What to wash your face with dry skin. Washing for dry skin: how to do it?

What to wash your face with dry skin. Washing for dry skin: how to do it?

Dry skin suffers from dehydration, lack of shine, and low oil content.
It is thin, matte and easily susceptible to weathering, cold and sunlight. If washing for dry skin is done incorrectly, it may become red, feel tight, and may begin to peel. To prevent this from happening, the process of washing your face for dry skin should become a kind of ritual every morning and before bed. So, those with dry skin are advised to wash their face 2 times a day; more is not allowed, and less is not possible (this has been instilled in us since childhood). Wash for dry skin in the morning. Never wash your face with hot water; it is harmful to any skin, especially dry skin. Hot water takes moisture from the top layer of the skin, thereby eroding the already thin lipid layer of the skin.

For dry skin, it is recommended to wash only with warm or contrasting water, and it should end with washing with cold water. When washing your face in the morning for dry skin, it is better not to use tap water; it is better to replace it with boiled or mineral water. For the morning routine, use cleansers such as gel, milk and foam. Such products can be easily found on the shelves of perfume stores and more. Dry skin does not tolerate alcohol, so you should avoid products containing alcohol. You will also have to give up soap - it washes away the already weak fatty layer of the skin. After washing your face, apply tonic to dry skin using a cotton pad, or you can make a homemade herbal decoction from mint leaves, lemon balm, chamomile and sage. This procedure is needed to tone dry skin, relieve irritation and inflammation. After this, apply a moisturizer to the skin, preferably including a complex of vitamins.

Wash for dry skin before bed. Just imagine how much your skin has collected throughout the day. Cosmetics have added dust, dirt and sebum accumulates in the pores. That is why night washing should be much more thorough than morning washing. To begin, remove your makeup with milk or makeup remover lotion. Then wipe your skin with tonic or simply wash with warm water and gel or foam. Dry your face with a towel or napkin. Then apply a night cream to the skin, it is best if it contains regenerating elements that will help the skin recover before a new day.

Rating of the best washing gels

The best cleansing gels for washing1Christina with ANA Illustrious1 700 ₽
2Uriage Hyseac1 171 ₽
3Darphin Lumiere Essentielle Demaquillant Micellaire Illumunateur2 470 ₽
The best face washes for problem skin1VichyN ormaderm1 041 ₽
2La Roche-Posay1 048 ₽
3Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions™ Cleansing Gel (for problem skin)1 899 ₽
The best face washes for dry skin1Histomer Sensitive Skin Formula2 550 ₽
2La Roche-Posay (Micellar Cleansing Gel)1 678 ₽
3Nonicare - intensive hydration and care 25+470 ₽
The best face washes for oily skin1Thalgo Gentle Purifying Gel3 159 ₽
2Vichy PURETE THERMALE - refreshing cleansing gel1 023 ₽
3Levrana cleansing gel “tea tree” (hydrophilic oil)690 ₽
The best face washes for sensitive skin1Bioderma Sensibio DS+1 211 ₽
2La Roche Posay Toleriane caring wash992 ₽
3L'Oreal Skin Expert (Cleansing Gel Absolute Tenderness)304 ₽
The best universal washing gels1ANNA LOTAN Universal Cleansing Gel RENOVA1 760 ₽
3Holika Holika Aloe Facial Cleansing Foam540 ₽
43Lab Perfect Cleansing Gel4 950 ₽
5Ahava Refreshing Cleansing Gel1 560 ₽

Daily care for dry skin. Dry skin care

Dry skin care

In order to learn how to properly care for your face and neck (don’t forget that the skin there is the thinnest, and loss of moisture quickly turns into sagging), you need to understand what characterizes this type of skin.

It is not capable of producing fat and sweat in the required quantities. The result is increased irritability and a tendency to peeling. Signs of dry skin:

  • lack of healthy shine;
  • a feeling of “tightness” after any water procedures;
  • lack of elasticity, firmness.

Caring for dry sensitive skin should be done daily. It is worth skipping one procedure of applying moisturizer - and the consequences will not be long in coming: the feeling of smoothness, softness will disappear, and redness will appear when exposed to frost or strong wind.

Caring for dry skin at home should begin with washing with milk or toner. But before you buy special care products, do a small test that will allow you to accurately determine your skin type.

