How to get rid of freckles on your face quickly - creams, masks, pharmaceuticals

Cannabis on a child's face always causes tenderness. With age, the attitude towards this harmless feature changes. Women try to remove “sun marks” by any means possible. You can get rid of freckles using modern cosmetology methods or traditional medicine.

The main causes of freckles

Dark marks on exposed areas of the body occur in people of all ages. Most often, freckles (or ephelides) appear at the age of five, but can appear for the first time in adolescents, during puberty. After forty years, their number and brightness usually decrease.

Most people associate hemp with UV exposure, but in this case it is a secondary cause. Hyperpigmentation is caused by a disruption in the production of melanin. It is designed to protect the skin from sunburn. If the pigment is synthesized in excess, distributed unevenly, the skin becomes covered with small brown dots.

Failures in melanin production occur for reasons such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • some chronic diseases of internal organs (for example, endocrine system, liver, gastrointestinal tract);
  • living in a region with a hot climate;
  • improper skin care (especially abuse of aggressive scrubs and peels);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • radiation exposure;
  • avitaminosis.

If it is difficult to argue with heredity, then freckles that appear for other reasons may disappear on their own when the provoking factor is eliminated.

Illness and stress lead to decreased immunity. This includes the deterioration of the protective functions of the dermis. Addiction to mono-diets leads to metabolic disorders at the cellular level. The skin is deprived of essential vitamins and microelements, does not receive enough moisture, and experiences oxygen starvation.

Restoring pigmentation requires an integrated approach. A variety of salon procedures help to achieve a quick visual effect.

Different types of freckles

  • Ephelides: These are a common type of freckles that are seen in most people. These freckles are flat and dark brown. Although they are genetically determined, they can also be caused by sun exposure. Solar lentigines: These freckles are characterized by a dark brown patch on the skin. They develop in adulthood as a result of sun exposure and can be classified as aging spots and sun spots.

It's also a good idea to know your risk factors for freckles and when to seek medical help.

Professional ways to cleanse your skin

Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of techniques for removing freckles.

Here are the most popular of them:

  • chemical peeling is carried out using a variety of acidic compounds (usually fruit), which “remove” the top layer of the epidermis along with hyperpigmented areas. Depending on the degree of the problem and the age of the patient, the cosmetologist selects a procedure of a certain depth of influence;
  • cryotherapy is effective when there is not a lot of hemp. Specks are removed using liquid nitrogen;
  • Phototherapy is based on exposing the pigment to a light flash with a specific wavelength. Cells of pigmented areas absorb radiation and disintegrate from high temperatures;
  • microdermabrasion removes the upper layer of the dermis, covered with ephelides mechanically (microcrystals of aluminum oxide). The procedure is painful and is performed under local anesthesia;
  • Quartz treatment is recommended for people with a large number of stains. Usually the procedure is carried out in conjunction with ozone therapy to saturate the skin with oxygen;
  • Laser therapy is today recognized as the most effective way to eliminate ephelides even in the most advanced cases. Exposure to the beam rarely causes severe pain, does not destroy adjacent tissue, and has a prolonged effect.

Attention: each method has a number of contraindications! To avoid negative consequences, you must first consult with a specialist.

Getting rid of freckles on your face forever is difficult. Several manipulations may be required, as well as their subsequent regular implementation to maintain the result.

Procedures must be carried out only in a professional salon, under the supervision of a cosmetologist. At home, it is better not to experiment with aggressive substances or physical effects on the skin.

You can remove freckles on your face yourself using much safer methods, but you should not expect an instant effect from them.

General recommendations (3 important tips)

To achieve pronounced results, cosmetologists recommend combining several methods of combating freckles: home remedies, specialized cosmetics, salon procedures.

Taking vitamin cocktails that help suppress melanin synthesis will also help enhance the effect.

For their preparation, mulberries, licorice, and vitamin A and C are used. Each case is individual, so to properly solve the problem, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

A specialist will help you choose a treatment regimen that is right for you, taking into account the severity of freckles, their location, skin type, skin tone and other factors.

