Professional and cosmetic products to whiten your face from tanning

You can whiten your face after sunbathing at home using products from the category of professional cosmetics. The cost of creams with a powerful whitening effect ranges from 100-2000 rubles; most often they can be used on any type of dermis and give the desired result literally after the first use.

An alternative to creams is home remedies: masks, scrubs, lotions, lotions and others. They contain familiar food products, so there is a high risk of developing allergies to them. You need to be especially careful about recipes that contain lemon and honey - these are allergenic products.

Acne whitening compounds

Hydrogen peroxide is used to lighten skin, combat breakouts, oiliness and acne marks.

Yeast mask

Dry yeast is diluted with hydrogen peroxide to a paste, which can be applied to problem areas with a cotton swab.

Shaving foam mask

For preparation you need:

  • spoon of shaving foam;
  • 4 ml hydrogen peroxide;
  • 4 drops of ammonia.

This composition can whiten dark spots and improve the condition of facial skin.

Baby powder product

Mix a little baby powder and hydrogen peroxide until it becomes a paste. This whitening agent is applied directly to problem areas.

Why get rid of your tan?

Most often, this question is asked by girls who have received an uneven tan. Another popular reason for getting rid of dark undertones is the appearance of freckles, red spots and flaking of the skin. In addition, many avoid chocolate skin color because of work that requires aristocratic pallor. This occurs among models, actresses and other media personalities.

There are times when the question of how to remove redness after tanning or remove peeling after tanning becomes very acute. The reason for emergency disposal may be an important meeting or a responsible position. Agree, it is not entirely decent to meet with investors or negotiate with a red face and peeling skin.

It is for such cases that there are different ways to get rid of a tan. Salon procedures and professional cosmetics can come to the rescue. But it is worth noting that home whitening measures can be no worse than previous methods of removing tan from skin.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide: 12 Important Tips

To whiten the skin with Peroxide, a concentration of 3% available in the pharmacy chain is used. It can be used for any skin type. Other concentrations are not used in home cosmetology.

Hydrogen peroxide solution is used in cosmetology, traditional and alternative medicine. Professor Neumyvakin is studying it, according to whose theory this remedy is used not only locally and externally, as indicated in the instructions, but also orally, in the form of injections, compresses, etc.

The released oxygen helps with many pathologies:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • fights infections;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • regulates acid-base level;
  • normalizes blood sugar.

12 tips for use for whitening:

1. Hydrogen peroxide in a concentration higher than 3% cannot be used in home cosmetics. Preparations of higher concentration are unacceptable for home use, since even in diluted form they can cause very severe burns. 2. Before first use, a skin test should be performed. This is a must. 3

When using whitening recipes, it is important to follow the proportions exactly and not keep products containing hydrogen peroxide for longer than the specified time. 4. You cannot use skin whitening products for a long time - after completing the course you need a break, during which you need to use masks with a restorative effect. 5

For greater whitening effectiveness, it is advisable to pre-cleanse the face. 6. It is important to protect your eyes and mucous membranes from hydrogen peroxide. 7. Prepared peroxide-based whitening masks must contain ingredients that will soften the effects of the acid. This could be, for example, olive oil. 8. To whiten specific areas, cotton swabs are used, allowing targeted action on the skin. 9. Any mask or lotion prepared with hydrogen peroxide cannot be stored for a long time. Such products are not prepared for future use, but are used immediately after preparation. 10. After washing off the product with hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to apply moisturizing masks to the skin. 11. The medication should be stored correctly - out of the reach of children, protected from direct sunlight. 12. If redness appears after using a whitening mask and it lasts more than half a day, you should consult a doctor.

The advantages of using peroxide for whitening include:

The masks are applied along massage lines, without any effort. It should be borne in mind that hydrogen peroxide can not only whiten your face, but also lighten your hair. Therefore, when applying a mask, you should avoid getting it on your eyebrows.

