The cream rolls off on the face - the reason and the cosmetologist’s answer

Every woman, regardless of age and occupation, has many cosmetic products for facial skin care in her arsenal. And the ability to use them is a whole science: when, how, how much, under what conditions.

It is often believed that the highest quality products are cosmetics from fashionable and expensive brands. But not everything is so simple.

The foundation is peeling off

Despite the wide variety of foundations available, choosing a quality product can be difficult. Possible pitfalls in choosing a foundation are that the same shade can lie on the skin differently and look unattractive. Noble color and premium care - the L'Oreal Color Riche matte lipstick palette.

Also, the product may not be suitable in consistency and texture for a certain type of skin . Choosing a quality foundation is the first step to success. All the pros and cons of Maybelline lipsticks are described in detail at this link.

Foundation piping can form if an oily product was used on oily skin, and if dry skin was not treated with moisturizers. Time-tested quality - Max Factor Lipfinity lipstick.

Sometimes a cream that has been ideal for the skin for a long time begins to slide off. If, at the same time, its shelf life is in order, then the reason for this “behavior” lies in the changes that have occurred in the needs of the skin or a change in its type.

Features of application

There are some nuances of using creams that need to be taken into account so that the cream does not roll off on the skin.

  1. You should not use winter cream in summer, as it has a greasy consistency and will cause problems in hot weather;
  2. It is better to apply creamy and liquid foundations with your fingers, and only cream-powder with a dense texture is applied with a damp sponge;
  3. It is not recommended to apply thick layers of foundation to reddened areas; it is better to use a greenish concealer that will hide them while maintaining an even appearance of the skin;

To preserve makeup for a longer period of time and prevent it from slipping during the day, it is worth setting oily areas with powder (chin, nose and forehead).

Every woman, regardless of age and occupation, has many cosmetic products for facial skin care in her arsenal. And the ability to use them is a whole science: when, how, how much, under what conditions.

It is often believed that the highest quality products are cosmetics from fashionable and expensive brands. But not everything is so simple.

Why the cream curdles - a cosmetologist's answer

You can understand in more detail the question “why does the cream roll off on your face?”, and find out the nuances of its solution, relying on the comments and recommendations of professional cosmetologists. Cosmetologists also advise not to hide spider veins on the face, but to choose healing creams for rosacea.

Grooming oversights

Elena Starygina, cosmetologist of the highest category: “There is no single “root” of the problem of cream rolling off; there are quite a few prerequisites. This is an incorrectly selected product that the skin actually repels, illiterate use of it, and other similar flaws in the selection and application of the product itself. Rich shades for any occasion in life - Maybelline Color Sensation lipstick.

Although often women, instead of understanding the root causes, shift the blame for the appearance of rashes to the manufacturer of the cosmetic product, or look for the “wrong” components in its formula. Based on personal experience, I can assure you that these are isolated cases.

My opinion is that you don’t need to blame the manufacturers, but take good care of your own skin, following all the rules for selecting creams and applying them. For example, apply the cream in a thin layer, because the skin still won’t absorb more than it needs. The top shade of the season, Mary Kay's dried rose lipstick, is presented in this material.

It is especially important to cleanse the face, scrub, peel, and moisturize before using cream cosmetic products. Then the problem will disappear by itself.”

Any cream is selected taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis, otherwise it will lead to a lot of opposite effects (it will clog pores, cause peeling, etc.) and will slide off.

Reasons for rolling

Creams, serums, foundations are modern skincare products. Apply them with light massage movements. The composition of the products can be different, as well as thickness and viscosity. When applying, the main thing is to distribute the product evenly on the face. There are those that are completely absorbed almost instantly, others leave a light film, and others begin to roll off in pieces. There are two reasons for pilling - either you are using a low-quality product, or it is not applied correctly.

Questionable or new product

A new cosmetic product is always a surprise. If previously skincare products did not roll off after application, but the new formula does this, this is the reason - the composition is not necessarily bad, perhaps it simply does not suit you, or the formula is too heavy, or the product has expired. Cheap cosmetics are the worst gift for your skin, because they don’t apply well, are absorbed slowly, and can give unpredictable results. So if you want to benefit the skin and, moreover, not cause harm, do not save money or do it wisely - there are budget effective drugs (look for them in reviews).

Sick or poorly cleaned

If the skin is unhealthy, there are pimples, comedones, clogged pores, the cream may not apply well. With cleansing, everything is simple - you need to use a scrub or film mask, gommage. For skin diseases, use gentle products or those that have a light consistency - too oily is harmful for acne in principle, can have a comedogenic effect and will probably lie unevenly, roll off, and be poorly absorbed. You can only determine “your” cream experimentally, so experiment.

