How to make facial moisturizer at home

Moisturizing cream is a must-have attribute of daily care for every woman. The opinion that oily skin does not need to be moisturized turns out to be wrong. Oily skin reacts to an internal lack of moisture by increasing the production of sebum, and this phenomenon can hardly be called pleasant. Therefore, there are separate recipes for caring and moisturizing products for oily skin. Let's look at them, as well as algorithms for creating creams for other skin types. But first, let's look at the general principles.

How to make homemade cream base

Homemade moisturizers are prepared using approximately the same algorithm. The proportions may change, additional ingredients may be added to it, but the basic idea remains.

  • The main components of the cream are an oil base, an emulsifier and a basic liquid. The base is prepared using lanolin, glycerin and vegetable oils. An emulsifier is needed so that the components of the product interact and the finished product acquires a creamy consistency. Do not use tap water as liquid for cosmetic products. Some recipes recommend using mineral water, some recommend distilled water, others are based on herbal infusions or even fresh juices. And this is the best option for a moisturizer.

  • Additional ingredients are essential oils and vitamins. They are added at the end of preparing the cream. Such components give the finished product healing properties and enhance the moisturizing effect.
  • What should be the ratio of all components? For one part base, prepare two parts water. There should be little emulsifier, 2 percent of the total volume. Additional ingredients are added in the amount of a few drops.

The algorithm for creating a cosmetic product is as follows:

  1. Mix the base components and heat them in a water bath. Keep the temperature no higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the cream can be overcooked and it will not work.
  2. When the desired temperature is almost reached, an emulsifier is added to the mixture, and then liquid. 2 more minutes. The product must be kept on fire, then we remove it.
  3. Cool the product (this is done exclusively at room temperature), add additional ingredients. Afterwards, you need to beat the product with a blender. Homemade cream is ready.

By adding certain ingredients to this base, you can give the cream the properties you need. Let's look at how moisturizing types of cosmetics are prepared.

Active phase

We have reached the most important phase. If we get the base for a cream from oils, water and an emulsifier, then by adding actives, we can give the cream additional beneficial properties: moisturizing, rejuvenating, mattifying and others. Our task today is to moisturize. Therefore, all assets will be moisturizing.

For this recipe I will use aloe vera gel, natural moisturizing factor, provitamin B5, vitamin E. Of course, there are many more moisturizing assets, I will give a small list of such cosmetic assets below. But we can't put them all in one cream. In the recipe I have those assets that I myself have been actively using for a long time. In addition, they are all universal and are also suitable for hair products: shampoos, conditioners and masks. Let's look at them in more detail.

Natural moisturizing factor (nuf)

This cosmetic asset is a whole complex of moisturizing compounds in one bottle. Experienced cream makers recommend using nouf in every cream. If we look at the composition separately, then nouf contains: sodium lactate, sodium RSA, glycine, fructose, urea, niacinamide, inositol, sodium benzoate, lactic acid.

Nuf moisturizes the upper layers of the epidermis for a long time, maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin, and helps the epidermis retain moisture inside. When using this asset on the hair, intense hydration also occurs: the hair becomes smooth, softer, and easy to comb. If you are involved in cream making, this asset should definitely be in your arsenal of ingredients.

Aloe vera gel

This is an indispensable component of all my cosmetics that contain an aqueous phase. I add aloe vera gel to all my shampoos and creams. I also use it in its pure form on burns and scratches. The gel has numerous positive properties for the skin, in addition to moisturizing:

  • Is an antiseptic
  • Contains vitamins and minerals
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Promotes healing
  • Helps compensate for moisture loss from skin
  • Soothes irritation and itching
  • Creates a protective film against harmful environmental influences
  • Excellent prevention of age spots

Provitamin B5

This active soothes the skin, prevents dehydration, makes the skin smooth and elastic. Provitamin B5 is also useful for hair: it restores, strengthens, promotes growth, makes hair shiny and smooth, without weighing it down. Products with provitamin B5 are suitable for sensitive skin, delicate areas, brittle damaged hair, hair with split ends, sensitive scalp.

