Panthenol and Bepanten after heavy peeling, reviews

Chemical, deep peeling is always stressful, and serious for the skin. It can be seen this way. The face is red and peeling is felt. How to care, how to help the skin recover faster? Panthenol and Bepanten should be recommended by cosmetologists after peeling, listing all care measures for the client after the procedure.

Sometimes people do not remember or forget to take the necessary recommendations, thinking that a regular nourishing cream used for the face will do. Chemical peels vary depending on the substance used. But after any peeling, special care is needed, carried out at home, by the client herself who has undergone cleansing. Usually, a cosmetologist advises purchasing Panthenol and Bepanten after peeling, listing products suitable for quickly restoring the skin.

Deep cleansing

Chemical peeling is a serious, large-scale effect on the skin, so it must be carried out in trusted salons and always with an experienced, professional cosmetologist, who is obliged to thoroughly explain before the procedure:

  • All details of the upcoming procedure;

  • Subsequence;
  • Time of its implementation;
  • Possible sensations;
  • Describe the result;
  • Suggest how to spend the rehabilitation period.

And after a successful session, he is obliged to thoroughly list all permitted and prohibited actions, restrictions and exchange numbers for direct communication.

If for some reason the client did not receive the recommendations, it is better to contact the doctor immediately, bypassing the cosmetologist. This means that the master was inexperienced or simply inattentive. Chemical peels usually cost a lot of money, and the patient is required to receive the full range of all listed services.

You can ask a cosmetologist yourself how to wash your face, whether Bepanten or just Panthenol is suitable, how to apply makeup, you need some moisturizing masks, a cream or a special ointment, you must buy it.

Face cleaning

At home, cleansing the skin of the face does not always give the desired result if its characteristics include increased oiliness. Then you should contact a specialist who will carry out professional cleaning. In addition, it complements peeling well.

The purpose of the procedure is to clean pores mechanically or mechanically, nourish, moisturize the skin, eliminate blackheads and smooth out unevenness, exfoliate the stratum corneum. Cleaning can be:

  • Mechanical (manual) is the most effective way to remove pustular rashes and comedones, including deep ones. Suitable for oily and combination skin.
  • Hardware - ultrasonic or vacuum peeling, stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, cleanses pores and massages the skin. Suitable for both normal and oily types.

Before cleansing, the skin must be prepared to maximize the effect of the procedure. This preparation includes: removing makeup and thoroughly cleansing using a scrub, toning the day before and in the morning. For dry skin, you should make a nourishing mask. Immediately before the procedure, the skin is steamed and treated with an antiseptic.

After cleansing, the skin should recover. This usually happens within 3 days if you follow all the rules of care after cleansing your face.

Care after mechanical cleaning requires special attention, as the skin is injured and wounds, inflammation, and red spots may appear. A rash may also appear if one of the wounds becomes infected.

What can't you do?

The use of scrubs and other aggressive cleansers is not recommended. Physical activity, thermal procedures, sunbathing and visits to the solarium are limited during rehabilitation. You cannot separate the crusts yourself. Usually 3 days are enough. After this, you can switch to regular skincare products.

How to help your skin?

  • Use proven mild hypoallergenic cleansers and moisturizers.
  • Be sure to wear sunscreen even if it is cloudy outside.
  • Treat micro-wounds with antibacterial agents.
  • Drink enough water to hydrate your skin from the inside.
  • If a rash appears, you can make a mask from white or blue clay.

After superficial, shallow peeling

It is difficult to understand the types and subtypes of cleansing yourself; immediately clarify which one is being carried out. After all, there really are a lot of variations. Buy Panthenol spray at your nearest pharmacy. It is able to painlessly heal minor scratches, as well as burns or abrasions. Now it will be used as a means of rehabilitation.

The first day - you need to wait, no action on the skin. Even regular night cream cannot be applied.

Second day - after about 24 hours, an unpleasant tightness will appear, as if there is a film on top of the face. The skin looks shiny and taut, especially if you try to smile or frown. Wash your face using a regular product, the main thing is that it does not contain the slightest abrasive (aggressive scrubbing particles). A regular gel will do.

Next, it’s time for Panthenol - apply thickly, like a mask, leave for 15-20 minutes, then blot the residue with a napkin. Only 3-4 similar procedures are needed per day. It may sting - this is normal, because the skin is extremely sensitive immediately after deep cleansing, and Panthenol, a valid, active drug, penetrates inside.

How to apply cream correctly

Rules for applying cream to cleansed epidermis:

  • Apply to the skin in a thin, even layer along massage lines, pre-treated with tonic or foam;
  • do not rub the cream in - this may further injure the dermis;
  • during the formation of a superficial crust, the frequency of application ranges from 3 to 6 times per day, then the number of daily applications is reduced to 2 times.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

When choosing a cream, you should avoid products that contain chemical compounds or fragrances - this can cause an allergic reaction to spread or cause hyperpigmentation.