In the morning, an hour after washing (without using cosmetics), apply a regular napkin to your face. If, when you take it away from your face, you find shiny spots, your skin is oily or combination. If there are no traces left, and after washing you still have a feeling of “tightness” - your skin is dry.

You need to buy creams and masks taking this feature into account. There must be a mark on the product for the care of dry skin indicating this.

Care for very dry skin includes the following daily rituals:

  • washing with tonic, milk;
  • moisturizing before applying decorative cosmetics;
  • periodic hydration during the day with thermal water;
  • removing makeup in the evening, applying night cream.

The use of moisturizing and nourishing masks at least 2 times a week is of great importance.

In the morning, in order to soften the skin, you can wash your face from time to time with water diluted with some juice (cucumber, apple, sauerkraut brine).

The goal of caring for dry (especially if it is also sensitive) facial skin is to prevent increased moisture loss. Attention! Many cosmetics manufacturers indicate that their cream fills the skin with moisture. In fact, this is not so: it is impossible to replenish moisture loss with the help of cream, but reducing this loss is quite possible. Therefore, do not neglect high-quality industrial cosmetics. It doesn't have to be expensive. Creams and masks from “Clean Line”, “Black Pearl” and others are suitable.

Proper care for dry skin: masks

A woman’s face, even if it is covered with wrinkles, can always be seen whether she has taken care of herself and whether she is generally accustomed to doing so regularly. Proper care leads to the fact that the skin, even with some imperfections, looks smooth, soft, and its color is even. The wrong one leads to aggravation of existing problems.

Masks are not part of daily facial skin care, but the skin needs to be nourished and toned 1-2 times a week.

Take a few simple, accessible recipes that will help restore elasticity and restore color.

The honey mask is very good. It saturates the epidermis with useful substances, vitamins, and fights microinflammation. To prepare it we take:

  • honey (tablespoon);
  • oatmeal (tablespoon);
  • a couple of spoons of fresh milk.

After mixing everything, apply to the face and neck. You need to keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. After removal, you need to moisturize your face with cream.

A mask with sour cream is also useful. Need to mix:

  • yolk;
  • sour cream (2 tablespoons);
  • carrot juice (teaspoon).

The mask helps even out the complexion and nourish dry skin.

You can apply ripe peach mashed into a paste, as well as the pulp of watermelon and melon, on your face. While the mask is in effect, it is advisable to lie quietly, not being distracted by conversations and thinking about something pleasant.

Care for dry skin. How to care?

Those with dry skin do not know what oily shine, acne and blackheads are. But they have their own problems. Wrinkles appear early, the skin is dry and flaky, sometimes even to the point of crusting on the face. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to organize proper skin care. After all, this problem often falls out of the blue: one “beautiful” day, some kind of trigger seems to go off, and the girl suddenly discovers that she has very dry facial skin, and it is not clear what to do with it. If this sounds familiar to you, here are some guidelines to consider.

Caring for dry skin begins with washing. Having dry skin, washing your face in the morning is harmful - sebum is produced overnight, which protects the skin during the day. But before going to bed, in order to remove impurities, washing is necessary. An important aspect is the water temperature. If it is too hot, the pores expand and the work of the sebaceous glands is more inhibited. Accordingly, baths, saunas and hot baths are not recommended for girls with dry skin. Of course, if you simply cannot imagine life without such procedures, you do not have to completely abandon them. Just take care of hydration in advance and don’t plan to go to the bathhouse too often. This is a considerable burden not only for the skin, but also for the cardiovascular system. If you are used to washing your face with tap water, you will have to abandon this option. This water contains a large amount of iron and has an alkaline pH balance. It will dry out the skin even more. Water for washing should be used boiled or filtered. The ideal option would be micellar water, but its cost is quite high, and not everyone can afford it.


It would seem that the fact that you have difficulties with the epidermis is understandable without additional explanation. However, there are a number of symptoms that are often not paid attention to, while they serve as a kind of “bell” that you need to check your health:

  • after washing there is a feeling that the face, body or hands are “tight”;
  • red spots appear;
  • itching begins, which causes serious discomfort;
  • Cracks and scratches easily form on the surface.

If you have very dry skin on your body, your doctor will tell you what to do. Unfortunately, often a simple change of cosmetics is not enough; comprehensive measures must be taken: change your diet, give up bad habits, monitor which products and materials may cause unpleasant reactions, identify medications that require caution when taken.

