Why do pimples appear in the corners of the eyes, how to get rid of them?

The inflammatory process affecting the red border, mucous membrane and skin of the lips is called cheilitis. When caught, easily detachable scales appear on them, and in their place a reddish spot remains. At the same time, increased dryness, obsessive itching and burning occur on the lips. Symptoms persist for several days or years, appearing sporadically and disappearing as well.

What are lip jams?

Seizures on the lips are a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane of the lips, which is based on inflammatory changes caused by the action of opportunistic microorganisms. This means that the jam is a small wound on the outer or inner surface of the lips. The most interesting thing is that it is caused by those microorganisms that constantly live in these areas.

But under normal conditions, no pathological manifestations arise. Consequently, sticking on the lips is not just a local problem with the skin, but a certain marker of a decrease in the overall reactivity and protective properties of the body.

The above data explains why lip jams occur most often during the cold season. After all, this time is characterized by a decrease in the activity of all metabolic and metabolic processes in any organism. Persons with chronic diseases with regular seasonal exacerbations are more susceptible to such effects. Of course, against such a background, first of all, the immune system suffers, which is not able to keep all microbes under control. The result is sticking on the lips and a whole host of similar minor symptoms that indicate an immune imbalance in the body.

In the development of lip jams, several stages can be distinguished. The first stage involves the introduction of pathogens into the skin or mucous membrane. In this case, either small blisters or papules (nodules) appear.

They are accompanied by severe itching, burning and discomfort in the affected areas. Usually at this time a person provokes a rupture of such primary elements. A small wound surface in the form of an ulcer forms at this site. It may bleed and be accompanied by discharge and crusting. In everyday life, such a process causes noticeable discomfort, which manifests itself when talking, eating, or laughing. At this time, stretching of the skin and cracks on the lips occur. They become frequent companions of neglected food.


The appearance of a jam indicates not only the presence of some pathogen, but also the weakness of the skin, since any infection manifests itself in the weakest places.

This means there are problems with the skin and vitamins that are responsible for its condition help solve them. Namely: A, B2 and E. It is the presence of these vitamins that needs to be replenished in order to get rid of unpleasant and painful wounds. This can be done quickly with complex pharmaceutical preparations containing these vitamins.

Also, vitamin deficiency can be replenished from food, but this will last longer than with the use of the drug.

Causes of sticky lips

Seizures occur due to hypovitaminosis; in particular, the development of infection can be caused by a lack of vitamin B2.

  • Among the unfavorable external factors, it is worth noting the prolonged contact of the corners of the lips with saliva, which leads to maceration of skin folds and mucous membranes as a result of increased salivation, which can occur with certain diseases (malocclusion). Diabetes mellitus is a complicating factor in the development of seizures. Fungal infections can occur after prolonged antibacterial therapy, use of cytostatics, and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • In most cases, seizures are of streptococcal nature; less often, inflammation is caused by fungi.
  • Seizures can be caused by dry skin, minor skin injuries, dirt, prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures, poor personal hygiene due to malocclusion, caries, or wearing dentures or braces.
  • Candidiasis is caused by Candida fungi. The disease in most cases is accompanied by fungal infection of the tongue, oral cavity and cheilitis. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are conditionally pathogenic flora of the skin and mucous membranes, but if there is a decrease in immunity, the fungi turn into pathogenic microorganisms and become the cause of inflammatory diseases - candidiasis. Decreased immunity can be caused by the use of medications, as well as various diseases, including HIV infection.
  • The cause of the seizure may be iron deficiency anemia, which is manifested by pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The skin becomes dry and rough, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, nails and hair become brittle.

3 main groups of reasons for jamming

If the central mechanism for the formation of seizures is an immune imbalance in the body, then the direct culprits in the implementation of this process may be:

  • Bacteria. Most often these are various streptococci;
  • Fungi. Representatives of this class are yeast-like candidiasis infection;
  • Viruses. The most constant companion of humans are representatives of the herpes family.

Immune imbalance never just happens. To activate the listed microorganisms, the body must be affected by:

  1. Colds and respiratory infections;
  2. Prolonged exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  3. Increased body temperature;
  4. General hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  5. Violation of hygiene rules for lip care;
  6. Direct contact with an infected person or the use of his personal means (spoons, cups, etc.);
  7. Diseases of the digestive system and liver;
  8. Anemia of any origin;
  9. Treatment with cytostatics and hormones.


The occurrence of seizures can be prevented by following the following recommendations:

  1. If seizures bother you quite often, you need to undergo a full examination. Perhaps the cause of the disease is hidden in the body.
  2. Monitor the condition of your mouth and teeth. Get a timely preventive examination from your dentist. Caries, tartar, poor-quality dentures - all this can contribute to the appearance of angulitis.
  3. Proper nutrition will help get rid of an unpleasant disease. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins B2, C, E.
  4. Carry out timely vitamin therapy. But it is worth remembering that hypervitaminosis can also cause seizures.
  5. There is no need to allow your lips to become dry or flaky. To moisturize, use hygienic lipstick, thermal water, wax, honey, oils (linseed, rose, coconut).

Symptoms and diagnosis of seizure

Laboratory testing helps determine the exact cause. In a scraping taken from the affected area of ​​the skin, the presence of fungi is determined. A negative result indicates the absence of candidiasis. In a general blood test, the level of hemoglobin is determined to exclude anemia, the level of leukocytes and ESR to exclude an inflammatory reaction, and the blood is also examined for sugar in order to exclude diabetes.

For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to perform the Wasserman reaction to identify streptococcal infection, excluding syphilis.

