What is the difference between peeling and scrub and which is better for the face? Cosmetologists answer

Before purchasing products, you need to understand the difference between peeling and scrub. First of all, cleaning products differ in composition. It is very important to learn everything about this point, since the components have different effects on the epidermis.

Every day old skin cells die off. They are replaced by new ones. This process is non-stop, but not too fast. To stimulate this property of the body, women use peelings and scrubs. These two compositions are actively used in cosmetology. They improve skin condition and promote rejuvenation.

But not everyone knows about the differences between these funds. They are often confused and asked: peeling and scrub - what is the difference? To understand this issue, you need to carefully study the composition and properties.

Differences between the components used in peeling and scrub

Important! Incorrect use of cleansing compounds will give completely the opposite result. Instead of rejuvenation, the face will dry out and become ugly.

A facial scrub is a viscous composition consisting of small solid particles.

Peeling is an acidic substance containing small abrasive particles.

A scrub usually consists of clay, cream or gel. The composition includes a variety of solid particles. You can use:

  • grape;
  • apricots;
  • wax granules;
  • nut shells;
  • salt.

Important! The solid particles in the scrub are not always smooth - they cause microtrauma, and this is extremely undesirable, especially for a face that blushes easily - the vessels dilate, forming a bluish-red formation, or “stars”, spreading throughout the face. In this case, exfoliating dead skin means causing harm to yourself. Be careful.

The peeling contains very small solid particles, gel or cream, but this mass has a more liquid consistency. It is very similar to regular milk.

Execution Sequence

As you know, peeling with acids is quite traumatic, so during sessions you wait 14–21 days so that the skin can recover.
If your dermis tolerates exfoliation well, can you try combining peeling with scrubbing? Of course, yes, but only when you do superficial exfoliation. Stages of combined use:

  1. Steam your face, which will help open the pores.
  2. They start with a scrub. The face is washed with baby soap, and then a scrub is applied and a light massage is performed, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 2 minutes, wash off the product with warm water or wipe with a napkin.
  3. Gentle cosmetics are applied to the skin for superficial peeling (in no case with strong chemical peeling!). Wait a few minutes (the manufacturer always indicates the holding time on the packaging).
  4. If the scrub can be wiped off with a regular napkin, then the peeling suspension is washed off with plenty of water or soda solution.

Cosmetologist Rene Rouleau advises alternating both procedures, after consulting with a specialist. For example, on Wednesday and Saturday you can treat your skin with scrubbing in the shower, and on Monday treat it with a superficial peeling agent.

Important point: Scrubbing after deep chemical peeling is prohibited, because the skin has been burned. Your dermis should recover in 14–21 days. As soon as you see that the condition of the skin has returned to normal (at least a month after the session), you can start using scrubs at home.

Thus, what to choose: peeling or scrub is up to you. But if you really want to not only cleanse your pores, but also improve the condition of your dermis, make an appointment with a cosmetologist for chemical peeling. Although this procedure is not the cheapest, and has a number of contraindications, it not only removes dead skin cells, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates acne and minimizes wrinkles. If going to a specialist is alien to you, it is recommended to combine superficial peeling with scrubbing at home to enhance the cleansing effect.

How does a peeling differ from a scrub?

Peeling and scrub have different effects on the epidermis. They are quite different from each other.

Peeling provides deep cleansing. To do this, acids are added to the composition:

  1. Azelaic. This acid is often used to combat rosacea. Also often used to eliminate acne.
  2. Glycolic. Accelerates the process of skin renewal. Cleans effectively.
  3. Retinoic.
  4. Salicylic acid. An ideal remedy for fighting inflammation. Effective for fighting acne.
  5. Ascorbic acid.
  6. Chloroacetic.
  7. Fruity. Used for moisturizing. The acid actively increases collagen levels. It also helps eliminate inflammatory processes.

To take more gentle care of your face, you should use this type of cleansing. To provide a more softening effect, it is made from amino acids, oils, vitamins, extracts of various plants, collagen and elastin.

With peeling you can:

  • exfoliate dead cells;
  • get rid of acne;
  • restore softness and elasticity to the skin;
  • moisturize, cleanse pores, nourish with nutrients.

In general - rejuvenate. All this contributes to the disappearance of shallow wrinkles.

Peels can be superficial, medium and deep, as they differ in the method of penetration.

Cream peeling is even more gentle, since the abrasive particles in the preparation are very small. The risk of skin injury will decrease, but the massage effect will also be greatly reduced.

Important! Cosmetics should be selected depending on skin type.

The main function of the scrub is to get rid of dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis. The substance also eliminates roughness. With its help, they also get rid of pores and saturate the epidermis with oxygen. If you use the scrub systematically, your skin will look healthy, soft and beautiful.

Important! You can use cleaning agents at home. They are used for medium and superficial cleansing and contain a large amount of fruit acids. This is a fairly safe remedy. But if you need a deep effect, then you will have to go to a beauty salon.

Answers on questions

Let's consider several questions of interest.

Which peeling is better to buy for home treatments?

Rating of the most popular products, compiled according to consumer reviews:

  1. Facial peeling “Golden” from Natura Siberik.

The succinic acid contained in it penetrates deep into the epidermis, triggering natural renewal. Siberian bird cherry oil softens and tones. Bio-gold is easily absorbed by the skin, regenerating it and enhancing the effect of other plant components.

  1. Peeling "Bark".

In addition to acidic components, it contains grape seed oil and D-Panthenol. They soften, moisturize, and also reduce the aggressive effect on the epidermis. The allantoin contained in the composition has powerful bactericidal, antioxidant and moisturizing properties.

