5 effective treatments for a youthful neck (it shows your age)

Causes of aging neck and décolleté

The first signs of aging on the neck and décolleté appear for several reasons:

  • weak muscles;
  • regular loads on the cervical spine;
  • frequent stay in one position;
  • strong bending of the neck while reading and viewing gadgets;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Also, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging on the neck occurs due to improper care of the thin and delicate skin of the décolleté area.

Photos "before" and "after"

Neck lift, results before and 12 hours after! After the operation: the oval and contour of the lower jaw are emphasized, the jowls are corrected, the double chin disappears, the chin does not sag when the head is tilted! Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev .

Performed facelift-smas, lipofilling, face, co2-lifting. Before and 9 days after. Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

Hollywood neck plastic surgery. Photos were taken “before” and 7 days “after”. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey


Neck lift. Author's technique. “Before” and 7 days “after” the operation. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim


Neck lift using dynamic platysmoplasty - the chin will not sag even when tilted. Result 10 hours after surgery. There is swelling and markings. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Platysmaplasty with installation of a Medpor chin implant. Photos were taken “before” and 12 days “after”. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim


Neck lift, results “before” and 12 hours “after”. Author's technique. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim


Neck lift (author's technique). Photos “before” and 2 days “after”. Performed by surgeon: Vasiliev M.N.

The operation was performed by Iskornev A.A.

Platysmoplasty. Surgeon - Andrey Iskornev


Expert comment:

“If you notice that the skin on your neck has become loose, you should literally call today and make an appointment with a cosmetologist at your next appointment. Because one stage flows into another very quickly: in a matter of months the skin becomes wrinkled, folds form on the neck and a bag under the chin.

The so-called “turkey neck” is a late stage. With this development of events, a sagging chin and neck are difficult to correct even using Hollywood platysmaplasty methods and require a masterly combination of several techniques from the surgeon.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Rules for caring for the neck and décolleté

We bring to your attention the top 10 rules on how to properly care for your neck and décolleté:

  1. Correct posture must be maintained when sitting and walking. It is also useful to practice swimming and ballet - regular training straightens the skin in the cervical area, smoothes out folds and wrinkles.
  2. Balance your diet; the basis of your diet should be vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products, cereals, lean meat and fish.
  3. Provide regular nutrition and hydration according to your skin type, using products based on herbal ingredients and natural oils. After 35 years, cosmetic formulations containing collagen and other biological active substances should be used.
  4. Protect skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is useful to use products containing antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, vitamins A and C.
  5. Every morning, rinse your neck and face with either cold or warm water. A contrast shower will not only improve blood circulation, but also provide a boost of energy for the whole day.
  6. Massage regularly using a softening cream, which will improve muscle tone and help smooth out unevenness.
  7. Perform light gymnastic exercises to tone and strengthen the muscle frame of the neck.
  8. To avoid straining weak neck muscles, it is recommended to sleep on your back.
  9. Avoid sleeping on a high pillow; it is better to give preference to an orthopedic pillow that takes the shape of your head.
  10. Adhere to a comprehensive approach to neck care, which includes three essential steps: cleansing, toning/moisturizing and nutrition.

Home care is one of the components for maintaining the beauty, youth of the neck and décolleté. Don’t forget about professional salon manipulations that will eliminate a double chin, smooth out wrinkles and even out skin tone.

How to tighten your neck at home

Does skin care help tone your neck? These tips will help you tighten your skin and muscles in the initial stages.

  1. To eliminate sagging neck skin, you need to drink at least 2 liters a day of ordinary clean water - it maintains hydration and increases the elasticity of soft tissues.
  2. After exercise, throughout the day, you should take short minutes of rest.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing creams that suit your skin type should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck. On the front and back surfaces of the neck, the cream is applied from bottom to top - from the collarbones to the chin. Along the sides of the neck - down, from the ears to the shoulders.
  4. Keep your weight under control. Fat stretches the skin, which does not shrink even after losing weight.
  5. Correctly selected gymnastics for the neck tones and helps at an early stage.
    As for physical strength loads, you should not overexert the platysma and lift weights. Platysma is a delicate muscle. You will be able to pump up your neck, but at the same time there will be problems with cords - vertical lines on the front surface of the neck.

Straining the neck, for example when lifting weights, leads to the development of unsightly vertical bands

Neck care: which procedures are best to choose?

Specialists from Dr. Korchagina’s clinic will help you maintain a youthful neck and décolleté area.

