Injections for facial beauty: what is it, how much do they cost, should I do it or not?

The most common reason for visiting a cosmetologist is facial rejuvenation

How do I know what procedures I need for facial rejuvenation?

Soft anti-wrinkle filler
This question is often asked by patients even before visiting a doctor, because they want to at least get an idea of ​​what to expect and what the cost of rejuvenation will be. It’s worth saying right away that it’s possible to determine for sure only during an examination, but in general we can guess what procedures will be required.

If you are bothered by wrinkles on your skin in the form of facial wrinkles, then Botox can help you deal with them. Particularly deep creases are filled with a soft filler based on hyaluronic acid.

If you don’t like the tired look of your face, then it is very likely that a specialist will suggest volumetric correction with filler to restore sunken areas and return the points of light reflection characteristic of a young face.

If you are concerned about the quality of your skin, then a whole range of procedures is possible here, from active treatments and peelings to stimulating procedures - laser rejuvenation, fractional radio wave lifting, biorevitalization, peptide mesotherapy.

IPL treatment with intense broadband light (photorejuvenation)

If you are unhappy with your skin color, then the following options are possible. For a red, vascular face - anti-rosacea treatments, IPL treatment with intense broadband light (photorejuvenation), biorevitalization. If dissatisfaction is associated with age spots, then home-brightening and protective care is prescribed, peelings, injections of meso-preparations with antioxidants, and hardware photorejuvenation using special parameters are carried out in the office.

Tissue tightening - SMAS lifting

The sagging oval of the face often requires a set of procedures, the first ones are aimed at tightening the tissues - SMAS-lifting, micro-needle RF (Fractora), reinforcement with polylactic threads. The second way to return them to their place is thread lifting.

Does your neck show your age? Be prepared for collagen-stimulating procedures - injections of polylactic acid, Radiesse, soft fillers in rings, laser rejuvenation and micro-needling RF.

If you want to stay youthful without injections, then get ready for more and more frequent procedures. In the case of professional treatments and peelings, the main thing is regularity. It is better to start “aging naturally” with a cosmetologist at the age of 25, while there are no obvious problems.

Facial rejuvenation by a cosmetologist

It happens that all problems are somehow present on the face, especially for women after 40-45 years. What to do then? In this case, during the examination, the doctor determines the most critical areas, work with which will definitely improve the appearance. And when prescribing a set of procedures, he often starts with them. The work scheme can be planned for at least 3 months, at least for a year. We always give recommendations on how to do it perfectly, while focusing on the wishes of the patient.

The most important thing is to understand that there is no one universal procedure that will simultaneously solve all problems on the face. However, in modern cosmetology there are many procedures that, when applied and combined correctly, give amazing results.

Facial rejuvenation - Whatever one may say, one of the most common reasons for visiting a cosmetologist. To look fresher, get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes, tighten up sagging cheeks, smooth out wrinkles, improve skin tone, make the face less sad and tired - these are all requests from patients that a competent cosmetologist can turn into reality. Fortunately, the range of techniques is now wide and safety procedures are not inferior to the most modern medical technologies. And at the same time, a pronounced effect of facial rejuvenation can be obtained without surgery.


Not everyone can administer drugs under the skin. The procedure cannot be performed if:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • feverish condition;
  • individual sensitivity to drug components;
  • the presence of keloid scars;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • oncology;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, cosmetologists also do not advise women to resort to these procedures.

Do I need to prepare for beauty injections?

All procedures involving injections involve puncture of the skin with the introduction of the drug into the tissue, and therefore require careful preparation. General recommendations:

  • cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking 2–3 days before the procedure;
  • avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen-based medications, and other medications that cause dilation of blood vessels.

The main indication for beauty injections is skin condition.


Before giving the injection, the specialist:

  • cleanses the skin of makeup;
  • treats the face with an antiseptic;
  • anesthetizes the desired areas by applying a lidocaine-based gel.