Vitamin E

Used as an antioxidant in oil products and as a cosmetic active. We use vitamin E in the cream as an active ingredient. Therefore, its dosage will be greater than to protect oils from rancidity. Vitamin E reduces cellular damage and stops the action of free radicals on the skin. Helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration, improves blood microcirculation.

List of moisturizing assets

You can also use the following as moisturizing assets:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Plant ceramides
  • Collagen
  • Fucoslim
  • Fucosert
  • Inulin
  • Phytokeratin
  • Rice proteins
  • Silk proteins
  • Squalene
  • Urea
  • Edelweiss extract
  • Mallow extract
  • Cherry blossom extract
  • White water lily extract
  • Orchid extract
  • Cucumber extract

Olive oil cream

This product will provide not only hydration, but also nutrition, since olive oil has universal caring properties.

For the base, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • lanolin – 3 tsp;
  • beeswax – 3 tsp;
  • glycerin – 2 tsp;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.

Use sodium tetraborate, also known as borax, as an emulsifier. You can buy the product at the pharmacy.

Heat lanolin, oil and wax in a separate bowl. Remember that you do not need to overexpose the mixture and a temperature of 40 degrees will be quite enough. Heat water (distilled, 10 tbsp), glycerin and sodium tetraborate separately. Keep the mixture on the heat until the borax becomes a liquid. Then gradually introduce the second mixture into the first, constantly stirring the product with a wooden spatula. After two minutes, remove from heat and let thicken.

Deep hydration of facial skin. When does the skin need deep hydration?

At what point is it time to panic and urgently begin serious moisturizing procedures? First of all, you should be concerned about the following factors:

  • the occurrence of dryness and peeling;
  • violation of natural elasticity;
  • the appearance of creases and wrinkles;
  • deterioration of turgor.

Such unpleasant manifestations greatly affect the appearance, making a woman visually older, adding years. The skin looks gray, tired, facial wrinkles begin to deepen, and then it is very difficult to get rid of them.

Water is the most important element for the skin, as well as for the body as a whole. Thanks to it, harmful substances are removed, skin color is evened out, loss of elasticity and dryness are prevented. Thanks to good hydration, you can restore your skin to its former beauty. There are very effective caring procedures for home use that any woman can resort to.

Home treatments and care

Not every one of us is able to find the time and financial resources for regular visits to a cosmetologist. But there is nothing critical about this, because... You can give your facial skin vital moisture without visiting a salon.

  • Moisturizing cosmetics

When choosing caring cosmetics, you need to know in advance which of the components are most useful and vital for hydration. Among them:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is one of the best products for moisturizing the skin and restoring its water balance.
  2. Vitamin E is a substance that prolongs youth and slows down aging, acting as a powerful antioxidant.
  3. Vegetable oils. The most effective natural moisturizers are avocado oil, sweet almond oil, peanut oil, and castor oil.
  4. Liposomes are microscopic substances that penetrate deeply into the skin and are capable of delivering nourishing and moisturizing components to cells. Liposomes return the skin a healthy, fresh tone and vitality for normal functioning.
  5. Allantoin is a moisturizing substance that you will find in many medicinal cosmetics. It not only moisturizes the skin, but also fights enlarged pores, pimples and blackheads.
  6. Provitamin B5 – nourishes cells and moisturizes facial skin.

Also in many modern moisturizing cosmetics you can find natural substances such as honey, raspberry leaf extracts and aloe. Collagen fibers of marine origin - thalaspheres, which are considered very effective for moisturizing the skin, are also useful. Of the synthetic substances, it is worth highlighting dimethyl ketone, which does not contain fat, but at the same time perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.