Korean skin care for dry skin. Oily skin care

Common problems: enlarged, deep pores, oily shine (especially in the T-zone) and frequent acne.

Important stages of care: Cleansing and moisturizing.

Korean care for oily skin is based on thorough but gentle cleansing. Excess sebum, makeup and other impurities are best removed using hydrophilic oil according to the “like dissolves like” principle.

Hydrophilic oil Elizavecca Natural 90% Olive Cleansing Oil will delicately cope with the most persistent stains. The product is based on 90% organic olive oil, jojoba oil, avocado, tea tree, sunflower and argan oil. The hypoallergenic composition of Elizavecca Natural 90% Olive Cleansing Oil hydrophilic oil is suitable even for very sensitive and dry skin.

Hydrophilic oil is applied to dry skin and gently massaged onto the face along the massage lines for 1-2 minutes so that the product better penetrates the pores and dissolves impurities. Upon contact with water, the oil turns into a white emulsion, which, as it were, “pulls” all impurities out. To do this, simply rinse your hands with water and massage a little, rinse off the product. Then the remaining product must be washed off with foam cleanser so as not to cause clogging of pores and to remove the emulsifier from the surface of the skin, due to which the oil foams and dissolves impurities.

Cleansing foam Holika Holika Soda Clean Pore Buble Foam copes well with oily shine, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands and tightens pores. A special silicone brush deeply cleanses pores of sebaceous plugs and blackheads. The foam contains baking soda, carbonated water and green tea extract. Soda is responsible for gentle cleansing. Carbonated water nourishes and softens the skin. Green tea tightens pores, relieves irritation and refreshes the complexion.

One of the basic rules in caring for oily skin, which is worth remembering like a mantra, is hydration. When oily skin loses moisture, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, resulting in acne. For the same reason, those with oily skin should stay away from products that dry out the skin and not overuse aggressive peelings.

The Secret Key Hyaluron Soft Micro-Peel Toner with hyaluronic acid and AHA and BHA acids will help deeply moisturize the skin and at the same time remove dead cells and sebum. Hyaluronic acid fills dehydrated skin with moisture, creating a barrier that prevents evaporation. AHA and BHA acids are considered mild acids that, without causing injury, gently cleanse the skin. Plant extracts in the toner soothe and tone.

The toner is applied to clean skin using a soft disc or palms using patting movements.

Dry facial skin, what to do at home. Daily care for dry skin

Even if you choose the right cosmetics that include all kinds of natural substances to maintain moisture and increase fatty tissue in the facial area, you cannot do without daily care. It is considered basic and includes several main stages. Let's sort them out.

Basic cleansing

  1. For dry skin, you need to use only the gentlest and most natural cosmetics you can find. Hard gels are not suitable if they contain carbon, abrasive particles, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.
  2. Pay attention to formulations that contain algae extract, natural oils, azulene or bisabol.
  3. Cleansing is carried out once a day - after waking up in the morning. You should not carry out the procedure more often, so as not to aggravate the dryness.

Using lotion

  1. Dry skin cannot do without the systematic use of a moisturizing lotion or toner. This product is used 2-3 times a day after washing.
  2. The toner should not contain alcohol or other drying substances. Choose products for your skin type that will restore pH balance.
  3. When in contact with tap water, the alkaline environment is disrupted, and the appropriate lotion will bring it back to normal and prepare the face for applying serum (cream, hydrogel).

Regeneration and nutrition

  1. To achieve the desired result and overcome dry skin, you should use a thicker night cream. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to semi-synthetic based cosmetics.
  2. The natural fat composition is considered heavier for such a delicate type of epidermis. Experts insist on using creams containing fatty acids, vegetable oils and ceramides.
  3. Such creams may contain whey protein, algae extract, elastin and collagen. Before using a cosmetic product, the face must be prepared and cleaned. Distribute the composition 1 hour before bedtime.
  4. Spread the cream in a thick layer and wait about 20-25 minutes. After this, excess product can be removed with a paper towel.