For your information! If the product applied to the skin causes pain, burning or other unpleasant sensations, it can be removed before the time specified in the prescription has expired.

How to whiten your face at home

With the right choice of the right product, you can achieve effective skin whitening at home.

You can find a lot of whitening recipes (lotions, scrubs, masks, creams, etc.), each of them has its own application features, but it is important to choose your own and start putting your skin in order, returning it to an even and beautiful shade

It is advisable to carry out whitening sessions in the evening, when you know for sure that you do not need to go outside. Indeed, such compositions often contain aggressive substances that lead to irritation and redness of the skin. And exposure to sunlight is fraught with the development of unpleasant consequences in the form of burns and the appearance of even more spots.

Any cosmetic manipulations on the face are carried out exclusively after cleansing the skin. Whitening is no exception. This can be done using a special product (lotion, foam, milk) suitable for your skin type and a store-bought or homemade scrub. The latter will not only remove impurities, but also polish the skin, eliminating dead particles of the epidermis, thereby preparing it for further care.

To achieve an effective result, one whitening procedure will not be enough; a course of various procedures will be required, including additional prevention of the appearance of stains in the future. After a whitening course, it is recommended to do a preventive procedure once a week.

The condition of the skin and the chosen product influence the number of whitening procedures. So cucumber, honey masks, whitening infusions can be used every day, products with more aggressive components in the base (lemon, berry juices, cosmetic oils with a brightening effect) - every other day, if necessary, to slightly correct any minor cosmetic imperfections, two whitening procedures are enough in Week. Whitening masks and scrubs based on hydrogen peroxide, etc., are used 1-2 times every 7-10 days. For preventive purposes, as mentioned earlier, such procedures are carried out once a week.

To achieve a high effect from whitening procedures, it is important to eliminate the influence of all harmful factors that negatively affect complexion. This means constantly protecting your facial skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats)

When to do whitening

The skin can change color under the influence of ultraviolet rays or diseases of the internal organs. In the first case, you can make your skin white using home or store-bought remedies. In the second, you need to find the cause of the change in skin color and begin treatment with medications.

So, skin whitening is recommended in the following cases:

  • Too strong or uneven tan.
  • The appearance of age spots or freckles after sunbathing.
  • Skin rejuvenation after relaxing on the beach.
  • Unsuccessful use of self-tanning products.

In these cases, you can try to even out skin tone and eliminate imperfections using homemade masks and scrubs.

Method 2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is famous for its lightening properties. Blondes love it because it gives blond hair a beautiful shine and lightens it by 1-2 tones.

It is also good for the skin. It will help both quickly whiten your face and remove unevenness and rashes from it.

You can simply wipe your skin with lemon juice, or you can make masks and scrubs from it.

Lemon-honey whitening


  • honey – 1 spoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 spoon;
  • olive oil – 1 spoon.

Mix the ingredients. You should get a liquid mass. Apply it to your face using a cotton pad. Massage your skin for a few minutes to improve blood flow and allow the mask to absorb. Remove the remaining mask after a quarter of an hour. Whitening with lemon is very effective and fast.

Mask with glycerin for sensitive skin


  • lemon juice – 0.5 tablespoons;
  • apple juice – 0.5 spoons;
  • glycerin – 1 spoon.

Mix all ingredients and apply to skin. For the first time, the dose of lemon juice can be reduced to a few drops. If irritation and burning do not occur, next time the amount of lemon juice can be increased.

Lemon whitening for oily skin


  • protein – 1 piece;
  • lemon juice – 1 spoon.

Mix lemon and egg white and apply to face until the mask is completely dry. Rinse off with cool water.

You can also add a little camphor alcohol (5-10 drops) to the mixture for oily skin. But such a mask needs to be applied pointwise - only to pigmented areas.

Selecting a whitening cream

For every skin type there is a cream that is suitable for it. Read the label carefully. Because, for example, a product for oily skin may contain salicylic alcohol, which is not suitable for dry skin.