Highly qualified cosmetologists in Moscow will select for you the best effective procedures for caring for the neck and décolleté:

  • correction of sagging skin – elimination of sagging skin is carried out with the effective drug Sculptra, which provides long-term lifting for 9-12 months;
  • collagen rejuvenation NITHYA (Nitya) - an innovative technology using the biocompatible drug Nithya corrects the skin framework and also returns clear contours to the face and body;
  • contour plastic surgery – a minimally invasive technique using fillers to smooth out the horizontal rings of Venus and vertical wrinkles on the neck, and also normalizes the skin texture of the décolleté area;
  • botulinum therapy – injection of botulinum toxin eliminates vertical and horizontal wrinkles in the neck and décolleté;

To make an appointment for correction of wrinkles on the neck and décolleté, write on the website or call

Cosmetology procedures for facial rejuvenation by a cosmetologist

Johann Goethe joked: “Youth is a shortcoming that quickly passes,” but despite all the correctness of the philosopher, poet and writer, I don’t want to put up with such a reality, and I don’t need to. Modern cosmetology is a system that includes a lot of ways to solve skin problems and restore youth to it. Every year the techniques are improved, which makes it possible to multiply and consolidate the results. Procedures for the prevention and correction of age-related changes are individual and selected taking into account the specific clinical case.


One of the most popular and widespread cosmetic procedures in aesthetic medicine. It involves administering cocktails of drugs using ultra-thin needles. The composition may include: microelements, vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and other components. The essence of the procedure is to saturate the skin with useful substances and awaken natural metabolic processes. It helps solve the following problems:

  • signs of premature aging;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • dark spots;
  • presence of wrinkles;
  • dull skin color;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • sagging skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, furrows in the mouth;
  • post-acne condition;
  • dry skin, dehydration, etc.

Mesotherapy for the skin of the neck and décolleté can begin at about 20 years of age. The course consists of 5-6 procedures depending on the problem and the composition of the cocktail; it must be repeated 1-2 times a year. The injection technique causes minimal discomfort, has a small list of contraindications, and the cocktails are perfectly accepted by the skin. Restrictions include:

  • taking anticoagulants;
  • impaired blood clotting function;
  • oncology;
  • acute period of chronic diseases
  • inflammatory processes in the work area;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys.

Mesotherapy significantly improves the condition of the skin: increases its firmness, elasticity, gives a lifting effect, eliminates local fat deposits and age spots. The technique is effective against double chin and spider veins. Facial rejuvenation procedures can be

pass both women and men.


A modern non-surgical technique aimed at improving the structure and appearance of the skin with preparations containing hyaluronic acid. Substances are administered pointwise and in doses. This is an effective way to maintain youthful facial skin after 25

, although it can be practiced at an earlier age. The result lasts for a long time, which depends on the number of procedures.

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for skin hydration and elasticity. At a young age, it is enough to maintain normal water balance without additional cosmetic procedures. After 25-30 years, the level begins to decline - the skin loses moisture, elasticity, fades and generally ages, wrinkles begin to form.

Hyaluronic acid is an important defender in the fight against aging. Powerful and long-lasting hydration helps improve biochemical processes in the functioning of skin cells - wrinkles have no chance to exist. Results can be seen after the first procedure. The skin is saturated with moisture, becomes more elastic, the color is more even, and a blush appears. The course consists of 3-6 procedures, it is recommended to repeat them 1-2 times a year.

Collagen therapy

An effective way to maintain youthful facial skin after 30-35 years

. It is at this age that the processes of producing one’s own collagen and elastin are disrupted. To compensate for the loss and stimulate your own collagen, collagen therapy for the skin of the neck and décolleté is necessary. The result exceeds all expectations. Collagen is the most important protein in the skin, making up 90% of the dermis and keeping it youthful and healthy.

The collagen therapy method involves introducing it under the skin using the finest needles to return the skin to a framework. The injected substance completely replicates the structure of human collagen and acts as a matrix for the formation of new tissue. The procedure gives a lasting result; the protein has a more prolonged effect if you compare it, for example, with hyaluronic acid, which breaks down and is eliminated from the body faster than collagen. Indications:

  • chrono-, photoaging;
  • restoration of the collagen framework of aging skin;
  • correction of scars, stretch marks;
  • preparation for medium peels, laser resurfacing and the rehabilitation period after them./li>

After a cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate the face, neck, and décolleté, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced. The skin becomes denser, becomes elastic, smooth, radiant, and signs of sagging disappear.

Correction of “Rings of Venus” using fillers

Fillers are preparations for filling wrinkles and replenishing the required volume. The Estelab clinic uses fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid; they help push out wrinkles, lines, and creases that have been forming for years. Advantages of the procedure:

  • quick visible effect;
  • safety – clinic specialists use only certified drugs;
  • minimal discomfort - the procedure is carried out with thin needles, anesthetic cream is applied to the work area;
  • long lasting result.

You can evaluate the effect immediately after the injections; the final result is noticeable after 3-4 weeks. Folds are smoothed out, loose skin is tightened, its elasticity increases, and its relief is evened out.

Causes of sagging skin

The aesthetics of the neck is determined by several factors. Basic: skin condition and subcutaneous fat thickness. A significant role is played by the subcutaneous muscle - platysma, which extends from the edge of the lower jaw to the clavicles. Over time, changes occur in all structures. Platysma, which is a superficial muscle and is not attached to the bones, like other muscle tissues, quickly loses its tone, becomes thinner, lengthens, and “cords” appear. The skin and adjacent tissues are also negatively affected for various reasons, which lead to disruption of lymph flow and microcirculation. Let's see what main factors influence the attractiveness of the neck and décolleté.