Improper cleansing

The skin absorbs the cream normally only if it is properly cleansed. You need to remove cosmetics, sebum, dead cells, stratum corneum of the epidermis, and dust. Peels and scrubs normally have a rolling effect - they are needed to cleanse the surface of the skin and carefully remove the top cellular layer. You need to carry out the deep scrubbing procedure a couple of times a week - otherwise the regular one will begin to play the role of a “roller” (but it will simply “peel off” without being absorbed, and will not remove stubborn dirt).

Since you will not use the scrub every day, wash your face with milk or gel before applying the skincare product.

When do you need help from a dermatologist?

Tatyana Berdnik, cosmetologist-dermatologist: “Sometimes the reason for the cream to roll off is that it is not absorbed by the skin. Why is this happening? Because the skin is dehydrated, it does not have enough strength to absorb the “foreign” product, and the lion’s share of it remains lying on the surface, collecting in lumps or rolls. Find out why gel polish on nails cracks here.

The most common reason leading to this problem is too thick a layer of product, especially for products with a lifting effect, as well as serums and light emulsions. Read why nail polish bubbles here.

In such cases, it is enough to reduce their dose. Equally important is the preparation of the skin, removal of sebum, makeup residues, and dust. If something “disturbs” the skin, it simply will not be able to absorb the product.

If you follow the basic rules for choosing a cream and skin care, such questions should not arise. But a more thorough analysis of the problem is required when the cream continues to slide off despite following all the rules.

In this case, the woman should consult with a cosmetologist-dermatologist to identify diseases of a dermatological nature: acne, eczema, psoriasis, demodicosis, etc., in which the metabolic processes of the skin are disrupted and appropriate treatment is required to normalize them. Choose only natural products."

Is it possible to speed up the synthesis or compensate for the lack of collagen and elastin proteins?

This is a problem that cosmetologists have been trying to solve for many years! Now they use several methods:

  • The most expensive and at the same time the most effective solution is injection procedures. The salon will offer you mesotherapy - the injection of cocktails with hyaluronic acid and collagen under the skin.
  • Good results are obtained by RF lifting (Thermolifting) - a hot measure based on heating the skin with radio frequency radiation (Radio Frequency) to a depth of 2-4 mm. Warming stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, the collagen framework becomes stronger, the skin is smoothed and rejuvenated.
  • A simpler and cheaper method is the use of creams with collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Is there a contradiction here?


An interesting video on how to properly prepare your skin for applying foundation.

Any cream can slide on the skin if it is spoiled or the basic rules for its application have not been followed. If you strictly follow the instructions for using a cosmetic product of this type, select it correctly depending on the characteristics of the epidermis and carefully prepare the skin, the issue of rolling off should not arise. But if pills form even after following all the rules for using the product, then the metabolic processes of the skin may have been disrupted and you need to consult a dermatologist. An Italian brand for flawless lip makeup is Pupa lipstick.

Best before date

In the first place, naturally, will be the question of the expiration date of the product that behaved in such an inappropriate way on the skin. Even in the branded department of expensive cosmetics, it makes sense to inquire about the expiration date of a particular cream. Especially if the price is high enough. As a rule, it is indicated in two versions:

  • For storing unopened cosmetics;
  • For those cosmetics that are opened and applied.

In the first case, you need to carefully study the codes on the packaging. Expiration dates may not be indicated at all, there may only be a date of manufacture, as happens, for example, in Korean cosmetics. Then this means that the shelf life of this product is more than 30 months (for Korean cosmetics it is 3 years).

In addition, each manufacturer of cosmetics has its own variants of codes that indicate the date of manufacture; usually the codes are designed for specialists, so it is difficult for consumers to navigate this. You need to take a closer look at the numbers printed on the packaging: the first two of them show the year of manufacture, the next ones show the day in a row, starting from January 1; or day and month.

As soon as we open this or that cosmetic product, its shelf life is significantly reduced, unfortunately. Information about this feature should also be indicated on the tube of cream; it looks like a jar with an open lid, next to which there is a number indicating the safe period of use from the moment of opening.?

You can get information about when to throw away the cream from the following video.

For most creams, the expiration date from the moment of opening is the same. Therefore, it is advisable to remember that:

  • Liquid cream - base is used for 6 months;
  • Liquid cream base with a dispenser can be used for a year from the moment of opening;
  • The foundation is used for 1 year, but by the end of this period, substances such as the vitamins included in its composition will have lost their effectiveness.
  • Natural cosmetics that do not contain chemical preservatives deteriorate much faster and can only be used for 6 months.