Protection and hydration

  1. To give your skin everything it needs, it is important to apply a day cream daily. Please note that such a product must contain special enzymes that protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment.
  2. Among these antioxidants are ascorbic acid, UV filters and tocopherol. Such substances resist premature skin aging. The cream should also contain hyaluronic acid, collagen and milk protein.
  3. As a result of systematic use of the cosmetic product, the skin will acquire a healthy and toned appearance. To fill the cells from the inside, it is important to include honey extract, algae extract, grape seed extract and lecithin in the product.

Deep cleansing

  1. This procedure must be carried out once a week. It is important to remove dead skin particles from the skin. It is recommended to use exclusively targeted products for sensitive and delicate epidermis.
  2. It is worth paying attention to cosmetic products in the form of masks on an oil and cream basis. Give preference to gomages, enzyme peels and masks with fruit acids in the form of mandelic and lactic acids.
  3. It is prohibited to use aggressive products that are not suitable for your type of epidermis. Such products in most cases contain glycolic and salicylic acids.

Nourishment and deep hydration

  1. Directional masks are recommended to be used at least 2 times a week. Such cosmetics should fully nourish and moisturize the epidermal tissue. To achieve maximum results, before applying masks, it is recommended to cleanse your face with a product containing fruit acids or gommage.
  2. As a rule, manufacturers include microelements and extracts of bilobo, algae, guarana and ginkgo in nutritional masks. Active components significantly increase tissue tone and their protective functions. Moisturizing masks include chitosan, collagen, milk proteins and hyaluronic acid.
  3. Such products should be spread over prepared, cleansed skin for no more than a third of an hour. Wait the specified time and wash with non-hot water. After this, moisturize your face with a targeted cream. To maintain the effect for as long as possible, it is important to exclude drying products from cosmetics.
  4. You should completely abandon facial care products in the form of masks, cleansers and tonics if after use you feel a tingling sensation and a feeling of tightness.

Trends for 2022

When choosing the best cleanser, you should pay attention to fashion trends. Popular trends for 2022 include:


You need to understand that natural and organic cosmetics are radically different in composition. A natural product can be filled with various dyes, fragrances and other ingredients that cause allergies and dryness. To write “natural” on a product, it is enough to add 1-2 natural products to the composition (possibly in minimal quantities).

Organic cosmetics consist entirely of natural ingredients and do not use chemical technologies in their production. Such cosmetics must be labeled “COSMOS ORGANIC” or “COSMOS NATURAL”.

Korean cosmetics

Korean-made decorative and care products have become popular for a reason. Firstly, they are actively promoted on YouTube, and secondly, almost all products originating from Korea can boast of high quality.

It is worth noting that Korean products may not be suitable for women with very oily skin, since the cosmetics of this production are aimed at a fashionable trend in Asia - a dewy face. Asian women specifically try to give their face a “wet” effect, so manufacturers meet them and make products containing moisturizing and highlighting components.

Belarusian and Polish cosmetics

Lovers of inexpensive cosmetics believe that the best washing gels are made in Belarus or Poland. Surely, all the girls who follow fashion trends have noticed that cosmetics from these countries have become truly popular, even the most famous beauty bloggers recommend them to their subscribers.

Prices allow you to try different products and choose the ideal option, but in order not to buy everything, it is better to first look at reviews (with detailed descriptions and photos before and after use) or video tests.

Composition and fashion trends are not everything. Before purchasing a product, you should read the reviews on thematic websites. Choose a cleansing gel that has many good reviews from customers and cosmetologists. Look through the relevant tops, make your rating of the best washing gels based on skin type, financial capabilities and composition.

Dry skin body vitamins. What causes dry skin

Dry skin on the body makes a person feel uncomfortable. It becomes tight, irritated, has a dull color, peeling and itching. Such skin ages faster and is more susceptible to wrinkles. When the top layer of skin dries out, it loses its integrity and allows dirt, bacteria and chemicals to pass through microcracks, causing irritation and itching.

The skin is closely related to the vital functions of internal organs. The skin is the first protective barrier against disease: it protects the body from damage, the penetration of microorganisms, and prevents dehydration.

The main cause of dry skin is insufficient sebum production, which is caused by a number of factors.

Lack of sebum production leads to dry skin

The skin of the body is exposed to external and internal influences.


  • dry air;
  • climatic conditions (sun, wind, frost);
  • frequent use of very hot and cold water;
  • use of aggressive cosmetics;
  • washing with soap.


  • insufficient water consumption;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • metabolic disease;
  • stress;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • aging.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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