Pay attention to the expiration date and remember that once the package is opened, the shelf life is greatly reduced. Check that the cream does not have a very strong odor or is too bright in color

Check that the cream does not have a very strong odor or is too bright in color.

This indicates a high concentration of dyes and chemical flavors, which is completely unnecessary.

How should the skincare product be used?

There are several basic rules:

  • Before using the cream, apply it to the bend of your elbow (where the skin is especially delicate) and leave for half an hour. If an allergic reaction does not appear &mdash, you can safely use the product,
  • clean your face of make-up,
  • Apply the cream at night (30&minus,40 minutes before bedtime). Whitening cream will not interfere with the “work” of other skin care products.

The optimal time to use the cream is autumn and winter. Why is that? Because the dermis after using this product becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

During the whitening course, when you go outside, protect your skin with a protective cream with an SPF of at least 30.

How long can I use the cream?

To remove very dark spots, you can apply the product every day until the desired result is achieved. If there are not many stains and they are not particularly noticeable, then use bleach twice a week.

On average, the result will be noticeable after two months. But if you want to continue the procedures, then first take a break for one month. After completing the whitening course, your dermis will need increased care: moisturize and nourish the skin.

How to quickly and effectively whiten your facial skin at home in 1 day

  • Drink more water! Apply sunscreen.
  • Apply a paste of apple cider vinegar and wheat flour twice a day.
  • Take a small container. Take 1 tbsp gram flour in a container. Mix some curd into gram flour. Apply it to your face (and any other part of the body), leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Use a mixture of baking soda and lemon. It will sizzle, but once it calms down, mix it into a nice paste. Apply to your face as a mask and leave it on your face until the surface of the baking soda itself hardens, then wipe with warm water. Repeat every other day.
  • You can also apply a mixture of turmeric, gram flour, lemon juice and honey. This will clear and brighten your skin.
  • Try raw potato, cut it in half and use the inner juices from it and rub it on your face, leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off. Repeat this every day.
  • Applying this mixture every alternate night can significantly brighten your skin tone. Remember to completely protect your skin from direct sun exposure during the day to prevent further darkening of your skin.
  • You can also apply tomato puree on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Don't avoid the sun completely. Sunlight has harmful ultraviolet wavelengths, but it also helps the body produce vitamin D. Just make sure you wear sunscreen while you're outside!
  • Just remember that all skin tones are beautiful just the way they are! There is no need to change it if you don't want to.

Is it possible to lighten tanned skin?

Of course it is possible, but it will take some time. For girls with different types of epidermis - from several days to a month or more. But what is the reason for this desire?

The main reasons pushing women towards bleaching and other methods of restoring the natural color of the skin are:

  • I didn’t like the dark complexion;
  • because it is fashionable - a momentary desire to look tanned, which is correctly assessed much later;
  • repulsive redness obtained, instead of a beautiful shade;
  • unevenly distributed tan, areas of untanned skin that spoil the overall appearance.

Eliminating dark skin is not considered a serious problem, but it is worth understanding that you will need to act in all possible ways, including lotions, creams, and special cosmetic masks. Some of them can cause additional problems - skin itching and irritation, so individual susceptibility to both natural and pharmacological compounds should be taken into account. Because of this, many people prefer not to philosophize, but to go to a professional salon and get rid of the trouble at once.

Effective cosmetics and procedures that can be suggested by a specialist:

  1. Phototherapy of hyperpigmentation based on photothermolysis using pulsed IPL light. At the same time, the skin is exposed to light rays absorbed by melanin, because of this redness, which is vasodilation and age spots, disappears.
  2. Laser beam therapy – elimination of unwanted dark skin using laser equipment.
  3. Whitening with AHA acids, in other words, fruit peeling, helps remove dead skin particles, it helps brighten the face.

Such activities can help even out the tone of the face, peeling and eliminating pigment cells, and general renewal of the skin.

