Rating of effective lifting face masks at home and cosmetics

Every woman dreams of looking younger than her age. With age, this desire only intensifies. Fine wrinkles, a “swimming” oval of the face, as well as other inevitable changes treacherously betray age. A tightening mask with a lifting effect helps to actively fight the signs of aging and aging of the skin, significantly prolonging its youth.

How do tightening masks work?

A tightening mask is an ideal cosmetic product that intensively cares for facial skin. It significantly tightens it, restoring natural firmness, moisture, and elasticity by stimulating the production of natural collagen and elastin by epidermal cells. The moisturizers, peptides and collagen included in the product provide a long-lasting effect of skin hydration, increasing its turgor and elasticity.

The effect of anti-aging components is achieved due to their increased concentration in the composition, therefore, with regular use, the following effects can be expected from anti-aging cosmetics:

  • smoothing;
  • emollient;
  • moisturizing;
  • tonic;
  • refreshing;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • fight against wrinkles;
  • relieving signs of fatigue.

Additionally, a mask with a tightening effect can have an antioxidant, nourishing effect, enhancing metabolic processes at the cellular level and blood flow to the deep layers of the epidermis. The versatility of the cosmetic product gives quick, longer-lasting results in the form of tightened, fresh, moisturized skin - the face is literally transformed. With regular use - up to 2-3 times a week, they remove crow's feet, soften nasolabial wrinkles, improving the contours and structure of the dermis at the cellular level.

How to choose

The main purpose of using tightening masks is to make the skin more elastic, firm, and moisturized. On the modern market they are presented in a wide range and different forms of release:

  • fabric or “petal” - disposable with express care function;
  • gel and cream - have a light “melting” consistency, combining components of instant and cumulative action;
  • alginate - sold in powder form, the components of which, when interacting with liquid, become active and transform into a dense plastic structure.

Since firming masks are an option for anti-aging cosmetic products, they should be chosen by women who are experiencing the following signs of aging:

  • expression wrinkles;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • loss of firmness, elasticity;
  • peeling, increased dryness of the dermis;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • sagging soft tissues (drooping corners of the mouth, ptosis);
  • gray dull tint of the skin;
  • the appearance of a double chin, bags under the eyes.

If you have found at least one of the listed signs, it means that you have already crossed the line of maturity of the epidermis, and lifting procedures become a necessary condition for you to prevent rapid age-related changes. When choosing a tightening mask, it is important to consider the needs of your skin. Since there are more of them with age, an anti-aging mask should perform not one, but several functions at the same time - moisturize, nourish, whiten, strengthen the collagen framework, improve complexion.

When buying a tightening mask, it is important to pay attention to its composition. In the presence of a high concentration of plant extracts and additives, reactions of individual intolerance cannot be ruled out, so it is important for allergy sufferers to approach the choice of caring cosmetics more carefully.

Before applying a new composition of a cosmetic product to your face, it is recommended to first test it on a small area of ​​the elbow to avoid an allergic reaction. In the absence of signs of individual intolerance, you can safely use the product for its intended purpose. After applying a mask with a tightening effect, a quick feeling of slight burning and tingling on the face is possible - we are talking about the work of active ingredients that are found in high concentrations in anti-aging products. Dry sensitive skin is especially susceptible to their influence.

If after the procedure there are no signs of redness, irritation, or itching, then the cosmetic product is suitable for you.

Indications and contraindications

Lifting masks can indeed improve the condition of the skin and get rid of age-related changes, but it is important to know who is suitable for the procedure and who should refuse it.

You can safely apply tightening compounds if you have the following problems.


  • the appearance of the first folds;
  • double chin;
  • age and facial wrinkles;
  • loss of clarity of contours;
  • unhealthy color: yellowish or grayish;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • sagging and laxity;
  • excessive dryness.

Before use, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications.


  1. age indicators (not earlier than 30 years);
  2. excess body weight;
  3. damage to the skin: abrasions, open wounds, scratches;
  4. diseases of the skin and blood vessels;
  5. diabetes;
  6. recent plastic surgery (up to 6 months);
  7. individual sensitivity to one or more components.

You should not ignore the listed contraindications, since the effect may not be as desired.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition. This is especially important for girls who suffer from allergies.

Any mixture is tested before it is applied to the face. A small amount of the mask is applied to the wrist. If there is no redness or irritation, the components will not cause negative consequences.

