented by the French physiotherapist Pascal Cochet. The complex enjoys
skin care around the eyes after 35
Visual hygiene: proper care of eyes and eyelids
Remember that unpleasant feeling in the eyes that sometimes occurs at the end of the working day? At all,
11 cosmetic products for facial beauty that you can’t do without in the summer
It has long been no secret that face creams are an indispensable item in skin care.
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