If you have a strong dark complexion, you can use a composition that includes a decoction of mint, as well as parsley, lemon and cucumber juice. The mixture should be frozen and wiped over the face 3-4 times a day.

But turning to professional help from specialists is not always necessary, and dark complexion can be eliminated using simpler methods, for example, by purchasing special lightening products. They usually contain malic, glycolic, tartaric and lactic acid.

Eliminating dark skin is not considered a serious problem, but it is worth understanding that you will need to act in all possible ways, including lotions, creams, and special cosmetic masks.

Causes of bad complexion

The skin of the inhabitants of central and northern Europe is naturally white and easily burns in the sun. As soon as you lie on the beach a little longer or forget to apply protective cream against UV rays, it turns red and after a couple of days begins to peel off. As a result, the tan does not apply evenly. Finding yourself in such situations from year to year can provoke the appearance of age spots, especially unwanted ones on the face.

Red-haired girls with thin, light skin develop freckles when exposed to sunlight, even in winter.

It is important for them to use a protective lotion or cream on a clear winter day in the city and at ski resorts. If freckles still bother you and spoil your mood, a whitening mask will be a wonderful solution.

Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of pigmentation in young women. If this is the problem, then cosmetics will help little. A visit to the doctor and prescribed treatment will restore health to the body, after which the skin color will quickly restore.

Why does our skin tan?

Our skin cells contain a substance called melanin. Some have more, and some have less. This is why dark skinned people tan faster and more evenly. People with fair skin have very little melanin and this is the reason for the redness of the epidermis after sunbathing.

Not many people know, but the human body produces melanin for protective purposes. This is how the epidermis reacts to an excessive amount of negative UV rays. As a result of this process, the skin begins to change color and become darker.

Unfortunately, aesthetic damage is the most minor drawback. Frequent exposure to sunlight can cause serious harm to health. Doctors recommend using special creams and performing such procedures as rarely as possible. It is still not worth avoiding them completely, because moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays is beneficial. Minor exposure to the skin stimulates the production of vitamin D.

Fake tan

Nowadays, tanning studios are very popular. The advantage is the absence of seasonality and the speed of obtaining the effect. Regular visits give a rich dark shade that makes the figure slimmer and hides minor skin imperfections. This encourages many girls to regularly visit the magic cabin.

However, radiation from artificial lamps is no less dangerous. Excessive exposure to solariums can lead to premature skin aging and loss of elasticity. That is why everything should be in moderation.

Remember that artificial UV rays are several times stronger than the sun, which means that the protection should be higher. Moreover, ordinary creams are not suitable for a holiday at sea. Solarium requires a special product, which is sold in the studios themselves or professional cosmetics stores.

How to whiten your face at home after sunbathing with instant wipes

If a tan was acquired using instant wipes (self-tanning), but the process ended in failure, then you can whiten your face at home using the following means:

  • Vinegar + glycerin. In a glass or ceramic container, combine 6% table vinegar and pharmaceutical glycerin in equal quantities. Stir and add lemon juice to the mixture in the same amount. A cloth napkin is dipped into the finished product, which is then lightly wrung out and applied to the face. After 15 minutes, the procedure ends with washing with warm water.
  • Parsley. You need to take a bunch of greens (about 50 g), chop it with a blender or knife and “extract” the juice from the vegetable pulp through gauze. Wipe your face with this juice with a cotton pad, apply the product in several layers, and wash your face only after 3 hours.
  • Hydrogen peroxide + grapefruit juice. You need to combine the ingredients in a glass/ceramic bowl, mix and apply it to your face with cotton pads or sponges. The skin is lubricated several times in a row without breaks. You are allowed to wash your face 7 minutes after the last layer has dried.

The listed remedies most often eliminate the consequences of excessive tanning in one application, but if the desired results are not achieved, then the manipulation can be repeated only the next day. After the procedure, it is imperative to treat the skin with a moisturizer, because the ingredients from the compositions have a powerful drying property.