Prices for rejuvenation injections in Moscow

Type of drugVolumeCost, rub.
Gel Collost 7%0.5 ml8 400
Gel Collost 7%1.0 ml9 900
Gel Collost 7%1.5 ml12 400
Gel Collost 15%1.5 ml17 200
Type of drugNumber of unitsCost, rub.
Dysport1 unit110
Botox1 uniton request

A cosmetologist will help you determine the exact number of injections required, as well as the number of units for using a particular drug in different areas, at your initial appointment.

For example, the approximate number of required units of Dysport for different zones:

  • Forehead – from 50 to 100 units.
  • Interbrow space – from 30-50 units.
  • Outer corners of the eyes – from 20 to 40 units.

photos of rejuvenation injections before and after the procedure

Recovery period

To ensure a favorable result, cosmetology has precise instructions on what needs to be done upon completion of the procedure. Recommendations from cosmetologists may differ depending on the drug, but there are also general requirements.

Within 2 weeks after injections it is prohibited:

  • apply decorative cosmetics, masks and creams to the face that have not been approved by a specialist;
  • steam in a sauna or steam bath;
  • visit the solarium and sunbathe in the sun;
  • drinking alcohol.

Possible consequences

In places where the skin is punctured, the following may be observed within 1–3 days:

  • bruises and lumps;
  • painful sensations when touched or pressed;
  • slight swelling.

Also, some women complain of headaches. All symptoms must be reported to a specialist.


Fillers allow you to lift your face, correct its oval, eliminate deep wrinkles and creases in the skin, and add volume to the cheekbones and nose.

The preparations are gel texture products. In terms of effect, they are an alternative to plastic surgery. Their main advantage is the lack of influence on facial expressions.

Fillers are often used to eliminate deep nasolabial folds.

The main components of fillers are:

  • purified silicone (harmful, causing many side effects, prohibited in Europe and the USA);
  • collagen of animal origin or purified human;
  • hyaluronic acid.

A new and rather difficult technology is the introduction of the patient’s own fat as fillers. It is taken in the required quantity during liposuction. After this, the material goes through several stages of processing and is distributed under the skin of the face. Its expensive price is justified. The drug causes virtually no adverse reactions and its results last six months longer.

Fillers have different consistencies. Top-class specialists work with dense textures. It is difficult to distribute them evenly under the skin to avoid the formation of lumps and lumps. But the result after their introduction is visible immediately, the effect lasts longer.

Fillers in the form of a liquid gel are distributed easily and lie flat. The effect is visible almost immediately.

In general, the effect of fillers lasts for a period of 6 – 12 months. They are recommended for women aged 35–50 years.

Benefits of a non-surgical facelift

Everyone knows that facial plastic surgery is an intervention in its tissues through surgery. This method is aimed at correcting defects not with conventional injections, but with the use of a scalpel. Not every woman is ready to do this. After all, wounds can take a long time and painfully to heal after surgery, and the result is not always impressive.

The main advantage of a non-surgical facelift, reviews of which are mostly positive, lies in the very principle of the method. This procedure represents therapeutic trauma to the inner and outer layers of the skin. But, unlike surgical intervention, after this method, the fibers of the main connective tissue (collagen, elastin and molecular chains of hyaluronic acid) are regenerated and continue to perform their functions. Similar methods also include: creams, masks, gels, massagers. These methods of non-surgical facial skin tightening are not at all dangerous.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Mesothreads for face lift: pros and cons of the procedure
  • Beauty injections: types of drugs, reviews
  • Placental therapy is the secret of eternal youth


  1. Availability. Most people can afford a face lift, with the exception of those for whom it is contraindicated (pregnant, breastfeeding, cancer patients, patients with bleeding disorders and those with untreated infectious diseases).
  2. Safety. Minimal likelihood of side effects compared to plastic surgery. The only concern after the procedure may be swelling of the area where the manipulation was performed and peeling of the skin during the healing period.
  3. No visible or invisible consequences on the face. There are no scars left on the body after complete healing. In addition to the fact that lifting does not leave any traces behind, it has a beneficial effect on the speed of blood flow and vascular health. Small toxins are actively removed from the body.
  4. Fast action. Surgery requires a long recovery period. Lifting provides quick results.
  5. Youth for many years. High-quality products have a long-lasting effect that will last for many years.

