Treatment of age spots on the face: how to get rid of age-related pigmentation

Pigment spot - what is it?

Skin color is a completely natural quality, and it occurs thanks to a special substance called melanin. Depending on many factors, it may be more or less, and it serves to protect the skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. When light hits the surface, it is captured by special molecules and transported to the upper layers of the dermis, absorbing excess radiation and preventing its further penetration.

Sometimes this well-functioning and complex system malfunctions, and then melanin synthesis is disrupted. Unsightly defects appear in the form of darkening (hyper) or highlighting (hypo). In the world, this problem is indeed widespread, because more than half of the inhabitants of our planet note the presence of such phenomena. Is it possible to fight pigmentation and how to quickly get rid of age spots from the sun on the face and not only?

Contrary to popular belief, defects must always be kept under control, for which purpose it is first necessary to find out the reasons for their occurrence. They can seriously spoil the appearance, but this is not the main problem. With unfavorable development, an unsightly darkening can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm called melanoma. Then long and painful treatment procedures cannot be avoided.

Determining the nature of the formation usually requires clarification of certain factors:

  • The presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Depth.
  • Color intensity.
  • Extent of distribution.

Only a competent and experienced dermatologist with the proper level of knowledge and appropriate equipment can find out all these points. Therefore, before you figure out what to do and what helps with severe pigmentation on the face from the sun, even surgical removal, you must do all the research, take tests and tests.

Whitening Ingredients

For those who want to master the technique of preparing masks at home, the good news is that a large number of natural ingredients have a pronounced whitening effect. Conventionally, they can be divided into groups, products from which can always be found at home or bought nearby.

Face Whitening Products

  1. Herbal ingredients . Remarkable lightening results can be achieved using parsley juice and decoction, rice and oat flour, lemon pulp, brewed dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, bearberry, cucumber juice, potato starch, pureed cranberries, rowan, aloe. Such products may not immediately give a noticeable effect, but they are safe for the body.
  2. Chemical substances . Rubbing with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of ascorbic, citric, and acetylsalicylic acid helps make the skin a tone lighter. Diluted vinegar and concentrated salt water give good results. Salon professionals recommend using cosmetic clay and soda.
  3. Ingredients from products . You can discolor pigmentation with natural honey, cottage cheese, warm milk, kefir, and egg white. By using natural yogurt and full-fat sour cream, the skin receives additional exposure to lactic acid, which increases the whiteness of the epidermis.

Each of the ingredients presented is suitable as a one-component home whitening product. To enhance the effect, it is important to create proven masks and use them correctly.


There are several different types of violations that are worth discussing in a little more detail.

Freckles (ephelids)

They can be exclusively a defect located on the cheeks, forehead and nose, and also cover the entire body. These are small limited spots, mostly brownish, yellow or brownish-brown, usually round in shape. Most often found in boys and girls with blond or red hair. It is easy to recognize such formations by the following signs:

  • They first appear from about 3 to 6-7 years of age, and by maturity they can disappear completely.
  • In summer and spring they are very noticeable, and in cold weather they become much paler.
  • They become darker in color from exposure to the sun.
  • They concentrate on open areas of the body, but can also occur under clothing.

They pose absolutely no threat to health, and are sometimes considered not even a flaw, but an advantage, a highlight of appearance.

Super thin injection needles Nanoneedle

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G


They are much larger and irregular in shape, located in the face and neck area. They have a light golden, yellow, brown or brown tint. They do not have additional volume, that is, they do not rise above the surface of the dermis. Mostly they are placed separately, but sometimes they merge into one larger spot. They can occur both at a young and at a more mature age.

Some believe that this type of pigmentation appears exclusively during pregnancy, but this is only one of many reasons. Chloasma can also be diagnosed from taking oral contraceptives, from hormonal imbalances of any etiology, from cosmetic procedures or certain medications, from the sun, or inherited.


Such formations are mostly benign, and the common people usually affectionately call them moles. They can be congenital or appear over time. Colors range from light yellow or beige (flesh) to dark brown, almost black. Sometimes they change color over the years, and the sizes are also different. The surface of nevi can be smooth or rough, and hair can also grow on it.

In the vast majority of cases, no removal is implied, but sometimes there are objective reasons for this. If nevi constantly get in the way, rub against clothes, stand out unattractively in the most visible place, then many people think about how to cure and remove such age spots on the forehead, cheek, nose and neck, or other parts of the body.

Age requirements

The most popular reason for the appearance of unsightly dark or light areas is age. The dermis becomes less elastic, pliable, it becomes thinner, loses its natural elasticity, and becomes covered with unwanted formations that have different “dislocations”:

  • face;
  • breast;
  • neck;
  • neckline;
  • hands;
  • legs;
  • back.

Neither the shape, nor the quantity, nor the color of such manifestations depend in any way on skin tone or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In women, pigments often appear after menopause, when the body undergoes powerful hormonal changes. In such cases, a good solution would be the active drug Curacen, which not only prevents the development of both small and large wrinkles, smoothes and cleanses, and eliminates age-related darkening.