What else can you do to whiten your tan?

You can also whiten your tan with other home remedies, but they should only be used if you are not allergic to the components.


The most effective against tanning and age spots are two recipes:

  • Lemon soda . Baking soda and freshly prepared lemon juice are mixed in such proportions as to make a paste. It is rubbed into the skin of the face with massage movements for 3-5 minutes, then the mass should remain in place for another 10 minutes, after which everything is washed off with warm water.
  • Honey-soda . This recipe combines 30 g of baking soda, the same amount of honey and 2-3 drops of the usual detergent. Rub the finished mass into the skin with soft circular movements, then leave it on the face for 5 minutes and only then wash it off.

Watch the video on how to prepare a facial scrub:

Scrubs cannot be used on a daily basis, the permissible number of procedures per week is 2. Be sure to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer after the manipulation, and steam the dermis before applying the product.


Lotions can be made from all products that are generally designed to whiten the epidermis. This could be a combination of glycerin with vinegar and lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide with fresh grapefruit juice, and so on. For the lotion you will need a cloth napkin or made from gauze folded in several layers. It should have holes for the nose and eyes. The napkin is moistened in the product, lightly wrung out and applied to the entire surface of the face.

The procedure takes 10-15 minutes, after which everything is removed, the skin is cleansed with warm water and, after drying, treated with a moisturizer.

It is believed that lotions are especially effective if you need to correct a “fresh” tan - the area of ​​influence is maximum, and the necessary whitening components penetrate the skin.


Masks with a whitening effect are used in compliance with the following rules:

  • the skin should be well steamed;
  • the area around the eyes should not be treated with the suggested products;
  • Frequency of use of home remedies – 3 times a week.

The most effective anti-tanning masks will be:

  • Cottage cheese . Combine 1 tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk, mix everything and add 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is advisable to puree the cottage cheese so that the result is a more homogeneous mass. If you have dry skin, you can add 1 teaspoon of rich sour cream to the mask.

  • From turmeric . 10 g of turmeric powder is added to full-fat sour cream and ground - the amount of fermented milk product is selected individually: the “output” should be a creamy mass. Apply the finished mask to the face and leave on the skin for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Makeup for camouflage

To disguise an unsuccessful tan in the first days, you can use makeup - just make the right choice of decorative cosmetics:

  • the foundation is 1-2 shades paler than the resulting color of the epidermis;
  • loose powder is also light;
  • barely pink blush.

The tan will only be hidden behind a thick layer of foundation, so it needs to be carefully shaded and controlled so that there is no sharp transition, a boundary between makeup and the natural color of the skin on the neck, in the area of ​​the double chin.

Cushion BB cream Newme cosmetics moisturizing

Homemade Recipes for Cleansing

Treatments at the salon are expensive and time-consuming. But exfoliation can be done at home, using natural remedies to gradually lighten pigmented areas of the skin.

With bodyaga

Bodyaga powder and 3% hydrogen peroxide are inexpensive. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Before the procedure, these two components must be mixed in equal proportions to obtain a creamy substance.

Apply the mixture to a cleansed face for 10-12 minutes, rinse with water, and lubricate the face with cream with soothing ingredients.

After two days, your face will begin to peel off. This is fine. You need to continue to moisturize the skin with thermal water and cream until the exfoliation process stops.

Then the procedure is repeated several times until the pigmentation is completely removed. In another article we will talk about other options for peelings with bodyaga.

How to do facial peeling with bodyaga at home:

With lemon and parsley

Lemon juice and parsley have strong whitening properties. For a more intense effect, it is recommended to combine them with kaolin in the following proportions:

  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • concentrated water decoction of parsley - 15 ml;
  • kaolin (white clay) - 10 g.

Oily and combination skin can be steamed before exfoliation, and normal skin can be slightly warmed with a water compress. This method is not suitable for dry skin.