As a preventive measure:

  • reduce your time in the sun, wear hats and sunglasses;
  • use sunscreen at any time of the year;
  • moisturize your skin well, take care of your health (hormonal levels, digestion, etc.).

If you want to get rid of pigmentation or freckles, you definitely need to use sunscreen. Regardless of whether UV rays are the main culprit of your problem, they will absolutely worsen any stains you are trying to get rid of.

Dermatologist Corey Hartman (Birmingham, Alabama)


Daily cleansing is the most important part of skin care. Those with freckled skin need to use natural substances with a whitening effect. Kefir or yogurt perfectly refreshes the face and evens out the color.

Decoctions and infusions from:

  • lemon;
  • celandine;
  • parsley;
  • ginger;
  • milkweed;
  • parsnip.

You need to wash your face with these products daily, alternating them. After washing, be sure to apply nourishing sunscreen.

Medical options for getting rid of freckles

  • Alpha hydroxy acid toners can help improve signs of photodamage, thereby reducing the likelihood of freckling.
  • Chemical facial peeling is an effective treatment for pigmented disorders such as freckles.
  • Laser therapy can promote the formation of new collagen, thereby eliminating old epidermal cells and resulting in clearer skin. However, laser therapy may include complications such as mild texture changes and hyperpigmentation, which may resolve within 2-6 months. The study showed >50% improvement in freckles with negative recurrence.
  • Along with daily sunscreen use, retinoid creams, hydroquinone, chemical peels and dermabrasion can help remove sun spots.

Along with following these home remedies and medical treatments, it is also good to know what kind of freckles you have so that you can treat them more effectively. Check them out below.

Facial skin massage

Facial massage is an effective way to restore skin elasticity, stimulate blood flow, and slow down the aging process. The procedure also enhances the effect of pigmentation evening out products.

For freckles and age spots, instead of the usual massage oil, you should use formulations with plants containing lightening agents. It's quite simple to prepare. You need to combine any vegetable oil with juice in equal proportions:

  • cucumber;
  • grenade;
  • tomato;
  • lemon;
  • Luke;
  • apple

Distribute the resulting composition along the massage lines of the face with smoothing movements. Then move on to patting with your fingertips, paying special attention to areas with excess pigmentation. Finish the massage with relaxing strokes. Oil solutions can be frozen in molds; do the same with ice cubes. The whole procedure lasts about 5 minutes. You need to complete it by applying a nourishing cream. The course consists of 10-15 sessions, then you need to take a break of a couple of weeks.

Girls for whom freckles are a big problem can try to cope with hemp with the help of professional cosmetics.

A quick path to fair skin: advice from official medicine

Leading specialists in official medicine and cosmetology have been studying the phenomenon of freckles around the world for many decades. And the experiments they conduct give not only hope for their correction, but also for complete deliverance if there is a special desire and need.

There are various methods, both medicinal and technological, aimed at whitening the skin and adjusting its texture and color. The fastest, but rather risky ones include chemical and laser peeling:

  • In chemical peeling, the targeted area of ​​skin is exposed to a special acid. It eats away the pigment spot, completely removing it.
  • Laser peeling is based on the use of UV rays of special power and burns out pigment, acting locally and without affecting the nearby skin area.

Both of these methods are successfully used in cosmetology, in the treatment of freckles locally distributed on the skin. For larger pigmentation of a massive nature, doctors offer other methods of whitening, for example:

  • The use of whitening creams containing vitamin complexes and moisturizing the skin;

  • Masks containing hydrochion and achromin, substances that strengthen the skin and promote the production of melanin.

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Important! Carrying out all these actions is necessary after consulting a specialist doctor and weighing the risk factors and the expected result.

Cosmetic whitening creams and lotions

The choice of whitening creams is quite extensive. Such drugs are included in the lines of almost all well-known manufacturers. You can choose cheaper ointments, the main thing is to pay attention to the composition.

The most effective freckle lightening products contain hydroquinone, which directly affects the cells that produce melanin, rather than simply removing the pigment. Creams with this compound should be used extremely carefully, in short courses.