Alginate lifting mask Beauty Style “Shine” with arbutin and biocomplex “Vaiteris”

The Beauty Style “Shine” anti-spot face mask is based on a strong brightening complex “Whiterise” and natural bearberry extract. It is well suited for tired skin with decreased tone, skin with pigment disorders and aging, aging skin.

Beauty Style Mask “Shine”:

  • improves skin color and reduces pigmentation
  • moisturizes and tones
  • reduces fine wrinkles and makes the skin elastic
  • relieves swelling

Main reasons

If age spots from the sun appear on the face, many are interested in what helps, what to treat and what to do, but first of all you should find out what caused them.

I Heredity

This is the most common option. Even our distant ancestors often found their relatives based on similar characteristics. Information is recorded in the DNA code and passed from parents to children.

II Disorders due to hormonal changes

The dermis is not only the largest organ of the human body, but also completely dependent on hormones. Primarily sex hormones - estrogen and testosterone, as well as those produced by the pituitary gland - adrenocorticotropin, thyrotropin and somatotropin. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, they initiate a chain reaction, resulting in an unsightly dark area.

What makes the problem worse

  • Taking a variety of drugs that affect hormones, including contraceptives.
  • Processes during menopause.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Phases of the ovulation cycle in women.
  • Teenage "hormonal storm".

III Diseases

Often, our epidermis becomes an indicator of health, which many simply do not pay attention to, and then think about how to remove and how to quickly remove age spots from the face, and what kind of cleansing is more suitable. Diseases that have prerequisites for the appearance of spots:

  • Bacterial as well as viral infections.
  • Endocrine pathologies (hypothyroidism, diabetes of any type, etc.).
  • Kidney failure.
  • Fungi.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  • Hypovitaminosis, hypervitaminosis.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Parasites.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

IV Peeling and other cosmetic procedures

Sometimes some manipulations for “beauty enhancement” can also affect the appearance of pigments. There are several prerequisites for this: injury or stimulation of inflammation. Therefore, it is extremely important to first diagnose the nature of the spots and only then contact a cosmetologist.

V Acne

Experts say that even the slightest mechanical damage can cause the development of pigmentation. If you squeeze out a pimple, the stratum corneum will inevitably be damaged. If you do not protect it with anything and do not use restorative agents, then it is likely that a small brown area will remain there.

Salon methods

If a girl wants to whiten her skin from freckles as quickly as possible, then she should go to a beauty salon. In modern cosmetology there are many effective methods for eliminating pigmentation. But in any case, it will not be possible to cope with the problem in a couple of days; you will have to conduct several sessions with breaks to restore the skin.

Salons can offer the following treatment options:

  • various peelings (mechanical, chemical, using ultrasound);
  • laser therapy.


The essence of this procedure is to remove the top layer of cells from the surface of the epidermis. After such exposure, the cells begin to actively renew themselves. And, if after peeling you protect the skin from sunlight, then there will be no excess melanin in the newly formed cells. For this reason, peelings are recommended in late autumn or winter.

Exfoliation of the top layer of cells is carried out using different methods:

  • Mechanical. This method is called microdermbrasion; the skin is treated with a device with special attachments coated with diamond or aluminum oxide crystals.
  • Chemical. In this case, the upper layer of cells dissolves after applying special compositions containing acids – glycolic, fruit, lactic, etc. – to the skin.
  • Physical. Other methods, such as the use of ultrasound, can be used to exfoliate cells.

Laser technology

This is the most effective method of combating pigmentation. The laser beam coagulates the cells that produce melanin, destroying the very cause of freckles. Several sessions will be required to completely eliminate pigmentation. After each session it is necessary to take a break to restore the skin.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is the fairly high price. In addition, it is not yet known what effects can be expected in the long term. For example, no one can guarantee that freckles will not appear again, in other places.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!

In men

The stronger sex may also well suffer from such a common problem, but its prerequisites are somewhat different:

  • Sensitive and excessively thin dermis.
  • Genetics.
  • Neuroses, constant stress.
  • Excess estrogen.
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins.
  • Age over 45 years.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, hazardous work conditions.

Some of the reasons naturally overlap with “female” ones.


There is a huge variety of modern equipment that can be used to diagnose the nature of dark areas. In any case, you will have to pass all the necessary tests. What may be required:

  • blood test (general and biochemistry);
  • biopsy;
  • Wood's lamp examination;
  • scraping

Sometimes, after preliminary tests, the dermatologist or therapist refers you to other specialists. You should worry if the color suddenly changes, the darkening increases, itching, burning, bleeding appears, the boundaries become fuzzy and blurred. It is especially important to carry out all the research if you intend to get rid of age spots on the face that are flaking, because this may indicate an inflammatory process or transformation.

Removing dark areas: face control

There are many techniques and methods that will help get rid of unwanted darkening forever.


This procedure is aimed not only at elimination, but also at correction and prevention. It can even out tone and improve skin quality. Chloasma and freckles after it become very pale, and sometimes disappear completely.


This is the most effective peeling possible, which helps eliminate such defects. For the surface layers, regular almond, retinoic, glycolic, salicylic or milk are suitable. However, if the depth is high, you will have to use something more powerful.