  • Attention! Dangerous and harmful components

Along with the effective components listed above for getting rid of dehydration, some cosmetic products can also contain those that are more likely to cause harm to the skin than benefit. Among them:

  1. Glycerol. This popular substance is included in many cosmetics, but it can only have a positive effect when air humidity exceeds 65%. Otherwise, glycerin has the opposite effect, drawing fluid from deep within the skin and only worsening dehydration.
  2. Substances common in past-generation cosmetics such as paraffin oil, petrolatum, propylene glycol and mineral oil form a film on the surface of the skin that does not allow moisture to pass through, which disrupts the natural protection and metabolic processes of the skin.
  3. Collagen in its original form does not have a positive effect when used for cosmetic purposes. It only creates a film that retains moisture, but can clog pores. The fact is that the molecules of this substance are too large to penetrate the skin. But modern specialists have learned to crush these molecules and create unique cosmetics based on them, which, unfortunately, cannot be cheap. If we are talking about cosmetics from the mass market category, then the presence of collagen in the composition is most often a common advertising ploy, which is designed to ensure that the buyer is simply not informed about this feature of this substance.
  4. Vaseline, lanolin and similar substances can be used short-term if there are special dermatological indications for this. Modern experts recommend abandoning their use, especially given the widespread hypersensitivity to lanolin.

Linden honey cream

You can use this product as a caring mask, or you can use it as a night cream. The result of regular use will be skin nutrition, hydration and a healthy complexion.

We prepare the base of the linden cream using the following ingredients:

  • lanolin – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Linden honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • starch – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin – 1 tbsp. l.

The emulsifier will be beeswax (take 2 g), and the solvent will be rose water. Add the latter in the amount of 8 tbsp. l.

Melt the base ingredients, but use everything except the starch first. When the mixture has heated to the required temperature, add starch while stirring. Then add wax and rose water. After a minute, remove the product from the heat. It is almost ready, all that remains is to cool it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a cosmetic product are expressed in the beneficial properties provided by this product. They look like this:

  • Gentle whitening of the skin, as well as removal of freckles and age spots.
  • Normalization of acid balance (pH balance).
  • Improvement of cellular structure.
  • Treatment of various skin pathologies (ulcers, acne, etc.).
  • Restoration and intensive turgor hydration.
  • Fight against age-related changes.
  • Intensive nutrition.

The only disadvantages include contraindications for homemade face cream , namely:

  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Allergy to components of the composition.

Gelatin-based cream for oily skin

This recipe uses slightly different ingredients. This is due to the characteristics of oily-prone skin. The product prepared according to this recipe will mattify the skin, moisturize and nourish.

Take for the base:

  • gelatin – 6 g (powder);
  • distilled water (half a glass, approximately 100 ml.);
  • glycerin – 70 g;
  • natural honey – 50 g.

As an additional component we use salicylic acid - 1 gram. It will remove oily shine from the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Before preparing the base, fill the gelatin with water and leave it to swell. 40 minutes will pass, and you can proceed further. We put gelatin on the fire and add honey and glycerin to it. When the product is almost ready, add an additional component - salicylic acid. After cooling, whip the cream. The product is ready.

Cream with essential oils for aging skin

This remedy is prepared according to a different scheme from the previously described one. We will not cook the base, but will immediately use the prepared cream. This can be any product, even intended for children's skin. You can also use expensive anti-aging products to implement the recipe.

The ingredients of this cosmetic composition are:

  • cream – 50 ml;
  • linseed oil (replace with olive oil if necessary) – 1 tsp;
  • essential oils – 10 drops.

Let's look at the last ingredient separately. You can use one essential oil, or you can take 2-3 of your choice. Rose oil, thyme, sage and orange oils are suitable for aging skin.

Place the cream in a glass jar, and then add the main oil into it first, and then add additional oil. Mix the cosmetic composition. Store it in the refrigerator.

As you can see, this recipe is extremely simple, so it won’t take up much of your time.

General Tips

Since homemade formulations are free of preservatives and other substances that extend their shelf life, prepare a small amount of such creams and be sure to store them in the refrigerator, in a clean, washed jar with a lid.

