Can professional cosmetics help get rid of blackheads?

The maximum number of sebaceous glands is located in the face, shoulders, upper chest and back, on the scalp and in the ear area. Therefore, in these areas, the skin can become oily (oily seborrhea) and lead to the appearance of blackheads (comedones) and acne. After 35 years, the glands begin to reduce their activity, and the skin most often changes towards normal. But if you don’t want to just sit and wait for old age, when the problem will solve itself, there are several effective ways to improve the condition of your skin now. These include: cleansing, peeling and proper cosmetic care. Today we propose to consider the 10 best remedies for blackheads - according to reviews from cosmetologists and ordinary customers.

Blackheads or open comedones are clogged with excess sebum, mixed with dead old cells of the upper layer of skin, bacteria and external impurities, ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Dimensions are usually from 0.1 to 2 mm. The color can range from yellow to black. Sebum acquires a dark color during the process of oxidation with oxygen. Most often they are located on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin and upper back.

Closed comedones are almost the same thing, but locked under a thin layer of skin and not oxidized by oxygen, but capable of turning into an ordinary pimple. They may rise above the skin or be felt as small bumps when passed by hand. They are most often located on the forehead, cheeks, cheekbones, chin, neck and chest area.

Comedones are non-inflammatory elements of acne and, when constantly present on the skin, lead to persistent enlargement of pores.

Causes of comedones:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands with increased sebum production (for example, in adolescence). Most often under the influence of sex hormones androgens.
  3. Replacing sebum with fatty acids for beneficial linoleic acid.
  4. Comedogenic effect of some external cosmetics (too oily).
  5. Increased keratinization of cells in the upper part of the follicle and blockage of its mouth.
  6. Insufficient skin cleansing.

What does the law say?

First you need to understand the difference between cosmetics and medicines. If we consider the issue from the legal side, then according to Russian and European legislation, cosmetics have an effect only on the surface layer of the epidermis and cannot change the characteristics of the skin and affect its functioning.

The Technical Regulations of the CU 009/2011 state that perfumery and cosmetic products (PCP) are substances that must be applied to the surface of the skin, teeth, oral mucosa, lips, nails and external genitalia for the purpose of cleansing, imparting a new or changing an existing odor. , correction of appearance, care for them63.

The term “professional cosmetics,” which marketers love to use, is described vaguely in the technical regulations. PKP is designated as professional and is intended for use by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to provide cosmetic or hairdressing services63. From the definition it follows that any product that a cosmetologist uses in his work automatically becomes professional.

Treatment: collecting a set

Moving directly to the selection of products for acne and pimples from the pharmacy assortment, we will highlight several groups among them that can be combined with each other. Such complexes will increase the amount of the check, but will most likely be more effective than individual drugs.

Antibacterial agents. Drugs in this group can have a systemic effect (prescribed by a doctor - for example, doxycycline, clindamycin and erythromycin) and a local effect (in the form of gels and creams that contain clindamycin or erythromycin with zinc acetate).

Hygienic skin care. The arsenal of cleansers for acne on the face (tonics, scrubs, lotions, facial washes) will differ depending on skin type. You can also use herbal decoctions (chamomile, string, sage, coltsfoot, oak bark, celandine) as skin care products. It makes sense to use them for wiping the face and washing.

Vitamin and mineral complexes. These should include retinol, riboflavin, as well as ascorbic and folic acids.

Sorbents. These drugs remove toxins from the body, normalize intestinal function and support its microflora. Examples of such acne remedies are available in every pharmacy: activated carbon, dioctahedral smectite, polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide and hydrolytic lignin.

Probiotics. They will help restore the intestinal biocenosis. The best probiotics include lactulose, bifidobacteria longum and bifidum, enterococcus fecium, as well as lactobacillus acidophilus and kefir fungi.

Penetration of cosmetic components and skin barrier function

From jurisprudence let's move on to anatomy. One of the main functions of the skin is barrier. But this does not make the epidermis and dermis impenetrable. The skin can easily pass through particles whose molecular weight does not exceed 500 daltons. Such substances include AHA, salicylic, glycolic acids, which are used in peelings, as well as some peptides, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Although most cosmetic components penetrate only into the epidermis, they can have an indirect effect on deeper layers. This explains why a cosmetic product can help get rid of blackheads. But the effect will be short-lived, because it is necessary to influence not only the comedones, but also the causes of its occurrence, the links in the pathogenesis of acne, and only medications can do this.

