Removal of lipoma (fat): overview of all methods with photos

Benign neoplasms can appear in different places on the human body, which are called lipomas in the medical community, and wen in the common people. Usually a lipoma is a single fatty tumor on the body, but if many fatty tumors appear, a disease such as lipomatosis is diagnosed. Most often, lipomas are found on the face, head, back, neck, chest and upper limbs. Most doctors agree that the cause of this pathology is metabolic disorders and a genetic defect.

Rice. 1. If lipoma hurts, then you need to see a doctor

Lipomas usually do not cause discomfort or pain. A person can live with her all his life and not attach much importance to it. But it happens that the lipoma begins to increase in volume, changes color, and hurts when touched. In this case, you should pay close attention to your health and go to a specialist to find out the cause of the changes and get competent recommendations.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Externally, a lipoma is a soft, round-shaped formation without clear contours (unlike, for example, atheroma or hygroma); skin changes (redness, peeling) are also not typical for it.
Many people call this tumor a wen. Lipomas do not cause painful sensations, do not pose a direct threat to health, and do not degenerate into malignant neoplasms. However, as they grow, they cause aesthetic inconvenience, and a person will still be forced to see a doctor. In addition, sometimes the tumor can occur near the nerve fibers, in which case it will cause pain when the nerve is compressed. Diagnosing lipoma is not difficult. As a rule, a visual examination by a doctor, palpation and ultrasound are sufficient, which will help confirm the diagnosis and determine the exact size of the formation and its depth.


A lipoma, which is popularly called a wen, is a tumor of subcutaneous adipose tissue. This formation does not pose any danger to human health and life, since it is benign. Lipoma can appear on any part of the body containing fatty tissue. Wen on the arm is quite common, and the appearance of both single and multiple formations is possible.

The resulting lipoma on the arm becomes visually noticeable. To the touch, the formation seems mobile, that is, it has no connection with the skin. On palpation, the lipoma is usually painless. At the initial stage of development, the wen has a size of no more than 1 centimeter, but over time it can grow up to 5 centimeters, and sometimes more.

The appearance of the lipoma can be seen in more detail in the photo.

As a rule, when a lipoma forms, there are no symptoms. Usually patients complain only about its unaesthetic appearance. True, a wen that forms on a finger can cause inconvenience, preventing you from leading your usual lifestyle.

Before you treat a wen on your arm, you need to make sure that the formation is just that, and not some other, more dangerous disease. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a clinical examination. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional medical examinations such as ultrasound, x-ray or cytological puncture.

Treatment of wen on the arm

We recommend removing all types of lipomas, because it is impossible to eliminate the risk that a benign formation will degenerate into a malignant one.

Types of operations

Methods for removing a lipoma largely depend on its size and location. The RAMI clinic uses traditional surgery or liposuction.

Classic surgery

Traditional surgery with a scalpel is currently considered the most effective and delicate method that does not cause relapses. It is used for tumors of all types and sizes. The operation is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. A small incision of 3 mm to 1.5 cm is made at the site of the tumor (depending on the size of the lipoma), through which the surgeon completely removes the wen and applies absorbable sutures. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes, and the patient is discharged from the clinic on the same day. An aseptic bandage is applied to the wound, which will need to be removed after three days, the area should be treated with an antiseptic and not wet for a week.

Among the advantages of the surgical method, a good cosmetic effect is also noted - there are no unsightly scars left after the operation. However, there are several areas on the human body with an increased tendency to form keloid scars: the sternum, forearm, and the area behind the ear. This must be taken into account and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period.

Multiple tumors and large lipomas require longer surgical intervention, several visits to the doctor and a longer recovery period.


During the procedure, the contents of the lipoma are sucked out using a needle. The manipulation takes only 15-20 minutes and does not require sutures. However, unlike surgical treatment, the risk of recurrence is high. Therefore, the method is only suitable for removing small tumors.

Lipomas: are they dangerous to health?