You can extend the life of your cream by constantly scooping it with a sterile spoon and not with your fingers.

Do not forget that only clean skin can absorb compounds applied to its surface.

Before applying each new product to your face, be sure to test it on the skin of your hand to find out the reaction of the epidermis.

Any cream should be applied to previously cleansed skin.

Homemade cream mask for dry skin type

You can use this product as a cream, or as a mask, applying a thick layer to the skin and leaving for 40 minutes. The recipe also does not require thermal preparation of the base.

The list of ingredients is:

  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • persimmon (use fruit pulp, replace with pear pulp if desired) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • natural honey – 1 tsp;
  • yolk of 1 egg.

Preheat the honey, but if you have a liquid product, use it in its original form. Mix the ingredients and beat with a mixer. The cream is ready. Store it refrigerated, or better yet use it fresh.

Nourishing masks for hand care at home

The skin of the hands is constantly influenced by various factors, such as cold, wind, sun. The negative impact is especially noticeable in cold or damp weather, when the skin of the hands becomes dry or red. It should be noted that hands are an indicator of a woman’s age, so they need to be looked after at any time of the year.

Where to start care: homemade hand cream

If your hands are cracked or covered with fine wrinkles, you need to start caring for them regularly. First, you can use some hand cream or prepare it at home.

To make the cream you need to take:

  • 30 grams of chamomile,
  • string or plantain (30 grams per 200 milliliters of water),
  • 50 grams of butter,
  • 30 grams of honey.

The ingredients should be mixed well and let sit for 10 minutes. It is necessary to apply the mixture not in a circular motion, but as if wearing gloves: from the tips of the fingers to the hand. Such movements are similar to a massage that improves blood circulation in the hands.

A caring mask that will perfectly moisturize your hand skin.

If you don’t have expensive hand care products, you can use masks you prepare yourself at home. They will moisturize the skin, make your hands younger and more beautiful.

To prepare such a mask you need:

  • 45 grams of oat flour,
  • 18 milliliters of hot water,
  • 17 grams of olive oil,
  • 7 grams of lemon juice,
  • 7 grams of glycerin.

Next, mix the ingredients, spread the mixture on your hands, and rinse with cold water after 10 minutes.

Honey and egg yolk can make your hands soft

To prepare the product, you need to mix raw yolk with the juice of one lemon, add 30 grams of honey. Apply and rinse after 30 minutes.

Coltsfoot with milk - help for chapped skin

If the skin on your hands is chapped, you need to prepare the following mixture: grind 40 grams of coltsfoot grass, add 200 milliliters of milk. Apply to your hands and wash off after 20 minutes.

Potatoes will make your hands young and soft

If it happens that the skin of your hands has lost its well-groomed appearance, has become rough and cracks have appeared, you should remember about potatoes, namely about a warm decoction of potatoes, which housewives usually pour out.

So, you need to add 30 grams of kitchen salt to this decoction, then dip your hands in it and hold for 15 or 20 minutes. After the potato bath, you need to wipe your hands dry, lubricating them with cream or vegetable oil. This procedure should be repeated 5-6 times. And mashed potatoes and milk will help whiten your skin well. You just need to put the puree on your hands and rinse with water after 15 minutes.

Iodine bath for thin and brittle nails

If your nails are thin, constantly breaking or have a dull appearance, you can make a bath of warm vegetable oil, adding 3-5 drops of iodine. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and baby soap.

Nail mask with iodine and oil:

Cucumber cream

Cucumber juice not only moisturizes, but also whitens the skin, so when choosing this recipe, take into account this property of the vegetable.

For the base take:

  • beeswax – 1 tsp;
  • almond oil – 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the products and put on fire. Prepare cucumber puree. To do this, chop the peeled vegetable. Use 3 tbsp. l. the resulting mass - add it to the base for the cream. Then add mineral water (2 tbsp) and keep on low heat with constant stirring for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, whisk it.