Attention: hydroquinone is very toxic, can cause severe irritation and lead to the formation of dermatitis. Some doctors argue that the use of such drugs increases the risk of developing melanoma.

Considering the high probability of negative consequences, it is advisable to abandon the use of such radical methods of combating ephelides. It is better to choose an anti-freckle cream with safer whitening components: arbutin or deoxyarbutin.

In addition to the main substance, cosmetics against age spots should contain:

  • vitamins;
  • extracts from plants;
  • oils;
  • organic acids.

Additional components free the epidermis from dead cells, nourish the skin, and reduce the negative effects of the active whitening component.

Lightening creams should be applied to problem areas before going to bed. The maximum duration of the course should not exceed three weeks. Then you should take a break. If irritation occurs, use of the cream must be stopped immediately and consult a cosmetologist.

Ready-made whitening masks or tonics should be used in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

Salon methods

If a girl wants to whiten her skin from freckles as quickly as possible, then she should go to a beauty salon. In modern cosmetology there are many effective methods for eliminating pigmentation. But in any case, it will not be possible to cope with the problem in a couple of days; you will have to conduct several sessions with breaks to restore the skin.

Salons can offer the following treatment options:

  • various peelings (mechanical, chemical, using ultrasound);
  • laser therapy.

The choice of method is made after consultation with a cosmetologist. A specialist will assess the condition of your skin and recommend the optimal program for getting rid of freckles.


The essence of this procedure is to remove the top layer of cells from the surface of the epidermis. After such exposure, the cells begin to actively renew themselves. And, if after peeling you protect the skin from sunlight, then there will be no excess melanin in the newly formed cells. For this reason, peelings are recommended in late autumn or winter.

Exfoliation of the top layer of cells is carried out using different methods:

  • Mechanical. This method is called microdermbrasion; the skin is treated with a device with special attachments coated with diamond or aluminum oxide crystals.
  • Chemical. In this case, the upper layer of cells dissolves after applying special compositions containing acids – glycolic, fruit, lactic, etc. – to the skin.
  • Physical. Other methods, such as the use of ultrasound, can be used to exfoliate cells.

After any type of peeling, the skin needs time to recover. During this period, the face will need to be especially carefully protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Laser technology

This is the most effective method of combating pigmentation. The laser beam coagulates the cells that produce melanin, destroying the very cause of freckles. Several sessions will be required to completely eliminate pigmentation. After each session it is necessary to take a break to restore the skin.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is the fairly high price. In addition, it is not yet known what effects can be expected in the long term. For example, no one can guarantee that freckles will not appear again, in other places.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!

Exfoliating treatments

Removing dead epidermal cells is an important part of skin care. These elements disrupt the breathing of the dermis and provoke skin problems, including pigmentation disorders.

There are a lot of exfoliating products. In stores you can buy a variety of scrubs and peeling compositions. Homemade remedies are no less effective.

The following recipes are most effective for freckles:

  • Coffee grounds not only brighten the face, but also help nourish and moisturize it. The mass should be applied in a dense layer with light massaging movements; it is advisable to remove the residue with a sponge without rinsing with water. After the procedure, a thin layer of coffee oil remains on the skin. The grounds should be stored in the refrigerator to avoid mold formation. If the substance has dried, it can be slightly diluted with warm water;
  • Rice scrub is made from ground (but not to powder) cereal and honey. It should have the consistency of thick porridge. It should be distributed over the skin, held for 15 minutes, then massaged into the dermis, and rinsed off with cold water. Rice in this recipe can be replaced with crushed cinnamon.