How to use

A tightening mask has one feature - its composition hardens on the face, turning into a film. As a result, the skin is fixed in a certain position, which ensures its lifting. Therefore, it is extremely important after applying a cosmetic product to take a horizontal position, not make active facial movements, and not talk to anyone. Otherwise, instead of the expected anti-aging effect, the face will simply “float” down. After a treatment session, the skin may remain “fixed” in its predetermined position for some time, for this reason it will look noticeably refreshed and elastic.

Before applying the product, it is recommended to thoroughly clean your face of makeup, sweat, and other contaminants. Neglect of this rule leads to the fact that 90% of the valuable components will remain on the surface of the epidermis and will not penetrate through the dirty pores inside. You should cleanse your skin using the usual steps - washing with micellar water or foam, followed by a toning step. For better results, it is recommended to steam the epidermis and remove dead cells with a soft scrub or exfoliant.

Each mask requires a specific application regimen. At the same time, its consistency is important. The use of anti-aging products is recommended 2-3 times a week for a long course. For an express effect, you can carry out a daily course of 7-10 masks - the anti-aging effect will be noticeable in a shorter period of time.

General recommendations for the use of tightening masks:

  1. The best time for a rejuvenation session is the evening hours from 19 to 22 hours.
  2. A cosmetic product intended for the face should not be applied to the thin sensitive area of ​​the eyelids and lips. There are special care products for the skin around the eyes. An exception may be universal products designed specifically for any area of ​​the dermis.
  3. The skin of the neck and décolleté also needs attention - do not forget about them during caring procedures.
  4. After a lifting session, it is important to completely remove the remnants of caring cosmetics from the skin, first apply serum and then moisturizer.
  5. You can enhance the anti-aging effects by alternating different compositions of masks, without stopping at one type of product.

Skin types

The principle of tightening masks is based on the effect of active components on the upper layer of the dermis, aimed at improving blood circulation, hydration, nutrition, and oxygen saturation of cells. At the same time, the production of natural proteins of youth - collagen and elastin - is stimulated. At the same time, masks are developed for different skin types, since in addition to aging, it is also important to take into account its other needs. There are masks for dry, oily and normal skin.

You can determine what type of skin your skin belongs to using a simple test - you need to apply a paper napkin to your cleansed face for 5-10 seconds. For those with oily skin, the napkin will have an imprint of the entire tested area of ​​the dermis. If it is dry, no changes will occur with the napkin, since the skin suffers from a lack of moisture, the secretion of the sebaceous glands, peels and causes a feeling of discomfort. With a normal type of epidermis, the napkin may contain barely noticeable imprints of the skin secretion of the T-zone - chin, forehead, nose

Firming masks for oily skin are produced based on various clays, therapeutic muds, and seaweed extracts. With age, the need for such products decreases; after 40 years, the activity of the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced and the oily type of epidermis practically does not occur.

The basis of anti-aging products for dry and sensitive dermis is a high concentration of oils and vitamins valuable for moisturizing and nourishing the dermis. Dehydrated skin needs powerful moisturizers - hyaluronic acid, glycerin. For normal skin types, it is recommended to alternate tightening masks with different compositions and effects to maintain the epidermal barrier, elasticity, and silkiness.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Lifting masks used for the face at home have tightening, smoothing, and rejuvenating properties, which makes them suitable for complete care of aging skin. But you need to understand that with their help you will not be able to achieve the same effect as after cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I advise all women over 35 years old to use lifting masks.
They should be part of your skin care routine. But, unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. If you have obvious tissue ptosis, deep wrinkles, then do not expect an amazing transformation from masks, which is so often talked about in advertising of this or that product. In reality, this method will be powerless. Of course, masks have a positive effect on the skin, but they will not be able to tighten sagging tissue. In this case, you should pay attention to professional cosmetology or plastic surgery. All skin needs care. When the first signs of aging begin to appear, it is recommended to add a lifting maxi for the face.

To do this, you can use ready-made products or try to prepare the product yourself. In any case, such masks will have a positive effect on the beauty of your skin.

After 30

The first noticeable signs of aging on the face become noticeable after 30 years of age due to a gradual reduction in collagen synthesis and deterioration in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. From this age, the face needs more intensive care; masks with a tightening effect become indispensable assistants in the fight to slow down the aging process. When used systemically, they improve the condition of the skin, on average for a subjective assessment of 5-15 years, maintaining the achieved effect for a long time.

What can be included in lifting products after 30 years:

  • collagen;
  • seaweed;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • retinoids;
  • AHA acids;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • peptides, etc.