Botulinum toxin

Preparations based on this neurotoxin effectively fight wrinkles. They act on the nerve endings of the muscles, blocking them and relaxing the tissue. As a result, the skin is smoothed. The obtained result lasts for a period of 6 – 12 months. Afterwards it must be entered again.

Wrinkles smooth out gradually within 2 weeks after administration of the drug.

When administering botulinum toxin, it is prohibited:

  • bend over for several hours after the injection;
  • touch puncture sites on the skin;
  • take antibiotics and drink alcohol for the next two weeks.

The first day you need to monitor the activity of facial expressions.

The full effect of botulinum toxin injection will be visible after two weeks.

The main drugs based on botulinum toxin:

  • Botox (USA);
  • Xeomin (Germany);
  • Dysport (France).

The main difference between them is the different concentration of the active substance and the presence or absence of additional protein complexes. They are recommended for use by women starting from 30 years of age.

Preparations based on botulinum toxins are good at eliminating facial wrinkles.


The procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based preparations into the deep layers of the skin. Additionally, peptides, plant extracts, etc. can be added to the injection, at the discretion of the cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization allows the skin to recover, replenish its supply of vitamins, deeply moisturizes the skin and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen by human tissues.

Biorevitalization is a course of injections. Most often it consists of 3 procedures, with a break between them of 2–3 weeks.

Subsequently, it is enough to administer injections once every 2 to 3 months. It is recommended to track the frequency not only by the calendar, but also by the condition of the skin. Biorevitalization is prescribed at the discretion of the cosmetologist, starting from the age of 25.

Features of aging facial skin

None of us can escape aging. Although this is a natural process, awareness of this fact does not make it pleasant. It seems like just recently we admired our bright blush and delicate, soft, elastic skin in front of the mirror. And now she is dull, pale and covered with wrinkles.

Girls begin to notice age-related changes from the age of 25 (if heredity is not very good, then earlier). Why is this happening?

  1. Cells renew themselves more slowly, so the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thicker.
  2. The collagen and elastin fibers that support the framework of our skin change. They become thin, rough, stretch, and perform their function much worse than before.
  3. Gaps form in the protective hydrolipidic layer. Because of this, natural moisture in the skin is retained worse.
  4. Substances (collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipids), which are extremely necessary for the skin, are produced more slowly, but are quickly consumed.
  5. The protective functions of the skin become weaker. In this regard, it is more difficult for her to deal with the aggressive influence of the external environment.

Internal violations accumulate, over time they come out and become obvious. They are expressed by the following characteristics:

  • dullness of the skin;
  • loss of smoothness and elasticity;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles (day by day there are more of them, they become deeper);
  • formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of a double chin.


This is an injection skin care procedure. During it, mesocotails, which are a set of vitamins that nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, are injected into the deep layers of the skin with a syringe with a thin needle. They allow you to restore its fresh appearance, elasticity and normalize the production of sebum. Particularly effective after summer, when the face has been intensively exposed to harmful UV radiation for several months.

Mesotherapy can also be performed at home. To do this, you need a mesoscooter, an antiseptic, an anesthetic gel and a mesocotail, which should be purchased at the pharmacy.

The procedure is a course of 4 – 6 sessions with breaks of 2 – 3 weeks. The introduction of meso-cocktails is allowed from a young age, from 20 years and older.

Having decided on beauty injections, you need to find a salon or clinic that uses only certified original drugs. Its staff should consist only of qualified specialists who will be able to accurately select the necessary procedure, the administered composition and the volume of the drug in order to achieve the result you need, without spoiling your face, but emphasizing its individual features.