Salon chemical peels replace procedures with natural apple cider vinegar. The face must first be steamed (ideally in a bathhouse or sauna). Soak a piece of gauze in the solution (a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per 200 ml of water), put the cloth on your face, hold for a quarter of an hour, then moisten with warm water and rub with a towel. The manipulation should be completed by applying a nourishing cream. Freckles will become much lighter after the third procedure. Exfoliation should not be overused; it should not be done more than a couple of times a week.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Be careful with lightening creams. It is also worth understanding that the fight against freckles requires systematic work. The point is that you can't get rid of them forever. Their appearance is directly related to genetic factors. If you stop performing any procedures, they will appear again. Cosmetic procedures, such as laser resurfacing, are considered the most effective. Home options may be complementary methods.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Please note that naturally dark-haired women who do not have blood relatives with similar age spots are advised not to lighten their freckles, but to undergo a diagnostic examination.
Because the sudden formation of freckles sometimes indicates skin diseases. First, make sure that the problem is cosmetic and not medical in nature. Many people have freckles on their faces. Often women try to get rid of them using different methods. It is recommended to go to a cosmetologist who will select the appropriate procedure.

But before you start fighting freckles, think about it, because perhaps they are your highlight and do not spoil your appearance at all. But if they make you feel complex, then it is better to get rid of them.

Pharmacy products

Whitening freckles with ready-made preparations can reduce hyperpigmentation faster than using traditional recipes. In addition, it does not require additional time to prepare the desired product. You can buy anti-freckle serums, gels or ointments at the pharmacy.

Creams such as:

  • Spring;
  • Celandine;
  • Metamorphosis.

You can make masks from pharmaceutical products to help whiten freckles at home.


Bulgarian cream Achromin can be used not only to whiten existing rashes, but also to prevent their appearance. The active ingredient of the drug is hydroquinone, a toxic chemical compound that inhibits the synthesis of melanin. This substance can cause destruction of the epidermal structure in people with sensitive skin. You must use the drug very carefully or choose Achromin with licorice extract. It is less dangerous, but its whitening effect is weaker.

As auxiliary components, the cream contains:

  • vitamins C, B;
  • lactic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium chloride;
  • lanolin;
  • water;
  • pink flavor.

The listed substances reduce swelling and minimize the aggressive effect of the active substance.

Achromin should be applied twice a day to well-cleansed skin, at least two hours before going outside, otherwise the amount of hemp may increase. If there are few spots, it is better to use the product locally, without affecting neighboring areas. In the first few minutes, the cream may cause minor tingling. It is prohibited to apply products to mucous membranes.

The drug is contraindicated in patients:

  • under 12 years old;
  • prone to allergies;
  • with microtraumas in the area of ​​ointment application.

Due to active absorption of the potent substance into the blood, pregnant and lactating women should not use the cream.

If the dosage or restrictions are not followed, Achromin can cause severe itching, rashes, irritation, and swelling.

If after the first use of the drug the skin turns red, it is better to stop using it and try other ways to improve your complexion.


Products based on freshwater sponge (badyagi) are actively used in medicine to solve various dermatological problems. Anti-freckle ointment also helps. You can use natural powder or ready-made gels (for example, Badyaga Plus). The latter act more sparingly, but are less effective. The powder must first be diluted with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) to a cream consistency.

The procedure is as follows:

  • cleanse your face thoroughly;
  • lubricate the dermis around the eyes and lips with a thick cream so that the product does not get on these areas;
  • apply the cream with a sponge;
  • after 10 minutes, rinse well;
  • Lubricate your face with cream or rich sour cream.

Immediately after the mask, the face will turn red, and after a few days peeling will begin. The procedure can be repeated only after complete restoration of the epidermis. The maximum number of manipulations in one course is five. Then you should take a break of at least 6 months.

You cannot use the badya:

  • in the presence of microtraumas;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • if there is a pronounced capillary network;
  • with excessive hair growth in the area of ​​application.

It is forbidden to apply the product after any type of peeling.

Hydrogen peroxide

Whitening freckles with this product is very simple. In the mornings and evenings, you should lubricate your face with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. There is no need to rinse off the substance; after wiping, apply cream.

You can only use a pharmaceutical solution, without trying to prepare it yourself. Also, do not experiment by mixing other ingredients with peroxide. The drug is suitable only for women with oily skin types that are not prone to dryness.


Glycerin lightens freckles well, but it must be used with caution. The drug dries the skin very much, so it is not suitable for everyone.