Correctly selected cosmetic products taking into account the characteristics of the skin smooth out the first wrinkles, crow's feet, noticeably even out the relief and tone of the face, and prevent the loss of its contours and the appearance of creases in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Before the age of 30, selecting caring cosmetics with a lifting effect is inappropriate. Early intervention in natural processes is fraught with disruption of collagen synthesis and other unpleasant changes.

Irina, cosmetologist:

“Ready mask products from Vilenta will help you have perfectly smooth and beautiful skin after 30 years. A striking example is the “Saturday” mask with papaya and blood orange extracts, intended for any type of dermis. Its composition works in three directions: it removes signs of fatigue, tones, and improves complexion, thanks to deep hydration and smoothing of the microrelief.”

Top 3 ready-made lifting masks

Women who do not want to spend time selecting and mixing ingredients can use ready-made products that are sold in cosmetic stores.

The top most popular masks included 3 products:

  1. Grandmother Agafya's recipes. The gentle care product has a rich texture. The recipe is designed specifically to eliminate age-related changes that negatively affect the condition of the face. The product consists of a complex of biological lipids, silk proteins, which have powerful strengthening properties. The drug increases the density of collagen fibers, providing complete tightening of the skin. Amaranth oil, enriched with squalene and antioxidants, saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen and slows down the appearance of signs of aging. Thanks to retinol, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less pronounced, tissues receive the necessary nutrients, and the skin becomes smooth, radiant and elastic.
  2. A shot of beauty. This lifting face mask has many useful features: it enriches the skin with nutrients, smoothes wrinkles, tones, tightens, and refreshes. The product increases skin elasticity, eliminates shallow wrinkles, sagging, and gives contours regularity and definition. Green apple extract heals, tightens the skin, fills it with freshness and beauty. Thanks to organic rooibos, tissues are moisturized, softened, saturated with beneficial amino acids, and gain density.
  3. Gel express facial mask “Lifting and radiance”. The product from Faberlic has earned many favorable reviews online. Designed for high-quality care for tired and dull skin. The active ingredients effectively tighten the skin, reduce the depth of wrinkles, provide deep hydration and give the face a healthy, youthful glow. The mask has a patented base, which consists of two layers: hydrogel and biocellulose. The manufacturer claims that the drug can quickly moisturize the driest skin.

Reviews about the listed lifting face masks are mostly positive.

Popular budget products provide decent results with regular use. Before purchasing, you need to study the composition, then test the cosmetics on your wrist.

After 40

After 40 years, age-related changes on the face become more noticeable, so stronger anti-aging components are required. Chronic lack of collagen and gradual destruction of elastin fibers lead to the appearance of superficial, moderately deep wrinkles on the forehead, eyelids, and neck. Regenerative processes slow down, the face “floats”, the skin acquires an unhealthy color, signs of rosacea, age-related pigmentation, bags and circles under the eyes appear.

You can slow down the aging process with a regular facial care program. Firming masks for the face and eyelids are recommended 2-3 times a week. They may contain the following ingredients:

  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • wheat, chestnut extracts;
  • phytohormones;
  • lecithin;
  • Sesame oil;
  • thermal water, etc.

Inna, cosmetologist:

“The Vilenta company supplies the cosmetic market with worthy products developed specifically for intensive care. I recommend paying attention to the “Wednesday with White Tea and Pear” mask, which is ideal for any skin type. Pear extract helps refresh and soften the upper layers of the epidermis, accelerating recovery processes at the cellular level. Hyaluronic acid intensely moisturizes, and Shea butter, jojoba and macadamia nourish, removing signs of flaking, stopping the process of withering of the dermis.”

Olga, cosmetologist:

“Dark circles and bags under the eyes, persistent wrinkles, dry skin in the eyelid area are the main problems of aging skin. A consistency mask will help strengthen blood vessels, improve the tone and elasticity of the dermis, restore its former elasticity, and soften deep wrinkles.”

Question answer

If masks are powerless, then you should go to a cosmetologist. Today, injection procedures are considered popular: biorevitalization, mesotherapy. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Also pay attention to hardware manipulations. Laser and ultrasound are used for tightening. But the procedure of introducing threads is especially popular for face lifting. This method really helps tighten the skin without plastic surgery.

If home and cosmetic methods are powerless, there is severe sagging, then only plastic surgery will help.