Streptococcal infection is most often diagnosed in children. At the very beginning of the disease, blisters with a thin covering appear in the corners of the mouth, after a short period of time they burst, and in their place there remains erosion in the form of a gap, on the surface of which a bloody crust with caked pus forms. After removing the crust, you can notice a bleeding wet surface, often with a crack located in the middle; after a couple of hours, the erosion becomes covered with a crust again. Opening your mouth in the midst of a pathological process may cause slight pain.

Read more: eating in children

Candidiasis is accompanied by the appearance of bright red erosion in the corners of the mouth, around which a fringe of the epithelial layer can be seen. In some cases, the affected area becomes covered with a whitish coating, which can be easily removed. A characteristic symptom of seizures caused by yeast-like fungi is the absence of crusts on the surface of the wounds. When the mouth is closed, painful areas may be hidden by an overhanging fold of skin. The disease may be accompanied by frequent relapses and have a chronic course.

Treatment of infectious angulitis

When angulitis develops due to infection, then the appropriate remedy is needed. Fukortsin is often prescribed as the first line, which has both antibacterial and antifungal activity, and forms a long-term, protective film at the site of damage.

In eliminating bacterial infections, Metrogyl Denta gel, containing Metronidazole and Chlorhexidine as active ingredients, has gained great popularity. Older, but also effective combined broad-spectrum agents are ointments: Methyluracil ointment and Trimistin. Tetracycline ointment and Levomekol are excellent against streptococcal infections.

If the infection is of a fungal nature, then the main treatment is antifungal ointments: Levorin, Nystatin, sulfur-salicylic, and Clotrimazole. Acyclovir is most often prescribed against herpes lesions in the mouth.

How to treat lip jams?

Considering that seizures are almost always the result of pathological changes in the body of a general nature, it is necessary to take an equally comprehensive approach to eliminating the problem. It’s worth noting right away that most people prefer to eliminate local changes in the area of ​​seizure and limit the entire treatment process to this. Such an approach is fraught with constant exacerbation and relapse of this condition. After all, the root of the problem remains without proper attention. Therefore, you can start with local treatment, but it is advisable that it be supplemented with general strengthening measures.

Ointment for sticky lips

Ointment is the most important tool in the hands of any person who is faced with such a problem. But which variety to choose can sometimes be difficult. Here it is advisable to focus on the approximate origin of the jam. Viral types usually cause severe discomfort and are located in separate spots. Fungal infection is always common. Streptococci cause inflammation, swelling and leakage of contents from the jam. Based on this data, tactics should be formed.

Presumable causative agent of jamming Drugs
Viruses Antiviral:
  1. Gerpevir;
  2. Acyclovir;
Fungi Antifungal and antiseptics:
  1. Clotrimazole;
  2. Stomatidin;
  3. Miramistin;
Bacteria Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory:
  1. Tetracycline;
  2. Trimistin;
  3. Tetracycline eye ointment;
  4. Miramistin;
Impossible to define nature Products with antibacterial, antifungal and weak antiviral properties:
  1. Metrogyl denta;
  2. Stomatidin;
  3. Fukortsin;
  4. Miramistin;

Vitamins for sticky lips

It is better to prescribe vitamins in any case of their formation. After all, there will definitely be no harm from this. And the benefits depend on the general condition of the body. The most common drugs are: ascorutin, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, vitrum, aevit (a combination of vitamins A and E).

The main reason for seizures is vitamin B2 deficiency - what should you eat to replenish it?

You can and should use general tonic traditional medicine: echinacea, onion, garlic, propolis, honey and other bee products, various infusions and herbal decoctions. All questions regarding the advisability of prescribing more specific drugs from the group of immunostimulants or antimicrobial agents should be resolved exclusively by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient.

Additional recommendations

First of all, when treating jaundice, external factors that can provoke relapses of the disease are eliminated (it is necessary to give up the habit of licking your lips, quit smoking, the use of hygienic lipstick and special cosmetics is recommended).

In the successful treatment of seizures, diet plays an important role: it is necessary to exclude spicy, sour and salty foods from the diet, enriching the diet with vegetables and fruits. Products containing riboflavin (cabbage, liver, meat, milk, peanuts, almonds, etc.) are also useful for patients.

Patients are recommended to take multivitamins and treat the skin 2-3 times a day with fucorcin, which fights microbes and fungi. The affected areas are treated with 3% boric alcohol or tea tree oil.

Author of the article:

Alekseeva Maria Yurievna |
Therapist Education: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician at the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016 he has been working at diagnostic center No. 3. Our authors

Treatment of allergic angulitis

If the seizure is of an allergic nature, then antihistamines are first prescribed. The generation of the drug does not play a special role here. It’s just that Suprastin (Chloropyramine, 1st generation) causes severe drowsiness and sometimes headache, and its effect may weaken over time (allergic resistance). Whereas Erius (Desloratadine, 3rd generation) not only competitively binds to histamine receptors, but also inhibits the synthesis of histamine itself. And the side effects are much less pronounced. The “golden mean” is Loratadine - a 2nd generation drug that has almost no side effects, is almost as effective as Erius, but is several times cheaper.

In case of severe allergic inflammation, short-term use of hormonal ointments is permissible: Akriderm, Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil, etc. However, for children under 12 years of age, hormonal ointments are prescribed only as a last resort. As a softer analogue of hormonal ointments, you can use Vishnevsky's liniment. But not longer than 10 days, and care must be taken to ensure that the child does not accidentally lick off the applied drug. We must remember that there is always a risk of infection joining allergic inflammation. Considering that children often comb out bumps with unwashed hands.

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