Therapeutic use of medicinal clays in gastroenterology

Green clay is an effective antiseptic and rejuvenating agent, which has almost no contraindications and does not give side effects when used correctly.

Clay masks extinguish the inflammatory process, normalize the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, giving the skin a fresh, healthy, well-groomed appearance and a pleasant matte finish. However, if your skin is dry and prone to irritation, you should use masks carefully, since green clay dries out.

Composition and beneficial properties

All types of cosmetic clay have an antibiotic and healing effect, but green powder is the best natural remedy to normalize the water balance in the epidermal tissues.

The benefits of green clay for the skin are due to its rich mineral composition. The product delivers to the skin:

  • iron oxides;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum;
  • silica;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • silver;
  • manganese.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

When these minerals penetrate the skin tissue, they stimulate metabolism, destroy pathogenic microflora, normalize the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, activate lipid and collagen synthesis, inhibit age-related processes in skin tissue, extinguish inflammation and irritation, and protect epidermal cells from the influence of negative external factors.

Masks based on green clay have the following properties:

  • frees skin pores from dirt and fat accumulations;
  • remove the superficial keratinized layer of the epidermis, thereby improving the oxygen supply to the dermis;
  • tone, make the skin fresher and more elastic;
  • smooth out small facial wrinkles;
  • rejuvenate, slow down age-related changes in the oval of the face;
  • extinguish inflammatory reactions, prevent the appearance of acne and large pimples;
  • destroy bacterial infection that causes inflammatory formations;
  • accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin tissue;
  • make the epidermis less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental factors.

It is recommended to use green masks, first of all, for those with oily and combination skin. Clay cleanses well and tightens pores, normalizes the synthesis of sebum, due to which the greasy shine disappears, the face becomes clean and matte.

The use of green clay is recommended for problematic skin, the frequent appearance of acne and pimples, as well as the first signs of skin aging.

What's happened

Green clay is small pieces of rock. Formed under the influence of natural phenomena. Known for a long time. The green sedimentary mass is also called French, illite. First opened in Brittany (France). It is mined from a depth of up to 15 m. Silver and iron oxide give a unique color. In cosmetology it is used for hair and face.

The traditional form of release is powder. They are bred, making it plastic. Masks are made from mountain deposits. To fight cellulite, they do body wraps. Taken orally. The spicy scent of green clay is used in aromatherapy.


Green clay is not used for:

  • dermatological diseases of any etiology during the period of exacerbation;
  • wounds, burns, scratches and other injuries accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  • intolerance to any component of the mask.

To avoid an allergic reaction, before using the product you should do an allergy test: spread a little of the prepared composition on the inside of the elbow, wait 15 minutes.

If during this time there is no skin reaction, then you can safely put the mask on your face. If a rash, swelling, or redness appears, then one of the components of the product provoked an allergic reaction.

Masks should be used with extreme caution if there are inflammatory lesions on the face, as well as if the vascular network is pronounced.

Application for face

Here are expert tips on how to use it to achieve maximum results.

1) Test the epidermis for allergies to components of the kaolinite material. Apply a pinch to your wrist and elbow. We wait up to half an hour. Lack of reaction provides an opportunity to begin the rejuvenation session.

2) We take non-metal dishes for stirring masks. This does not create oxidative processes.

3) Boiling water is contraindicated.

4) Natural mineral water, warm boiled water, and herbal decoction (mint, chamomile, sage, nettle) are great.

5) The prepared mask is not stored. Apply immediately. Preheated in a water bath (35-40 degrees). Stir with a wooden spatula.

6) Before the procedure, the surface of the face is cleaned. Areas near the eyes and mouth are excluded. Apply a not very thin layer of 2-3 millimeters. This is done to prevent the clay from ceasing to act after drying.

7) The instructions indicate how long it takes to keep the mask on. The deadlines cannot be exceeded. Traditionally, the duration is up to 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, overdrying will occur. We pay attention to the individual thinness and dryness of the surface layer. If severe dryness occurs, shorten the session (5 minutes).

8) After applying the mask, it is recommended to lie on your back. During the process, spray your face to avoid complete hardening of the mixture. If unpleasant sensations appear, we interrupt the actions.

9) When finished, rinse with warm water. Without the use of cleaning agents. It is advisable to lubricate your face with nourishing cream.

10) Regularity is the key to success. Experts advise taking a thirty-day course. Single procedure in seven days. We stand for two months. If the desire arises, we repeat the monthly set of measures.

Mask recipes

The easiest way to use green clay for the face is to pour the powder with warm water to make a porridge-like mass. However, the effectiveness of a cosmetic product for different skin types can be significantly increased if you add useful products to it.

For normal skin

The best option for normal skin is a mask that combines white and green clays.


  • a teaspoon of green powder;
  • similar amount of white;
  • half a teaspoon of peach seed oil;
  • the same amount of grape seed oil.

Make a white-green clay mixture. Both types of oil are poured into it. To obtain a paste-like mass, add a little warm water or still mineral water.

You can also make a scrub mask for normal and combination skin. There are two cooking options:

  1. Combine clay and oatmeal crushed to powder in a 1:2 ratio. Pour mineral water without gas until a dense mass is formed.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of green powder with two tablespoons of olive oil. Add the contents of 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid.

For oily skin

Those with oily skin prone to acne should use a green mask, which contains:

  • 20 g clay;
  • 5 g glycerin;
  • 1 g alum;
  • 10 g talc;
  • 5 ml alcohol;
  • 30 ml water.

Combine the ingredients and stir until smooth.

When oily skin constantly causes various dermatological problems, you should use a facial product containing the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of green powder;
  • the same amount of warm water;
  • a couple of drops of tea tree oil (you can use calendula oil);
  • the white of one chicken egg.