It should be applied with a cotton swab only to the hemp, without affecting adjacent areas of the face. After the procedure, lubricate the dermis with moisturizing cream or vegetable oil. The maximum application time is one week.

Castor oil

Castor oil removes freckles due to the presence of ricinoleic acid. The drug stimulates accelerated cellular regeneration, due to which hyperpigmented areas quickly lighten.

Castor oil is used like this:

  • 10 ml of oil is heated in a steam bath.
  • Wipe the application area with lemon juice.
  • Soak napkins in oil and apply to the marks. You can treat each spot with a cotton swab.
  • After 20 minutes, wash off the remaining oil.

People with dry skin types should not use lemon.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Regular Aspirin is included in many whitening masks. Here are some effective recipes:

  • crush 3 Aspirin tablets, add 10 g of honey, 5 ml of vegetable oil;
  • Dissolve the powder from 4 tablets in a tablespoon of lemon juice, rinse with a weak soda solution. This composition is not suitable for sensitive dermis;
  • grind acetylsalicylic acid (4 tablets), mix with half a teaspoon of fine sea salt, add 10 g of honey.

Can freckles appear at the girl’s request and what can be done about it?

Today, fashion favors unusual appearance, so freckles have become popular. Some girls want to have a beautiful scattering of freckles, but this is almost impossible if there is no predisposition to them.

You can check whether natural freckles appear on your face in the summer if you go out into the sun more often. For girls with an even, beautiful tan, the only methods left are to artificially create hemp.

The easiest way to create artificial spots on your face is with eyeliner. It matches the color of the eyebrows to make it look as natural as possible. It is also recommended to use a pencil a shade darker to get two shades of freckles. Cosmetic points are lightly wiped before leaving the house to achieve the effect of light freckles.

Another way is tattooing. The procedure is usually performed with henna, so it is temporary. Before the procedure, the intensity of the spots, as well as their location on the face, is discussed with the specialist. Only a tattoo artist with a cosmetic tattoo license can perform the procedure.

Folk recipes

You won’t be able to completely get rid of freckles using folk remedies, but they will become much lighter. The healing substances contained in the ingredients of home remedies will improve the overall condition of the skin. They will make it healthier, softer, more radiant.

Baking soda for freckles

Baking soda is actively used in various fields, including cosmetology. It helps get rid of blackheads, oily shine, and lightens the skin a little.

For freckles, use a soda solution (6 tablespoons of the substance per 200 ml of warm water). It is applied to the face with a cotton pad three times a day, left for a quarter of an hour, and the residue is washed off.

Attention: do not treat hypersensitive or injured skin with soda!

When caring for dermis prone to dryness, you should add a little vegetable oil to the solution.

Birch juice

The healing properties of birch sap have been known for a long time. Thanks to its unique composition, it relieves inflammation, acne, tones, moisturizes the skin, and evens out the complexion. It is fresh juice that brings benefits, and not the kind sold in stores. You can wash your face with the product every day or prepare a lotion with the addition of other components.

Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of fresh birch sap. honey, 6 drops of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and wipe your face with the solution twice a day. In addition to reducing the severity of pigmentation, this product will get rid of fine wrinkles.

The juice has a short shelf life, so it is better to freeze it in molds and wipe the skin with ice cubes. At low temperatures, the beneficial properties of the substance are almost completely preserved.

Parsley decoction

Parsley for freckles has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. It is included in various products. The easiest way is to wash with a decoction of the plant.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Finely chop 50 g of root.
  2. Pour a glass of water.
  3. Boil.
  4. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Strain the cooled liquid.

Pour the broth into a clean container and wipe the problem area three times a day.

Essential oils

The advantage of essential oils is their complex effect on the dermis. They not only lighten its tone, but also moisturize it and saturate it with essential vitamins and microelements.

In order to make freckles less noticeable, you can prepare a salt-based product. Essential oils should be added to a teaspoon of the substance:

  • chamomile (4 drops);
  • lemon (4 drops);
  • wheat sprouts (7 drops).