Indeed, such means exist. They are designed for express transformation. After application, a kind of film is formed that tightens the skin. But the effect of such masks does not last long. It disappears after removing makeup.

After 50

After 50 years, the aging process accelerates due to serious hormonal changes in the body, due to the influence of ecology, genetics and other numerous factors. Epidermal cells quickly lose water and microelements, and their former attractiveness disappears - literally within a year after the onset of menopause, the face can become much older. Sagging of the epidermis in the eyelid and neck area, the appearance of pronounced signs of pigmentation, poor tone, deep wrinkles become obvious due to a sharp decrease in collagen synthesis and deterioration of regeneration processes. In the absence of appropriate care, age will literally be written on your face, so it is imperative to take care of it

The issue of rejuvenation after 50 years must be approached comprehensively; tightening mask products for the face and area around the eyes must certainly be included in the care program. They may include the following components:

  • placenta extract;
  • retinoic and hyaluronic acid;
  • neuropeptides;
  • ginseng root;
  • collagen;
  • phytohormones;
  • avocado oil, etc.

One of the recommendations is the mandatory steaming of the skin before applying anti-aging products. After 50 years, pores become extremely narrowed, they are practically deprived of the possibility of full breathing. If you do not steam the epidermis during cosmetic procedures, they will not produce the desired effect.

Svetlana, cosmetologist:

“Vilenta masks with a lifting effect are excellent helpers in the fight against signs of aging; the products are recommended for any age. You can refresh your look, moisturize, and soothe tired skin in the eye area using Vilenta’s “Yellow Venus” mask with banana and vanilla extract. Additionally, it eliminates traces of pigmentation, whitening the skin, nourishes and softens it.”

At home

Effective tightening masks can be made at home. Folk recipes based on natural ingredients can be no less effective than store-bought products, provided they are used regularly. The principle of operation of home care is similar to ready-made formulations and salon procedures - with the help of selected active ingredients, you can improve the processes of regeneration of cellular structures, enhance the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, moisturize, restore elasticity, and freshness of the skin.

The natural composition of cosmetic products prepared by yourself is effective against the backdrop of affordable cost and practical application. But it is necessary to take into account that caring procedures require regularity and patience - not a single remedy gives an instant result, so it must be used systematically to achieve the desired effect, as well as maintain it.

Pros and cons of homemade anti-wrinkle masks

The use of homemade anti-wrinkle masks, like most other homemade products, has a number of advantages and disadvantages, especially in comparison with purchased options for skin care cosmetics.

Some of the benefits of home remedies for wrinkles include:

  • Availability;
  • Low cost;
  • Can be used at any convenient time;
  • Naturalness of components;
  • Efficiency.

However, despite a number of significant advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using masks at home. Disadvantages include:

  • Short shelf life of mixtures;
  • The need for long-term use due to the cumulative effect;
  • Possible side effects.

To achieve the desired result, homemade masks are recommended to be used systematically. One procedure will be of no use, and the effect will be short-term. You should also consider your skin type and the presence of allergic reactions that may occur unknowingly. Therefore, before you start preparing a mask, you need to consult a cosmetologist.


Most tightening masks include ingredients that are easy to find at home. It is recommended to apply the prepared formulations to a previously cleansed face, neck and décolleté. Start taking care of yourself right now, and you will see that lifting procedures are truly effective

With egg white

Egg white is often used for home rejuvenation, as it has a noticeable tightening effect. The results from using egg white cannot be called long-lasting, so the component must be used on a regular basis. The whitening effect of the product was also noted.

Egg white is used exclusively in its raw form, carefully separated from the yolk, either alone or in combination with other active ingredients. After applying protein masks, it is important to lie down and avoid any facial movements to prevent sagging facial contours.

1 protein, 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice are mixed into a homogeneous mass, applied to the face in an even layer, avoiding the eye and lip area for 15 minutes. If your skin is dry or looks dehydrated, it is recommended to add yolk to the recipe for an additional nutritional effect.

From oatmeal

Firming masks with oatmeal help you see results after just a few uses. This is explained by the presence of natural elastin with vitamin B, which increases the tone and turgor of the skin, making it more youthful and radiant.

Add a handful of oatmeal, ground into flour using a coffee grinder, with a small amount of hot milk. Add 1 tsp. any vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Leave the composition on your face for 15 minutes.

With gelatin

Homemade lifting recipes with gelatin restore lost tone and healthy complexion. Gelatin contains collagen, a natural protein responsible for the condition of the connective fibers of the dermis. It is its lack that causes the processes of withering and aging to begin due to the destruction of the natural collagen framework of tissues.