Expired cream changes consistency and begins to separate, so its texture on the skin will look strange, it rolls into balls, thickens and does not smear. Also, after the expiration date, bacteria, yeast, fungus and even micro mites begin to develop in cosmetic preparations.

There is a problem. How to solve it?

You figured out why the cream rolls off your facial skin. Now we need to find a solution to this problem. And it lies on the surface: you need to get rid of the causes that cause this problem, in order of priority.

  • It is possible that insufficient cleansing of the skin occurs due to incorrect actions . Most often, women remove makeup in the evenings with cleansing milk, apply a layer of night cream and calmly fall asleep. The next morning, the skin needs even more thorough cleaning: after all, the night cream is not completely absorbed, and applying a new layer of day cream on top of it means causing it to slide off. This should be done using a cleansing gel and tonic. Exfoliation and application of nourishing and moisturizing masks are recommended twice a week.
  • Every woman knows what type of skin she has. Therefore, before you buy even the most advertised product, you need to pay attention to what type of dermis a particular cream is recommended for . Or maybe it’s better to use homemade natural cream?

Attention! This is especially true for those with oily skin, which requires even more thorough cleaning than dermis with normal oil content. Excessive sebum production prevents the care product from being fully absorbed into the epidermis. In this case, it is also recommended to wash your face with cold water using a special product and wipe the skin with an appropriate tonic. Thanks to these measures, rolling can be avoided.

  • Cosmetics are not only products that nourish the skin, but also moisturize it. At the first signs indicating dehydration of the skin - and this is the appearance of a network of tiny horizontal wrinkles, a feeling that the skin is tight - you should definitely start using products to moisturize it, selecting suitable serums and creams.
  • Over time, the dermis tends to change . Each time it is necessary to determine its new features and choose a cream of a consistency that will correspond to them.
  • All cosmetologists advise using cream sparingly : a lot does not always mean good. A pea-sized amount is enough, then it will be well absorbed and will not roll off.
  • Anti-aging cream is not applied in a layer , but is applied with light tapping movements of the fingers. If the product is not completely absorbed, blot off the excess with a napkin.
  • There is no need to talk for long about expired or low-quality creams: they simply cannot be used so as not to harm the skin.

Incorrect application

This reason may also partly explain why foundation creases on the face. There are different ways to apply the cream: with your fingers, sponge, brush. All of them are acceptable, but are used for creams with different textures. If they are not taken into account, then the unpleasant consequences are aggravated.


Foundations with a light fluid texture are recommended to be applied with your fingertips . In this case, it is possible to create a thin leveling layer. But if the skin is oily, then it is better not to use this method, as particles of fat will transfer from the fingers to the face and further increase the oiliness.

If you have enlarged pores, then it is advisable to use sponges . They allow you to make the layer more dense and masking. The sponge is pre-moistened with water, and after completing the makeup, it is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining product.

Powder foundations, on top of which you don’t need to use regular powder, are ideally distributed on the surface of the skin using special new generation sponges, for example, a beauty blender.

For a more professional leveling of foundation, use a brush with synthetic or combined bristles - it is suitable for any product. With its help, you can adjust the coating layer at your discretion.

Do not apply foundation to your neck. Use bronzing powder for this area.

Skin cleansing rules

For it to apply perfectly, the skin must be cleansed daily, morning and evening. Evening and daytime cleansing are different. First of all, the main process occurs before going to bed. It is necessary to carefully remove makeup from the face and neck.

For these purposes, foam cleanser, lotion or milk for removing makeup, and hydrophilic oil are suitable. For women with a dry face, it is better to choose milk or hydrophilic oil for washing to saturate the skin with moisture and nourishing oils.

Video of facial cleansing:

Then, after washing, the skin is wiped with a special tonic, selected according to the type. The toner additionally nourishes and softens it. It is recommended to wash with soft water, not from the tap. Better than boiled or mineral, a decoction of medicinal herbs. You can also soften the water by adding soda to it.

Micropilling of the face and neck should be performed twice a week. This will help get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It will be smoothed out and transformed. As a result, the cream will lie on the face without forming lumps.

After peeling, it is good to make a nourishing mask for the skin. Masks based on natural ingredients that can be found in every kitchen are easy to prepare and affordable. After regular use of peeling and masks for the face and neck, the skin will become smooth, soft, and radiant. The cream will fit perfectly on such velvety skin.

What is the current rating of anti-aging face creams after 40? described in detail in this article.

What reviews exist about face cream after 35 years can be read in the contents of this article.

But what rating of anti-aging face cream currently exists can be understood if you read the contents of this article.

Which nourishing face creams are most often used after 60 years, as well as which are the best of them and how much they can cost, is described in detail in this article.

You may also be interested in knowing what Oriflame body cream is.

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