The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes. After rinsing, the face is first wiped with tonic, the cream is applied after an hour.

The mixture is applied only to the age spot or freckles. Apply twice a week until results are obtained. You will learn about peelings with lemon here in the text.

Peeling mask for freckles and age spots on the face made of lemon and parsley:

With coffee

Coffee peeling will quickly get rid of minor pigmentation on the upper lip or a small spot on the cheek, but it is not suitable for lightening large areas of skin.

To prepare you need to take:

  • ground green (not roasted) coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 10% ammonia - 3 ml;
  • glycerin - 10 ml.

Coffee is brewed with hot water, allowed to cool, and excess liquid is drained. The grounds are mixed with glycerin and ammonia is added.

The mixture is applied to a clean, dry face, lightly massaged in the area of ​​pigmentation for 5-7 minutes, rinsed off, and the cream is immediately applied to avoid drying out the skin.

With aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid in combination with kaolin can effectively exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, activating the formation of healthy cells.

For peeling you will need:

  • white cosmetic clay - 10 g;
  • three aspirin tablets.

First, you need to drop water onto the aspirin so that it turns into a granular suspension.

In a separate ceramic or glass bowl, mix kaolin with water so that it is convenient to apply to the face. Then add aspirin to the clay mass.

The resulting exfoliation product can be applied to the entire face for oily, combination and normal skin types, paying special attention to dark spots. For those with dry skin type, it is recommended to treat only the pigmented area. The duration of aspirin peeling is 15-20 minutes.

It is washed off with plain water. It is advisable to apply a nourishing cream to the skin surface after the procedure to avoid drying out the epidermis.

The duration of aspirin peeling is 15-20 minutes. It is washed off with plain water. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a nourishing cream to the skin surface to avoid drying out the epidermis.

Brightening aspirin peeling mask:

Lactic acid

Treatment of age spots with kefir or yogurt every day for 7-10 minutes. can give amazing results, despite the simplicity and availability of funds.

For oily and porous skin, you can use sauerkraut brine, applying it daily to the spots in the evening for half an hour.

The brine contains high concentrations of lactic acid, which has strong exfoliating and whitening properties.

Dairy products

If after sunbathing your face has acquired a too yellow or red tint, then sour milk will help lighten it, and also remove irritation and soothe the epidermis.

Make a compress: dip a piece of gauze or bandage in the serum and apply it to your face for a quarter of an hour. Instead of whey, you can use curdled milk, yogurt, kefir, and cream is suitable for dry skin types.

Another way: mix milk or cream with ground oatmeal and flour, then apply a thick layer of the mask to the skin and wait 20 minutes. Repeat this every day for a week or longer. The mask can be used for combination and dry skin types.

Lightening infusions and lotions

, a soft lotion with cucumber is ideal.

. To prepare it, add 5 to 10 cucumber slides and a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of mineral water. This composition does not contain preservatives and its shelf life is only a day. 250 ml is just enough for two times use. Rub your face with lotion morning and evening. During the day you can use it as a spray by pouring it into a container with a spray bottle.

Cucumber face lotion
Ideal for problem and oily skin lotion with parsley

. To prepare it, you need to mix half a glass of finely chopped herbs, 100 grams of alcohol and about 50 grams of any suitable oil to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The tincture is placed in a cool, dark place for 14 days. It needs to be shaken periodically. After two weeks it is ready for use. Wipe your face with this solution morning and evening.

Some essential oils

also have a strong whitening effect. For example, a lotion with lavender, lemon and chamomile esters will help reduce age spots, wrinkles and inflammation. To prepare the product you need to take 300 ml of mineral water, 6 drops of chamomile and lavender and 10 citrus. Mix the solution thoroughly and leave to brew for 10 minutes. Shake the mixture lightly before use.

Oil face masks

, salt and any lightening decoction will help to cleanse the epidermis of blackheads and pimples, whiten it and give it elasticity and smoothness.