Signs of dehydration of the skin structure

Even young and healthy skin needs daily hydration, especially in the hot summer, when the epidermis constantly loses valuable moisture. You need to urgently start using moisturizers if your skin:

  • became chapped and flaky;
  • dry, resembling parchment paper;
  • cracked and constantly inflamed and red;
  • reacts poorly to temperature changes, as well as dry indoor air;
  • changed her appearance and tone.

Replenishing the level of moisture in the epidermal cells is very important, since dehydration provokes the beginning of the aging process and withering of the skin surface!

Cream with jojoba oil

This homemade product has a beneficial effect on dry skin prone to redness and flaking. Defects are eliminated, and the face acquires a well-groomed appearance with regular use of the product.

Take the following ingredients to implement the recipe:

  • water – half a glass (the water must be purified, do not take it straight from the tap);
  • jojoba oil – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E – 10 capsules (open them with scissors when adding vitamin to the base);
  • beeswax – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rose oil – 5 drops.

Boil the water. Add wax and jojoba oil to it and stir until the wax is completely dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients one at a time with constant stirring. Cool the product.

Best Recipes

Oil based


  • Vanilla ether – 5 drops.
  • Macadamia oil – 10 gr.
  • Shea butter – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Mix the oils and heat them to 40-45 degrees, then add vanilla ether and mix everything thoroughly.

Application: The cream is used for facial massage, after scrubs, cleansing masks and under makeup.

Oil cream stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, providing a rejuvenating effect.



  • Cucumber extract – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sour cream – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Tocopherol – 5 g.
  • Retinol – 5 gr.

Production: All products are mixed and thoroughly whisked, after which the cream is placed in a cool place for 1-2 hours to thicken.

Usage: The cosmetic product is applied to the facial skin in a thin layer and rubbed in with light massage movements.

Vitaminized cream perfectly nourishes the skin at the cellular level, saturating it with vitamins, minerals and moisture .



  • Vitamin “B2” – 1 ampoule.
  • Sage essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Cosmetic Vaseline – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: All products are mixed and whisked until a homogeneous substance is obtained.

Application: The cream is suitable for daily use, after washing or peeling procedures.

Vaseline cream perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin .

Cream with mumiyo


  • Nettle extract – 5 g.
  • Olive oil – 15 gr.
  • Mumiyo – 5 gr.

Preparation: Olive oil is heated to a temperature of 55-60 degrees, after which mummy is added to it and stirred until it is completely dissolved. Then nettle extract is added to the mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed.

Use: This product is used twice a day (morning and evening), applying it to problem areas of the skin, rubbing in with fingertips.

This product perfectly renews the cellular structure of the skin and also helps to cope with various skin problems (pimples, blackheads, irritation and stretch marks).

Based on beeswax


  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Propolis – 5 gr.
  • Beeswax – 15 gr.

Preparation: Grind propolis and wax, then melt in a water bath and add sea buckthorn oil, mixing everything thoroughly.

Application: The cream is used as a softening and moisturizing agent after peeling procedures and the use of deep cleansing masks.

This product protects the skin of the face from the aggressive effects of external factors by creating a thin protective film on its surface, also nourishing it with beneficial microelements.

With aloe vera


  • Chamomile flower oil – 5 g.
  • Aloe vera (juice) – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation: Cut aloe vera leaves are placed in the refrigerator for 14-15 days, after wrapping them with permanent paper. Afterwards, you need to squeeze the juice out of them and mix it with chamomile flower oil.

Application: The cream is applied to the skin of the face and eyelids twice a day (morning and evening), applying a thin layer and lightly massaging with fingertips.

This product has a rejuvenating and refreshing effect . It is especially important to use it during hot periods (summer and spring).



  • Vanilla - on the tip of the knife.
  • Coffee extract – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Glycerin – 15 gr.