Hardware facelift

To restore youth to the skin, it is not necessary to undergo a course of injections. A non-surgical facelift can be achieved using special devices. These procedures are absolutely painless, and the skin recovers quickly after them.

Hardware cosmetology is aimed at rejuvenation and healing. Manipulations are carried out using special equipment. The advantages of this method:

  • high efficiency;
  • effect not only on the superficial layers of the skin, but also on the deep structures, subcutaneous tissue;
  • During the procedure there is almost no or very little pain;
  • positive changes appear almost immediately;
  • versatility - allows you to solve many problems with the skin of the face and body;
  • no need for long-term rehabilitation (compared to surgical interventions).

The main disadvantages are side effects (usually they do not cause severe discomfort: peeling, swelling, redness), as well as the need for a short period of recovery or compliance with certain recommendations. In addition, there is a high probability of ending up not with a professional, but with an inexperienced or even unqualified specialist. The procedure in this case can lead to complications.

Lifting techniques are effective for:

  • decreased tone, dullness, aging of the skin;
  • formation of small wrinkles;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • strongly pronounced wrinkles or facial folds, vertical furrows;
  • the appearance of bruises or bags under the eyes;
  • jowls;
  • double chin;
  • enlarged pores, acne, post-acne;
  • rosacea;
  • the presence of scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • freckles or age-related hyperpigmentation.

The main task of hardware lifting is skin regeneration. It makes it fresher and more elastic. After 25 years, it is possible to carry out procedures that will maintain the normal condition of the skin as a preventive measure.

Despite its effectiveness, the intensive effects of hardware techniques have contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, serious neurological or mental disorders, the presence of chronic pathologies, the presence of foreign bodies in the body, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, infectious and oncological processes.

Currently, there are many types of hardware cosmetology procedures and their options. Let's look at the most effective and safe ones, according to cosmetologists.

  • RF lifting

The most popular procedure. It is carried out as follows: the skin structures are exposed to powerful pulses of radio waves emitted by a special device. As a result, the metabolic process is activated, fat cells are destroyed, fibroblasts (cells responsible for the production of collagen) are stimulated.

The device is designed in such a way that the intensity of radio emission can be adjusted. Thanks to this, the method can be used for different areas of the face, décolleté, neck, and chest. Basically, to achieve the desired result, 5–8 sessions are needed, the frequency is different for each patient, depending on the characteristics of the body.

An important advantage of fractional RF lifting is the complete absence of a recovery period and minor side effects (dry skin). The main disadvantage is that it is not suitable for patients over 45 years of age. You should expect very little results at this age. But you can combine this procedure with biorevitalization, then radio wave sessions will show results even at 60 years old.

  • Microcurrent hardware facelift

During this procedure, the device acts on problem areas with weak pulses of low-frequency current. This stimulates the natural potential of old or weakened cells of the superficial and deep layers of the skin, promotes their regeneration, while simultaneously influencing facial vessels and muscle structures. The session takes 20–30 minutes. During the procedure, the specialist smoothly moves a special applicator along massage lines, in the direction from the center of the face to its periphery. This procedure does not cause any particular discomfort, except for a slight tingling sensation in the most sensitive areas.

The main advantage is a quick facelift. But one session is not always enough for rejuvenation. After the first procedures, the effect will last 2 days. Long-term results can be achieved with a physiotherapeutic course, it consists of 7-10 sessions.

  • Cryotherapy

This method is based on the effect of low temperatures on the skin, resulting in a natural reaction of the skin. The vessels sharply narrow and then expand, thanks to this the blood begins to actively circulate, become saturated with oxygen, and metabolic processes accelerate.

Cold was used as a treatment in ancient times. Galen and Hippocrates recommended the use of ice baths to cure many diseases.