If a small bump appears on the skin and is unpleasant to the touch, there is no need to panic. Most likely, this is a lipoma - a benign tumor of adipose tissue. This can happen individually or in large groups. Although this does not pose a health risk, for many people it is a serious cosmetic defect that they want to get rid of.

Lipomas - what are they?

Lipoma is a non-cancerous and non- malignant tumor that consists of a capsule of connective tissue in which fat has accumulated. It has an oval or oblong shape, and its size ranges from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Lipomas are most often located in the subcutaneous tissue, but sometimes appear in the internal organs. They grow very slowly, sometimes to very large sizes. Most often they can be found on the back of the head, arms, back , forearms on the extensor side, supracostal area, abdomen , thighs and buttocks.

Lipomas are a disease that occurs mainly in people over 40 years of age; they rarely occur in children. It is estimated that lipomas are a problem in 1% of the world's population.

Reasons for the formation of lipomas

Doctors are not yet sure of the cause of lipomas. Some experts suspect that the appearance of lipomas is influenced by a genetic predisposition to such changes. If close family members have had lipomas , you may have problems with them. According to other data, a gene that is associated with the development of obesity may be responsible for the formation of lipomas, as observed in a study on mice. It is also possible that lipomas appear at sites of minor mechanical damage. Cowden's, Madelung's or Dercum's diseases can also contribute to the development of lipomas.

What types of lipomas are there?

Lipomas are not dangerous to health, however, like other diseases, they also fall under the ICD-10 classification, according to which several types of lipomas can be distinguished depending on the place of their origin:

  • lipoma of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head, face and neck ;
  • lipoma of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the body;
  • lipoma of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the extremities;
  • lipoma of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of other and unspecified places;
  • breast lipoma ;
  • abdominal lipoma
  • lipoma ;
  • lipoma of other locations, including the peritoneum and retroperitoneal space;
  • unspecified lipoma .

How to treat lipomas?

If you suspect that you have a lipoma , you should consult your doctor . During the visit, the doctor will collect accurate information about when the lump appeared and whether it was enlarged or painful. He will also perform a tumor test to make an initial diagnosis. Some changes require consultation with a surgeon , who may order additional imaging studies.

Lipomas are benign changes that in most cases do not require treatment. However, for many they are a serious aesthetic flaw. There are also cases where the resulting lipoma causes pain, puts pressure on the nerves and limits the mobility of the limbs. The patient may decide to remove the lesion surgically , which is the main treatment for lipomas. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the lesion along with the sac. If the tumor is large, surgery under general anesthesia may be required. The excised lesion is sent for histopathological examination.

There are also less invasive treatments for lipomas. A popular method is liposuction - suction of accumulated fat tissue. It is especially recommended for patients with a large number of small lipomas. This helps to avoid ugly scars on the surface of the skin.

Some patients choose to have steroid injections. They reduce the size of the tumor, but do not eradicate it completely. Doctors avoid this decision because it eliminates the possibility of examining the tumor for histopathology.

Is it really a lipoma?

You can never be absolutely sure that changes in your body are harmless. Every suspicious lump should be checked by a doctor , who will confirm a lipoma or another, much more serious change.

Published in Surgery Premium Clinic

Prevention and possible complications

Complications after removal of lipomas are rare and are mainly associated with non-compliance with the surgeon’s recommendations and infection in the wound, including from tap water. Signs such as increased body temperature, severe swelling in the area where the tumor was removed, purulent discharge from the wound require immediate consultation with a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment.

Prevention of lipoma formation, as such, does not exist. After surgery, the tumor may appear in another location, especially in the case of a hereditary predisposition. You should carefully monitor changes in your body and consult a doctor at the first suspicion of a neoplasm.

Why does lipoma develop?

Doctors cannot say exactly why the tumor develops. The true causes of the appearance of fatty tumors have not been established. However, there is a list of certain factors that provoke abnormal growth of fat cells.

  • Genetics. More than half of patients with lipomas admitted that their blood relatives had a similar problem.
  • Injuries. The development of a tumor can be provoked by bruises and other injuries to areas of the body with the greatest accumulation of adipose tissue.
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.