Before the first application, it is important to do a test to identify an allergic reaction - for this, a small amount of cream is applied to the wrist and left for 10-20 minutes. If after a while there is no redness, itching or burning, the product can be safely used for its intended purpose.

After medium peeling

You will also need Panthenol - it is better to always store it at home in your first aid kit. 2-4 days of no action. You can only wash your eyes and lips, trying not to wet your face in any way. Take a shower very carefully.

After about 2-4 days (sometimes earlier), you will feel an unpleasant, rather strong tightening. It is extremely difficult to smile, even to speak. The color of the film itself is different - normal, sometimes brown, sometimes similar to individual crusts left by burns.

Start a course of Panthenol. Apply a thick layer onto your face generously, leave for about 16-20 minutes, then blot off any remaining residue with a napkin. 6-8 similar procedures (per day). Start washing your face using a safe, non-scrubbing product.

After 2 days, you will notice loose patches of skin hanging around the mouth or between the eyebrows. Don't touch them. Just carefully trim the edges if necessary with scissors.

Continue the course of Panthenol until the skin cleanses itself and all the unpleasant films come off. The face will then return to its usual, normal color. Peeling will end somewhere around 10-12 days, but the redness will disappear later, by day 14 (rarely 21-28 days).

After waiting for a normal, familiar complexion, complete the course of Panthenol. That's it, you can take your favorite cream and apply decorative cosmetics.

General recommendations during the post-peeling period

During the recovery period, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. For the first 12 hours after peeling, you should not touch your face with your hands. In case of superficial cleansing, it is not recommended to wash your face for 24 hours; with medium peeling, you should avoid water treatments for 2–3 days, and after deep peeling, you should avoid contact with water for 4–5 days.
  2. Remove remaining water from the face using cosmetic wipes. The first time is to cleanse your face with foam or gel products - they are absorbed into the deep layers of the skin without additional rubbing.
  3. For several weeks, avoid cosmetic products containing sulfates or alcohol.
  4. Do not use the sauna, solarium or swimming pool.
  5. Avoid using scrubs as this may cause scarring.
  6. Before each exit to the street, treat your skin with products with a high level of protection from exposure to sunlight.
  7. Drink at least 2 liters of water daily - this will help normalize the water-lipid balance. Eliminate spicy foods and alcoholic drinks from your diet for 2–3 weeks.

To speed up the regeneration process, it is recommended to apply products with a healing, regenerating and moisturizing effect to cleansed skin every day. Any cream is allowed to be used after a crust appears on the cleansed skin, which is strictly forbidden to eliminate on your own.

If swelling and redness do not subside a few days after peeling, you should be examined by a dermatologist, who will identify the cause and prescribe the necessary medications to eliminate side effects.

After medium or deep exfoliation, an antibacterial agent should be added to post-peeling care - it minimizes the risk of infection spreading through the skin.

If you had a retinoic peel

It is also considered average, but the rehabilitation needed is different. Usually a yellow tint is visible on the face - this is a mask with which the cosmetologist sends the patient home, telling him approximately when it can be washed off.

Be sure to adhere to the time specified by him! This will affect the result quite seriously later. Retinoic peeling itself does not leave tightness, there is no film.

The next day - notice increased sensitivity of the skin, it reacts even to the slightest, accidental touch. You can wash your face using ordinary means, only safe ones that do not contain abrasives.

If there is redness, take Panthenol or special masks. The rest of the care is quite ordinary, the main thing is that the face tolerates it calmly, without itching or redness, without irritation. Also, the skin should not turn red after the daily cream.

Composition of Solcoseryl and Panthenol

Solcoseryl is a drug that contains bovine blood extract. Its peculiarity is that the main substance is freed from protein particles.

In addition, the ointment also contains auxiliary substances:

  • cetyl alcohol;
  • cholesterol;
  • white paraffin;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • water.

These components together form a homogeneous mass. Its color can range from white to yellowish.

Panthenol ointment contains dexpanthelol as the main active ingredient. Additional ingredients are glycerin, paraffin, lanolin, mineral oil, cetyl alcohol, distilled water. The spray contains several other substances. The composition is supplemented with liquid wax and peracetic acid.


A good, even universal product, used as a care for sensitive, also damaged skin. For example, after cleansing. Analogue of D Panthenol. The latter remedy is more often found as a spray; it is used to protect against burns, micro scratches, and irritation. Bepanten has a similar “territory”, but the form of release will be different.

This is a cream in a small, convenient package. It has a pronounced healing, also anti-inflammatory, and then moisturizing effect. Good prevention of chapping, constant dryness, when ordinary creams do not really help. Bepanten, by the way, does not contain hormones, it is so safe, familiar, even pregnant and lactating women can safely use it.