  1. Two-level scrub-peeling “Beri Mix” from the Armel company.

Approved for daily use. Characterized by light impact and mild exfoliating properties. Papaya extract improves complexion.

What type of cleansing can you use in summer?

At this time of year, you should avoid deep chemical cleansing. Light peelings with fruit acids and gentle scrubbing are more suitable. However, after using them there is a risk of losing your tan.

Which scrub is best for oily skin?

When choosing a scrub for this type, it is important to study all the included components. It must contain:

  • abrasives of natural (oats, rice, salt, etc.) or artificial (polymers) origin;
  • oils that do not affect additional sebum production. Optimally olive or argan;
  • anti-inflammatory and soothing components.

What are the contraindications?

Facial scrub and peeling should not be used thoughtlessly. Before use, be sure to read the composition information. Otherwise, you can harm yourself.

The substances have a number of contraindications. Don't ignore them.

  1. If a woman has a very sensitive epidermis and is also prone to allergies, then it is prohibited to carry out any cleansing procedures. Before using medications, find out the causes of allergies. After this, you can select funds. They should be perfect for the skin.
  2. Do not use cleansers around the eyes. If it gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, problems may arise. In addition, the skin around the eyes is very delicate. She does not tolerate such procedures well.
  3. It is also not recommended to use cleansers if the skin is sick. First you need to carry out a full treatment, and only then scrub. Also, avoid using the substance if you have herpes on your skin.
  4. If you have a cold, you should wait for complete recovery. Before using medications, get rid of all possible problems.
  5. People with cardiovascular insufficiency should refrain from using cleansing substances.
  6. Substances for deep cleaning are prohibited in the case of kidney and liver diseases.
  7. It is not recommended to use deep cleansing products for people who have very sensitive and thin skin prone to rosacea. Instead, it is better to use a peeling cream, which has a more gentle effect. The composition includes nutrients and emollients that will also help moisturize the skin.

Important! Before applying substances to your skin, carefully read the instructions for use. Study the composition in full. This way you can determine the compatibility of the component with your skin type.

Both substances exfoliate old skin well. But it is recommended to do this in the absence of contraindications.


Exfoliants (“exfoliators”) use a much wider arsenal of methods than just a scrub (“scraper”).

We recommend: Why do you need FACE PEELING? | 9 questions about peeling

They not only clean and degrease the epidermis, but also cope with a whole range of cosmetic problems. For example, with spider veins or subcutaneous mites.

Deep exfoliation can replace or even surpass surgical lifting. After all, it launches the natural renewal processes of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

As a result of a course of exfoliation, the composition of the skin changes qualitatively, in contrast to simply pulling the skin, like on a drum.

What is better - peeling or scrub?

Quite a popular question: which is better – peeling or scrub? But the answer is quite simple.

As girls who often use the substances note, peeling is better. This is because the skin will not be scratched. But without the use of the substance, it will be difficult to deeply cleanse the epidermis.

This is why you should use a scrub first. It will eliminate the shortcomings of dense top layers. And then switch to comprehensive skin care. Peeling is used for this.

The differences between the drugs are obvious, but this is not a bad thing - they complement each other, providing comprehensive care.

More about procedures

Scrubbing and peeling don’t have much in common. It is only worth noting that their effects injure the skin to one degree or another. The first one grinds, the second one leaves a chemical burn. As a result, the desired result is achieved - renewal.

Of course, the first and second procedures have much more functions. Both scrubbing and peeling cleanse, rejuvenate, even out skin tone and texture. But the scrub is more suitable for home use, while peeling is considered an exclusively salon event.

Apart from the above, they probably have nothing else in common. Oh yes, I also forgot to mention that, if necessary, the effect can be directed not only to the face, but also to other parts of the body. As for inconsistencies, there are more than enough of them.

Is it possible to combine?

It’s not just possible, but even necessary. Peeling, which is used as a less traumatic product for the skin, gives a milder effect than a scrub. But this does not mean at all that the first one can be used more often if the epidermis tolerates it well. A feature of the scrub is considered to be deeper cleansing. This is also necessary for the face.

We can conclude that the two means should be combined. This way a person will get the maximum effect.

Cleansing procedures should be done one at a time, starting with a scrub.

  1. First, we wash ourselves well with baby soap, after which the product is applied to the face, without touching the eye area.
  2. We begin to massage the face for 2-5 minutes with light circular movements - this way the substance will be absorbed into the epidermis.
  3. We pay special attention to the T-zone of the face. It is on the nose that the skin becomes the most oily - various pores appear, and acne forms due to their clogging.

Important! Professionals advise steaming your face before starting cleansing. The pores will open, and the scrub, penetrating inside, will act much more effectively.

After the first part of the procedure is over, you need to wipe your face with a napkin. Apply a second cleanser after a few minutes. In this way, you can complement the cleansing process and get rid of dead cells. If you use only peeling, then it will be impossible to achieve such an effect, so it is advisable to combine two drugs, but correctly.

Important! You should not only know the differences between these substances. You need to be able to use them correctly. The scrub is washed off with a napkin after use. We get rid of peeling by thoroughly washing our face with clean water. If the substance remains on the face, irritation will occur. You also need to remember that scrubs are allowed to be used twice a week. And peelings are only done once.


Using a scrub around the eyes is, of course, contraindicated: it will injure and stretch the delicate tissues of the periorbital area.

But some types of exfoliation, for example, milk-glycolic, can also achieve an effect for the delicate eyelid area. They reduce expression lines, dark circles under the eyes, and fight dryness and pigmentation.

It is worth remembering: the procedure also has its contraindications. Nursing mothers, as well as patients with high fever or herpes, should refrain from exfoliating the eyelids.

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