Promotes the growth of wen:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Disorders of the pancreas.
  • Malfunctions of the thyroid gland accompanied by hormone deficiency.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland.
  • Blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  • Bad habits, a lifestyle that is far from healthy, unhealthy diet, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

What does a lipoma look like?

The wen is located under the skin and is a semicircular convex growth. A person can detect it by touch or visually (for example, while bathing). Do not press, press or rub the affected area too hard. If a tumor is detected, immediately seek help from a surgeon.

Reasons for the appearance of wen

The cause of lipoma formation is unknown. The risk of developing a tumor increases with a family history. Other risk factors include:

  • morbid obesity (adirositas dolorosa) is a rare disease characterized by multiple lipomas);
  • Cowden's syndrome;
  • Gardner's syndrome;
  • Madelung syndrome.

Atheromas are formed when the outflow of sebum is obstructed. Provoking factors are considered:

  • compaction/thickening of the epidermis;
  • hyperhidrosis – increased sweating;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • use of antiperspirant deodorants;
  • incorrect personal hygiene.

Treatment of lipoma with folk remedies

People often treat lipomas at home with folk remedies (birch decoction, ointments made from garlic, onion or ginger) and do not seek help from a doctor. Self-medication can lead to the degeneration of the growth into an oncological formation. If there is a tumor under the skin, it may be a lipoma, which dermatologists do not recommend treating using traditional medicine. Only a doctor can confirm or refute the suspicion of a lipoma and its nature (benign or malignant tumor).

Surgical treatment for lipomas on the face

To cure a lipoma, in this case, means to remove it surgically under local or general anesthesia. Such an intervention can only be entrusted to a specialist, and under no circumstances should you do it yourself at home. Firstly, there is a risk of infection and inflammation, which will require separate treatment. Secondly, cause complications and re-occurrence of multiple lipomas. Despite the apparent simplicity of removing this benign tumor on the face, it must be carried out in the sterile conditions of a medical center using special methods.

The surgical method is used in cases where the size of the tumor exceeds 3 cm. However, not only the large size of the fat is a direct indication for surgery, since it can increase in size and begin to cause noticeable pain, for example, by squeezing a nerve. The operation is performed using local anesthesia and involves complete removal of the tumor.

Surgical intervention is radical therapy, which is carried out in the following cases:

  • serious cosmetic defect;
  • big sizes;
  • disruption of the functions of neighboring organs due to compression of them by an overgrown tumor;
  • rapid growth of lipoma.

This method is rarely used to remove fatty tissue, since small noticeable scars remain after the operation. Moreover, there are many minimally invasive ways to remove these tumors. It is about them that will be discussed further.

Modern medicine makes it possible to remove lipomas under the control of a special device - an endoscope, which allows you to fully monitor the progress of the operation. In this case, no signs of the operation remain on the patient’s face. The endoscope is inserted into the wen, making a small incision on it. Then the wen itself is removed from under the skin using a special tool. If possible, the incision is made not on the wen itself, but on the nearest less noticeable area of ​​the face - under the hair or on a skin fold. After the operation, the patient is under medical supervision for two weeks.

To remove a lipoma, a puncture-aspiration method can also be used, which involves inserting a special needle into the tumor and then removing its contents. No stitches are required; the patient can return home a few hours after the operation. The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not guarantee complete removal of the tumor. A relapse is possible because after the procedure, a certain amount of wen contents may remain under the skin of the face. The success of the operation entirely depends on the qualifications and skill of the specialist.

Key pros of laser lipoma removal

You can get rid of a benign fatty tumor in several ways - traditionally (surgically), using an endoscope, or using the radio wave method.

However, it is preferable to remove lipoma with a laser. This opinion is shared by both doctors familiar with the latest highly effective technologies and patients who have learned about the advantages of the method.

You can get rid of a lipoma only by completely excising the fat clot along with the membrane. Accuracy and scrupulousness in this matter are extremely important. If you “forget” even one pathologically altered cell, you can provoke a relapse, with almost 100% probability. The excellent results of laser lipoma removal are confirmed by numerous successful operations.