Features of using cosmetics against blackheads

Today, to combat comedones, manufacturers offer you and me, dear girls, various products. How to understand it and determine which products help reliably get rid of acne and blackheads?

Green clay mask for tightening pores, 100 ml, THE SKIN HOUSE

1 520 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

First of all, keep in mind that to get excellent results, cosmetic products must be used in a comprehensive manner. Here is the optimal scheme for using remedies for blackheads:

  • Wash your face in the morning and evening with a special product, such as Charcoal Foam Cleanser from ROLAND;
  • Use a facial scrub regularly (for oily skin - 2-3 times a week, for normal skin - 1 time). This could be “Anti-blackhead scrub with brown sugar and cocoa” from THE SKIN HOUSE;
  • periodically (at least once a week) use masks: “Cleansing film mask” from A’PIEU, “Oxygen mask with mucin and charcoal” from THE SKIN HOUSE, “Black film mask against blackheads with Moroccan volcanic clay Special Care" from TSURURI;
  • If necessary, use “first aid” products for local removal of comedones. These could be “Scrub sticks against blackheads with Moroccan volcanic clay” from TSURURI or “Charcoal nasal cleansing strips” from CETTUA.

At the Phytomarket Evalar store you can purchase various effective remedies for blackheads. They are made from high quality natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin.

How to treat blackheads* and what causes comedones?

When answering the question of what causes blackheads*, it is worth mentioning cosmetics (regardless of which segment it belongs to - medical, professional, mass market). If it contains comedogenic ingredients, it can cause comedones. Also among the culprits in the development of acne are hormonal imbalances, certain medications, gastrointestinal diseases, stress, etc.

If you regularly suffer from acne, and the blackheads are hardly noticeable, it's time to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will figure out why blackheads* appear and prescribe adequate treatment.

For acne, Clindovit®6 can be prescribed. This is a drug in the form of a gel, the main component of which is clindamycin6. It exhibits antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and also helps reduce free fatty acid levels6. To reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, it is recommended to combine Clindovit® with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or with benzoyl peroxide28.


Causes of blackheads

But first, you need to understand why some blackheads did not have a trace, while others constantly face a similar problem. So, acne, as you know, most often appears in those with combination or oily skin. Therefore, you should pay attention to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Hormones also influence the appearance of inflammation: it is testosterone that is responsible for the production of sebum, which, in turn, affects the activation of the sebaceous glands and the occurrence of acne.

In addition, the production of the previously mentioned sebum is also affected by some fast carbohydrates taken with food - so be sure to watch what you eat, sometimes you should stick to proper nutrition and acne will go away on its own.

Improper cleansing of the skin is another cause of acne, because it clogs pores and causes new inflammation. It is correct to carry out the procedure in two stages: first cleanse the skin with hydrophilic oil, then wash everything off with a special foam for problem skin. No soap - not only will such cleansing not get rid of the rash, it will also cause premature wrinkles to appear.

Rating of the TOP 7 best remedies for blackheads

Our rating presents both pharmacy products that are well-known to many, as well as those produced by mass marketing and which have shown their best side. Each of them is easy to find in any pharmacy or store in the city:

  • Differin;
  • A.F.Y.;
  • Klenzit;
  • "Pure skin face toner" from Oriflame;
  • Neutrogena Visibly Clear;
  • Gel mask against blackheads “Clean&Clear”.

Let's consider what effect they have on your skin.


Well-known pharmaceutical cream from the French company Laboratoires GALDERMA. A pronounced therapeutic and cosmetic effect is noticeable after the first week of use. The product is often used as a treatment for acne and acne.

A countryFrance
Expiration date (months)24

Cost: from 882 to 904 rubles.

Differin cream

  • maintaining a normal balance of substances;
  • nutrition and protection of the epidermis;
  • decreased sebum production;
  • freeing pores and melting fat plugs;
  • preventing the appearance of new inflammations;
  • effective treatment of acne;
  • providing an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • dries out the skin.