Preparation: Heat glycerin to 45-50 degrees, add coffee extract and vanilla to it, bring to a homogeneous substance.

Usage: The product is applied to the face using a sponge before using the matting composition.

This product perfectly moisturizes and retains moisture from the inside, preventing cell dehydration.



  • Mango butter – 10 gr.
  • Red wine (not fortified) – 10 g.
  • Gelatin – 1 sachet (15 g).

Preparation: Pour wine over the gelatin, let it swell, then heat it in the microwave until completely dissolved. Mix the wine-gelatin mixture with mango butter until a homogeneous substance is formed.

Application: The cream is applied before bed to problem areas of the skin.

This product is a night lifting cream that improves the overall condition of the facial skin.

Cocoa butter based


  • Patchouli essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Green tea (extract) – 5 g.
  • Cocoa butter – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Heat cocoa butter to 50-55 degrees until it melts. Add extract and ether to it, bring everything to a homogeneous substance. Let the cream cool.

Usage: This cosmetic product is applied to problem areas of the skin and rubbed in using fingertip massage movements. Use it before bed to prevent the appearance of sagging and wrinkles.

This product has a protective and nourishing effect, saturating skin cells with beneficial microelements.

For hypersensitive skin


  • Vitamin “A” – 1 ampoule.
  • Pomegranate oil (seeds) – 5 g.
  • Badger fat – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: All components are thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous substance is obtained.

Application: Before using the cream, cleanse your face with milk. Apply a thin layer and rub in in a circular motion. Use twice a day (morning and evening).

This cosmetic product perfectly cares for and soothes sensitive skin.

For combination skin


  • Grapeseed oil (seed) – 5 ml.
  • Viburnum juice (fresh) – 5 ml.
  • Lanolin – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Heat lanolin to 50-60 degrees and add grape oil to it, then mix the composition with viburnum juice until a homogeneous substance is obtained.

Usage: The product is rubbed into the skin of the face before applying makeup (20-25 minutes before application).

The product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin , and also eliminates oiliness.

For oily skin


  • Orange oil (essential) – 5 drops.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Kefir (1%) – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: The pre-separated protein is whipped with a mixer or whisk, then mixed with kefir and orange oil. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Application: The cream is used once a day, after cleansing the face, rubbed into the skin with circular movements.

The product helps tighten pores and also gives a matte effect to the skin.

For dry skin


  • Shea butter – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Geranium hydrolate – 5 g.
  • Avocado oil – 10 ml.

Preparation: Melt shea butter in a water bath, add avocado oil, stirring continuously, then mix the resulting oil composition with geranium hydrolate until a homogeneous substance is obtained.

Use: This product is used before bed, after removing makeup from the face. It is applied to the surface of the skin and lips, rubbing in smoothing movements.

The product perfectly replenishes lost fatty acids and minerals, and normalizes the water balance of cells . Used as a night lifting cream.

For face lift


  • Cinnamon essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Laminaria extract (algae) – 5 g.
  • Sour cream – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Sour cream is mixed with kelp extract and cinnamon essential oil. The mixture is thoroughly whisked until a light, airy substance is obtained.

Application: The cream is applied to the face and rubbed in for 1-2 minutes. It is recommended to use the product after deep cleansing (peeling procedures).

This cosmetic product has a lifting effect, smooths out wrinkles and tightens the facial contour. Recommended for daily use by people 40+ years old.



  • Wheat oil – 5 ml.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Ground coffee (natural) – 10 gr.

Preparation: Pour organic oils into the coffee and place in a closed container that does not allow UV rays to pass through. Leave for 10 days, then strain and place in a bottle with a spray dispenser.

Use: The cream is applied to the face before going outside in sunny weather.

This product creates a protective barrier on the skin that prevents exposure to direct sunlight, which causes skin aging. It also perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the cellular structure of the skin.



  • Grapefruit essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Borage oil – 5 ml.
  • Cocamide (base) – 15 g.