We offer a recipe for a tightening mask that will correct pronounced age-related pigmentation, uneven color, wrinkles, and creases in the dermis. The product additionally contains vitamin E or tocopherol - a component that nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. 1 tbsp. l. pour gelatin with water and leave until the product swells. Grind 10 grapes to a pulp, mix with 10 drops of wheat germ oil. Combine the mass with the swollen gelatin. Apply the prepared composition for 15 minutes. Remove the film-frozen mask in one motion, picking it up by the lower edges.

With ginger

Ginger tightening of mature skin demonstrates effectiveness after the first use. Ginger tones, nourishes, fights sagging, expression lines, evens out tone, and eliminates traces of age spots. After using ginger compositions, the epidermis looks more hydrated and youthful.

Grate half a green apple and combine with 1 tsp. ginger juice Add half a banana mashed into the pulp, 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of vegetable oil. Apply the resulting composition to prepared skin. After 15 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin and wash with cool water.

With glycerin

Glycerin-based products have a good tightening effect - they perfectly moisturize and nourish the dermis, making it denser and more elastic. Glycerin also has activity against age spots and facial wrinkles.

Pour 1.5 tsp. gelatin 4 tbsp. l. hot milk, leave until the mass swells. Heat the finished milk-gelatin mixture, add 2 tsp. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. honey Apply the warm composition to cleansed skin for 15 minutes, wait until it cools down and turns into a film substance. Remove the remaining film by picking it up by the lower edges in a smooth motion. Complete the procedure by applying a moisturizer.

Honey and sour cream

Lifting masks intended for facial care after 40 years should stimulate the production of collagen fibers.

The most effective ingredients for preparing healing compositions at home are sour cream and honey. These substances improve color and soften the epidermis.

To create a simple mask, 1 tbsp. l. honey is mixed with the same amount of sour cream, mixed thoroughly.

The skin is cleansed and then covered with a mask. After 20 minutes, remove with moistened wipes.

Cocoa and coconut

A lifting face mask after 50 years can also be created independently, at home.

First you should soften 1 tsp. coconut oil, add ¼ tsp. cocoa powder and 1 tsp. sour cream or full-fat yogurt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the skin, cleansed of dirt and makeup, and can be distributed over the neck and décolleté.

The mask is removed with a wet sponge after 20 minutes. After using the product, the skin needs moisturizing care.

Many other recipes are popular among the fair sex: with yolk, turmeric, blue clay, yeast, potatoes.

When using the method you like, you should follow the recommended amount of product and remove the composition no later than the specified time.

Precautionary measures

Cosmetologists are sure that various lifting procedures are not suitable for young girls and women under 30 years of age. If you have not reached the 30-year mark, you do not need tightening activities. Unjustified haste with intensive anti-aging care is dangerous by disrupting natural processes in the body. The exception is the early signs of withering and aging associated with genetic characteristics, environmental conditions and other factors. The skin may need tightening, wrinkle smoothing, and rejuvenation much earlier than the numbers in the passport.

Without consulting a cosmetologist, it is not recommended to use tightening cosmetic products for people suffering from vascular diseases of the facial skin (rosacea), chronic cardiovascular pathologies, allergic skin reactions and obesity. It is contraindicated to use salon and home rejuvenation procedures in the presence of open wounds, inflammatory processes, or after plastic and surgical operations on the face in the recent past.


Today it is difficult to imagine complete cosmetic care without the use of tightening masks. The effect of improving the condition of the skin becomes noticeable after the first use. They are able to thicken the skin, increase its turgor and moisture level, even out color, and soften age-related changes. It is recommended to use products with a lifting effect after 30 years; they have no upper age limit.



“I’ve been using lifting face masks for a couple of months now, and recently I tried Grandma Agafya’s Recipes.”
I chose it because of the large number of reviews on the Internet, and the price was also good. The product is very easy to use, smells nice, and is easy to remove. The skin looks healthier and tighter after it, I recommend it.”


“I don’t really trust store-bought cosmetics with a tightening effect; after all, natural ingredients seem less aggressive.
Yes, you will have to wait longer for the results, but it will be worth it. My favorite mask is made from flaxseeds. The main thing is to wait for the mucus to appear, otherwise there will be no effect. A course of 15 days significantly rejuvenates, makes the skin dense and smooth.”

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