(green or chamomile tea, herbal tea with bearberry, water after boiling bay leaves). For 200 ml of liquid, take no more than a spoon of each of the mineral components. Wash your face with this water twice a day before and after removing makeup.

Cosmetology procedures

If you are not worried about your budget and want to do everything professionally, then we recommend that you use the services of a cosmetologist. A specialist will select the necessary cosmetics and products that are suitable specifically for your skin type. The most popular procedures include:

  • Mechanical peeling

This peeling removes the very top layer of the epidermis. There are several types of mechanical peelings: superficial, medium and deep. It should be noted that only a specialist can tell you which one you should use. Everything will depend on the condition of the skin, the depth and intensity of the tan.

  • Chemical peeling

This is a method of removing tan using a variety of acids. Often fruit acids are used, which slightly burn the dermis. Surface cells are sloughed off and the skin is completely renewed.

  • Physical peeling

It should be noted that this is the most gentle way to get rid of unwanted tanning. The cosmetologist carefully removes tanned cells with an ultrasound device, thereby polishing the skin. This method not only allows you to get rid of a tan, but also cleanses the epidermis of impurities and blackheads.

  • Cryotherapy

Liquid nitrogen is used for this procedure. Under the influence of low temperatures, pigment cells die off, and their place is replaced by new ones with a very low melanin content.

  • Mesotherapy

This method is recommended for lightening individual areas of the skin. For example, if you don’t know how to remove pigment spots after tanning or freckles, then mesotherapy will help you with this. Lightening occurs due to the introduction of fruit acids subcutaneously. Ascorbic acid is mainly used.

  • Phytocorrection

In a specific case, the epidermis is exposed to high-intensity light rays. The most interesting thing is that the skin will darken even more, but a few days after the session it will be renewed and the color will fade.


What products can you use at home?

To remove unnecessary tanning from your face, you don’t have to run to a cosmetologist: there are both proven home folk remedies and special cosmetics that you can buy in the store.

So, if you don’t have time for salon procedures, and don’t have money for professional products, choose one from the list below:

  1. Whitening sun creams. Suitable if you don’t like making homemade masks. Whitening products must contain some of these components: phenols, sulfides, essential oils or acids. We do not recommend using products with acids during daylight hours in the summer.

If you go out into the sun after using this cream, you may find a couple of freckles or age spots on your face by evening.

Homemade masks with parsley. This plant is famous for its whitening properties. You will find the whitening mask recipe in the next section. Homemade masks with lemon. Lemon juice is a natural analogue of acids that are actively used in whitening cosmetics. Therefore, it is also able to remove dark shade from the skin. Aloe vera. It’s great if you have this medicinal plant at home, because the juice from its leaves can get rid of unwanted tanning. Clay. You will need white cosmetic clay. It is famous for its whitening properties: even Cleopatra made masks with white clay to achieve a fair complexion.

Soda. It also whitens, but we do not recommend using soda because it is too aggressive.

You may damage your skin or dry it out.

These products are considered the most effective for skin whitening.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body

The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • Why does our skin tan?
  • Fake tan
  • Why get rid of your tan?
  • Cosmetology procedures
  • How to remove tan at home?
  • Folk remedies to eliminate tanning, redness and flaking
  • How to whiten tan at home
  • The fastest ways to remove tan from your face
  • How to remove tan from face quickly and effectively
  • Skin care rules after whitening
  • How to prevent improper tanning?


How to quickly whiten your facial skin at home?

You can make your skin lighter, whiten acne on your face and scars by using professional creams, tonics, folk masks made from fermented milk products, fruits with acids, berries, parsley, etc. and pharmaceutical preparations. There are a huge number of effective recipes for whitening age spots. The main thing is to choose the ones that suit your skin specifically.

To get results, you should undergo a course of whitening procedures. After the skin is in order, it is worth continuing preventive measures against the appearance of new spots. For this purpose, one procedure per week is quite enough.

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