Differin has become my savior in the fight for healthy skin! The only pharmaceutical product that helped me. It has virtually no smell, does not dry out my skin - my skin is oily, so I don’t notice much tightness. I recommend!


The famous Chinese black cream film for the face, which is gaining more and more popularity every year. The basis of the product is therapeutic mud, which effectively fights not only rashes and blackheads, but also the first age-related changes. You no longer need to sign up for expensive salon treatments - because this super effective product can be used right in your home.

Typecream film
Shelf life (months)12

Cost: from 800 to 990 rubles.

AFY cream

  • getting rid of acne, comedones and blackheads;
  • improvement of the structure of the epidermis;
  • complete skin nutrition;
  • increased elasticity;
  • regulation of water-salt balance;
  • soft peeling effect;
  • high-quality pore cleaning;
  • the product has an antimicrobial effect.
  • dries the skin;
  • can be used for no more than a month.

An advertisement for a black mask literally followed me everywhere: all social networks were literally filled with photographs of satisfied customers. At some point I decided to try this mask, but I didn’t expect any wow effect. And I was very surprised when literally after a month of use the acne disappeared! I haven’t used any other products, so I can confidently say that this is thanks to the Afy cream film! So I recommend it!


Many experts believe that it is Klenzit that can get rid of blackheads, being the best remedy that can be purchased at the pharmacy. The cream was produced by a practicing Indian dermatologist and is not only cosmetic, but also a real medicine based on a retinoid.

Expiration date (months)36

Cost: from 700 to 800 rub.

Klenzit cream

  • eliminates open and closed comedones;
  • exfoliates dead and dead cells;
  • effectively treats acne;
  • frees pores from blockage.
  • the effect will be visible only after 3 months of use.

I have mild acne: it does not cause me many problems, since the foundation hides any imperfections, but nevertheless, I have always wanted to get rid of this problem. A friend recommended “Klenzit” - it can be found in any pharmacy. I used the product for a month, during which time the acne completely disappeared, and the rashes themselves began to appear much less frequently. I recommend!


One of the most affordable products on the market for problem skin, which, despite its fairly low cost, gives maximum results. The only condition is regular use: morning and night. The tonic has a pleasant smell, does not cause a feeling of tightness, giving the skin a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Expiration date (months)30

Cost: from 150 to 220 rubles.


  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • nice smell;
  • effect proven by experts: acne disappears after three weeks;
  • easy to find on sale.
  • contains alcohol.

I have been using Avon products for 4 years now, so when choosing a product for my problem skin, I settled on Clearskin. I've been using it regularly for a year now. During this time, the skin condition has noticeably improved, there is practically no inflammation left. For such money - an excellent result!

"Pure skin face toner" from Oriflame

A mild tonic that contains alcohol and is nevertheless suitable for absolutely any skin type. It should be applied exclusively to the T-zone (basically, this is where all the problem areas are located). It tones perfectly, does not dry out the skin, does not cause a feeling of tightness, and does not leave a greasy film on the face.

Expiration date (months)12

Cost: from 279 to 400 rubles.

Pure skin face toner

  • suitable for any skin type;
  • perfectly tones;
  • does not contain oils;
  • does not dry out the skin;
  • effectively tightens pores;
  • does not leave a greasy film.
  • does not remove dirt very well;
  • Not suitable for girls with dry skin.

I don’t know much about cosmetics, so when I was choosing a product, I didn’t bother for a long time - I bought the proven Oriflame brand. And I was right: acne and inflammation became noticeably less after just two weeks of use. A month later I had already forgotten about them. But I continue to use the tonic for prevention - I recommend trying it, it has an effect!

Neutrogena Visibly Clear

A daily soft scrub from a French manufacturer, containing small scrubbing particles that do not injure problem skin. The product does not dry out or irritate the epidermis, effectively dealing with impurities and minor inflammations. Ideal as a daily “wash.” Despite the fact that the scrub does not have any effect on tightening pores, acne noticeably disappears with regular use.

A countryFrance
Shelf life (months)36

Price: from 393 to 500 rub.