A paste-like mass is made from clay and water. Egg white and butter are mixed into it. This product effectively tightens skin pores and eliminates unsightly shine on the face.

Cosmetic clay: how to use

Despite the simplicity of “preparing” a clay mask, for maximum effectiveness it is better to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • Cleanse the skin of cosmetic residues with foam or another similar product;
  • Treat with scrub or peeling (only gently so as not to injure the skin);
  • Even better is to steam the skin for about 15 minutes. The better the cleansing, the brighter the effect of the mask will be;
  • Dilute the powder with the liquid to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Stir thoroughly, there should be no lumps or air bubbles;
  • Apply the mixture to the skin in an even layer;
  • Leave for about 15 minutes, but do not let the clay dry out! Spray your face with tonic or plain warm water from time to time;
  • After the time has passed, rinse off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry with a paper towel;
  • Apply a light moisturizer to seal the result.

Now you know how to use cosmetic clay for your face and body. This is a great beauty product because it is easy to find, cheap and very effective. Several colors can be mixed with each other and they will retain their benefits! The effect is cumulative, make masks from cosmetic clay several times a week and the results will not be long in coming!

For dry skin

To saturate the epidermal tissues with moisture, it is recommended to use a mask with the following list of ingredients:

  • one cabbage leaf;
  • 50 ml of warmed milk;
  • 5 g clay.

The cabbage leaf is crushed and poured with milk. Wait until the mass softens. Add green powder. If the mass is too dense, it is diluted with water to a dough-like consistency.

To soften and moisturize dry skin, combine green clay with olive oil and mashed avocado pulp. Pour in enough water to form a paste-like mass. If the skin is irritated, then to soothe and soften it, add a couple of drops of almond oil to the composition.

For problem skin

If the epidermis is prone to irritation and rashes, use a green clay face mask with the following ingredient composition:

  • 3 teaspoons clay;
  • one tea – chamomile infusion;
  • tea - olive oil.

Combine the ingredients and stir until smooth. The product quickly calms, reduces sensitivity, and has a healing effect.

If inflammatory formations often appear on the face, then you can make another composition: mix 2 tablespoons of green clay, a similar amount of chamomile infusion and half a teaspoon of soda.

Universal cleanser

A cleansing and refreshing face mask at home is prepared from cucumber and yeast; it is suitable for all skin types.

Take a small cucumber, grate its pulp on a grater with small holes. Add 2 teaspoons of yeast, add 25 g of clay. Stir until smooth, add warm water if necessary.

For acne and redness

To eliminate unsightly shine on the face and prevent the appearance of acne, use the following set of ingredients:

  • 2 teaspoons clay;
  • one - natural honey;
  • half a spoon – squeezed lemon juice;
  • a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

The ingredients are combined. If necessary, add water to form a green paste.

To make a remedy from green clay for the face with healing properties, take:

  • 2 tablespoons clay powder;
  • the same amount of warm water;
  • the yolk of one chicken egg;
  • half a teaspoon of soda.

The ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to the face. The composition has a drying and disinfecting effect.

A simple recipe helps with large red pimples: pour 5 drops of rosemary oil into 5 g of clay, add water so that the mass acquires the consistency of a paste. The resulting product is applied to the inflamed areas of the face.


To slow down the skin aging process, use a green mask with starch. The product gives the best effect when applied to combination and oily skin.

For preparation take:

  • 8 g clay;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • one tablespoon - almond oil;
  • the same amount of sour cream;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • 3 drops of retinol acetate.

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. The product is suitable for application not only to the face, but also to the décolleté area to smooth and make the skin more delicate.

If age-related changes in the skin are clearly manifested due to lack of time for care or illiterate procedures, then you should use a product with the following composition:

  • a tablespoon of green clay;
  • half a ripe banana;
  • a couple of drops of lavender oil.

Banana pulp is crushed into a paste, clay is added, and oil is added. Mix well.

Lavender oil has a smoothing and refreshing effect, and banana saturates the epidermis with beneficial substances necessary to slow down the aging process.

For pigmentation

To get rid of pigment formations, clay is used in combination with citrus juice. For 5 g of clay powder, take a teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice. Add such an amount of kefir so that the green mass acquires a paste-like consistency.


To saturate tired skin with useful substances, restore its tone and healthy appearance, use a product with the following ingredient composition:

  • a teaspoon of jojoba oil;
  • 2 tea - clay;
  • 3 drops of bergamot oil.

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. The composition is optimal for oily epidermis, but is also suitable for normal skin.

Use for hair

Green clay is successfully used to care for hair. Especially beneficial for those who are salty. Curly hair becomes soft and fits well.

Here are two recognized recipes as a warm-up.

Mask with milk.

1 tablespoon each. clay powder, milk, sea buckthorn. Mix thoroughly. Pour in the beaten chicken yolk. We coat the curls. Wrap your head in cellophane, with a towel or scarf on top. Keep it on for 20 minutes. We thoroughly wash our hair.

With apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp. spoons of clay, water is identical, plus 1 vinegar. The mixed substance is rubbed into the surface of the head - we eliminate the greasiness. Session time 20 min. Rinse thoroughly.


The absorption capacity of green clay is ten times greater than that of activated carbon. Not absorbed into the blood. Easily removed. The quality is successfully used for constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, and hyperacidity. Removing toxins from the body. Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. Healing effect for problems (dermatitis, acne, eczema).

Use internally as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Here is a guide to improve the functioning of your digestive system. The rest are similar. 1 tsp. per 100 ml H2O. Stir. Leave for 12:00 hours. Drink before breakfast, leaving sediment. Do not stir. The course lasts 21 days. Then a break of 3 months.

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