The key arguments in favor of laser treatment are:

  • High precision of the beam, which exfoliates the capsule along with the tumor without harming adjacent healthy tissues.
  • The disinfecting properties of the laser beam eliminate the risk of infection.
  • Fast recovery after excision.
  • Short rehabilitation period.
  • Painless, minimal trauma to healthy tissue.
  • Possibility of immediate sending for histological examination.

Indications and contraindications for surgical removal of lipoma


Although a lipoma is not cancerous and does not cause pain, we recommend seeking medical attention at the first sign of its appearance.

Removal of the wen is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. The lipoma begins to quickly increase in size.
  2. If, after an injury, the skin over the wen begins to redden and itch.
  3. If the neoplasm is a serious visual defect.
  4. If discharge occurs from the wen.
  5. If the lipoma reaches a size of more than 4 cm.
  6. If the neoplasm compresses nearby vessels and nerves.
  7. If there is a suspicion of malignancy.
  8. When the wen sag (the appearance of the so-called “pedunculated lipoma”).

Contraindications to surgery to eliminate lipoma are:

  1. The presence of acute infectious diseases.
  2. Decompensation of diabetes mellitus.
  3. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  5. Presence of allergic reactions.
  6. Heat.

The operation must also be rescheduled during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women are also advised to schedule surgery after the end of menstruation.


Most contraindications to removing a wen are relative and require only postponing the operation, and not canceling it.

Preparing for the intervention

Before the intervention, the patient is prescribed a series of tests that must be completed. This is necessary so that the doctors of our center can choose the optimal treatment method, determine the presence of contraindications and be able to prevent complications. This is especially important in cases where the removal is performed on a child.

The standard research package includes

  1. General laboratory blood test.
  2. Coagulogram to determine blood clotting and estimate bleeding time.
  3. Checking blood glucose levels.
  4. Test for infectious diseases (HIV, syphilis, etc.).

In order to accurately determine the location of the lipoma, its size, as well as the characteristics of the blood supply, an ultrasound examination is prescribed. If the pathology is old and located in a critically dangerous area (for example, in the temporal region), MRI and CT are also prescribed.


You can get all the necessary types of diagnostics at a medical center at affordable prices.

Another important stage of preparation is consultation with an anesthesiologist. The doctor will help you choose the optimal type of pain relief and dosage of the substance. To obtain accurate data, the results of a general urine test and ECG are necessary.


After surgery, it is recommended to conduct a histological analysis of the removed tissue. Based on its results, the doctor can detect the presence of certain diseases, including cancer.

Diagnosis of the disease

Lipoma is a rather inert pathology and may not manifest itself for years. It is often diagnosed accidentally during the treatment of other diseases. A tumor can be detected by:

  • Ultrasound of soft tissues and internal organs.
  • X-ray.
  • Computed tomography and MRI.

Once the presence of a lump has been confirmed, the doctor needs to determine its nature in order to create an optimal treatment plan. Here's where they come in:

  • A biopsy to assess how cancerous the tumor is.
  • Blood analysis. To assess the general condition of the patient.
  • Additional tests prescribed if the patient has poor heredity or has other health problems (for example, an allergy to anesthetics).

Popular questions

1. How to get rid of wen on the body?
Lipoma removal is performed surgically under local anesthesia. The lipoma is removed through a small cut in the skin, which heals within two weeks. Wen excision is performed on an outpatient basis (without hospitalization) under local anesthesia.

2. Is it possible to squeeze out wen on the face?

Subcutaneous wen on the face should not be squeezed out or mechanically injured. Mechanical trauma leads to disruption of the integrity of the skin and increases the risk of bacterial infection.

3. How to remove wen on the face?

A fatty tissue (lipoma) on the face is subject to surgical removal. Large lumps are not able to resolve on their own, so they are treated by surgical excision.




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Author: Novikova Anna Igorevna

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, cosmetologist. Highest qualification category. Work experience 23 years.

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