The resulting composition is applied pointwise to the freckles with a cotton swab.

A mixture of grapefruit, rose, and ginger essential oils (3 drops of each) is good for facial massage.

You can try other combinations, but it is important to remember that not all extracts can be applied to the skin in their pure form. Before using any substance, you must carefully read the attached instructions for use. Make sure there are no contraindications.

Cucumber tonic

This vegetable is an effective bleaching agent. Despite the fact that cucumber contains up to 80% water, the remaining 20% ​​contains many microelements necessary for healthy skin.

Regularly cleansing your face with cucumber juice has the following effects on the dermis:

  • brightens ephelides;
  • moisturizes;
  • stops peeling;
  • activates protective functions;
  • evens out facial tone;
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • makes small wrinkles less noticeable;
  • activates metabolism;
  • reduces the appearance of acne;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration.

To prepare cucumber tonic, grate the vegetable and squeeze through cheesecloth. It is equally effective to simply spread thin slices of cucumber on your face (it is advisable to cool it).

A good cleanser can be made from vegetable peels. It needs to be filled with half a liter of water and left for 6 hours. Rinse your face with the resulting liquid in the morning.

Dandelion lotion

In the summer, you can prepare an excellent means of deep cleansing and toning the skin from ordinary dandelions that grow in any country house.

Weed lotion is made like this:

  1. Dig up 4 blooming dandelions with roots.
  2. Rinse thoroughly.
  3. Dry on a towel.
  4. Cut in small pieces.
  5. Place in a jar with a tight lid.
  6. Pour 150 g of alcohol (or vodka).
  7. Add tangerine peel.
  8. Leave for 10 days, shaking the container daily.

Dilute 10 g of tincture with 90 g of mineral water. Wipe your face twice a day.

Lemon juice

Lemon is included in many whitening cosmetics. Here are some popular recipes:

  • beat the egg white, add the juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of sugar. Every other day, apply to a cleansed face for 20 minutes, rinse off any remaining residue with cool water. The composition is well suited for ladies with dry skin;
  • squeeze lemon juice, mix with four grams of glycerin, 100 g of vodka, beaten white of one egg. Wipe problem areas with the product twice a day;
  • combine apple cider vinegar, boiled water, and lemon juice in equal parts. Use instead of your regular cleansing toner.

The listed products will not only make your complexion more even, they refresh the skin and give it a healthy, more youthful appearance. You cannot achieve an instant effect with their help. To obtain the desired result, the compositions should be used for two to four weeks.

Reasons for education

All experienced professional cosmetologists know that it is impossible to get rid of freckles forever.

Freckles are commonly called age spots, which, as a rule, appear on the face with the first spring rays of sunlight. However, they can also occur for the following reasons related to:

  • the period of pregnancy and hormonal changes in the whole body;
  • genetic factors that ensure the hereditary transmission of freckles from parents/relatives;
  • hormonal imbalance resulting from taking contraceptive medications;
  • constant exposure to ultraviolet rays, which provokes the release of large doses of melanin pigment into the blood.

All experienced professional cosmetologists know that it is impossible to get rid of freckles forever, even with the use of modern hardware techniques that allow you to remove these “sun spots” only for a certain time.

Recipes for masks to combat pigmentation

Homemade anti-freckle masks have many benefits. They are completely natural, gentle and safe.

Despite all the harmlessness when carrying out whitening procedures, you need to take some precautions:

  • do not make masks more than twice a week;
  • Be sure to cleanse your face of makeup first;
  • carry out procedures at night so that you don’t have to go outside right away;
  • do not keep the mask on for more than 20 minutes;
  • rinse with water at room temperature;
  • After applying a nourishing (or moisturizing) cream.

Whitening grapefruit face mask

This composition is ideal for oily skin. Fruit acids of grapefruit have a brightening effect, and natural yogurt moisturizes and nourishes.


  • squeeze the juice from half a grapefruit;
  • mix with half a glass of natural yogurt.

Apply a thick layer to your face and leave for 20 minutes. / Couleur

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