Cryotherapy not only helps to increase skin tone and elasticity, remove wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté, but also in the fight against:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • acne;
  • age spots;
  • warts;
  • scars.

In many salons, the procedure is carried out using a cryospray, which cools the skin to -180 °C. But the most modern and effective is the use of cryoelectrophoresis (subcutaneous injection of frozen drugs under the influence of a pulsating current). For best results, 9–12 sessions are required. In addition to the contraindications typical for hardware cosmetology, cryolifting cannot be performed on patients with increased sensitivity to cold.

  • Photorejuvenation

This method is carried out with a gentle impact, it does not injure the skin, and there are no traces of any intervention left after it. Photorejuvenation involves treating problem areas with a special applicator that emits powerful light flashes. They penetrate quite deeply (up to 3 cm), promote gentle heating of deep structures and activate the production of collagen and elastin.

Thanks to the completed course, the following changes occur:

  • facial tone is evened out;
  • pores narrow;
  • contours are tightened;
  • deep wrinkles and folds disappear or decrease;
  • manifestations of rosacea become less.

Negative aspects of photorejuvenation:

  • lack of quick results (the first changes begin after 1.5 months);
  • low efficiency after 55 years;
  • high cost (approximately 20,000 rubles per course);
  • seasonality (it is better not to carry out this procedure in the summer).
  • Laser rejuvenation

This procedure is based on the simultaneous impact on the deep and superficial layers of the skin. Defects that are on the surface are corrected with a laser beam. It penetrates deeply and stimulates internal self-healing, as well as the synthesis of useful components. The result is natural renewal and rejuvenation of the skin surface. The procedure, although minimally invasive, is considered complex, is performed in a hospital setting, and the recovery period is short.

  • LPG massage

An effective technique to combat the first signs of aging, superficial wrinkles. This procedure is effective due to the simultaneous operation of special rollers and vacuum. This helps to influence subcutaneous fat and stimulate collagen production. Another advantage of LPG massage is that it does not require a recovery period, and there are almost never side effects. But the price for such a massage is high; the full course is 10–15 sessions.

  • ELOS-rejuvenation

During this procedure, a complex of optical and laser energies is used. A session of such rejuvenation involves heating the subcutaneous layers to a high temperature. This stimulates the synthesis of fibers, which function to support healthy and youthful skin. ELOS rejuvenation helps in the fight against pigmentation, rosacea, evens out skin texture, and corrects wrinkles of varying severity.

  • Ultrasonic lifting

This is the effect of a wave-like acoustic pulse on superficial and deep subcutaneous structures under constant ultrasound control on a monitor. During the procedure, the integrity of the skin is not damaged; a recovery period and special treatment of the skin are not required. This technique is a non-surgical facelift and works great for sagging, drooping eyelids, double chin, jowls, deep wrinkles, and furrows. The only negative is that you need to numb the area before starting the session.

  • SMAS lifting (ultrasonic)

This is a non-invasive (performed without surgery or injections), one-time, non-surgical facelift.

SMAS (from English Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) is the muscular-aponeurotic layer of facial tissue, which consists of muscles, collagen and elastin fibers. It is this layer that gives elasticity and firmness to the skin and serves as a frame that ensures the clarity of the oval of the face.

With this procedure, ultrasound affects the deep layers of the skin, and not the superficial ones, as happens with other cosmetic procedures. The ultrasonic wave penetrates to a depth of about 4.5 mm. As a result, the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers is activated, and skin restoration processes begin.

Another additional effect is the lipolytic effect, or ultrasonic cavitation (destruction of fat cells). In other words, SMAS lifting helps to remove unnecessary fat, which is located in the chin area and oval of the face.

Which method is the most effective for non-surgical face and neck lifting? To answer this question, you need to determine your personal wishes and preferences. To choose the most suitable technique, you need to know for sure what result you would like to see. Before making a decision, you should consult with a cosmetologist, he will help you choose what you need.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

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