Preparation: Melt cocamide in a water bath and mix it with borage oil, and also add grapefruit ether. Bring everything to a homogeneous substance.

Application: This cream is used after cleansing the face, mainly in the morning. It is applied to the face in a thin layer and rubbed in with smoothing movements.

The cosmetic product perfectly nourishes skin cells with vitamins and organic acids, and also moisturizes it.



  • Peach oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Yogurt (without additives) – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Tooth powder – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation: Mix yogurt with tooth powder and add peach oil to the mixture. Bring everything to a homogeneous substance.

Use: The product is used twice a day (morning and evening), applying it in a thin layer to the skin of the face, massaging with light, circular movements.

This product improves blood circulation in the skin, saturates it with oxygen and moisture, and also whitens and gives a matte effect.



  • Olive oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Bergamot essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Sour cream – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Pre-separated yolk is mixed with olive oil and sour cream and essential oil are added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly whipped with a whisk or mixer until a creamy substance is obtained.

Application: The cream is applied to the skin of the face in a thin layer, mainly before bedtime, rubbing it in with circular, massaging movements.

The product perfectly nourishes and improves the overall condition of the skin. Promotes rapid regeneration of cellular structure.



  • Jojoba oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Rice starch – 1 teaspoon.
  • Hypoallergenic wax – 15 gr.

Preparation: The wax is melted in a water bath and rice starch and jojoba oil are added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed and cooled to room temperature.

Usage: The product is distributed along massage lines and rubbed in with smoothing movements. Recommended to use before bed.

This cosmetic product perfectly smoothes skin folds, tones it and effectively whitens it.



  • Salicylic acid – 1 teaspoon.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Rice oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Mix rice oil with salicylic acid and add ether. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a bottle, which must be shaken before each use.

Application: The cream is applied to problem areas using a cotton pad or swab twice a day.

Effective hydration


  • Grapeseed oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vitamin “A” – 1 ampoule.
  • Cocoa butter – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Melt cocoa butter in a water bath, mix it with grape seed oil and vitamin. Bring everything to a homogeneous substance.

Usage: The cream is applied to the facial skin in a thin layer, massage with light, tapping movements.

This product deeply nourishes and moisturizes the cellular structure of the skin, ensuring its elasticity and fresh appearance.

For acne


  • Tea tree essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Pantothenic acid – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Zinc ointment – ​​1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients together and place in a bottle of zinc ointment.

Application: The healing cream is applied to problem areas twice a day.

This product has an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, perfectly coping with acne and acne.



  • Ylang-ylang essential oil – 5 drops.
  • Coconut oil – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Beeswax – 10 gr.

Preparation: The wax is melted in a water bath, after which coconut oil is added to it and mixed thoroughly. Cool the mixture slightly and add essential oil, bringing everything to a homogeneous substance.

This cosmetic product is a night cream that effectively smoothes expression and static wrinkles, promoting the regeneration of cellular structure.

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Cream with iris oil

If you find iris oil in cosmetic stores or pharmacies, be sure to purchase it. Based on it, you can prepare a wonderful moisturizing cream with your own hands.

Mix iris oil and aloe juice in equal proportions. This product is not prepared for future use; it is used immediately. Use a cosmetic product before bed and it will moisturize your skin and even out its color.

Tips for moisturizing your skin

Here are some tips to keep in mind when moisturizing and caring for your skin:

  • Use a gentle moisturizer daily. It is necessary to use richer moisturizers in winter to counter the dryness caused by the cold.
  • When showering or washing your face, make sure the water is warm, not hot. Hot water can strip moisture from your skin.
  • Avoid using harsh soaps or body washes as they can make your skin dry and dull.
  • Use a moisturizer that is universal for all skin types or for your specific skin type.
  • Every part of your body needs hydration. You should use moisturizing creams for your face and body.
  • Use a moisturizer with SPF or sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays.
  • It is very important to know what suits your skin and what does not.
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