Main reasons

  • Age-related changes

The production of elastin and collagen decreases with age:

  • Elastin gives the skin elasticity. This property provides elasticity and the ability to bounce back when stretched.
  • Collagen is made up of dense fibers that help the skin maintain its tight structure.

A decrease in the production of collagen and elastin is the main reason why the skin of the neck sags and loses its attractiveness - wrinkles and sagging appear.

  • Sun exposure

Sun damage caused by UV radiation leads to degenerative changes in dermal cells. Possible negative effects include: solar erythema, skin spots, cancer-type diseases and the main one - skin aging, characterized by wrinkles and furrows.

  • Sudden weight loss

Rapid weight loss and bariatric surgery lead to loss of skin volume, thinning of the fat layer and sprained ligaments. The faster the process of volume loss occurs, the more the skin sags.

  • Smoking

Like frequent sun exposure, smoking leads to premature aging. Nicotine negatively affects blood vessels, which are located in the outermost layers of the skin. Because of this, blood flow is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen. The supply of nutrients necessary to maintain healthy skin is reduced. Without natural nutrients, the body's production of collagen and elastin decreases, leading to sagging and wrinkles.

How to get rid of loose skin on the neck using cosmetic methods

With the initial signs of sagging, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, mesobotox, lipolytic injections, placement of mesothreads and thread lifting help. Myostimulating procedures have a good effect.

method essence of the procedure Effect
mesotherapy introduction of active substances (a mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hyaluronic acid) under the skin using injections. The effect is associated with the action of the substances themselves, as well as with the stimulation of biologically active points the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the deposition of substances under the skin ensures a long-term effect
biorevitalization injection of 3% hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin the hydration and elasticity of the neck increases, the skin thickens
mesobotox injection of small doses of Botox in low concentrations under the skin eliminates the network of superficial wrinkles, smoothes and tightens the skin
mesothreads and thread lifting using special threads (mesothreads, NAS lift procedure) a frame is created that supports the tissue it is possible to restore the relief and shape of the neck, face, chin
myostimulation electrical stimulation of neck muscles the muscle frame is strengthened, the fat layer is thinned, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval shape of the face and neck is formed
lipolytics lipolytics of the latest generation - Aqualix, Michelangelo, INNO-TDS Draining ppc. effectively eliminate excess fat under the skin and have a tightening effect

If these methods do not bring noticeable results or the early stage is missed, only surgical methods are effective against the problem.

The difference between fractional laser décolleté rejuvenation and resurfacing

How does laser resurfacing ? This is nothing more than burning with a standard laser the surface of the skin on which there are cosmetic defects. As a result, a large burn is formed, and the damaged tissue is gradually renewed. The procedure is very traumatic, the regeneration process is quite long, it can take several months . And it is not a fact that after healing there will be no scars or age spots will not appear. More serious consequences cannot be excluded - the development of infection and inflammation in a vulnerable area of ​​the skin.

Fractional laser rejuvenation is a lighter treatment. There are no side effects in this case. In another way, this method is called dermal radio wave optical thermolysis (DROT). This is a systemic procedure based on a combination of fractional skin rejuvenation (carried out using the energy of a CO2 laser beam) with thermolysis and neocollagenesis (exposure to RF radiation).

How does the process work? Before the laser begins to process the surface of the skin, a special scanner divides the energy flow into many small beams, they are equidistant from each other. Each such ray acts on a specific area of ​​the skin and eliminates pillar cells on it, creating microthermal zones of damage through them. This can be compared to a kind of matrix made up of damaged and untouched skin fragments. Where destruction has occurred, cell restoration begins, and the skin begins to renew itself.

RF radiation activates tissue regeneration processes, promotes increased production of fibroblasts (cells that play an important role in recovery), normalization of intercellular metabolism - in a word, this energy effect causes skin cells to rejuvenate.

Laser resurfacing using a CO2 machine eliminates scars, scars, acne, warts, moles, and helps get rid of stretch marks and age spots. In addition, it helps solve the problem of enlarged pores.

How to remove neck laxity surgically

Isolated liposuction for neck laxity is not indicated and does not produce results. Excess fat, if any, will, of course, go away. But this method does not promote sufficient skin contraction to achieve a satisfactory result.

Long-term results can only be achieved through plastic surgery – platysmoplasty. There are several modifications to this procedure. We use a technique that involves a number of techniques included in the concept of the Hollywood neck lift. This is the author’s method of modeling a beautiful neck-chin angle and removing excess skin.

The technology of dynamic Hollywood platysmoplasty is unique. It eliminates chin sagging even when the head is tilted, and while maintaining a stable weight, the achieved effect lasts for 10-15 years.

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