Neutrogena Visibly Clear Scrub

  • small scrubbing particles;
  • the scrub does not irritate or dry the skin;
  • can be used daily;
  • perfectly removes acne;
  • mattifies and refreshes the face.
  • does not tighten pores.

The product suits absolutely everything: it has a pleasant smell, after use there is no feeling of tightness on the skin, it looks smooth, has an even color and structure. Blackheads still appear, but noticeably less. The scrub is definitely worth the money, I will continue to use it.

Gel mask against blackheads “Clean&Clear”

“Clean&Clear” is a well-known line of products that effectively combat problem skin. This gel mask gently whitens the skin, acting as a soft peeling. In addition, the product also has a drying effect and is suitable not only for combating blackheads, but also acne. Noticeable effect after 3 applications.

Viewgel mask
A countryFrance
Shelf life (months)36

Price: from 351 to 469 rub.

Clean&Clear gel

  • soft peeling effect;
  • dries out inflammation;
  • fights not only blackheads, but also acne;
  • the effect is noticeable after the third application;
  • Suitable for any skin type.
  • does not tighten pores.

After pregnancy and childbirth, the condition of my skin noticeably worsened: inflammation and blackheads began to appear. I immediately bought this gel mask, since I had already used Clean&Clear products before. I noticed the effect after 3 uses: skin tone evened out, inflammation and blackheads became less noticeable. I recommend.

Homemade ointments for blackheads

Tea tree and lavender essential oils can be used as ointments for blackheads. Useful products accelerate skin renewal, dissolve sebum, and have an antiseptic effect.

Before using oils, apply the product to the wrist area and leave for a few minutes. If redness or irritation does not appear on your hand, then the oil can be used directly on the skin of the face undiluted. If side effects occur, the oil should be diluted with boiled water and tested again. This way you will reach a product concentration that is safe for your skin.

Essential oils are applied pointwise to open comedones. Exposure time: 2 hours. The products are washed off with warm water.

Some tips to prevent the problem

It’s not enough to get rid of comedones; try to prevent their reappearance:

  • Clean your skin with special products, not clean water;
  • Periodically perform cleansing masks with activated carbon;
  • Get into the habit of using home scrubs and peeling procedures;
  • Eat better, worry less;
  • Get rid of low quality cosmetics;
  • Take breaks between makeup to allow your skin to breathe more.

Cleansing is an important step in daily care. There is no point in applying nourishing creams and expecting good results if the pores are clogged. Free them from sebaceous nodules to open the way for vitamins, minerals and oxygen to the cells.

Rules for the use of medicinal creams and ointments

To make the use of medicinal creams and ointments for blackheads effective and safe, follow these simple rules:

  • Before applying the treatment, cleanse the skin with foams, lotions, and tonics designed for your skin type. Thus, the beneficial components of creams and ointments for blackheads will penetrate deeper into the skin;
  • During the period of treatment for blackheads, refrain from visiting a solarium, as well as from tanning in natural conditions. Many remedies for open comedones include acids. Exposure of the face to ultraviolet light after using such products may cause pigmentation of the skin;

    You should avoid visiting a solarium during treatment for comedones.

  • When treating comedones, you should not get carried away with scrubs and products containing alcohol. Otherwise, your skin may become irritated.

Comparison table of characteristics

Basic information regarding each of the funds presented today is contained in the table.

NameViewA countryShelf life (months)
AFYcream filmChina12
"CLEARSKIN" by AVONtonicRussia/Poland30
"Pure skin face toner" from OriflametonicSweden12
Neutrogena Visibly ClearscrubFrance36
Gel mask against blackheads “Clean&Clear”gel maskFrance36


  • Elvira, 28 years old: I recommend Propeller for blackheads and skin problems. It has a light texture, easy to use, and does not cause allergies. The pores are clean and the face is fresh and toned.
  • Yulianna, 35 years old: I don’t trust medications, I prefer homemade recipes. I regularly perform masks for quick cleansing and rejuvenation of the face, here you can find a lot of information about them. Masks are natural, safe, help clean pores, refresh and heal the skin. If the problem is deeper, use devices for hardware facial rejuvenation, for example, Darsonval. To remain beautiful, you need to act, and not sit still with a tube of pharmaceutical drug.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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