The impact is carried out using abrasive substances that “grind” the surface. Coffee and coral peelings have proven themselves well. There is also dermabrasion, when grinding is carried out using devices with rotating elements. This method is very traumatic. Those who have very sensitive and thin skin should view the procedure with caution.


The laser option is considered the most promising in cosmetology. It can not only eliminate pigmentation, but also wrinkles, creases, scars, scars and other irregularities. There are many contraindications to such treatment, so you should first be examined by a doctor.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

They are the best method to deliver antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging substances not only to the superficial, but also to the deep layers. Both techniques are injection techniques, which use a variety of “cocktails” with the addition of ingredients that can eliminate unwanted coloring.

Phototherapy (IPL therapy)

Involves influencing particles using light. It is painless and safe, and has a small list of contraindications.

PRP therapy or autologous cellular rejuvenation

The essence of the technique is to administer to a person his own plasma, but already enriched with platelets. It can not only remove defects, but also prevent their occurrence.

Cosmetic programs for prevention and correction

Complexes of this kind will help completely eliminate the problem, having a very beneficial effect. They nourish, moisturize, whiten and even rejuvenate the skin. Usually 6-8 sessions are recommended, one or two per week.


It is very important to choose the right drug for amino acid replacement therapy for patients. CURACEN contains histidine, and its L-configuration determines the greatest bioavailability.

On the other hand, in the practice of an aesthetic medicine specialist, it is not always possible to use injection techniques - administering the drug is either impossible, or has an increased unjustified risk of an adverse reaction or complication. For example, thin and hypersensitive skin with a damaged epidermal barrier, a long period of regeneration after invasive procedures.

In such situations, it is recommended to use the biological product CURACEN Essence, which is designed for administration using non-invasive methods. The amino acid composition acts as a skin reductant. Thanks to the restoration of the protein composition of the epidermis against the background of the main therapy, the water-lipid mantle and the epidermal barrier are strengthened, which not only promotes a moisturizing effect, but also soothes the skin by reducing its sensitivity and relieving inflammatory reactions.

Clinical results show that Curasen protects cells from UV-induced damage.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Hyaluron-elastin-collagen extract

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

How to remove pigment on the face: combating pigmentation with laser techniques

There are precedents when no method works. Then the laser comes to the rescue. At the same time, the rays do not damage the epidermis, have no side effects, act exclusively on melanin and do not affect the cells surrounding it, and after treatment the body quickly returns to normal.

The mechanism of action is not very complicated. It breaks the dyed fabric into tiny fractions, and then “knocks” them out onto the surface. Some is excreted naturally through lymph circulation, and the rest can be easily removed in any other way.


The affected areas are exposed to extreme cold using liquid nitrogen. Most often this is done using a special point sprayer, but sometimes even a cotton swab is used. The treated area is frozen, and after a few days it is completely peeled off.

Ozone therapy

The active oxygen isomer “can” significantly reduce and even eliminate the effect of fungi and viruses, accelerates metabolic processes, and has a positive effect on the regeneration of integuments and their rejuvenation. It is also used to eliminate various types of skin defects.

How to use zinc ointment for the face

For juvenile acne, it is recommended to apply the drug to the inflammatory elements. You should first remove makeup from your face and wash your face. For acne, salicylic-zinc or sulfur-zinc ointment has a more effective effect, this should be taken into account with frequent severe skin rashes. When treating acne, it is useful to enrich your diet with foods containing zinc and copper: legumes, nuts, beef liver, chicken eggs.

With the initial signs of aging, the ointment can be used as a care product: as a softening, whitening and smoothing mask:

  • Apply as a cream, a thin layer to cleansed facial skin;
  • the medicine cannot be used under a foundation;
  • The application procedure should be repeated 1–3 times a week; more frequent use of the ointment may result in drying out;
  • when used as a mask, wash off the remaining ointment from the face after 20–30 minutes, then apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream;
  • Avoid applying zinc ointment to the thin skin around the eyes.

If necessary, it is allowed to mix the drug with other cosmetics: aloe juice, sea buckthorn or almond oil.

After applying zinc ointment, you should appear less often in the open sun. Ultraviolet light enhances the drying effect of the drug, which can harm turgor.


The first and main preventive measure is proper protection from the harmful effects of direct sunlight. It is worth remembering that you can safely stay under ultraviolet light for no more than 10-15 minutes, after which the risk of getting a burn increases significantly. You should always apply sunscreen to prevent problems.

The second thing that should not be forgotten is regular health checks. Don’t be afraid to visit a doctor, get tested and find out your current condition. After all, it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. It won’t hurt to change your clothes to natural ones, throw out chafing and tight things, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Zinc ointment for the treatment of children

The drug is approved for use from 0 years. For diaper rash, diaper dermatitis and other skin problems, the ointment should be applied with light movements, treating all affected areas. The procedure is repeated after each diaper change and water procedures until redness and irritation disappear.

For older children, burns, abrasions, chickenpox blisters or mosquito bites are treated with zinc ointment, applying the product exactly to the affected area as needed. It is not advisable to use the medicine for more than 7 days in a row, so as not to dry out the skin.

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