The product acts calmly, gently, without irritation. It can be used to gently treat even open, wet wounds, like D Panthenol, it can also help against burns, quickly heal small scratches, wounds, and invisible cracks. It is often recommended by cosmetologists, listing products for safe home rehabilitation immediately after chemical cleansing. Who takes D Panthenol, who is more suitable for Bepanten.

Rating of the best ointments for wound healing, applicable in the first stage of treatment

NameLevomikolEplan Rescuer
Availability in the pharmacy network100710091007
Effectively eliminates pain and restores the affected area100910061006Ease of use100910071009Gentle effect on the body100810061007Light consistency and pleasant aroma100710081007


The active component of this drug is chloramphenicol; most microbes are sensitive to this substance. It also contains methyluracil, which has the unique property of increasing the natural immunity of cells. The ointment is spread in a thin layer on the cleaned surface of the wound, and a sterile bandage is applied on top. The procedure is performed up to four times a day until the wound begins to heal.


  • The drug has a wide spectrum of action - the ointment can be used to disinfect both small cuts and abrasions, as well as poorly healing purulent wounds, weeping ulcers, and thermal injuries.
  • Used for rapid fusion of postoperative sutures.
  • Available without a prescription and inexpensive.


  • Contains antibiotics, therefore it has a number of contraindications.
  • Not the most convenient method of application - the wound must be constantly cleaned and disinfected, and only after that apply the product, and then apply a bandage
  • Some patients have individual intolerance to the active components of this ointment.


A powerful anti-infective agent with universal action. Immediately after injury, it quickly relieves swelling, helps stop bleeding, and reduces pain. Subsequently, it disinfects the surface of the wound, destroys pathogenic microflora and effectively cleans the wound before applying other drugs.


  • It treats not only abrasions, cuts, burns and frostbite, but also bedsores, weeping eczema, ulcers, and herpes.
  • Effective against fungal infections.
  • Allowed for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Available in the form of a solution, ointment and napkins soaked in a solution of the drug.


Do not apply to open bleeding wounds, as Eplan affects blood clotting.


An effective remedy for treating suppurating wounds. Contains streptocide and netazol, the combination of these two substances provides an effective effect on almost all types of bacteria.


  • Widely used for disinfection of postoperative sutures, treatment of abscesses and purulent wounds.
  • Effective for wounds of thermal origin of varying degrees of severity.
  • For purulent injuries, it is enough to place a tampon soaked in this product on the wound once a day.
  • For burns, the damage is treated with the product at least twice a week.


  • As a powerful antibacterial agent, it has a number of contraindications.
  • Not tolerated equally well by all patients.


Wound healing occurs through the melting of dead cells and their rejection. Primarily used in the treatment of trophic ulcers and deep burns.


  • Contains miromistin, which additionally disinfects wounds.
  • The drug is made on a water basis, thanks to which the active components easily penetrate into the deep layers.
  • Helps fight gangrene, which is a consequence of diabetes or atherosclerosis.


  • To achieve a good effect, you need to use a large amount of ointment.
  • Active components may cause allergic reactions.


An effective drug with analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Effective for scratches, abrasions, cuts and bruises.


  • Made from plant ingredients.
  • It has virtually no contraindications or side effects.
  • The effect is noticeable immediately after application.
  • Treats diaper rash, dermatitis, acne, burns, frostbite, cracked nipples during breastfeeding.
  • Suitable for children's first aid kit.
  • Affordable price.


  • Not the best remedy for healing complex, festering wounds.
  • Sometimes plant components provoke allergic reactions.

Why does skin require care?

No matter how gentle and careful exfoliation is, for the skin it is damage and stress, and in the case of radical lifting techniques - an acid or thermal burn of I-II severity. Effective medium and deep peels, chemical as well as physical, destroy the integrity of the skin and adjust the internal processes in the epidermis in a new way. Blood flow is stimulated, collagen and elastin fibers are formed at an accelerated rate, the skin is saturated with nutrition and oxygen. But on the way to noticeable rejuvenation and effective removal of defects in appearance, women have to deal with itchy redness, inflammation and extensive skin exfoliation.

Uses of Depanthenol

After deep peeling, they use Depanthenol, which is a cheaper analogue of Bepanthen. Both products have an almost identical composition; they are based on natural ingredients and vitamin B5. The drug is available in the form of a cream, ointment or spray.

The dosage form of Depanthenol is selected depending on the degree of damage. The drug promotes healing, softening, moisturizing, and increasing the protective functions of the skin. Before use, you must clean and treat your face with an antiseptic. The product creates an invisible film that protects the dermis from external influences, so it is recommended to use it in the morning.

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